Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki

Chapter 62 – Brahma Monarch Goddess

Shortly after he caught the intruder, he observed the uninvited guest that somehow found her way to the exact place where he was cultivating. After some more observation, he realized whom he was dealing with.

Ōtsutsuki Dōma did a really good job at gathering information because it also contained a list of the most famous cultivators across the Realm of Gods, various high-profile targets, and personas, including the beautiful woman in front of him.

Even Yakou had to admit that in terms of physical appearance, Qianye Ying'er was indeed far above any woman he had seen, even in the Ōtsutsuki Clan. She was perfect, with her long blonde hair, golden eyes and beautiful face.

Like a beauty incarnate.

The Dragon Queen and Brahma Monarch Goddess are the two most peerless beauties that no one else can compare to. As the 'Goddess', there are countless powerful men that are willing to die for her and would die without regrets.

She has the highest innate talent the Brahma Monarch God Realm has seen in its million years of history. When she was only nine years old, she completed the successor ceremony and it was the most perfect and complete fit.

In the current Brahma Monarch Realm, the fame of the Brahma Monarch Goddess has almost surpassed the fame of the Brahma Monarch Realm King.

Even in terms of power, it was rumored that she was no inferior to the Brahma Heaven Emperor and if not for the Brahma Soul Bell, she would have long ago become a new Realm King of the Brahma Monarch Realm.

Naturally, Yakou also heard a good number of uncanny rumors about Qianye Ying'er, and when he saw her in person, he realized that they were indeed true. She was indeed a splendid actor, far better than any actor he had ever seen and it was fascinating that till now, nobody has ever seen through her play.

"You could drop your facade, Your Majesty Brahma Goddess... in front of these eyes, no amount of play can help you..."

After several minutes Yakou broke the silence as he looked at the Brahma Monarch Goddess while his Tensei-Sharingan spun its patterns and shined with bright blue color.

Qianye Ying'er looked at him with curiosity before she sighed deeply in frustration.

When she looked at her captor, while she knew that he was enthralled by her beauty as most of men were, that disappeared in a split of several seconds as he looked at her with a mixture of respect, wariness and hostility.

She didn't doubt for a moment that if she threaded wrongly, she would be either captured or killed. From a very young age, she scorned and even despised all the men because all of them only looked at her with lust and greed.

From the moment a shade of her beauty had made its appearance, she was showered with countless looks of wonderment, yearning, and lust.

The geniuses, proud sons, Realm Kings, sons of God Emperors, and even the God Emperors themselves thought that her beauty triumphed every other that existed in the world, and they were willing to discard everything, even their pride and lives just to win a smile or a glance for her.

"You should at least introduce yourself if you clearly knew who I am..."

Her voice didn't contain any arrogance or haughtiness, but it had the pride of the pinnacle cultivator of the Realm of Gods.

"Hmm... that seems fair... Ōtsutsuki Yakou..."

As he introduced himself, he was also considering the possibilities of what to do with her...

From a certain point of view, she was too dangerous to be left alive right now after she saw him, so the best option would be to kill her.

Unfortunately, for that, she was too important in the Realm of Gods, and certainly, someone would search for Brahma Monarch Goddess, sooner or later.

And even though he was confident in his strength, he wasn't confined to fighting the entirety of the Realm of Gods right now.

'Someone as ambitious as her would for sure search for the way to live... and I can use Kāma Seal to ensure her silence on this matter.'

The usage of the Kāma Seal wasn't just for the possession of the vessel for the Ōtsutsuki, even though many from the Main Family greatly disdained that method because it wasn't infinite and had substantial severe side effects, especially on the mental state of the Clansmen.

Yakou could use the Kāma Seal to create something like an unbreakable vow between the two of them so that she wouldn't divulge anything about his existence. The last thing he wanted was for the big players to find out about "aliens" in the Primal Chaos Dimension Origin World.

"If you want to leave, you will agree to be marked with Kāma Seal with conditions never to say that you have seen me or anything about my presence or existence. Are we clear?"

After several minutes of since he said, as he observed her expression changing from anger, humiliation and some kind of relief...

Ultimately, she agreed to it because she didn't have any other choice and in truth, Yakou was prepared to kill her if it came to the worst. On the other hand, he was rather interested in what she was doing in the God Realm of Absolute Beginning.

As she was about to inject her Profound Energy into the Kāma Seal, Yakou felt some kind of soul control over her very own soul. The Ōtsutsuki Clansmen were rather sensitive to the souls, especially those of the Divine Lineage.

See that; he frowned because he felt that whatever the artifact was, it would clash with the Kāma Seal seal.

That was because the Kāma Seal was being engraved directly into someone's soul and when there was something already in the soul, it would create a bit problem.

"That thing over your soul... what is it?"

He asked as he withdrew the Kāma Seal for now as he saw the Brahma Monarch Goddess frown deeply when he mentioned that something was chaining her soul.

"Brahma Soul Bell... Core Divine Artifact of the Brahma Monarch God Realm controlled solely by the Brahma Heaven Emperor. The Brahma Soul Bell is the medium through which the core divine powers of the Brahma Monarch God Realm were passed down from generation to generation. It is similar to the Star God Realm's Star God Wheel and the Moon God Realm's Imperial Moon Glazed Pearl."

She continued before her frown turned into a deep scowl as Yakou could sense a great deal of hatred for being chained like an animal...


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