It’s Better to be the Empress Dowager

Chapter 60

Chapter 59 adventure

Master Tang stood under the tree for a while and walked back slowly. Dujuan and others kept guarding at the garden gate. Seeing Master Tang came back, they hurriedly stepped forward to surround Master Tang: “Girl, be careful of the wind. What did the girl just look at, why have you been there for so long?”

As the cuckoo talked, he looked forward. The northwestern spring came late, and there was still snow on the ground at this moment. Shishi Tang was standing at the protruding corner of the corridor. There was an unknown tree in front, and a rockery in the distance. Du Juan looked at it for a long time, but still couldn’t find anything to see.

Master Tang gathered his cloak and said casually: “Find something to kill the time, nothing special.”

The cuckoo let out a cry, and walked back with Master Tang. On the way, Du Juan carefully looked at Master Tang’s face and asked, “Girl, you don’t need to go to the study these days?”


Dujuan replied in a daze, and then happily said: “The girl is tired for so long, so it’s okay to rest for a few days. Only when you have a good body can you better help the prince’s worries.”

Master Tang’s face was white, and he didn’t respond. She thought slowly in her heart, not anymore.

She won’t go to the study again. If she succeeds, she will no longer appear in front of Zhao Chengjun in the backyard of the elder son; if she fails, she will not even be able to save her life, so why worry?

But Master Tang didn’t regret it, she became benevolent if she didn’t succeed, and she had no other choice. Zhao Chengjun is about to marry the princess, and Tang Shishi’s plot is also replaced by Ji Xinxian. If Tang Shishi doesn’t try to make a way out for herself now, she will still have a rare end when Xi Yunchu enters the door.

Du Juan didn’t know this, and was still thinking about how to make up for Master Tang so that Master Tang could return to the study as soon as possible. When they walked halfway, they heard a noise from the other end of the garden. Teacher Tang turned his head and saw a bunch of maids, surrounded by a woman in a pink dress, coming for a walk in the garden with great fanfare.

Standing in the center of the crowd, Ji Xinxian was dressed in bright clothes, jeweled and raised his face slightly, with unparalleled arrogance in every move, she could not wait to announce to the whole world that she was very spoiled and she was doing well.

Through Ji Xinxian, Master Tang seemed to see another self. If she didn’t get the heavenly book and didn’t experience all of this, then it was Master Tang who came to the garden to show off today. Du Juan saw Master Tang stop and asked, “Girl, that’s Ji Meiren. Are you going to talk to Ji Meiren?”

“No need.” Master Tang quickly withdrew his gaze, put his fingers on the stove, and said, “Go back to the house.”

Because of the snow in February, spring came very late this year, and the weather slowly warmed up in April. The trees in the garden seemed to be in bloom, rushing to open up.

As the weather turned warmer, the land thaw, and Lu Yufei’s thoughts of going out also became active again. In the past few months, I don’t know if the two sides deliberately, the concubine Shi Zi and Lu’s family are very close, lively and lively, and they are like a family. Lu Yufei saw that the spring scenery was bright and the weather was pleasant, and it was a good day to go out, so he re-arranged time with Xi’s family and went to the temple outside the city to participate in the religious service on April 16.

This time, Lu Yufei learned a lesson and no longer clings to Guangji Temple. Instead, he picked a temple nearby and could go back and forth on the same day. The ritual lasted for three days, and Lu Yufei had to stay on the mountain for two nights and return on the third day.

The tiger was not at home and the monkey was the king. After Lu Yufei went out on the 16th morning, Ji Xinxian visibly trembled.

Ji Xinxian has been the most favored this month, and his arrogance is almost up to the sky. Although Ji Xinxian didn’t have great wisdom, she still had little cleverness. After examining the degree, she quickly recognized whose thigh should be hugged. Ji Xinxian said nice things to her concubine from time to time, and also helped her concubine suppress Ren Yujun together. Over the past month, the backyard has been extremely lively.

