It’s a Stepmother, Not a Sister [70s]

Chapter 44

Chapter 43: Renamed

When I opened my eyes, I could vaguely feel a sense of floating in the air. Jiang Shuangling lifted the quilt, sat up with her waist, and when her legs fell on the ground, From the bottom of my heart, I sighed: It feels really good to be down-to-earth.

Because of what happened last night, she had a dream that she was standing on the bungee platform and was about to jump down. Someone pushed her, causing her to fall all the way down.

Finally, he caught a life-saving straw in mid-air, hung his whole body on the life-saving straw, and stumbled to the cliff.

The connection between the stories in the dream is always very bizarre. It was just a bungee jumping platform, and now it has become a cliff-climbing game for PUBG Mobile.

To die, to die, she felt that she would not be able to climb the cliff.

—the culprit.

Jiang Shuangling raised her hand and wiped her slightly red cheeks, thinking that if she knew this earlier, why struggle in a dream, she should pull people together and fall into the cliff.

After a night, the bruises on the knees have disappeared a lot, but the color of the skin still looks particularly terrible, Jiang Shuangling tentatively pressed on the edge, and suddenly it hurt herself Take a deep breath.


She changed her clothes, looked down at her watch, and went out to make breakfast for the two children. In the morning, she planned to make rice **** and boiled boiled eggs for the two children.

To her surprise, these two little guys got up earlier than usual. Qi Yue got up early to tease and bully the little rabbit, while the other comrade Jiang Xiaohua worked hard in the yard Li trotted for two laps, and when Qi Yue saw this, he also ran after him.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Shuangling couldn’t help but praised these two little men who love sports.

Waking up early and exercising is always a good thing.

But seeing this scene, Jiang Shuangling suddenly wanted to catch the special rabbit in the rabbit box and throw it in front of the two babies, and let them run after the rabbit, maybe two people one rabbit can get exercise.

In this way, the child can be strong and the rabbit meat will become more delicious, killing two birds with one stone.

Jiang Shuangling called the two little guys over for breakfast, made a cup of milk powder and let them drink it slowly, packed a small school bag, put another wrapped rice ball and two A big white rabbit toffee was in a small schoolbag, and the two children were carried on their backs, and finally they were sent to school.

There are two other children in this family home who are in the same first grade as Qi Yue and Jiang Che, one boy, six years old, the youngest son of Niu’s political commissar’s family, called Niu Jiadong, and the other a girl , is also six years old, the daughter of Zhu Mingming, the deputy head of the third regiment.

Today happened to be, Jiang Shuangling met these two children before she put them on the bus.

Because the car that takes the children to school is parked outside the family’s hospital, the average parents will not come out to send their children to school, they will go to school with them, only Jiang Shuangling thinks about the age of the two children Small, plus it was just a few days before school, so I still sent the two babies to the car.

Zhu Mingming is a sturdy girl with dark skin. If it weren’t for the two lively little chirps on her head, she looked like a boy, and she was also the tallest of the four children.

This little girl has a very lively personality. As soon as she saw Jiang Che and Qi Yue, the two lively little ones above their heads trembled, and they jumped and stretched out their arms and shouted loudly: “Qi Dali! Jiang Xiaohua !” The jacket is full of power!”

The black and thin boy Niu Sanli standing next to her smashed her face and wanted to lift her feet and kick this girl into the muddy water.

Niu Jiadong and Zhu Mingming have never been very good at dealing with each other, because one of them is surnamed Zhu and the other is Niu, and they always go to school together, and their classmates always laugh at them.

“Qi Dali! Jiang Xiaohua!”

“The three powers!

As the only girl among the four, and also the only Zhu Mingming who does not have an “honorary title”, she can call their “honorary title” like this without any scruples.

The young child’s voice was shrill and loud. Hearing the girl’s loud shouting, Qi Yue and Jiang Che were also like Niu Sanli. His face fell.

When Niu Jiadong saw Qi Yue approaching, he hummed angrily and ran to the car quickly.

He was originally a Niu Erli, but now he has become a Niu Sanli. In yesterday’s game, he originally thought he could become Niu Dali, who knows… He killed Cheng Yaojin halfway.

Qi Yue heard his humming, and hummed along with it. When it comes to being angry, outsiders may not be able to compare to him.

Seeing this, Jiang Shuangling pulled the two children into her arms and no longer stimulated them.

“Qi Yi and Jiang Yi, get in the car.” Jiang Shuangling smiled and held the child’s hand and let them climb into the car by their own strength.

When Jiang Che climbed into the car with her hand, she was still slightly panting.

Zhu Mingming tilted his head and glanced at Jiang Shuangling. He couldn’t help but widened his eyes and said enviously, “Dali, your mother is so beautiful.”

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

She felt a little embarrassed, although she was innocent, but she became a… vigorous mother at such a young age?

This title…I don’t know how long these children will be in trouble, Jiang Shuangling doesn’t plan to intervene, children are hot for three minutes, the more you intervene, the more vigorous they are, and it won’t take long to wait until the wrench is over. After the popularity, this title will also disappear with the wind.

But now…

Should she be glad that she is not the mother of a dog?

Qi Yue sat down in the seat, imitating his father’s tone and expressionlessly: “It’s Qi Yi’s mother.”

Jiang Shuangling was a little amused. When Aojiao Cub spoke like this, she had the feeling of seeing a miniature version of Qi Heng sitting in front of her.

This child suddenly resembles his father’s development.

Zhu Mingming wondered: “Qiyi’s mother?”

