It’s Better to be the Empress Dowager

Chapter 116

Chapter 115 Waste long

This year’s New Year’s Eve banquet is undoubtedly the focus of the audience. Not only did the Queen Mother Yao talk and laugh with Master Tang, but the empress Yao who had always been silent also opened up her voice for the first time and took the initiative to chat with Master Tang. One night, Tang Shishi had the best scenery, and no one could match it.

Zhou Shunhua looked at everyone’s admiration for Master Tang, and he felt very uneasy in his heart. She was sitting behind Tang Shishi, she was better and harder than Tang Shishi, but no one could see Zhou Shunhua.

Because she is only a concubine, not a princess.

Ren Yujun also sat behind Tang Shishi like an invisible person, only half an arm away from Zhou Shunhua. Ren Yujun said softly to Zhou Shunhua through the action of pouring wine: “Envy? It’s a pity that the scenery is all about others. You are just a nameless concubine.”

Zhou Shunhua was irritated and looked at Ren Yujun blankly: “Sister Ren’s words, it seems that you have become a regular wife.”

“Yes, I am also a concubine.” Ren Yujun looked indifferent and smiled, “But I don’t have those unrealistic fantasies. I never compare with others, and I don’t want to surpass others. Unlike some people, my heart is better than others. The sky is high, and fate is thinner than paper.”

Zhou Shunhua gritted his teeth silently, his face difficult to look. Ren Yujun raised the bottle of wine and toasted a glass to Zhou Shunhua. He slowly looked around: “I didn’t pay attention just now. Now I look carefully. There are many acquaintances at the banquet. I don’t take it seriously in Anning Hou Mansion, and I don’t know many people, but sister Zhou. The family is strong and pampered since childhood, I am afraid that there are many close friends in the boudoir. Now these people are either married into a high school to be a young wife, or married to a wife of Jinshilang, they are all rushing to talk to the princess, but no one pays attention to you It’s really embarrassing that a former friend is so snobbish.”

Zhou Shunhua calmed his mind, poured himself a glass of wine, and asked, “What happened to Sister Ren today, why is it so sad?”

“Yesterday, the yellow flower is not what it used to be. Gu Ying is self-pity.” Ren Yujun glanced at Zhou Shunhua’s stomach and smiled unclearly, “Sister Zhou has a child next to her, so she naturally doesn’t understand the mood of a lonely person like me. Even a concubine. , Can let the son kill the wife for you, Sister Zhou is really amazing.”

Zhou Shunhua was calm and silent. The surrounding scenes were staggered and magnificent, but Zhou Shunhua was dazzled by the light. Zhou Shunhua looked to the top and stared at the brightest part of the hall, and suddenly said, “The imperial concubine is also a concubine, but when those people toast the imperial concubine, they don’t notice that they care about the other rules of their wives and concubines.”

Ren Yujun was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly laughed: “The emperor’s concubine, can that be called a concubine? Sister Zhou, where do you have the courage to compare with the noble concubine?”

Zhou Shunhua did not speak. But she was thinking in her heart, why not.

She not only wants to be the most noble concubine, but even the queen mother with the highest status under the day. Based on Zhou Shunhua’s observations over the past two years, King Jing is by no means an ordinary person. The day when King Jing rises up will be when Zhao Zixun shines.

The little emperor is absurd, and the Queen Mother Yao is in politics, which is not popular with the grandparents. If Zhao Chengjun really thought of soldiers, Jinling would not be a problem at all.

At that time, Zhao Zixun, as the elder son of Prince Jing’s Mansion, will rise with the tide. Now Zhou Shunhua is a concubine, wait a few years, she will be the prince’s favorite concubine. Lu Yufei can no longer give birth to a child. When Zhou Shunhua succeeds in giving birth to the child, it will only be a matter of time before she replaces Lu Yufei. Perhaps, Zhou Shunhuaneng was directly named the prince.

She is now in the cold, all for one day, soaring into the sky.

However, this bitter woman Ren Yujun would never understand. Even if she understands, what can she do without the pampering of the elder son? Now Zhou Shunhua can hardly imagine that at the very beginning, she and Ren Yujun actually married Jinlan, and they were worthy of sisters.

Pity her sincerely, and was finally let down by Ren Yujun.

Zhou Shunhua didn’t want to look at Ren Yujun anymore, and went outside to breathe under the pretext of sobering up. She didn’t want to go back to see everyone flattering Master Tang, so she hid in the shadows, quietly thinking about her things.