Zhao Zixun left it alone. He did like Ji Xinxian, who was fresh and charming, but he was sympathetic to the “old man” Ren Yujun, and his relationship with his wife, Lu Yufei, became more and more relaxed. Lu Yufei and Ren Yujun will have the rewards Ji Xinxian has.

The bowl of water is very flat, and there are some details from time to time, so that every woman feels that she is different. In short, it is very lively.

In the past few days, because Lu Yufei went out and was not in the house for the time being, the struggle between Ji Xinxian and Ren Yujun became even more intense. Everyone wanted to compete for the top spot and grabbed the second place in the palace. As soon as Lu Yufei went out, Ji Xinxian jumped up.

Ji Xinxian visited Ren Yujun with fanfare. Ren Yujun thought that this fellow was here to show off again, but Ji Xinxian sat for a while and finally sent a post.

“The spring flowers are blooming, and I can’t bear to live up to the good time. I would like to invite my sister Ren to enjoy the flowers by the lake on the night of April 17th.

Ren Yujun frowned slightly when he saw the date on it.

April 17? What a coincidence? It would be fine if Ren Yujun didn’t know anything, but she just remembered that April 17th was Zhou Shunhua’s birthday.

Ji Xinxian invited her to be a guest on this day and booked it for the night. Is this really a coincidence?

This is certainly not a coincidence. Master Tang looked at the post in front of him and threw it into the wastebasket. Dujuan saw it and said: “Girl, Ji Meiren and you have never had any contact. This time I suddenly invite you to enjoy the flowers and have a banquet. I’m afraid it is unkind. The girl does not go.

“Who said I won’t go?” Master Tang said, “Someone is inviting guests, why not go. Prepare clothes, and I will meet these old acquaintances tomorrow.”

Du Juan tilted her head in confusion. Seeing Master Tang relentlessly toss the invitation into the paper basket, she thought Master Tang did not want to participate. As a result, after listening to Master Tang, she would definitely go to this banquet.

why is that? Du Juan vaguely felt that something was wrong, but she thought that Master Tang had been spending time at home for the past few days, and she might be feeling bored, so she wanted to go out and relax. Du Juan felt that this idea made sense. She thought she had found an explanation, and immediately threw away the suspicious points.

Du Juan went to prepare clothes for the visitor tomorrow. Master Tang sat on the Luohan bed and slowly embroidered his purse. She patched up the last few stitches on the lotus pedicle, and this elegant lotus and pedicle picture was embroidered.

Master Tang looked inside and out, and after making sure that there was nothing missing, he took out the spices and slowly stuffed them into his purse.

It is not a coincidence that Ji Xinxian posted a post to Ren Yujun on April 17. Ji Xinxian and Zhou Shunhua were not close and did not know Zhou Shunhua’s birthday, but Master Tang knew.

Not only did Master Tang know that this day was Zhou Shunhua’s birthday, he also knew that Zhao Zixun would go to a lakeside building to miss Zhou Shunhua on this day, and even quietly leave the house, bracing the dew and night, over the mountains, just to go to Nanshan to see Zhou Shunhua. one side. After the two of them stayed together for a while, Zhao Zixun took advantage of the cover of the morning light and quietly returned to the palace.

It takes about two hours to travel from Xiping Mansion to Nanshan, and Zhao Zixun tossed back and forth, basically unable to close his eyes overnight. But who made Zhao Zixun willing, the less he can see, the stronger Zhao Zixun’s affection for Zhou Shunhua will be.

Teacher Tang predicted this romantic “Spring Night Rush” from the catalog. She felt that this kind of behavior was purely idle and panicking. It was not good to sleep in the middle of the night. What use is it to toss some of these things? Probably the lay people cannot appreciate the love of the male and female lords, anyway, Master Tang feels sick and is determined to change them for them.

Master Tang first hinted at Ji Xinxian and asked her to invite Ren Yujun to a banquet on April 17. Tang Shishi trusted Ji Xinxian very much. With Ji Xinxian, Ren Yujun must not be able to get out all night. After restraining these two hidden dangers, Master Tang secretly prescribed Zhao Zixun’s medicine. When he was unconscious, Master Tang appeared as Zhou Shunhua, and he would surely win Zhao Zixun in one fell swoop.

