It’s Colder Today

Chapter 38

Chapter 38

During the Chinese New Year, Shi Yun went back alone.

Grandparents are naturally happy that Shi Yun is willing to come back, although conflicts always erupt between granddaughter and son.

But most of the time, the well water does not interfere with the river water, so it’s fine for Shi Yun to stay upstairs.

It’s just a rare day today, when Shi Yun heard Shi Xu’s voice coming back upstairs, he took the initiative to go downstairs, he didn’t take the initiative to provoke trouble, and he didn’t ignore Shi Xu. Instead, he honestly called out ‘Dad’.

His appearance and attitude were abnormal, which surprised even his grandparents.

The old couple looked at their granddaughter and son in tacit understanding without saying a word. Shi Yun went downstairs and walked in front of Shi Xu, moistened his lips with his tongue, and looked down at Shi Xu’s suit pocket: “Dad, I I want to trouble you with something.”

As the saying goes, don’t hit a smiling face with your hand.

Shi Yun’s abnormal attitude made Shi Xu not know what kind of attitude he should adopt for a while, so he cleared his throat: “What’s wrong?”

It’s about Ji Yanli.

Shi Yun concealed the matter between her and Ji Yanli, and only said that there was one person who hoped that Shi Xu could arrange an internship in the planning department: “Give him an internship opportunity. If he is not suitable, you can fire him, but can you give him a chance?”

In his memory, Shi Yun had never talked to him like this since the car accident.

Shi Xu didn’t say anything, just told her: “I see.”

That day, the father and daughter seldom ate without arguing. Although they still didn’t talk much, they had a good meal with He He, which didn’t smell like gunpowder.

Shi Xu left in the afternoon, grandparents stayed with Shi Yun for breakfast and dinner before going back to school, and made her favorite braised pork ribs tonight. Shi Yun didn’t refuse, and sat in the yard in the afternoon to bask in the sun.

The weather in March has not yet shown signs of heating up, but at any rate, the winter in the capital is over.

The persimmon tree stood quietly in the yard. Grandma realized that there was not enough soy sauce at home after finishing the ribs. She turned off the fire and took her wallet to buy a bottle of soy sauce in the small supermarket at the entrance of the alley.

After Shi Yun asked clearly, he got up from the rattan chair in the yard: “I’ll go buy it.”

Pulling open the wooden door, before Shi Yun could get out, he bumped into the person coming from the opposite house.

It was He Sui and another girl.

Not his girlfriend.

Shi Yun took a look and found that it was Chu Yue.

Seeing He Sui goodbye, Shi Yun was still a little embarrassed, the two of them had no contact with each other after they broke up that day.

He stayed at home today, wearing home clothes. He probably came out of the heated room and sent Chu Yue out out of politeness, so he didn’t wear a coat.

Chu Yue was holding a four-piece gift box on the bed and a box of two bottles of oil. This is the regular configuration when sending wedding invitations for weddings in Hutongs. Seeing Shi Yun who opened the door, Chu Yue breathed a sigh of relief: “You are actually at home, here, these are for you.”

They are children of the same age in the alley, and they go to school together.

Relationship is also close.

Shi Yun took what was in Chu Yue’s hand, and said with a heavy heart, “What’s wrong?”

Chu Yue pointed to the four-piece bed suit in Shi Yun’s hand, a little embarrassed: “I’m getting married.”


Chu Yue nodded: “The time and place are all on the wedding invitation, remember to come.”

Shi Yun put the things in the yard. She didn’t forget to buy soy sauce. The way to buy soy sauce was in the same direction as Chu Yue’s way home. It was still the same as when we went shopping together after school, arm in arm.

Chu Yue walked on Shi Yun’s left, holding her arm: “I heard that Wu Tai is going to be shot.”

Shi Yun looked down at the stone road under his feet. Before spring, there would always be moss emerging from the cracks in the stone road. After about a month or so, with a drizzle, the moss would come out.

Hearing the name Wu Tai, Shi Yun’s heart trembled, and he whispered, “Yes.”

“My brother went to the nursing home on purpose when the news came out. Waiting for Wu Tai’s death will give us some psychological comfort.” Chu Yue sighed, and then regained his vigor, “Don’t frown. “

Shi Yun also verbally agreed: “Okay.”

They separated at the door of Chu Yue’s house, and Shi Yun walked towards the entrance of the alley alone. The supermarket at the entrance of the alley is very small, and the aisles are also very narrow. The boss puts out almost all the things that can be placed, and tries his best to sell more things in the space where every inch of land is expensive.

