Isn’t the wannabe Villain too cute?

Spell Formation~2!

There are different kind of spell humanity have witnessed since ancient type. Not all those magic miracles need a typical circle to show their effect.

The skill of changing the natural phenomenon by utilizing the essence one is born with, known as mana, and converging that energy in a runic circle is commonly known as Conjuring.

Unlike the Elemental type Magicians, who take the help of their surroundings to summon a spell, Conjurors doesn't rely on the uncertain background or any element around.

Conjurors create something out of nothing. And for that, any magi is required to form the mana circle, which determines what kind of spell they desire to release.

There are various kinds of spells that Conjuror type of magicians can cast but not available for elemental type. Not to mention the only necessity is to remember the spell formation, and the magi could survive in any kind of condition.

Now about the Mana Circles.

The ancient language, which most magicians learn as their basic course, becomes the base of the spell formation.

Since there isn't a single field of the spell, the number of mana rings varies according to the complexity of the enchantment.

The basic spell like [Fireball] or [Stone Wall] requires four rings to construct the formation and release the spell.

The first and outermost ring is the structure or, to say, the outline of the spell that the user wants to create according to their requirement, like how an architect draws the blue map of a building. If the building(spell) is complicated, the circle might increase.

The second ring is where the magician imbues mana to the spell. It's common sense to know that different kind of spells varies the requirement of mana. This part is crucial since if the imbalance of magic energy occurs, the user might face severe backlash.

The third and the most descriptive ring. Unlike the other two, this mana circle requires nothing but a sane mind. After getting an outline and mana as the material for construction, the third ring helps in giving the spell a definite shape.

One has to remember that if the spell doesn't get molded in a particular shape, the whole mana circle might obliterate at once.

And the last and innermost ring. This work is done by users' senses as they target, where to utilize the spell and release it in accordance.

This is the essential procedure of conjuring that the magi needs to follow in order to extract their potential and invoke the art of spell.


"You all must have a great command on mana, right? Can anyone create a bird through flames?"

Austin asked the students who previously used to teach him as he leaned on the ledge of the blackboard.

The older ones glanced at each other before the brunette beauty, Emily, swirled her index finger and formed an aggressive Phoenix within half a second.

"Excellent professor. Now, I seize the liberty to assume that everyone present here, takes the same time to conjure something trivial like this?"

Austin glanced at each corner and significantly halted his gaze on the first princess, who nodded, albeit being a little flustered.

Receiving the affirmation, Austin continued his lecture.

"Now, as I assume, Professor Emily must have just pictured the bird in her mind for almost a tenth of a second and created it using the blaze element, right?"

Emily did what Austin just stated, so she nodded without hesitation.

"Now, back on the track. Does everyone know what this ring does?"

Pointing at the third ring drawn on the blackboard, Austin asked the students as everyone nodded affirmatively.

Tiara was also aware of the magic circles to a decent extent, so she also shook her head vertically.

"Unlike the other circles, this one takes a whole lot of time since magicians have to picture the shape and figure; they want their spell to blast out. But what if we erase this circle and let our subconscious do the spell molding as what Professor Emily did with the Phoenix? What if the most time-consuming ring gets prepared when we create the blue print, imbue the mana, and get ready to release it? Can you imagine what margin of time we can save like that?"

Audible gasps resonated in the classroom as various teachers looked at Austin like he just has chanted the worst curse in front of them.

Some of the older professors, among the others, fell into deep contemplation upon hearing the theory syllable by syllable.

Indeed it was confirmed that the third circle takes the most time, and skipping that laboring task would not only help the mage release the spell at a lesser time but also decrease some burden from them.

"I-Its absurd to even think something like that! A single mistake in a circle formation and the chanter would die using a mere fireball!"

One of the white-bearded Professors of Potion Brewing spoke with a slight sneer as he completely disregarded the thesis that Austin presented.

"Well, you won't change until you keep on doing the same thing. If you don't risk your safety, then it's better to leave the class and do what you believe is right, no?"

Mercilessly, Austin suggested the professor leave the class if he doesn't like what Austin was teaching. But the bearded one didn't even flinch from his position but only turned his head away.

"But how do we erase the circle but still cast the spell, Sir Austin?"

Tiara raised her voice as she still was unclear about the long explanation Austin gave before the buzzing of professors started.

But it wasn't Austin who responded, but...

"By mastering, every spell one knows about...right?"

"Absolutely correct, Professor Leone. You have to become proficient in the spell you know, so your mind creates a reflection of the spell in a corner of your memory. In that way, you can just replicate that piece of memory without needing to form it every single time."

The class fell into deep silence. As long the students kept on thinking about the hypothesis Austin provided, the more it started to seem plausible.

Amidst the silence, suddenly, the door of the classroom swung open, much to Austin's annoyance since he liked the act of being a teacher.

But before he could have said anything, Austin's breath got choked as he saw the person standing there with a grim expression adorning her face.

"It's already four hours, Dear Professor Austin~ Are you planning to go all-nighter?"


A/N: - She is just like that. Demanding and domineering. The next chapter would be fluffy.

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