Isekai Hotel

Chapter 15 – My hotel will become a virus.

Nahida sat at one of the tables with Rudeus. Rudeus put his staff aside and looked into Nahida's eyes. "So, could you explain to me what's going on?"

"But I already explained it to you. My hotel is traveling between several different worlds. Since you are Japanese and probably an otaku, you will believe me if I tell you how it works." Nahida explained the system to Rudeus.

"I see. It's a different kind of magic."

"Well, I would rather have died and been reincarnated in another world like you, but I wasn't that lucky."

Hearing Nahida's words, Rudeus smiled bitterly.

"But now tell me about the plan. You want to place your hotel in various parts of my world?"

"Exactly." Nahida picked up several golden tickets that would be used to "build" a new hotel, like the ticket Rimuru had used. He placed them all on the table and dragged them over to Rudeus.

Rudeus picked them up and looked at them.

"What are these strange tickets?"

"It's simple. Put this ticket on the ground, in an empty lot."

"And so your hotel will appear. But have you tested this before?" Rudeus could not believe such nonsense even though he had reincarnated in a world with magic and different races.

It was comical.

"Yes. I talked to a resident of another world, and he tested it. He is also Japanese, just like you. You should meet him, but he's a bit busy right now."


"You know, he's a Slime, I'm sure you'd be amazed by him. Also, he has the appearance of a very pretty girl, despite being a man." Upon hearing Nahida, Rudeus' eyes lit up.

Nahida knew about Rudeus' nature, so he wanted to tease him.

Rudeus, his face red, cleared his throat. "Cof... Cof... Okay, but what am I going to get out of it?"

"Well, how about a lifetime discount at my hotel? You can stay here whenever you want."

"I have money, I don't need it. Besides, your inn is quite... I mean no offense, but..." Rudeus scratched his head.

"I know, it's quite simple. But just for now. In the near future, it will be the best inn. You have to accept my proposal with the future in mind." Nahida raised his finger like a nerd.

He remembered Shelly.

"Haaa..." Rudeus let out a long sigh. "Okay, I'll help you. Don't expect me to put your hotel somewhere anytime soon though, I'm quite far from a city at the moment."

"Oh, I know..."


"It's nothing. Oh, the food's coming." Lucky appeared carrying some trays.

"Here it is. I made grilled meat with spicy sauce, rice, and also a tomato salad. The room was seasoned with salt and I also put some olive oil. It's a simple dish, but tasty."

"Lucky, but it's breakfast time..." Nahida smiled bitterly.

"Oh, that's right... But who cares?" Lucky left the plates on the table and returned to the kitchen to get the plates from Ruijerd and Eris. They, too, had complained about the meaningless breakfast.

"Take all these tickets and whenever you pass through a new town, put them in some empty lot."

"But it won't be that easy. Even empty lots have owners, I can't just put your hotel anywhere."

"You can."


"You can, don't worry. Now let's eat some more and let's talk about you. So, you like that girl, do you?"

Nahida pointed at Eris. Rudeus' face turned red, and he looked away.

"I knew it. But don't worry, you'll get what you want."

"How do you know?"

"By the way she looks at you. I'm sure she likes you." It was a lie.

"Are you sure?" However, it excited Rudeus, so Nahida went along with that lie. Seeing Rudeus acting like a love-struck child made Nahida have conflicting feelings.

At the same time that it was cute because of his appearance, it was a bit scary because of the disgusting person inside.

It was okay that he would change gradually, but Rudeus was despicable in his old life.

'Well, not that it has anything to do with me. Let him continue to follow his story as it should be.'


After talking more with Rudeus about his world and present-day Japan, Rudeus and his companions were finally ready to leave.

"Remember our arrangement. Put the hotel in the next town. If you want to contact me, you can use the tickets; just put the hotel anywhere and then go in."

"But is it possible to put multiple hotels in a single world? You haven't tested it, right? What if the previous hotel disappears?"

