It Seems Like I Got Transmigrated Into An Eroge

Chapter 50: Evaluation

Even though we’re about to have a sparring fight, Adelle said nothing and only kept her poker face. Pondering over Adelle’s background, whether if she’s an aristocrat or not because now that I realized it; I know nothing about her.

Frankly, I’m still in bafflement. I met two heroines this month.

Observing her, she has this imposing demeanor and composed expression at all times. At first glance, I can say that she’s a woman with honor, discipline, and benevolence. The way she carries herself shows that she’s a proud warrior who will fight for honor.

Adelle is kind of similar to Lily. I do think it’s probably only the imposing demeanor because Lily is a spoiled girl. However, Adelle, on the other hand, she’s giving more of a mature vibe.

Thinking about Lily, I miss her.

Now, I’m currently in the guild’s training ground to have my evaluation by fighting Adelle, who’s titled the ‘Sword Princess’, for her incredibly elegant swordsmanship and also because of her beauty. Adelle was in front of me holding the sheath on her waist.

Surrounding us were the guild adventurers who were interested in watching our fight. Stephanie and the others are here too. I thought they already left and went on a quest. But I guess not. The other two gold adventurers from earlier were also in the crowd, and also the woman who tried to flirt with me earlier.

There’s a divider between the audience and us so that the audience won’t get caught in our fight. They’re all standing at the side with curiosity in their eyes as if they’re about to witness something incredible.

I took my attention off of them and focuses on my opponent in front of me.

Then Mr. Victor went in between us. “There will be rules in this fight. No killing each other, nor have the intent to do so. Any kind of weapons is permitted except for poisons. The winner shall be the one who will make the other opponent unable to fight. That’s all.”

“...” My mouth was left hanging, as I’m speechless by what he just said. 'Did he forgot what I said last time?'

“I understand.” Adelle agreed with a bow.

“I understand... Haa...” I said with an exasperated sigh.

“Bring out your weapon and take a stance.”

Adelle stood straight while her the sheath of her sword with her left hand and right hand holding the hilt—It’s a simple stance yet feels overwhelming.


In my right hand, I summoned a black blade sword. Then I took a stance. The tip of my blade was held point down in between my legs with my right foot stepping forward, holding the sword in a relaxed stance.

At first glance, it would look like I’m leisurely taking a stance without taking into consideration how open I am. It’s a type of stance that can be deceptive for the opponent. And that’s the point of this stance. Master Irene calls it the [Clarion Stance].


I leaned my body forward with my eyes fixated on Adelle—She had her eyes close.

[Shifting Point]

Upon teleporting myself in front of Adelle, I got some goosebumps and my instincts are screaming at me, telling me to evade. I shift my body to the right side of Adelle. Shortly after, a sharp sound came to my right and saw Adelle’s arms raise in the air with her katana, barely missing its target.

However, for some reason, I didn't panic and stayed composed.

After evading it, I clenched my left fist and punched Adelle right at her sides. She was sent flying away. I dashed forward to her with my sword on my side. When she crashed into the wall, she raised her hands up and said.

“I admit my defeat.”

Because of that, I halted on my steps and stood frozen, gawking at Adelle.


After I said that, Mr. Victor interrupted me and announced. “That concludes the match, winner Claude Weiss!”

Dumbfounded by Adelle's sudden admission of defeat, I looked at the audience and saw that they have the same expression as I am who’s pretty baffled by the turn of events. I glance at Adelle, seeking answers.


“I concede?”

“I know, but why?”

“Because I don’t stand a chance? When you dodge my strike, at that moment, I lost. You can easily strike me with your sword, resulting in my death—If we’re in a real fighting situation. That’s why I conceded.”

“... Okay.” 'That totally makes sense.'

Mr. Victor heads toward us and handed me a gold rectangular plate with a crest symbol and my name already engraved on it. 

“Congratulations on joining the Seeker’s Guild, I shall see your growth from now on, Disciple of Irene.”

This is the most anti-climatic thing I’ve ever experienced. But who am I to complain? I took the plate like a man. However, one thing confuses me because I’ve got a gold plate, which means I’m a certified gold adventurer from now on.

“Uh... Guildmaster Victor, why do I get gold? Don’t I need to prove myself in the field before anything?”

“You’ve already beaten Adelle? Gold is the highest rank I could ever give you in terms of skill. Adelle started as a gold adventurer a few months ago because I deem her worthy of assessing her abilities. Defeating her is a huge feat because of how frightening her skills even gold adventurers are no match for her.”


One guy rush towards us, he’s the gold adventurer earlier with the curly brown hair.

“I disapprove of such a thing. Guildmaster, how can you give him a gold plate without actual assessments? Adelle may have conceded the match, but such a thing is not permittable. I’ve been observing him since earlier, but I didn’t see him take any mana appraisal or other things like we all took. I knew for a fact, he’s the disciple of Ms. Irene—”

“Gord, are you implying that I only gave him that gold plate because of Irene?” Mr. Victor sternly said.

As a result of that, I got some shivers listening to his voice. The same would be said for the others who are listening to the conversation. During that, I lend a helping hand to Adelle who was standing up. Surprisingly, she easily accepts it without hesitation. I thought she would reject me.

“N-No... Sorry... But, I’m just implying that how one can fully understand his skills if—”

“I'm the one who assessed his mana appraisal and I followed the protocols, and even evaluating his fighting abilities. What are you saying then?"

"N-Nothing... I'm just saying... Why did he get private appraisals..."

