Is It Wrong To End Up As A Quincy In Danmachi?

Chapter 4: First Dungeon Dive

As the morning sun hit my face I got out of bed.

A stupid big smile on my face.

Since today is the very first time I will enter into the dungeon.

I would've done so already, but for the last month entrance to the dungeon has been on lockdown as Orario recovers from "The Great Feud". But yesterday the entire city received word that the ban was lifted.

Which means I cam finally start my career as an adventurer.

Feels good.

Humming a tune to myself I dressed in a plain shirt and pants.

I then grabbed my sword, which I realized sometime ago is the same sword Ingram wielded in the Bleach manga, and quietly left the room. Making sure not to disturb Raul.

Over this past month we've become true friends.

Once I left the room I headed down to one of the properties many training fields. I then unsheathed my sword and began practicing my sword techniques.

Which is another set of memories I inherited, just like how I knew my age. Because in my previous life I never held a sword or blade at all.

Yet while waiting for the dungeon to re-open I began training myself and discovered I actually knew how to use my sword.

A fact which I won't complain about.

Still, despite having memories on the subject of swordsmanship I still work to practice and improve upon it. Since getting complacent in a world like this might mean the difference between life and death.

And I have no plans to die again for a very long time.

Hence I started this morning training ritual.

As the sun rose higher and higher into the sky I continued practicing my sword swings meticulously.

Down, horizontal, left, right, etc. I also practiced blocking and parrying. Sweat poured down my body and my muscles burned. But it is a good burning sensation.

After two hours I stopped.

I then headed back to my room and dropped of my sword before heading to the bath.

After an intense workout there's nothing like a nice hot shower.

Once I thoroughly cleaned myself I headed for the dining hall and filled my plate up to the brim with all the food I can eat.

Then once I did this I moved to sit at my usual spot.

Then as soon as I did so I was greeted by the friends I have made in the familia thus far.


Anakitty Autumn

Cruz Bussell.

Finally Alicia Forestlight.

Who is the only elf in the familia besides River is who realized that me touching her was a complete accident.

Turns out elves are super petty.

But I'm sure they'll get over it eventually.

And if they don't too bad.

If they are pissed off now I can't wait to see how they'll react when I try and make Riveria my lover

Yeah, I have a thing for Riveria. It started in my previous life and now that she's real flesh and blood in front of me I can't not go for it.

But first I need to gain some strength. Since I don't want to rely just on her reputation to protect me if and when we enter a relationship.

I also need to be able to deal with any simp elves that will appear when I begin courting.

Since I know they will.

But I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

"Good morning Jugram." My friends said.

"Morning guys." I responded. "So, ready to head into the dungeon today?"

We're all going as a group.

"Yes. I've been itching to get back in there." Anakitty said.

"I second that." Cruz added.

"Then we three are on the same page." I said.

"You guys don't even want to know how crazy you sound right now."  Raul said.

"I think their spirits are quite refreshing actually." Alicia spoke.

As the five of us continued to eat breakfast we made small-talk until eventually we were all finished.

Once we were all of us went back to our respective rooms and collected our equipment. Then met up at the front gate of the manor fifteen minutes afterwards.

Just we prepared to leave Riveria appeared.

"All of you be careful." She told us. "Don't take any unnecessary risks and watch each others backs."

"Sure thing mom. Bye." I said.

Ignoring the icy glare Riveria sent my way when I called her the M word.

Once I did so the five of us got out of the area quickly and started making our way towards Babel Tower to enter into the dungeon.

"Jugram, you are a brave soul my friend." Raul said.

"Seriously, everyone knows how Riveria hates being called a mom." Cruz added.

"Do you have some sort of death wish?" Anakitty asked me.

"Nope." I answered back. "It's just a bit of fun is all."

"Well don't take it too far." Alicia said. A bit of warning in her voice.

"No worries. I know what lines not to cross." I said.

The five of us continued casually chatting until eventually we reached our destination.

Babel Tower.

Seeing it up close I felt excitement across my entire body.

Time to finally start having adventures.

My friends by my side I moved to enter into the tower and head into the dungeon.

Standing in front of me I saw five goblins and three kobolds.

Raising up my right hand I felt an energy from my surroundings gather at it, and then a few seconds later I was holding a Heilig Bogen.

A second after it formed I pulled back on the bow string and fired off several Heilig Pfeil at the monster horde in front of me. My attack hit home, striking and killing all the monsters.

Once this happened they all turned into ash, leaving behind only their magic stones.

Which I then collected and placed in a sack located on my left hip.

Several hours have passed since my group and I have entered the dungeon.

Currently we are on the 4th floor.

Which I won't lie is no challenge at all for me.

Actually since my group has entered the dungeon nothing has challenged me.

I'm not being arrogant or conceited that's just the plain truth.

I've been killing the monsters with ease. Sure, at first I was a bit nervous. But after a few moments that faded and then my kill count started skyrocketing. Before I was knew I had collected 50 magic stones, and now here we are.

In truth I want to go down to the fifth floor, but I won't let arrogance get the better of me. So for now this will do.

Besides, the only Quincy powers I've used today are the Heilig Bogen and Heilig Pfeil. I have attempted any others, so until I get the hang of them and all my other abilities I'll pace myself.

But man, is it fun using these powers.

In no time at all I finished collecting the magic stones of the monsters I just killed.

But right after I did so the ceiling directly above me opened up and two Dungeon Lizard started descending on my position.

Having no time to form my Heilig Bogen I drew my sword and then sliced them both in two as soon as they were within range. I then scanned the surroundings for any other monsters but none appeared.

So I sheathed my sword and collected the lizard's magic stones.

Though as I did so I noticed the others just staring at me.

"Problem guys?" I asked them.

"Jugram be honest, is this really your first time in the dungeon?" Anakitty asked me.

"Honestly it is." I said.

"You're not messing with us right?" Alicia asked.

"On this mater no. Why, what's the matter?" I asked.

"You really see nothing wrong with killing over fifty monsters in one day?" Cruz questioned.

"Not at all. Besides, adventurer's do that all the time." I said.

"Yeah, but high-level and experienced adventurers." Cruz pointed out. "No offense, but a level one rookie like you shouldn't have been able to pull it off. Not to mention we're on the fourth floor. One my first day in the dungeon I didn't even make it past the first." He explained.

Raul sighed. "Oh man, looks like we have another Ais standing before us."

"Haha. Very funny." I said. "But actually, copying Ais might not be such a bad idea."

"Eh Jugram, it was seriously a joke. Don't end up like Ais. One of her is already hard enough to deal with." Raul quickly said.

"Oh I know it was a joke. And don't worry, I won't ever end up like Ais." I said.

Not that I have anything against her but I know the only thing on that girls mind are dungeon diving, revenge against OBED, and potato snacks. I get that she has her circumstances and reasons but still, she needs to learn to actually live her life.

Like I am going to.

"What I mean to say is just like her I'll level up in a year." I spoke.

"Your serious?" Alicia asked me.

"Deadly." I said. Grinning after I did so.

Because what's life without goals and challenges?

After making my declaration to level up in a year the others and I headed back to the surface. Me wondering just what kind of expression Ais would make when she learned there was someone else capable of making the same achievements as her.

One thing is for sure, her reaction won't be boring.

Which makes achieving said goal all that more fun.

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