"Why don't you go out there and test it?"

"Eris, Ruijerd, I'll be right back."

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to take a look outside, I'm not going very far."

"Take care."

Rudeus nodded to Nahida and left the hotel. After arriving outside, he walked further away from the hotel and placed one of the tickets on the ground. He waited for a few seconds, and then something began to grow.

The hotel walls came out from the floor. The hotel was built in front of Rudeus' eyes.

"Wow... That's amazing." Rudeus looked at the other hotel in the distance. It now had two of them in the same place. "Anyone passing by will be quite confused by that. Especially if they open the door of the two buildings."

They wouldn't need to open the doors; the two buildings were identical, which would cause a lot of confusion.

"Right." Rudeus opened the door of Nahida's hotel that had just been duplicated. And to his surprise, he arrived at the same place. Nahida was standing in front of the door.

"How was it?" Nahida stuck his head out the door and saw his hotel in the distance. "Oh, it really worked, that's impressive. I think we now have no doubt that my plan will work. I want my hotel to be like a virus that will spread everywhere."

"Don't talk like that, it's a bit scary."

"Hahaha. Right, but what will happen when your friends leave my hotel and see the other hotel?"

"Can't I just explain it to them?"

"Well, I don't mind. But don't say I'm from another world, just say I've been given a strange ability."

"All right, I'll do that."

Rudeus sat down with his friends. Nahida put his hands on his waist and let out a sigh. He then walked over to the front desk where Shelly's body was and picked it up.

He picked up her body and head and carried them to his secret room.

When he placed her body on the bed, a system message appeared.

[ Would you like to dissolve this body? Y/N ]

"Then they could die... I guess I'll never see her again." Nahida allowed the system to dissolve Shelly's body. Her body began to melt in front of Nahida's eyes.

However, it did not dirty his bed.

Her body disappeared completely.

Nahida let out a sigh and put his hands together. "Rest in peace, Shelly." He knew that saying a prayer to a robot was bizarre, but he did it.

And when he was done, he looked at the bloodstained sheet lying in the corner of his room. If he left that body there, it would stink and could disrupt his business.

"I should just ask Rimuru to deal with it." But now, he would have to wait for one of the merchants to leave or wait for Rimuru to revisit his hotel.

Luckily for him, Rimuru visited his hotel a few hours later.

And when he saw the man's body wrapped in the sheet, the slime smiled bitterly.

"What happened?" he asked while scratching his head. Nahida explained everything that happened, and Rimuru decided to help him. He knew that if the Japanese police found that body, he would be fucked.

Rimuru decided to devour the man's body.

He found it unpleasant, but he did it to help Nahida.

"Don't ever ask me to do that again, understand?" Rimuru looked seriously at Nahida. "Now let's talk about the power generator. We didn't talk much about it yesterday, did we?"

"I said yesterday that I need a little more time."

"I see. Do you need more money?"

"No, I don't need it. It was hard selling those gold coins. They thought they were stolen, so I don't want to do it anymore."

"I knew you would have problems with that. It's hard to sell gold without people getting suspicious, especially in large quantities."

"Speaking of which, I didn't sell it all, I have some coins with me. Do you want them back?"

"No need, you can keep it all." Rimuru raised his hand. "Now about the video game you bought, it's very nice. The big problem is that they were 'stolen' from me by other people."

"I figured that would happen. But I have more of them."

"I'd appreciate it if you gave me another one, I'll guard it well so no one 'steals' it. They're addicted now, you know. Especially Veldora. I thought he only liked manga, but he's a complete otaku."

"I see..." Nahida smiled bitterly.

Then he went to his room and brought another Nintendo Switch for Rimuru.

"Thanks, now I need to go. I need to go somewhere important."

"Ah... No, it's okay, I'll ask about it later." Nahida didn't have the chance to ask about Falmouth since Rimuru was in a hurry.


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