Shi Yun ordered a bottle of soy sauce, paid the bill and walked home.

The distance from the entrance of the alley to our home looks very short, but it is quite a long walk.

After passing two or three street lights, Shi Yun saw a person standing in a narrow alley.

He crossed his arms and shrank his neck, as if the home clothes on his body couldn’t keep him warm. Hiding in the doorway that can shelter from the wind, shivering.

Shi Yun walked over slowly, the sound of footsteps made He Sui notice her.

He Sui was waiting for Shi Yun specifically, and when he saw her walking over, he smiled apologetically at Shi Yun: “I’m sorry.”

Shi Yun didn’t answer for a while.

He Sui scratched his hair, feeling a little guilty: “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said so fiercely that you were disgusting that day.”

“It’s okay.” Shi Yun held the soy sauce in his hand, and stretched out his hand to push open the wooden door of his yard, “I thought about it later, and it was really disgusting.”

Then neither of them opened their mouths to speak, and there was a babbling sound when the wooden door was pushed open, it was time to put some oil on it.

As soon as the front foot stepped in, the people behind called her.

“Shi Yun.”

Looking back at He Sui, he shook his head again: “It’s okay, you can go in.”

Maybe it’s because I grew up together, thinking that when I was young, my companions who fought cockfights and played Ultraman cards together came to send me wedding invitations, which is a thing with mixed feelings.

Wei Zongying couldn’t tell which kind of emotion it was whether he was feeling the rush of time, or admiring the warrior who rushed to the grave of marriage.

Looking at the red bomb in his hand, the date is early May.

Take advantage of the May Day holiday.

Wei Congying was a little confused, looking back and forth at the name on the wedding invitation, there was nothing wrong with it.

On it was Jiang Xuyang’s name.

The person who climbed the tree and picked the bird is now going to be the groom to get married.

Lin Fang woke up from the shock earlier than Wei Congying, and when he came back to his senses, he found the person next to him who was still staring at the wedding invitation. Lin Fang kicked his shoes: “Come on, don’t look at it. No matter how you look at it, he is going to get married.” Yes, he asked who would be best man.”

“It’s okay to contribute money, but not to contribute.” Wei Congying closed the wedding invitation and threw it on the coffee table casually.

None of them were happy, and finally this glorious task was handed over to Xiang Shaoyuan.

Lin Fang never thought about getting married before, and always felt that those things were too far away from him. Now that Jiang Xuyang got married, he always felt that the time left for him to review the final exam was too early when he was studying, but when he saw the admission ticket It’s only one night.

But as long as Wei Zongying and Xiang Shaoyuan persevere, he can still maintain a chic heart. Xiang Shaoyuan is unreliable and may turn against him at any time. Or Wei Zongying looks reliable, anyone can imagine getting married, and Wei Zongying getting married is like a fantasy.

“Why is it impossible for me to get married?” Wei Congying asked.

Lin Fang: “Come on, I think you and Shi Yun are more reliable, but look at you now, and I tell you that these are all current affairs. If you hurt a good girl like that, you will be punished by Yue Lao of.”

Xiang Shaoyuan had just arrived, and as soon as he entered the box, he learned that he was suddenly elected as the best man for Jiang Xuyang’s wedding. Sitting down beside Wei Zongying and Lin Fang, he looked around but didn’t see Jiang Xuyang: “Are you late again?”

Lin Fang snorted: “Twenty-four filial piety is a good man, he stays with his wife at home.”

He cursed at Shao Yuan: “Then who the **** arranged for me to be the best man?”

Wei Cong smiled: “Democratic elections, all of us voted negative, but you didn’t come and vote, you abstained, so it’s you in the end.”

“The last time my mother encountered such rogue behavior was when I was studying. The school voted and asked if there was anything that needed improvement.” After Xiang Shaoyuan sat down, he looked at the poker table that had already started in the box, “Two Sit here and talk about the mountains? Why don’t you go and play a few games?”

Lin Fang took a pack of cigarettes from the coffee table, searched around but couldn’t find a lighter, asked them to borrow a light, and after puffing out a small puff of smoke rings, joked: “Here, I’m here to criticize the scumbag.”

“How to say?” Xiang Shaoyuan cut off Wei Zongying’s lighter halfway, and lit the cigarette for himself, “Say it, and we all condemn it together.”

