It Seems Like I Got Transmigrated Into An Eroge

Chapter 163: The Crow Gate (2)

Among Stephanie's group, the first person I got to know was Tali. He appeared to be a decent person, despite his intriguing golden grill teeth, contrary to his character. Then, I got introduced to Sarah Kedrey. She seemed to be some kind of noble from a small kingdom I had never even heard of.
Continuing, there was a guy named Lucas, who apparently served as their navigator. He exuded an intellectual vibe, to put it simply—a nerdy aura if you will. Then there was Owen, one of the individuals responsible for the front line. Owen carried a shield and wielded a rather unconventional choice of weapon—a club. Right beside him stood Cayena, also part of the front line, a combat bare-handed fighter with tremendous protruding muscles. She's not a person to deal with, they said.
And then there were the two mages in the group. The gentleman in a fancy blue cloak adorned with a striking white pattern was Axel Robinharts. He had earned a reputation as an exceptional mage among his peers. Lastly, there was Julia Locstitant, the group's axis. She was the daughter of a renowned mage in their kingdom, and as it turned out, Axel was one of that well-known mage's apprentices.
"Like seriously, they aren't dating yet?" I asked Stephanie while watching the two mages in the distance.
"They said they aren't..."
"Bullshit, am I right?"
"Axel was too much of a coward anyway. I doubt that'll happen."
"What in the world is that guy thinking? Literally, ask her already, or he'll fumble it sooner or later. She's a gorgeous woman, and many men fawn over her." I paused for a brief moment, shifting my gaze to the two towering figures in the group. "Also, what about those two?"
"Cayena and Owen? I don't think so...? Unlikely?" Stephanie said in a confused tone.
"It's likely to happen. Look at that woman. She'll surely want someone as big as Owen. They're a perfect match for each other." Then I rubbed my chin, pondering. "The gender ratio in your group is perfect. Four males and four females... Quite sad for the last one. I wonder if it'll be Lucas or Tali who'll win Sarah's heart. Kind of rooting for Lucas."
"What's going on here?" Lily approached us from behind, took a seat between Stephanie and me, and asked. "What are we discussing about?"
"Then shall we discuss something?" Lily continued.
"Discuss what?" Stephanie inquired.
Lily replied, "Let's talk about the situation we're facing with Arya and how to protect ourselves from that menace." She gestured towards Arya, who was devouring a massive piece of cooked meat, all alone on a bench. "If we don't take action, 'that' will obliterate us."
Stephanie chimed in, "Aren't you overreacting a bit?"
Lily took a moment before responding, "Arya is a stubborn, ruthless, and tyrannical woman. She only shows some decency to the people who she sees worthy."
Then, Lily glanced at the rest of the group and continued, "I'm really worried about them. Arya's impulsive nature is bound to bring chaos wherever she goes. I don't think I can handle her, or this school, for that matter."
"I'm not too concerned," I said optimistically.
Lily added with a smirk, "Says the person who got beaten by her."
I couldn't help but feel a bit deflated, recalling the heavy beating I got from Arya. That's an otherworldly experience for me. Everything that Lily said was simply the truth, trying to control her wasn't an option that any sane mind would be willing to risk. Heck, scratching her is a miracle feat.
"Now... How?" Lily said as she pondered in her deep thoughts.
"Lily?" I called out to her, but she seemed too engrossed in her own thoughts.
Stephanie and I exchanged glances, and I shrugged my shoulders at her. "I'll go to the bathroom real quick."
"Don't take too long. Be back here before they call us," Stephanie replied. Meanwhile, Lily remained lost in her thoughts, so I decided to go ahead.
As I delved deeper into this mysterious place, an insatiable curiosity bubbled within me. It was as though layers of magical compositions were concealed in every hidden alcove and shadowy corner. A magical structure that even Diana struggled to discern.
Casting my gaze around, I couldn't help but notice an unusual abundance of guards patrolling, their watchful eyes discreetly tracking every visitor's movement. Among them, one guard struck a chord of familiarity within me, but the memory of where I might have encountered him remained frustratingly elusive as I continued my explorations.
I muttered to myself in exasperation, "Where's the way back? I followed the signs diligently, but now I seem to be lost..."