In order not to be disturbed by others, Zhao Zixun did not bring any guards by his side that day, so she was alone in a small building by the lake to relieve her sorrows. This is convenient for Master Tang. The time and place are favorable for people and people. The only problem is how to prescribe the medicine.

A month ago, Master Tang and Granny Wu asked for medicine, and she has been thinking about how to administer the medicine ever since. A few days ago, Master Tang finally got the pills, and her plan gradually took shape.

On April 17, Tang Shishi changed into light clothes and went to a banquet by the lake. Ji Xinxian arrived a long time ago. When she saw Master Tang, she stunned for a moment, and then smiled inexplicably: “Sister Tang came really early. It’s strange, Sister Tang always likes bright colors the most. How do you dress so plainly today?”

Master Tang looked lightly, and said, “It’s dark and no one is watching. What’s the difference between what clothes I wear?”

Ji Xinxian smiled and asked: “What Sister Tang said, your appearance is unparalleled, no matter whether you have heavy makeup or light makeup. Sister Tang should have confidence in her appearance. Why is she so depressed?”

Shishi Tang used to be an unparalleled celebrity, dominating the top spot among all women. However, Shishi Tang has recently been unsatisfactory. A month ago, she inexplicably explained her job in the study. The official statement was that she was recovering from illness, but Master Tang had a ruddy complexion and healthy body. Where did she look sick? Seeing that it had been “healing” for a month, King Jing still didn’t see the intention of calling Master Tang back, everyone realized that Master Tang had fallen out of favor.

Ji Xinxian happily drank three glasses of wine in a row and felt comfortable seeing everything this month. Zhou Shunhua was sent to Zhuangzi, and Ren Yujun couldn’t do so. Now even Tang Shishi has lost. Among the ten women from Miyagi, Ji Xinxian is the most ambitious. Ji Xinxian couldn’t tell how happy she was. Her family was not as good as Zhou Shunhua and Ren Yujun, and her appearance was not as good as Tang Shishi, but what about that, she was the final winner.

This banquet was Ji Xinxian’s celebration banquet. When Ji Xinxian saw her former enemy in plain clothes, her face was gloomy, and she became more energetic, pulling Master Tang to talk non-stop. Master Tang showed an expression of being impatient but having to endure, stood up and looked out, and asked, “Why hasn’t Sister Ren not yet?”

Ji Xinxian was extremely proud to see Master Tang’s expression. When she heard this, Yin and Yang took a weird sentence: “Maybe Sister Ren wants to dress up, so let’s go out late.”

Ji Xinxian secretly satirized Ren Yujun’s ugly appearance. Master Tang ignored her and said: “Sister Ren doesn’t know when she will be here. I will go to the kitchen to remind me of the wine. It’s boring to sit like this.”

Ji Xinxian wanted to say that this kind of trivial matter should be done by the maid, so why bother Tang Shishi himself? But when he spoke, Ji Xinxian’s eyes rolled, and she understood Master Tang’s intentions.

Master Tang was sitting uncomfortable with her, so I found an excuse to avoid it, right? Has Ji Xinxian’s life already made Master Tang so uncomfortable?

Ji Xinxian looked at Master Tang clearly and said, “Sister Tang is interested.”

Teacher Tang walked out of the water pavilion quickly, her hurried back was automatically understood by Ji Xinxian as an escape. Ji Xinxian contemptuously contempt, but did not suspect.

Master Tang was really anxious. She only knew that Zhao Zixun would use wine to relieve her sorrow tonight, but she didn’t know when the wine would be delivered. If she missed the opportunity to deliver the wine in the kitchen, she would be in trouble.

Fortunately, Master Tang was lucky. When she rushed to the kitchen, she happened to see a little maid going out with a hip flask. Master Tang rolled his eyes and asked curiously: “What is this?”

Seeing that it was Tang Master, the little maid dared not refrain from talking, and squatted back and said, “Going back to Tang girl, this is the calamus wine that the elder son wants.”

“Changpu wine?” Master Tang was surprised, “Is this year’s calamus wine available?”