The lamp outside was blown out by the wind, and Zhou Shunhua sat under the tree, completely covered by shadows. The two palace ladies came from the other side holding the plates, and they said as they walked: “The empress dowager is very happy today, she even ordered that she will go to Lanyuelou on the Spring Festival.”

“So good? I’ve heard from the **** a long time ago that the lights on the Qinhuai River are very beautiful, not worse than the sky. This time, we can finally follow it.”

“Isn’t it? I’ve given all the blessing of Princess Jing this time. I heard that Princess Jing has never been to Jinling and has been fascinated by the lights of the Qinhuai River for a long time. The wives both inside and outside the palace go to watch the lights together. In my opinion, the empress dowager wants to bring the emperor and the queen together.”

“This is the master’s business. What do you care about so much? As long as you can get out, the masters can do anything.”

“That’s true. Alas, I began to think that the queen’s fate was good. Now it seems that Princess Jing is the best fate. The husband-in-law is pampered, the son is obedient, and the empress dowager is backed up. What is it?”

Another court lady snorted, lowered her voice, and said mysteriously: “It’s more than that. When Princess Jing entered the palace last time, I heard the empress dowager and the grandmother say that they intended to make the princess’s concubine as the eldest son. Jing. The princess is not just a princess. When her son grows up, she will become an old concubine. At that time, she will be the oldest in the northwest fief. She has no worries about food or clothes, and her son is filial. That is the real life of happiness.”

The palace lady was surprised, and asked: “But, doesn’t the Jing Palace have a son?”

“Hey, just abolish it. You have been in the palace for so many years, do you still see this kind of thing?” Another maid said indifferently, “Besides, the elder son is an adopted son, but Princess Jing gave birth to a real son. Maybe, King Jing also wants to abandon the growth and development of the young, and push the boat along the way.”

“Yes, isn’t it because you don’t have a biological son, and your title can still fall into the hands of outsiders?”

The two palace ladies were talking in a whisper, and suddenly there was a heavy cough from behind the corridor. Madam Feng stood under the light, looking at them coldly: “What are you doing? If you don’t go inside and wait, what are you talking about here?”

The two palace ladies were taken aback, and hurriedly saluted, and ran away without daring to lift their heads. After the palace maid left, Mother Feng looked around, but she turned back without seeing anyone.

Zhou Shunhua hid in the dark, covering his mouth tightly, his eyes widening.

The empress dowager and king Jing actually gave birth to the heart of deciding to waste a long life! What made Zhou Shunhua shudder even more was that the Queen Mother had already told Master Tang about this matter, and based on Master Tang’s attitude, she should have acquiesced.

My god, the eldest son was struggling and struggling for King Jing, but King Jing and Master Tang did this kind of thing behind their backs! Zhou Shunhua was both angry that King Jing and his wife were polite, but also distressed that Zhao Zixun was used by others, faintly, but also gave birth to a panic.

If Zhao Zixun was abolished… Then Prince Jing’s Mansion and the future world would have nothing to do with Zhou Shunhua. Until she died, she was just a humble concubine.

How can Zhou Shunhua be willing? She sat in the shade of the tree dazedly, until the chill penetrated her body for a long time, her legs and hands became cold, and she slowly recovered.

She looked up, and there was an **** in the front hall square testing fireworks, it was time to come soon. Zhou Shunhua supported the trunk, staggered to his feet, and walked to the banquet hall.

There was a little concubine missing from the New Year’s Eve banquet, and no one paid attention at all. When Zhou Shunhua went back, he found that everyone had guarded the Queen Mother and went to see the fireworks in Fengtian Temple Square. Zhou Shunhua turned around again and hurried to Fengtian Temple.

In front of Fengtian Hall is a square square, where hundreds of officials go to court on weekdays, and the palace sets up lights here during festivals. The little emperor is especially fond of fun. This year he let the eunuchs fill the square of Fengtian Temple with fireworks and firecrackers. There are ground rats, flower tubes, three-level waves, etc., as well as a firework stand that integrates many fireworks. There are many names and dazzling people. .

New Year is a rare time for female family members to have fun, and Queen Mother Yao brought many female family members to the West Hall of Fengtiandian Square to watch the fireworks. The maidservants stood in front of the steps in front of the West Hall, across the railings, pointing to the sights on the square. Queen Mother Yao was crowded in the center, and the audience was amused and flattered, and laughed constantly.

