It Seems Like I Got Transmigrated Into An Eroge

Chapter 67: Interception


"Hey! That was uncalled for! We're in a public place. Refrain from using that word."

"Did I lie though?"


I kept my mouth shut and tried to not piss Lily off anymore as people were looking at us, specifically at Lily because of her transcending beauty; and also, because of her popularity with the rumors and images of her circulating around other kingdoms. And for me, I'm getting weird disgusting gazes because of Lily's continuous remarks about me being a pervert. People can't even get near her as she's still a part of the royalty. Offending her would still make things worse for them.

Plus, right now, she's still grumpy.

It all started after 'that'. Lily and Adelle were worried as I haven't gotten back home for almost a week, along with the mysterious disappearance of Clara. Over and above that, when I was about to head that same morning they were already waiting in front of the door—all angrily looking. According to them, some knights over the Belmont family who knocked over the door in search for me—to leave a message.

From that message, it seems like they finally conceded on getting me back and giving the house to me as a gift, as compensation. That message alone screams 'White Dragon' all over it because the timing of the appearance of Shin Morina was too coincidental. If they win him over, then they won't ever need the temple's help anymore as they can finally rebuild their long-lost forgotten prestige.

Walking on the busy street of the city, we're navigating our way to one of her favorite shops once again.

"Hey, Lily."


"Got a question on Adelle. Why is she acting that way?"

"You tell me."

"Oh right, why did I even ask you?"

"... Really want to piece me off?"

Every time I would get physical like just by grazing her skin or even looking her in the eyes, she would get all beet-red and embarrassed by it. From time to time, I'm racking my brains out to think of an answer if she's avoiding me or not. And also, I'm worried because she hasn't asked me for blood yet. I do admit the way Adelle acts was too adorable that even my heart can't handle it. I don't get it, we're already on an intimate level, yet now, she's acting differently. How mysterious...

With how things are going with my life right now and the academy a few days away, I need to focus on strengthening my upper body and work on my sloppy use of spears. From the day, I lost my sword. I did nothing but make use of my summoned spear more than anything. I can't always rely on the sword alone, as I need to also learn different weapons, not wanting to limit myself to just one.

Like, for instance, there are different kinds of swords, some of them are reliant on thrust or slices, depending on what kind of blade they have. Was it narrow, wide, or does it have a weird sharp edge? Katana, for example, the katana would be the finest weapon for cutting. And, rapier would be at piercing enemies. Those were from my observation when I fought against Aldrich and Adelle.

Not knowing all these things, let me look like an idiot. Master Irene also explained these things to me, but I didn't take it to heart because I thought swords are just swords—and nothing more.

"I'm so dumb..." I muttered to myself.

"You just realized that now? Wow. That's impressive, Claude."

"Oho?" my arms wrap around her shoulder, whisperingly said. "Clara told about your little 'innocent' act that day. You really want it, huh?"

Lily curled her lips and whispered back. "You're lucky enough that we're in a public place or I'll freeze you here."

"Try it." I grinned.

"Heh, look at the people around us. They're staring at you like you're harassing me. I have the last laugh."


A while later, we went inside of an establishment—a luxury establishment. Everything in here is made of gold. And also, I could see nobles and rich merchants sitting or strolling around in the lounge. From time to time, I can't help myself but be immersed in it.

"Where are we? And, why are we here?"

"It's the place that I'm staying in right now. Pack of nobles and royalties from other places who are staying here since the academy would start in a few days. Plus, I find it fascinating that the desserts and the food here in general tastes so good."

Entering the grandeur restaurant inside of the establishment. Inside the restaurant, the unique textured walls producing a smooth yet flowing look were filled with artistic paintings of famous personalities depicted from different well-known kingdoms across the continent.

No matter how many times I looked around me, I always had this heavy feeling inside of my chest—a vague feeling. Each and every comforting smile the employees have on their faces and the groove music playing, always makes me feel relaxed—topping off the vague feeling.

While walking on the marbled tile floor beneath me, a small glimpse of a seeming familiar back head of a man—the distinguishable scruffy black hair. There were two girls who are accompanying Shin, one was the girl whom I met last time—Ami. However, as for the other one, she has pale-orange short hair with small round ears sticking out of it—a lionfolk. She also has a petite figure and an extremely attractive face. I have seen her before, but I don't know where. It's quite obvious that she's maybe a heroine, however, it's more on old Claude's childhood memories. It's kind of hazy.

"Someone, you knew?" Lily asked out of curiosity.

"Not sure..."

We sat at our table right across from Shin's group and ate our food. Before finishing our food, I've been observing the girl with pale-orange hair in an attempt to recall some past memories. But to my dismay, I was unable to do so. Lily also noticed me looking at her.

"Preying for another one, even though I'm already here? The audacity to do such a thing in front of me. Claude Weiss."

"Don't misunderstand, but I'm trying to recall my old memories because that girl looks familiar to me... And, I don't where... I'm serious about this."

Then a group of five soldiers marched on that table, saluting to the girl that I'm currently observing right now. A symbol of a lion with the sun behind as its mane engraved on the right arm of the soldiers. "The Count... Kramer Family."

"The Kramer family? Known for their specialty of protection magic?"