Lin Fang was smoking a cigarette, and glanced at Wei Congying beside him with a smile: “What else can I do, Shi Yun still remember? Miss Ren has found a new boyfriend who looks like A Cong. Let me tell you, if I go out I met a woman in a car accident who would never leave me when I was injured, and didn’t leave until I recovered. The first thing I did when my mother’s feet landed was to find her, and then take her to the Civil Affairs Bureau to register.”

Xiang Shaoyuan knew that Shi Yun took care of Wei Congying in the second half, but he didn’t know that Shi Yun had found a boyfriend who looked like Wei Congying. It sounded unbelievable, but I felt that this girl was really capable.

“A Cong, how the **** did you hurt people?”

The denunciation and criticism session that was criticized by thousands of people began again.

Wei Congying took his lighter from Xiang Shaoyuan’s hand, leaned on the back of the sofa chair, and after arranging the pillow next to him into a comfortable shape for his hands, he kicked Lin Fang: “Okay, I will Mom will drive a car over to hit you tomorrow. I will help you complete the first step of your love plan. “

Had a car accident and then met a woman who took care of herself.

If the first step is a car accident, he can help him realize it.

“Get out.” Lin Fang dodged, Wei Congying kicked the coffee table.

After the topic started at Shi Yun’s place, they couldn’t stop the car, talking about her beauty, her thoughtfulness…

Each one is brainwashing Wei Zongying like a pyramid scheme.

The seeds of shame slowly took root in Wei Zongying’s heart. He seemed to be sorry for Shi Yun.

No matter what those Tian Ziping were at that time, it was her wish, and she should have stayed. I should have told her earlier that I went to Xunchuan for a competition, and that I was not a professional psychiatrist. I foolishly thought that taking her to see more would change her psychological shadow caused by the car accident…

Listening to Lin Fang and Xiang Shaoyuan’s words, Wei Congying should go home early.

Turning on the light in the living room, Wei Zongying saw his bookshelf against the wall, and thought of the collection of poems that Shi Yun read every time, he took down two books, flipped through a few pages, and saw traces of his previous reading.

Wei Congying took a book and went to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator door, took a can of beer from inside, closed the refrigerator door, and the display screen on the refrigerator door came on.

He saw the doctor’s order handwritten on the memo on the monitor.

All of them were what the doctor said when he was sick and recuperating. These words did not belong to Wei Zongying, nor did they belong to the nurse.

There is only one answer.

And that answer had already left him.

Wei Zongying drank more than half of a can of beer in two or three gulps, and lay on the sofa with a collection of poems. He casually flipped through poems, descriptions of love by various famous poets.

Similar yet very different.

In the descriptions of different words, it seems that love is positive, and they can save a person.

In Wei Zongying’s view, this kind of statement is too exaggerated.

Compatibility is also very important between people, at least so far Shi Yun is the best fit for Wei Zongying.

He likes the way she looks at him, but he is mean and selfish and only loves himself.

At the end of April, Shi Yun packed some clothes in the dormitory, and she was the only one in the dormitory who returned home on May Day.

Shi Yuan and the others all said that she went home more frequently this year than in previous years.

Shi Yun folded a few pieces of clothes and put them in a paper bag, found a cosmetic bag and put a few cosmetics in it: “A friend of mine got married on May 1st, so it’s more convenient for me to go home and live to attend the wedding.”

“Married?” Shi Yuan is also packing up, but it’s just something she needs to go to the library at night, “Sure enough, what they said is right, a person who studies medicine waits until his friend gets married, he is still studying, and waits for the friend to have a baby.” Yes, he is still studying. Studying and studying… I don’t know when I will study in this life.”

Shi Yun took a taxi back home, and when passing by Chu Yue’s house, he saw the Chinese characters “囍” posted on their old house.

In the evening, my grandparents knew that she was coming back early in the morning, so they cooked a few more dishes. Shi Yun didn’t have any cash with him, so he originally planned to ask his grandparents to borrow some money, but his grandparents definitely wouldn’t ask for her money after they gave it to her.

Shi Yun planned to go to the bank after dinner at night.

After dinner, grandpa was watching the evening news, and grandma washed some fruits and came out of the kitchen with them.

After taking a shower, Shi Yun took out his bank card and prepared to go to a nearby bank.

Grandma saw her going downstairs and wondered where she was going, but Shi Yun hadn’t had time to tell her when she happened to hear the news broadcasting an important incident this morning.

The hostess on the TV read the press release in a serious manner.