But Master Tang was a little anxious, slowly leaving the center and looking towards the edge. Others didn’t notice Zhou Shunhua’s disappearance, but Master Tang did. Teacher Tang sighed secretly, she just didn’t pay attention for a while, and Zhou Shunhua disappeared again. Zhou Shunhua really deserves to be the heroine, who dares to walk around in the court.

There is no partition in Fengtian Temple Square, where men and women are mixed together. Not far away, the emperor brought his officials to watch the fireworks. If Zhou Shunhua got separated, he might cause trouble.

The hour was almost here, and there were already eunuchs experimenting with firecrackers in the square, and the popping sound was louder than that. The female family members also burst into surprises. The favored female officials gathered around the Queen Mother and kept pointing the fireworks to the Queen Mother.

Shishi Tang didn’t have the heart to appreciate the fireworks. She anxiously looked for where Zhou Shunhua was. At this time, a flower tube suddenly exploded when it was halfway up, and the barrel rushed towards Tang Shishi with fire. Master Tang was startled, and subconsciously hid back, stepped on the edge of the steps accidentally, staggered and fell backwards.

Teacher Tang was panicking, his arm was suddenly supported by someone, and then he pulled her hard and took her away from the place. Master Tang instinctively looked towards the position just now, and found that there was no one, and then turned to the other side in surprise, seeing Zhao Chengjun’s face passing in front of her eyes. In the dark, he was expressionless, his expression stern, as cold as a jade carving.

Immediately after the fireworks exploded, Master Tang was shocked. Zhao Chengjun covered her ears, and said helplessly: “Look at your reaction speed. You can’t hide from such a big firework tube, so you can mess with yourself.”

Master Tang knew that it was Zhao Chengjun, so he was not afraid for an instant, and he turned back: “I don’t know that there is a problem with the fireworks. If I walk well, how can I fall?”

Master Tang didn’t finish his cruel words, suddenly a ground mouse rushed on the ground, whirling violently. Shishi Tang was taken aback, screaming and hiding behind Zhao Chengjun.

Zhao Chengjun smiled and hugged her shoulders, leading her out of the range of the field mouse. At this time, the time came, and suddenly there was a loud sound of artillery all around, and all kinds of fireworks rose into the sky one by one, exploding with dazzling brilliance. Zhao Chengjun leaned over slightly, covered her ears with both hands, and said, “It’s okay, I’m here.”

Many fireworks rose into the sky behind Zhao Chengjun, bursting into the dark sky with multicolored lights, and Zhao Chengjun’s face also appeared and disappeared from time to time in this light. A lot of brilliance in Master Tang’s eyes lifted into the sky and then fell, and only the person in front of him looked at her calmly and firmly.

Master Tang’s eyes slowly softened, and she nodded gently and said, “Okay.”

The emperor watched the fireworks lively, but the real situation in the square was not optimistic. There are too many fireworks in the sky. From time to time, unburnt cannon barrels fall down, some have been misfired, and some will suddenly burst. To make matters worse, the black powder was constantly spilled from the sky, and the people who smashed them were all over their faces. At first, Master Tang was still in the mood to enjoy the fireworks, but soon, he couldn’t stand it anymore.

She kept checking her clothes, rubbing her face suspiciously: “Is there any spark on my face?”


“Did it turn black?”


Teacher Tang was very suspicious: “Really?”

“Really.” Zhao Chengjun sighed slightly, shielded her in his arms, and walked slowly towards the gate of the palace, “Since you are not at ease, let’s go back. I’ll talk to the emperor dowager.”

Master Tang hesitated a little. It is New Year’s Eve. The emperor and the queen mother have not left yet. Isn’t it a bad idea for them to leave early? Master Tang asked: “Is it okay?”

Zhao Chengjun’s answer is still short and firm: “No.”

Standing behind the corner of the palace, Zhou Shunhua saw Zhao Chengjun guarding Master Tang without shuddering in front of others, and led her to a safe place. Zhou Shunhua leaned his fingers on the wall and slowly tightened, and thin white marks were drawn under his nails.

Xi Shi’s husband died, Diao Chan destroyed Lulu, King Jing had been completely bewitched by Tang Shishi. No matter what King Jing thinks now, it is only a matter of time before he is biased towards Master Tang’s son.

Zhou Shunhua has no way back. It was Master Tang’s unkindness first. In this case, she can’t be blamed for unrighteousness.

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