"That's not for you to know. From the look of others, you all have the same thoughts about this matter. Well then, you shall fight him and Vander too. You two against him. If you are jealous of him then fight it off. That's how you solve everything."

When Guildmaster Victor said that, I almost choked. Not only I’m surprised by it, but it made Gord grimace and the audience. From the audience, I saw the worried-looking Stephanie.

“Guildmaster?! I can take him head-on, but why did you suggest—”

“I’m the one who oversees everything, and I have the final judgment. If you don’t want, then you don’t have any complaint anymore, I presume?”

Gord grits teeth. Then suddenly, the angry-face bulk dude from earlier walks toward us, accompanied by the milf witch.

“I accept.”

“Vander agreed. What’s your response, Gord?”

Swallowing his pride, he nods to Guildmaster Victor.

“What about you, Claude? Are you willing to accept this fight? From how things turned out, my adventurers won’t easily accept you.”

Listening to him, I could sense that it’s his way of telling me that it would make my life easier if I could beat right here. I’m confident in my own abilities, but I won’t underestimate them. Well, I can’t take the normal evaluation of the guild, simply because of my unique constitution.

“Yes, I do agree.”

(Diana, what do you think about this?)

(Mmm... Sorry~ Just woke up, what is it again?)

Since last year, Diana seldom talks to me because she’s in a state of stasis of repairing. The reason for that would probably be the time where I use my [Arcana]. Whenever I use that, it takes a toll on Diana’s soul.

(What do you think about the two?)

(Do you want to fight them full head-on? I can always end it, but it will slow down the process. I’m still in the state of creating my own field of consciousness inside your soul. That way, I can meet you when you’re asleep)

(Wait, we can do that?)

(Of course. It will only take me a while to finish it, but I assure you I can finish it in no time~ I want huggies~)

(Oooh... All right then, I will not bother you anymore.)


“I wish you the best, Claude Weiss.”

Adelle spoke passes me while heading her way outside of the training ground. She made me look at her. Then our eyes met each other. She smiles softly. Baffled by her smile, I felt some ominous aura around me—It was the jealousy of the other male adventurers.

‘Seriously? She’s too young, for heaven’s sake. You guys are already adults, the fuck...'

However, one stood out from the rest of them. Stephanie was darting her gaze at me while mouthing something.

‘You... Better... Keep... It... In... Your... Pants...’

I smiled and waved my hand in response.

Shortly after, we took each side with two of them on the other side, and I alone on this side. But before that, Vander screamed a thunderous war cry, tearing the eardrums of all people in here. He bought out his greatsword and took a stance. He’s emitting a powerful presence.

Gord also did the same. He took the sword from his waist, points it toward me while holding his shield intact on his front. Both Gord and Vander are showing that they will face me with everything they’ve got.

“Same rules as earlier. If one accidentally cuts a limb or a serious wound, the fight shall be stopped. Fret not, we have our healers in stand by.” Guildmaster Victor said.

I nodded slightly and took a stance, relaxing my body and taking a deep breath. “Hooo...” Then I dart my sharp gaze to them. While glaring at them, I could feel my heart throbbing in... Excitement?


I dashed forward while holding my sword with my right hand. Gord rushed forward with his shield charging at me, and behind him, Vander also following him. Analyzing it, I shifted my lower body, pivoting it; and in my left hand, chains shut out from it, passing through Gord and capturing Vander's two arms. They were taken by surprise by it.

[Shifting Point]

I teleported behind Vander, wrapping the chains around his body, and pulling him from behind. Vander noticed it, so he tried to break out free, but he was too late because I already have gathered my quintessence around my left arm to solidify it.


Vander yelled a battle cry. He flung me, and I crashed into a wall.

"Ehhh—! Kuh—!"

I'm still holding the chains, so I pulled his massive body toward me. Suddenly, Gord appeared in between us, bashing and cutting my chains, freeing Vander. Because of that, I tried to chain Gord; however, it got deflected by his shield coated heavily with mana.

If I can't face him head-on.

Without wasting any time, I dashed forward Gord then I focused my eyes around two spots above him; from that spot, two spears materialized stabbing Gord from behind, penetrating his armor. Gord during that time was waiting for me, seemingly waiting for a chance to counterattack if I ever attack him with frontal attacks.


When I close my distance to Gord, Vander swings his greatsword at me.

[Shifting Point]

I teleported above them with my back against them. I promptly toss my black sword to my left hand and summons a spear to my right hand. Afterward, I twisted my entire body with a throwing momentum and threw the spear in between Gord and Vander, shattering the ground.

[Pandemonium Inferno.]

From the spear, a massive magic circle appeared below then it combusted in dark violet flames, swallowing Gord and Vander. Gord was shielding himself with a sphere protection magic layer around him. Vander, on the other hand, ran off the area of my flames with noticeable burns on his body.

"Aaaaaah!" Vander screams in pain.

While in mid-air, I glanced at Vander then I muttered. "Overload."

[Shifting Point]

I teleported above Vander and punched him at the back of his head which he pummeled into the ground. I'm not certain if that's enough to knock him out, but I ignored that and went ahead to my next target. I appeared in front of Gord who's in a daze, slumping forward; he's not in his stance, so I took advantage of it. I slice with ease through his magic protection layer, and instantly, the edge of my blade is already in his neck.


GuildMaster Victor shouted and I back off from the trembling Gord with blood dripping from his armor. Gord falls down to the ground. 

"That concludes the match!"

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