Jiang Che, who was beside him, replied, “It’s Jiang Yi’s sister.”

Niu Jiadong put his little head together, “Jiang Yi’s sister?”

Qi Yue: “It’s Jiang Er’s sister!

Jiang Che: “It’s Qi Er’s mother!

Zhu Mingming and Niu Jiadong: “! Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

Zhu Mingming: “Why do you want to be called Qiyi?”

Children Zhu Mingming are actually very envious of Qi Yue’s surname Qi, and she doesn’t want the surname Zhu at all.

Qi Yue: “I don’t want to be called Qi Yue, I want to change my name to Qi Yi.”

Zhu Mingming: “I also want to change my name! ∧Qiaoyi changed to Hua Mingming.”

Jiang Shuangling choked on her own saliva, and the soldier in the driver’s seat in front couldn’t help coughing.

Niu Jiadong: “Then I want to change my name! I want to be called Shuai Jiadong!

Jiang Che: “…Sister, I want to change my name, Jiang Yi.”

The voices of several children can almost shake the roof of the car. Jiang Shuangling closed the door indifferently. Go quarrel yourself.

The superposition of the four children’s voices can almost pierce people’s eardrums, causing headaches and eye pain.

At this moment, Jiang Shuangling suddenly began to regret it.

She regretted not taking contraceptive measures with Qi Heng before, what if she was really pregnant? With three children together, the effect is really…

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

What else can I do, just stuff cotton in my ears.

Think about it for the better, in fact, Qi Yue and Jiang Che are still very well behaved and not noisy at home, didn’t the men in their Qi family say not to cry? Girls shouldn’t cry either.

“Comrade, thank you for your hard work.” Thinking of sending this car of noisy children to school, Jiang Shuangling couldn’t help but shed tears of sympathy for the soldiers in the front row.

After sending the child away, Jiang Shuangling returned to the yard, collected the dried bamboo shoots before, and made some pickled radishes with sweet and sour flavors.

Take advantage of the time to make the children’s little rabbits and little tigers.

The pattern she made is not big, that is, the embroidery pattern of the size of a child’s palm. The two patterns she sewed by herself can only be said to be barely… passable.

The pattern on the surface looks fine, but all kinds of messy thread ends and line bumps at the back, that is a proper car accident scene.

“After the schoolbag is sewn, who can see the back?” Jiang Shuangling was very relieved.

Solved what the children need, she made her own set of white and black dresses, she has almost outlined the shape in her mind countless times before, and now it is very simple to sit up.

Although it is a white shirt and black skirt, she doesn’t want to make a rigid business dress, but adds some tailoring details, and the sleeves are also more scheming.

After the two children came back from school in the evening, Jiang Shuangling quickly helped them put the pattern on the small schoolbag. When the two children saw the pattern, they all shouted “wow wow” excitedly.



“Like it?”

The two little guys nodded happily. Jiang Shuangling was infected by their smiles. put on.

Putting on a skirt, she deliberately untied the braids on her head, letting her long soft black hair fall on her shoulders like satin.

Her hair is naturally soft and smooth. After being lightly combed, the smooth mid-parted hair is gathered into a bundle on the right shoulder, and the end of the hair falls on the waistline.

Jiang Shuangling, who changed her clothes, went out to meet her two children. The two children really deserved to hear her rainbow farts for several days, especially her brother, who may have inherited her sister’s Mantle, mouth sweet like honey.

“Sister is so beautiful! It’s the Seven Fairies who descended into the world.”

“The most beautiful weaver girl!”

“It’s Sister Chang’e.”

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

This child went to school for two days, and now even Seven Fairies and Chang’e know it.

Qi Yue looked at her from the side, nodded, put his hands behind his back, and said solemnly, “Qiyi’s mother is very beautiful.”

Jiang Shuangling smiled, she felt that she was at a loss, the rainbow farts of the two children were not as advanced as her own.

She took the two children over and pinched their faces.

“After that, let’s put on new clothes and take a family photo together.”

After Jiang Shuangling finished speaking, she was about to turn back to the room with a smile to change her clothes, but found Qi Heng standing silently at the door.

Maybe it was because the child’s rainbow fart was too loud, and she was also dazed by the child’s rainbow fart, so she didn’t notice the returnee.

At the moment when she turned around, Qi Heng’s eyes flashed with a look of surprise. Before he could take another look, classmate Qi Dali had already rushed towards him excitedly.

“Dad! Put on new clothes to take a family photo.” Qi Yue hugged Qi Heng’s thigh excitedly. Those who were close to Zhu were red and those who were close to ink were black. His thigh-holding posture was learned from Jiang Che. .

And also learn better than blue.

After all, he is Qi Dali.

“Dad, take a picture!”

Children of this age are very eager to take pictures.

Qi Heng held the child in his arms, swept over the clothes on the two children, and looked at the woman with long hair hanging down in front of him.

Qi Heng pursed his lips and said nothing.

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

Jiang Shuangling pinched the waist of her skirt a little embarrassedly, and she didn’t know if it was her illusion, otherwise she felt that she seemed to see a little grievance from the dog’s expression in front of her.

…It must be an illusion.

Because she still has to go to the art training class, Qi Heng’s clothes will probably take a few days to be ready.

No matter how the other party looked at her like this, she planned to finish the first art class before starting to help him make clothes.

“I’m going to change.”

Jiang Shuangling ran back to the room as if she had escaped. If she stayed outside for a while longer, the guilty conscience in her body would overflow.

It is a guilty conscience being stared at by the other party.

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