“… Let’s move on to the next piece of news. At 10:15 this morning, ‘Wutai’, who once caused a sensation in the world in transnational human trafficking and drug smuggling, was executed by shooting. The organization that Wutai belongs to has been in our country The border area uses lure|abduction methods to kidnap and hold women and children to help them smuggle…”


As soon as the name came out, Shi Yun felt as if her footsteps were heavy with lead. She tried her best to adjust her breathing, hoping that her collapsed appearance would not be noticed by her grandparents. In the end, she still failed and turned back to the room.

Holding back his tears and holding his breath, when the door of the room behind him closed, Shi Yun began to pant heavily, but the crying sound was also exhaled along with the carbon dioxide.

Shi Yun leaned against the door and slowly squatted down. She thought of the one who told her before leaving that he was going to do a mission.

He was going to bring back a comrade in arms.

He was going to bring back a demon as well.

In the end they all came back, only he remained there forever.

Tears were hot, hotter than the temperature of palms.

The curled up body wrinkled the sheets, Shi Yun didn’t know how long he cried, but his mouth was dry at the end.

Eyes are also hot.

That night Shi Yun dreamed of that person for a long time.

He was wearing army green clothes, sitting on a rock, and the background was a vast light. He sat on the rock and looked at Shi Yun without saying a word. Shi Yun felt that the ground under his feet was moving backwards. No matter how he ran towards the person on the rock, it seemed like he was standing still.

She was so anxious, the more she ran, the farther she felt from that person, her feet staggered, she fell to the ground, the distance between the two was still being enlarged, and the person in her sight was shrinking little by little.

He seemed to be swallowed by the light behind him.

Shi Yun reached out to grab him, but he just fetched water from a bamboo basket. When the man was about to disappear, Shi Yun suddenly woke up from his dream.

“He Yun—”

As soon as the two words were blurted out, she sat up from the bed. It was dark, a gust of wind blew through the window, the trees in the yard shook, and the sound of leaves rubbing against each other could be heard through the window.

Shi Yun didn’t turn on the light, and took advantage of the moonlight leaking through the window to calm down, and found his mobile phone from the end of the bed, it was already past five o’clock. She didn’t lie down for a while, but turned over and got out of bed. After a brief wash, she took her bank card and went out.

In May in the capital, the dawn is quite early. The fog hadn’t dissipated yet, when she passed by Chu Yue’s house, she could faintly hear movement inside.

Shi Yun passed by, and when he got to the bank, he felt that his hair was a little damp.

Open the door of the 24-hour automatic deposit and withdrawal machine, insert the bank card, enter the password, and withdraw money…

After finishing all this work, I came out of the bank, and the sky outside was still the same as when I came here.

Closing her eyes, she thought of that dream again, and slowly thought of the red “Happy” lettering on the door of Chu Yue’s house.

“…My teammate just went to ask, and the marriage line has been queued for two years. I figured it out, then we will apply next year, and then wait for you in two years…”

It has been three years, and it will be two or two years soon.

Liar, big liar.

Shi Yun returned home with the money and bank card in hand. Grandparents hadn’t woken up yet, and they couldn’t fall asleep even after returning to the cage.

She searched for a long time in the drawing questions in the living room on the first floor and finally found a red envelope.

After writing his name on the red envelope, Shi Yun went back to his room and took a shower.

The eyes of the person in the mirror were red. After washing her hands, she massaged them with eye cream and made herself a glass of iced Americano to reduce swelling.

By the time I finished putting on my makeup, it was already bright outside.

Today she is not a protagonist, her makeup is very light, and her clothes are also the basic models of a certain brand, simple and elegant.

It only takes one minute to walk from her house to Chu Yue’s house.

He Sui came earlier than her, standing at the door chatting with brother Chu Yue, both of them saw Shi Yun approaching, and tacitly ended the topic they were talking about.

Chu Heng raised his hand towards Shi Yun as a greeting: “Are you here?”

Shi Yun looked at him and didn’t respond to Chu Heng’s greeting. An auntie helper came out with a glass of sugar water: “Chu Heng, your father called you over.”

Chu Heng looked at Shi Yun who didn’t respond to him and didn’t say anything. After thanking the aunt who had spoken, he went into the back room.

The day in May hadn’t really warmed up yet, Shi Yun’s white top was a little see through, and had no function of keeping warm at all, He Sui was standing against the wall under the sun, holding an identical red paper cup in his hand.

Shi Yun walked over and looked around: “Your girlfriend didn’t come?”

“Her relatives are also getting married today.” He Sui looked at the clothes she was wearing, “Aren’t you too cold?”