Suddenly, a shiver raced down my spine like a million spikes stabbed me from behind. I jerked my head to the right, compelled by an inexplicable sensation. Yet, when I turned, there was nothing discernible in that direction. For a fleeting moment, it felt as if a thousand eyes were peering deep into the depths of my soul, causing a cascade of cold sweat to trickle down my face. My heart hammered against my ribcage, followed by a swarm of butterflies that took flight in my stomach.
"What was that?"
Ever since I got to this place, I've been having weird problems with my senses, like there's something messing with them. The feeling I just experienced was too strange to ignore. Remembering Diana's advice, I tried to stay calm and let my senses lead me. I focused on the air, the atmosphere, trying to grasp it.
"Hooo..." I opened my eyes, and my heart finally settled.
"Claude?" Lily's voice caught me off guard as I spun around. The strange feeling from earlier melted away, replaced by a wave of relief.
"Lily? What are you doing here?"
"I'm on my way to the bathroom also. You left without telling me." Lily replied as she approached me.
"Kieh?!" Lily let out a surprised scream, burying her face in my chest as I gently enveloped her slender waist with my arms. "W-What's going on?"
"Nothing," I murmured, resting my chin on the top of her head.
Lily sighed in exasperation, her fingers gracefully brushing her hair to one side, a subtle yet elegant gesture. "I can hear your heart racing. Anxious? Or are you unwell?"
"Nothing. Maybe just a bit nervous."
"Was it because of Adelle?" Lily narrowed her eyes, gazing at me suspiciously.
Lily stared deeply into my eyes before responding. "... Okay then. Can you let me go now? I need to go."
"Hey, you!" Out of thin air, a woman's voice broke the silence with her finger accusingly pointing at me. Her face wore a blend of revulsion and anger.
I leaned toward Lily and whispered, "Do you know her?"
Lily shook her head. "No, but it looks like she's glaring at you for no reason. Remember when I told you that you have a face that's just asking to be punched? Any person would get pissed from simply catching a glimpse of your face."
I chuckled, "Nah, I beg to differ. If it were a man, I'd agree. But you must admit, I'm quite the looker. Back at the guild, the women practically drooled over me, and some even had their panties in a frenzy from simply thinking about being in my embrace."
Lily's disgust was evident in her tone as she retorted, "Stop with the delusion. Adelle must have drained all the blood from your brain."
I teased, "But did I lie? You experienced it yourself. Care to attest to it, my dear princess?"
"Oi! Hands off Her Highness!" The mysterious woman chimed in.
I rolled my eyes and said calmly, "Yeah, yeah, can hear you. Now, could you kindly refrain from interrupting our conversation? We were talking here."
Her anger flared, and she fumed, "Who do you think you are?"
Then I shot back, "Well, who are you, to begin with?"
My question seemed to catch her off guard. Her ears perked up, and her eyebrows shot up in surprise, only to quickly furrow in anger. For reasons unknown, she took offense at my question. "I'll make sure you remember my name, you... bastard!"
A deep voice resonated through the room, commanding attention. "Rona, mind your tone."
Ignoring her loud and annoying voice, I shifted my gaze past her shoulder and spotted a humanoid figure cloaked entirely in pristine white. He appeared almost ghostly, his white garments immaculate, flowing gracefully with every step he took. A royal insignia adorned his breastplate, gleaming with regal authority. But what truly caught my attention was the steel mask concealed behind a white veil, shining with a cold, metallic sheen. Accompanied by two people on his sides, a gentleman on his right and a woman on his left.
For a fleeting moment, our eyes locked, and through the steel, I caught sight of his piercing, deep sapphire gaze.
"Your Majesty!" The girl immediately dropped to her knees.
The person before us was none other than one of the most remarkable figures of the age, perhaps even the century, a young king named "The Faceless Monarch.", King Cyprus.
The monarch who had rescued the faltering Zion Kingdom, strengthening the central government and achieving the seemingly impossible feat of improving diplomatic relations with their long-standing adversary, the Levant Kingdom, which had been at odds with Zion for two centuries. Most significantly, he held the distinction of being the youngest ruler in history, ascending to the throne and guiding the kingdom when he was a mere nine years old—the man who stands above everyone.
