It Seems Like I Got Transmigrated Into An Eroge

Chapter 57: The Mystery of Samuel

In the mayor's office of the town to talk about the request. Surprisingly, we are with the group of Samuel who is also taking the same request as us. I'm sitting right beside Clara with Tsuki in my lap, stroking its hair. In front of us, Mr. Galtero the mayor the one who governs the small town of Winterhill.

"Young master Claude... We're in a meeting."

"What? I'm doing nothing."

"Just let him be."

Adelle said beside me. The people in the room are looking at me weirdly, especially at Tsuki. They've been glancing at her since the beginning. They probably can't resist its cuteness, as she plays with her two tails and licks her paws. Watching Tsuki, I remembered Lily's Fenrir who's a huge dick towards me, biting my hands whenever I tried to touch its fur—That heartless bastard!

"Ehem, so where we're we? As I was saying, we are currently in need of your help with what we call the Phixene. For years, we've been searching for that item, as it was our precious treasure that symbolizes my life, and the only remaining remnant of my precious deceased daughter. It's a selfish request of mine."

Mr. Galtero stands from his seat and bows in front of us. Listening to the request and the reason behind it, we have different reactions. Only Clara, Alvin, and I didn't show any reactions toward it. The reason? For Clara, she's just being Clara as usual. Now, for me, I can't bring myself to show empathy towards him—And, I don't know the cause of it. For Alvin, he's an unusual one.

"Mr. Galtero, worry not. We will do our uttermost best to look for that." Samuel stood and placed his fist in his chest with a reassuring smile displayed on his face.

"Yes, Mr. Galtero. We assure you, we will do everything we can." Adelle said, displaying a brave face.

Aira and Elaine nod agreeing to what they said.

"Thank you so much. But first, can I invite you for dinner?"

"Thank you for the invitation and we will," Adelle answered.

"We will too," Elaine added.

"Thank you."


While Adelle and the others are discussing the mission, I wander off walking around the mayor's mansion with Clara following my back and Tsuki in my arms. I left the others to investigate something because of a peculiar sensation that I'm familiar with.

We've been going in circles around the mansion for quite some time, the maids and the guards are looking at me suspiciously. Because of that, my feet ended up in the garden of Mr. Galtero's mansion.

With the mission in line, I have some suspicion about it an unsettling feeling, but I can't pinpoint what it is. 

"Meow~! Meow~!" (Down~! Down~!)

"Down? You want me to put you in the ground?"

"Meow~!" (Yes~!)

After putting Tsuki on the ground, she stretched her limbs and ran off, playing in the grassy garden.

"Young master Claude. Where did you even pick that unusual cat?"

"Hm? Tsuki? Oh... To put it simply, she's my other spirit familiar. I know it's confusing, but I picked her up earlier when I got lost in a closed space. It's hard to put it in details, but that's really about it."

"Are you sure about this young master Claude? I've heard stories about greedy people who wanted to acquire two spirits at the same time, but it ended up killing that person—Destroying its soul."

"Yeah, it's fine. However, into the important matters—What do you think about the mission? Hundreds of adventure in waiting... Isn't that odd...?"

"Not sure, but I swear to Madam that I shall protect you when danger comes in."

"Haah... Thanks."

"Meow~! Meow~! Meow~! Meow~!" (Master~! Look~! Look~! Look what I found~!)

In Tsuki's mouth, there's a piece of thin red cloth.

"What's this?"

I examined the thin red cloth, and there's nothing strange about it; a piece of rubbish. From what I remember, cats like to bring gifts to their owner. I slid it in my pocket and gave Tsuki a belly rub.

"Thank you~"

"Meow~ Meow~" (Welcome~ And, I'm sleepy~)

"All right, you can go back. Say hi to Diana for me~"

"Meow~" (Aye~)

Tsuki disappeared into the shadows with her cat eyes staring at me happily. Observing Tsuki, I pondered on the voice of the woman that I heard from earlier. Moreover, I wondered what Tsuki's spiritual powers are? I haven't had those thoughts until now.

"Claude, let's go."

Behind me, Adelle called me out with her hands gesturing for me to come over.

"How did the discussion went?"