There was sunlight coming in from the wall of the courtyard, Shi Yun stood under the sunlight, feeling the sunshine without much warmth: “It’s okay.”

There were congratulatory voices all around, Shi Yun and He Sui stood together, chatting without saying a word. They all grew up in the same alley, and some of the neighbors who came to help were the neighbors who watched Chu Yue grow up, and the elders who watched Shi Yun and He Sui grow up.

An aunt came out of the kitchen with a pot of hot water and put it on the outside table for people to pour tea. When passing by, he saw Shi Yun and He Sui, and grabbed a handful of wedding candies from his pocket and gave them to them.

Shi Yun took it with both hands and said thank you.

Auntie took the opportunity to tease them: “Chu Yue is still a few months younger than the two of you, and you two haven’t made any movement until now, so you’re useless.”

Shi Yun had an excuse: “Auntie, I’m still studying.”

He Sui smiled: “I’m coming soon, when the time comes, I’ll invite you to have a wedding wine.”

My aunt heard about He Sui bringing his girlfriend back on New Year’s Day, and she was a little relieved: “That’s good, you hurry up to get married and have a baby, so that your mother can worry less. Last night, I saw the news that Wu Tai…”

Having said that, the aunt paused, and seemed to know that it would not be good to say the following words at other people’s daughters’ weddings, so she lowered her voice: “It’s good, he died, and it will give you a little more comfort to your family. You guys alive…”

The aunt’s words were interrupted by a male voice: “Auntie, my mother is looking for you.”

Chu Heng came back soon, walking over with a shawl in his hand.

After sending his aunt away, Chu Heng handed the shawl in his hand to Shi Yun: “Don’t catch a cold.”

Shi Yun kept lowering his eyes and didn’t want to look at Chu Heng, and he didn’t take the cashmere shawl from his hand, but said “I’m going to see Chu Yue” and left first.

When the groom’s welcoming team arrived, Shi Yun understood why she thought the groom’s name was familiar.

Isn’t this Wei Zongying’s friend named Jiang Xuyang? The one who is always late for every card game.

Xiang Shaoyuan, who was holding the red envelope, hadn’t seen Shi Yun at first, but when he was making trouble with the groom, when he drank the drink he had won for Jiang Xuyang, he swept his eyes and saw Shi Yun standing in the corner.

The drink got into his trachea, and he covered his mouth and started coughing.

Everyone didn’t pay attention to Shao Yuan’s gaffe, he coughed for several minutes before stopping with his face flushed.

I just wanted to take out my phone and tell Lin Fang and Wei Zongying the news, but after thinking about it, everyone should enjoy this kind of ‘surprise’ together.

For people like Shi Yun who participated in the wedding, they can always “steal half a day’s leisure”. She doesn’t often wear high heels, and these shoes don’t fit well. After wearing them for a while, Shi Yun always felt that her little toes hurt, and forefoot pain.

She saw Xiang Shaoyuan and Jiang Xuyang successively, and said they were good friends, but she didn’t see Lin Fang and Wei Congying coming over for the lunch meal, so she probably would come at the dinner table in the evening.

The dream last night prevented Shi Yun from resting well, and she was a little tired. She planned to find a private room to sleep in the afternoon.

Xiang Shaoyuan, who has only been the best man for half a day, seems to have stepped on a pair of high heels, and is lazy like a bridesmaid.

The configuration of leather shoes and suit looks like a successful person, but the standard of a successful person is still a bit torturous for Xiang Shaoyuan.

Monkey King’s golden hoop looks golden, which is also a headache.

Xiang Shaoyuan sat down next to the empty seat, stretched his legs, and was exhausted from a busy morning. He took out his mobile phone from his pocket, he was too busy today, so he didn’t play much on his mobile phone.

In the group of several people, Lin Fang had just woken up, and gloated at his misfortune when he fell into trouble.

【Lin Fang】: Are you tired?

No one in the group replied to him, and Xiang Shaoyuan was a little angry when he thought of their “democratic voting, purely voluntary” trick.

[Xiang Shaoyuan]: His mother knew that I wouldn’t help the old lady cross the road, so I wouldn’t be late.

If you are not late, you will not be reduced to ‘forced voluntary’.

[Lin Fang]: Calm down.

[Lin Fang]: By the way, is the bridesmaid pretty?


Xiang Shaoyuan suddenly raised his eyes and saw Shi Yun passing by.

[Xiang Shaoyuan]: The bridesmaids are so-so, but the bride has a friend, which definitely surprises you.

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