"It's an honor to stand before you, Your Majesty, King Cyprus," Lily greeted, conveying her respect with a subtle nod of her head.
I extended my arms and executed a graceful bow. "Your Majesty, it's a privilege to be in your presence."
He raised his arm in an odd, somewhat rigid gesture, then indicated for me to lift my head. In response, I nodded subtly as I straightened my posture.
Analyzing the mana around him gave me a sense of peace and humility. His mana was incredibly gentle, like a breeze of wind simply grazing his body.
"Rona," He intoned.
"Sire?" She responded.
With a subtle gesture of his finger, the kneeling girl abruptly smashed her head to the ground, causing the marble floor to shatter, much to the shock of both Lily and me. "My apologies!"
I couldn't help but whisper to Lily, "That's quite cool. You should consider adding it to your repertoire."
"Shut it. We're in the presence of a king, be respectful." Lily grunted a whispered reply.
"My deepest apologies on behalf of my vassal. Please forgive her rudeness, disciples of the revered Sword Saintess."
Lily responded, "No need for apologies, Your Grace. We don't mind at all."
"I am grateful for your understanding." After these words, his gaze shifted to me. "Descendant of the esteemed Elden Belmont, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
Elden Belmont, the great-grandfather of the Belmont family and the founding Patriarch had left an indelible mark on the Maiveil kingdom's history. Despite his remarkable contributions to the kingdom, his name and legacy had been overshadowed by the passage of time. For the King of Zion to know this name, he must possess in-depth knowledge about the kingdom.
"I appreciate the flattery, your Majesty. It is indeed an honor to have our family's history acknowledged," I replied with a profound sense of respect.
"Apologize to this gentleman for what you have done previously," He commanded.
"B-But!" She started to protest, but he simply raised a finger, instantly silencing her. "M-m-my apologies, sire," She stammered.
"Apologize," He insisted.
She rose from the ground, her expression stern. Even before she spoke, I could see the anger in her pulsating temple veins. "I beg for your forgiveness for what I have done, for falsely accusing you and attacking you last time. I did not intend to harm you... Tch."
"Rona," he called her.
"My apologies, sire."
Suddenly, a memory flashed in my mind. She was the person with a hatchet who had attacked me during the encounter with Keris. "I don't mind at all, your Majesty. Misunderstandings can happen anytime, after all."
Rona seemed taken aback by my response. For some unknown reason, her face began shifting between anger and confusion.
"This woman is unhinged," I mumbled.
"That's something new. Am I seeing this correctly? Is this...," he muttered with a hint of amusement, "the piece of shit is in its rightful place, kissing the floor?"
A man swaggered towards us with a smug grin aimed in our direction. My initial, inexplicable instinct upon seeing him was to give him a sound beating for no apparent reason. His face was the embodiment of what one might call "punchable." To make matters worse, he had two women draped around him. While his physique was nothing extraordinary, it was enough to turn heads, complemented by his strikingly handsome visage.
"I didn't expect to see the infamous prefect, the infamous tyrant lady in the same place at the exact time. And..." He locked his gaze on Lily, who was standing right next to me. "Big tits, I like it. Can I cop a feel?" Then he winked at Lily.
Lily answered him with a glare that could freeze blood.
"Not even a little squeeze? That's a shame. I do love a feisty woman, though. Challenges are my thing, your Highness."
I cringed upon hearing his brazen words. I'd heard such comments countless times before, yet no matter how often they were repeated, they never failed to irk me. It might seem hypocritical, especially coming from me, but at least I didn't take it seriously and not to a stranger. His level of obnoxiousness was off the charts. Truth be told, a part of me entertained the idea of smashing his face into the ground, but I knew better than to do so in the presence of royalty, especially in Lily's company.
However, given his blatant disrespect towards a royal, logic seemed to suggest that I could make an exception. With a smile plastered on my face, I dashed forward.
Edited by: Zenon
Hey, I'm back. Sorry, it took a while. Was finally able to find a place after a few months. I was supposed to be back a few weeks ago, but my internet provider is taking ages for my site transfer. So sorry. But anyway, I'm back. I hope you guys are doing well ^_^. Thank you for reading as always!

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