"Yeah, that family. They had huge ties with the Belmont for hundred of years. The sword of the kingdom, the Belmont's; The shield of the kingdom, the Kramer's. That's how people perceive them. Two Count's families that protect the kingdom from harm."

"I'm familiar with them. I've seen their names in history. They're the last foothold of the Maiveil kingdom. Once one of them crumbles, the kingdom will also crumble along with them. Even though they're not strong like their previous ancestors, they're still a force to reckon with since the Nemean Lion has always been on their side, unlike the White Dragon of the Belmont Family as its presence was left to the unknown til to this day."

"You're incredibly well-informed about this."

"Of course, studying the history of each kingdom in the continent has always been my duty since the beginning. I'm a royalty for a reason. I need to understand each kingdom and study any tiny details about that kingdom, as it holds a significant advantage for my own kingdom. That's a simple tactic, Claude. Spying each other has always been the normal action of every kingdom whether for good or bad purposes, despite having a peace treaty with each other."

"Fair enough. Hold on, why do you not have any bodyguard with you?"

"I don't need it since Master Irene herself could handle it and I'm not that popular too unlike today. But now, since my face is quite well-known, I have people from my father's personal guards who are discreetly hiding in the shadows protecting me."

"Stay down."

"Huh? What are you saying?"

From the open door, I sensed a disturbance coming from it, a cerulean gentle wave of mana resonated throughout the entire dining hall. Afterward, some fell unconscious lying on the floor or on the table, and some still managed to hold their consciousness but felt very weak—except for me.

"W-What's happening... I feel weak..." Lily said weakly.

I glare at the door, anticipating a group of people going in that door. The noise of an agonizing scream coming from different people outside of that door reaches my ears. It also bothered other people in here. A group of people emerges at the door dressed as the people who are working here wearing white sad masks. And, one man stands above them, the man dressed in black with the opposite smiling mask.

"Bravo! Bravo! Young nobles of the future who shall bring the kingdom to greatness. The young descendants of the future generation. As they say, 'the naive, prudent future people who shall give birth to the impossible.'  I wonder if such words were true?" The man with the smiling mask clapped.

"Ohh... What a cool thing to say." I muttered.

Slowly, the masked people scattered around us, seizing everyone. However, one man stood up with his head held high with resolute eyes. Shin was standing in front of them in a stance with his long sword, looking all feebly. "Who are you, people? What do you want?"

Seeing his attitude, I could say there are still elements of the game lingering around this world.

"Hello, young man, may I ask for your name? Throughout the people here, you're the only one who can withstand our grueling mana depletion device."

"Shin Morino. I won't let you guys get away with this."

"Fret not, I'm only here for one reason. Sending a message."


"Ah, I see. Your eyes are not opened yet. Let me tell you..."

While he's telling the story of the despicable history of nobles known for their sins, I'm surveying my surroundings and tracking every people in the room. His speech gave me enough time to mark every underling of his. With the mark in place, I close my eyes and scatter my quintessence around the hall.

From then on, I'm manifesting the spear in my mind on the people that I marked. However, it's taking too much time, as I'm getting light-headed because of it. But since the idiot of a villain was taking his time on story-telling. I completed the process. Spears manifest at the back of their neck, piercing their neck. Except for some people and the man with a smiling mask, as he engaged into a fight with the feebly Shin which became one-sided on the favor of the masked man. I only targeted people that are stationary.

His underlings are drowning from their pool of blood, which he quickly took notice of. The fight between Shin and the masked man stopped. The two stood frozen at the center, flabbergasted by the lifeless bodies on the ground. Not wasting any time, I took Lily in my arms.

"H-h-huh...? W-What happened?" The fear in the voice of the smiling masked man was apparent.

Then there's Shin Morino. "W-What's this monstrous..."

With the distraction, I was about to leave; however, my eyes came across the eyes of the girl from the Kramer family. As she met my eyes, her eyes were gape-wide open. Ignoring her, I teleport with Lily in my arms outside to the main lounge and saw the same situation as earlier. Hiding from the eyes of other masked people.

"W-Wait Claude..."

"Yeah, I know."

(Diana can you locate the device?)


In my mind, a visualization of the device resurfaced. I close my eyes and once I open my eyes, I reappeared at the location of the device which is at the ceiling, and then, I saw a floating object; the one responsible for sending cerulean waves through the mana core of every person in here, distorting the flow of their mana throughout their body. Upon noticing it, I puncture it with a spear and destroying it. Giving chance to the people in here to fight back before going far outside of the establishment, at the main gate entrance.

There are more, so I objectively directed my goal on destroying those devices while silently taking down the enemies. 

Furthermore, the scenario was different from the story itself if it's meant for Lily—or was it for the girl with pale-orange hair? A group of kidnappers... It's not in my knowledge. Plus, there's too much suspicion about it. How can they infiltrate an establishment with a ton of guards in it? From what they are wearing earlier, they're probably employees that retaliated—or whatnot. There are too many missing pieces. In addition, the way they planned it too. Acquiring such a device too... What's more, they're not affected by the look of things.

Before I got back to my old position, I killed a few more without getting noticed. 

Shortly after, I carried Lily on my back as she slowly regains her strength.


"Okay. Before you say anything, I don't want to risk anything, okay? Especially since—"

"Yes, I know... Thank you for saving me."

"Huh?" I tilted my head in confusion.

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