“It’s already brewed, but it will take some time in the cellar. I want to drink it today, but the kitchen took it out in advance.”

The little maid replied respectfully, but holding the wine firmly in her hand, she refused to let Master Tang approach. Master Tang didn’t find a chance to do it, his eyes moved slightly, and he said, “It’s just right to drink calamus wine these days. It happened that today sister Ji hosted a banquet and gave us a pot of calamus bar.”

The little maid hesitated, Master Tang straightened her sleeves and raised her eyebrows and asked, “Why, I don’t speak well? You have to ask sister Ji to come over before you are willing to entertain?”

The servants in the kitchen quickly said they didn’t dare. Although Shishi Tang is suspected of falling out of favor, after all, the skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and people do not dare to treat Shishi Tang wrong for fear of being beaten in the face in the future. Anyway, one altar of calamus wine is open, and two altars are also open. Since Master Tang wants it, let her take a pot.

The servant woman went to the back to fetch the wine, and Master Tang stood in front, as if chatting, asking the little maid from time to time. The little maid could not go, but waited with wine. The servant woman was afraid that Master Tang would have an attack. She used the same flask to make sure that it didn’t look different from the outside. Then she gave it to Master Tang, “Girl Tang, the wine is already packed, please use it slowly.”

Master Tang smiled and stretched out her hand to take it: “Thank you mom.” The servant woman was shocked when she saw her hands-on, “How can Girl Tang do this kind of crude stuff? Let the little maid send it to you, Chuntao, Come here…”

“No need.” Teacher Tang interrupted the servant woman with a smile, and already took the hand-off, and said, “What’s the hindrance to this? Anyway, I’m idle and I’m idle. Let Chuntao continue to help my mother. I can just take it back by myself.”

Master Tang insisted, and the servants did not dare to persuade them. Master Tang was holding a serving plate in his hand, and went on the road with the little maid who gave the wine. Zhao Zixun was hiding in a small building by the lake, and the place where Ji Xinxian hosted the banquet was also in the garden. This was naturally a coincidence carefully arranged by Master Tang. Therefore, Master Tang and the maid who delivered wine to Zhao Zixun could travel some distance.

Seeing that he was about to arrive in the garden, Master Tang suddenly wailed, as if dizzy, he dangled and stopped. The maid was taken aback, and quickly turned back to see Master Tang: “Miss Tang, what’s the matter with you?”

“Suddenly I can’t see things clearly.” Master Tang frowned and said, “First put down the things in my hands. I can’t stand still now.”

The maid was afraid that there was something wrong with Master Tang, so it happened that there was a stone table around. The maid put the end plate in her hand on the table first, and then came back to pick up the things from Master Tang. Master Tang pretended to be top-heavy and squatted down. She secretly glanced with her eyes and saw the maid put the two pieces together.

Master Tang breathed a sigh of relief. She pretended to be for a while and saw that the play was almost done. She stood up with the help of the maid and said, “It’s better now, thank you. Sister Ren and Sister Ji are still waiting for me, I’ll go first. Up.”

As Master Tang said, he walked to the stone table first and picked up the plate. The little maid hesitated and asked carefully: “Girl, suddenly dizziness is not a trivial matter. Would you like to seek an imperial doctor?”

“It’s okay. It should be because I didn’t have a good rest yesterday. I can go back slowly.” After Master Tang finished speaking, he paused and said, “I don’t want others to know about my personal affairs. I just got dizzy. Don’t tell other people, you know? ”

The little maid thought there was a conspiracy and struggle, she was so frightened that she immediately responded. Master Tang tapped the little maid appropriately and left with the calamus wine. After turning around, a smile creeped up on her lips.

This wine is no longer the same wine. While the little maid put the two wines on the stone table, Master Tang secretly took the one given to Zhao Zixun. In other words, what the little maid is holding now is the wine in Master Tang’s hand just now.

The first step is successful, and then everything is left to God’s will.

At Xiaozhu by the lake, Zhao Zixun looked at the person in front of him, feeling a little restless: “Father, why are you here?”

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