"About that. We'll go at dawn, tomorrow along with the other adventurers. Make sure to prepare yourself because, from their words, there are Grade 5 or even 6 monsters in the mountain making our job harder. And, I really want this mission to be a success."

"Why? Because you sympathize with the mayor?"

"Yeah, isn't that the case for you too? Why do you sound so nonchalant about it? Don't tell me you are disappointed because we're going to share the reward? The mayor already stated that the reward shall be what to be expected as stated in the poster. So, don't worry about that."

"What? Do I look like I care about that? No."

"Then why?"

"Just forget about it. That's nothing to worry about. Let's go."


Adelle grabs my shoulder with her eyes darting directly into my eyes and her face leaning close to mine."Tell me how you really feel."

"Why are making a big deal out of this? Stop it. I thought you despise me, so why are you touching me?"

"When did I despise you? I don't remember. I won't glance nor talk to you if I hated you. If you're pointing out last time then I assure you; I don't."

"Oh, really now...? So what you are saying, you like me so much that you're okay with our faces at this distance without bothering you? I mean, look at how close you are, we're about to kiss each other at this point. Aren't you getting embarrassed by this? To tell you truth, I am."

"And? Wait a minute. Stop diverting the topic. We're talking about how you feel about the request."

"Is that really important for you to ignore this situation?! Okay! I feel sad for the mayor, okay? Are we done now?"

"Good." Adelle nodded, pulling her face away from mine with a smile.

"Geez, if I were a stranger, I would think you're doing that just to flirt with me."

"But, you're no stranger right?"

"Not really the point, but I'm not going to argue with you. What a weirdo."

"I would say the same to you."

We glared at each other.


When we got back to the inn, I saw Samuel happily chatting and drinking with the other people in the tavern. He glanced at me and said. "Hey, Claude! Let's drink! It's my treat!"

"Later, I need to prepare some things first."

"Boo~ Right, guys?"

"Yeah! Kiddo, join us!"

"Come on! Let's have some drinks! We're going to get wasted before dawn! Kahahahaha!"


The people at that table started cheering loudly.

"Hahaha, sorry, but I'll get back to you in a minute."


Then the cheering turned into booing which I find hilarious. Ignoring it, Clara, Adelle, and I went back to our rooms; I prepared the clothes that I will be wearing tomorrow for the expedition in the mountain to search for a missing item of the late daughter of the mayor.

After finishing tidying up my clothes, I went out of the corridor along going downstairs to drink; however, I noticed a door hanging slightly opened and could hear two voices of women moaning, so I took a peek at it. What beholds to me, was the scenery of Samuel's party.

"Damn, they're going at it, huh. Oh well, I'm not going to bother them. Lucky guy. If only Stephanie was with me..."

"Aren't they fascinating? They're having the best time in their life."

In my left ear, I heard a voice of a man and an arm wrapped around my shoulder. Glancing at the person, I saw the reddish face of Samuel with a smile on his face. He was watching the entire thing! However, I noticed that he doesn't seem bothered by the fact of watching his party members banging each other; leaving me dumbfounded.

"Don't you find it interesting the lust of a person? Once you taste the pleasure of satisfaction you will want more than that. The endless hunger. The marvelous world of sins. They're a sight to behold. Imagine the countless possibilities of what they can do because of the hunger they have just to attain everything."

"I don't know if you're upset or not, and you're spouting nonsense because he's banging your girl," I said, nonchalantly.

"Hahahaha, no, no. I'm not interested in them. They can bang whomever they want. That's their own freedom..." Then he leans closer to my left ear and whispers. "... They're not my type."

I pushed him aside and said. "Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, I'm not into that. Fuck off, leave me alone!"

"Hahahaha, I'm just kidding. Let's go downstairs, they're all waiting, and leave those three behind. Just let them fuck like there's no tomorrow. We have a party downstairs!"

Samuel brushed his hands off my shoulder. I squinted my eyes at him. Then I followed Samuel in the corridor. And, a shrill sound of a bell resonated in both of my eardrums, almost torn my eardrums out; however, it disappeared after a few seconds.

"What was that?!"

"Hm?" Samuel turned his head around to me.

"Nothing... Weird..."

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