Isekai Rohan


"Bloody hell..."

With the amount of bodily fluids they exchanged, Asai had to swap out their bedrolls prior to finally resting. With a satisfied elven beauty laying upon his side, snuggling up to his arm and wrapping her leg over his like a koala, the human asked his question yet again.



"Yes~♡ The quality of your milk is always sooo yummy!"

"I-I see... So, Lemon. The dekan's mana debuff, how do I beat it?" Recalling the helplessness he felt, as if a fog was constantly restraining the amount of oxygen he could intake, as if gravity was deliberately bullying him by increasing its intensity thresholds without mercy, a feeling he didn't want to go through again... "And also, that sword, [Song of Einhoren] where can I get one like it?"

"Where I come from, there's an [Enchanted Heart] you could take from an undead wyvern's chest, eat it, and acquire their trait of being impervious to mana restricting debuffs."


"And how far is where you come from exactly?"


Tapping upon her luscious lips, floating around Asai's face in her miniscule fairy form, Lemon pondered and hovered around as her skirt flapped around, revealing her see-through underwear to him.

"If we copulated for 6 months straight, and you fed me with your delicious milk once per 20 minutes at the bare minimum, I would become strong enough to open up a gate for you to visit my world~"

"Too long, any other bright ideas you might have?"

"Well... You could always use your bloodline trait, breed with a female dekan and hope to receive their impunity to their ritual." Randomly plunging her fingers into her cleavage, pulling and readjusting her breasts within her lacy-underwear, she gave the man a tiny glimpse of her cute pink nipples. "But... Knowing you, you and your stupid morals and values, I doubt you'd be willing to engage in forced-intercourse with one of them huh?"


Asai simply nodded whilst he wiped away the little droplets of drool leaking from Robin's lips and onto his chest.


"Well... I do have a vial of mimicry, you just need to steal a piece of hair or a droplet of blood from a dekan, mix it, and consume it to appear as a dekan. Similar to that ring of yours that transforms you into an elf. Once your appearance is that of a dekan, you could mate with one of their females without resorting to rape. Since we already know that their society highly values strength over all else, you could easily impress the ladies with your prowess no?"


"And why didn't you offer this potion to me earlier?"

"Well, you and your wifey there were flying over and bypassing all of their security, how was I supposed to know you would need something as mundane as a temporary appearance changer to help you sneak around?"

"You... Have a point-" A random lightbulb lit up within his mind. "-Wait, what if I mix dragon DNA into it? Would-"

"-No. It only works for creatures with similar skeletal structures, humanoid for humanoids, beasts for beasts etcetera."


Chucking [Celestial Whiskers] back to the deepest corners of his [Inventory] Asai shifted his focus towards a corpse he had decided to store upon a whim. 


The frozen copper skinned dekan honestly just resembled a frozen exotic fish at this point.


"Well... At least I already have a supply of dekan DNA..."


Robin's golden eyes flickered open, darting off the man's chest, her two mithril daggers materialized within her palms. Seeing her sudden alertness, Asai instinctively followed through with her senses and had [Solace] the dragon-spear equipped.


A blob of darkness mixed and churned just metres away from them, which surprised them more than usual as his clones were still diligently performing their scouting duties. Before anything could emerge, before the two could pre-emptively attack the sudden intruder, Lemon hovered in-between the two parties and confidently stretched her arms out.

"Relax~ It's a friend."

A single hand sprung forth out of the darkness, like a zombie would when emerging out of a grave, climbing and pulling itself up weakly at that.


[Martha: Lvl 51]
[HP: 100 MP:50]
[Title: Vampire]
[Skills unlocked:]



As if she was drowning from the dark matter, pools of black liquids spurted out from her lungs as she choked. When her eyes finally readjusted to the world before her, filled with tears threatening to erupt upon the smallest stimulation, the giantess pointed at Asai accusingly.

"Y-You left me for dead! H-How could you!? You mother fucker! You scum of the lowest of the low! You-"


With a quick glance to her hubby, and seeing him be truly indifferent to the woman, Robin's golden wings flickered into existence as 10 holy swords surrounded the woman. Without even touching her, just from the light and illumination of [Divinity] her skin itched and burnt 

From fear of dying again, consecutively, Martha slammed her head down and whimpered, realizing her folly of allowing her emotions to get the better of her logical mind. What she needed now was not the ire and hatred of the two, but the kindness and acceptance, and also the man's blood.


Seeing the woman calm down, and Asai approaching her without his weapons on person, Robin equally lowered her offensive armaments.


"Martha, a pleasure to meet you again. Tell me, everything."

Sneaking a peek at Asai who was offering her a cup of whisky, that was strong enough to tickle her sense of smell, and a quick glance at the elf who no longer paid her any attention, the woman downed the fiery liquids before calming down, hoping that his kindness was genuine.

"Well... After you suddenly left, the great dragon that guards the royal family of Etton announced your betrayal and greed, informing us all that you had sneaked into the palace and stole gold, silver and highly valuable ancient artefacts that belonged to the honoured dead kings of old. A new frozen relic appeared within the royal garden, a gift from the heavens they say. And with that, came the announcement that the princes all vying for the throne have the dragon's blessing to hunt down you, the dhans and humans to obtain military merits in competition between their siblings.

As for me... I was thrown into the dungeon, they believed me to be a traitor, someone who served you as a spy... There, I starved, and... The only thing I could think about- was you." Greatly flustered, she swiped her hands around within the air before her. "D-don't get me wrong, I don't love you or anything! I just need your blood to survive... L-look at how skinny I am because you left me behind! You're a man aren't you? Take responsibility!"


From the night sky above, 5 holy blades punctured into the ground around Martha, turning the area into a graveyard of sorts. The threatening aura and pressure from the half-elf lingering within stealth made the woman yelp as she shrunk back into her shoulders like a turtle.


"Honestly Martha, I didn't leave you behind on purpose, I apologise, and it's good to have you with us again." Presenting his bare wrist to her, she quickly extended her vampiric fangs and dug-in to her meal. Seeing the man dote upon her, Lemon was beginning to desire his essence once more, whilst Robin's prior glare now turned to one of pity. Fully aware of the hardships, the life and death situations the woman would soon find herself thrown into...

Having received his essence, and sated her monthly hunger, the vampire's muscle mass somewhat returned. Whilst she wasn't as muscular as the other giants back home, she was still toned enough with abs, thighs and glutes of steel that Asai was sure she would be capable of squatting and deadlifting more than him.


"Oh, that's right, Martha, you consider yourself to be knowledgeable, correct?"

With her strength and energy returned somewhat, she rose from the ground as she accepted Trichia's uniform from the man, finding it to be comfortable over the torso, but incredibly tight around her glutes and muscular thighs. "Yes, my hobbies are that of reading and learning. Which is why I'm not as beautiful as the others..." 


"The dekans, they have this ritual that can restrict my ability to use mana, my skills and abilities. Know anything of it? Any way to counter it?"

"No... I don't. Sorry."


Turning away from the woman, and gesturing to Robin who was floating around within [Disappear]

"Robin, Martha's too weak, do me a favour and give her a crash course training of sorts. Don't go easy on her alright?"


With two mithril daggers radiating with [Divinity] and [Frozen] Robin's golden eyes smiled. "I won't~"





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