Irwin's Journey - The Cardsmith

Chapter 9: School of pain and misery

Irwin exited the portal and stepped sideways, holding his breath as he looked around while raising his club. There were no signs of the Imps they had killed or of their own bodies. The cave was its previously dusty self, while the same cackling laughter came from the end of the tunnel.

It's back to how it was before? Irwin thought, struggling to believe Jonathan had been telling the truth.

He kept scanning the room and the hallway, still half expecting to get jumped. He didn't know what he'd thought would happen, but this wasn't it. Perhaps another place? Or with the imps feasting on their remains… wait, do we even leave those?

A soft scuffle came from behind as Greldo appeared, quickly moving to the other side of the entrance. They shared a look of resolve as they waited for the others. The cackling came from down the tunnel, and while Irwin didn't dare move, he readied himself to jump Twintin if she did come through and started crying. Not that he thought she would. It seemed unlikely anyone would make a sound again this time.

Perhaps we can hide from them, he thought, looking around. Just hide till the time played out.

Where are the others? he thought.

Seconds ticked by, and his worry grew with it. Were they even all supposed to come to the same portal world? Finally, after two minutes, he licked his lips and looked helplessly at Greldo, who snuck towards him.

"I think Jonathan might be… trying to prove a point?" Greldo whispered, his voice shaky. "Either that or they arrived somewhere else?"

"Would he be that petty?" Irwin whispered. He'd not even thought about that option.

"Did you see him?" Greldo hissed. "The way he looked at Taselina?"

Irwin shivered as he recalled. What was wrong with these sorcerers? Had they all lost their mind by going into this place from a young age?

"Great, so it's just us two now," he whispered, unable to keep the jitter from his voice.

He realized that any hope he'd had of finding somewhere to hide and prevent a replay of the previous time was gone. He and Greldo were the weakest physically, and although their wounds were gone, his legs and back were still in pain from the long walk that morning.

Not that he'd had a chance against even a single imp in his best state.

"I think it's time you tell me what your card does," he whispered, praying that Greldo's new card could help them.

Greldo looked at him, then around and frowned. "That goes for both of us," he said. "You got sprayed by that blood… I saw it! Why didn't it hurt you?"

Irwin froze. He hadn't thought about that, but as he recalled Greldo's almost melting face and his own arm, he wondered. Had that been what Greldo had been trying to ask before he fell unconscious?

He licked his lips again, suddenly realizing he was incredibly thirsty. As soon as he paid attention to it, he wished he had some water, then shook his head and focused on his friend. His mum's words echoed through his mind, and he really didn't want to tell anyone… but…

"Is it possible that your card makes you vulnerable to their blood?" he asked, then wanted to kick himself. That wasn't how common cards worked, and from Greldo's dead-pan look, he knew the other boy didn't even entertain the thought of taking that seriously.

"Seeing as you don't want to tell me, I can only assume it's some sort of passive effect from your card," Greldo whispered, his eyes gleaming as he looked at Irwin's hand. "You lied. How did your brother find an uncommon, and how did you trick the sorcerers?"

Irwin's mind spun quickly, and for a moment, he considered telling Greldo the truth, then crushed the thought. Though they were friends, could Greldo keep this secret? No. It was too much of a risk. Having Greldo think it was an uncommon was already dangerous enough, and besides, if Greldo could keep that a secret, he could always share more later!

He faked a sigh and let his shoulders hang.

"Please don't tell anyone… he said I should keep it a secret."

Greldo nodded his head and smiled. "What did you say before? By Gelwin's beard? I like that. An uncommon for your first card… That's better than most nobles! So, what does it do?"

Irwin could see that the smile wasn't fully genuine, and he felt a pang at not being able to share his secret with Greldo. They had always told each other everything, but he just couldn't keep his mom's words from echoing through his mind. He shoved his lingering worry away.

"It… lets me make that flame, which I can use to light almost anything on fire," Irwin said, not sure if that was true, but deciding an uncommon needed to be able to do at least that. "The resistance I didn't know."

"Your brother didn't tell you?"

"He got it from someone who thought it was a common," Irwin said, which was definitely true. Nobody in their right mind would sell a card that looked like a common but wasn't.

"Then you better hope that person never finds out, or your brother is going to be in a heap of trouble," Greldo whispered. "But no throwing the flame?" he asked, hopefully.

"Not that I figured out yet," Irwin said. "I wonder how people find out what cards do," he added.

"They explained that a while back," Greldo said. "I think you were sick, so you might have missed that lesson."

Irwin didn't doubt it one bit. He'd been sick every few months since he was born and missed his fair share of lessons. If Bronwyn hadn't taught him things he learned while becoming a ranger, he'd have been way behind. As it was, he still lacked some knowledge.

"Well, I guess you won't have that problem anymore now," Greldo said. "With an uncommon card, you should grow stronger really fast, at least until you are more normal."

Yeah. Normal, Irwin thought, happy and sad at the same time. He glimpsed across Greldo's thin, malnourished frame and almost commented on it before deciding against it.

He kept looking down the hallway, but there still wasn't any sign of any of the Imps.

"So, cards?" he asked.

"There are common cards that can Inspect other cards. They aren't all that hard to find in the larger places and near the coast and wall, but apparently, there is only one in Malorin," Greldo said. "You are lucky. Otherwise, you'd never have gotten that card because someone would have found out about it."

You don't know the half of it, Irwin thought, suddenly worried.

What if someone in the tower had an inspection card and used it on him? He'd have to explain how he got the card, only to find out that his mother might be right! He shivered as he thought about how the sorcerers had acted so far. They did seem like the type to attempt killing someone for the off-chance his card would drop. Whatever he did, he had to keep out of the way of others and give them no reason to Inspect him.

"So, what does yours do?" he asked.

"Xourdin said it's called Strong Grip," Greldo whispered, holding out his hand. A thin tattoo of a clasped fist stood on the back, a bit of wood sticking out from each side. "I can grip something, activate it, and it will be almost impossible to remove it from my hand."

"That's how you held onto that Imp?" Irwin asked, staring at the card dubiously. It was a physical card, so it likely gave some temporary strength enhancement, but he instantly recognized the problems with Greldo's card. It meant he had to get close, which was dangerous.

"I know what you're thinking! But I didn't just pick it for its ability. Because it's a physical card, it will slowly increase my hand and arm strength. Xourdin said lots of people along the wall have it and use it to throw stones so hard they can kill common demons!"

Irwin barely held back a whistle. "That's awesome. Can you do that already?"

Greldo's shoulders and smile dropped as one. "No… it takes at least a year before my arms become strong enough to notice any difference, and four before I'm strong enough to throw like that."

"Well, it's still not a useless card," Irwin said, meaning it. If they could stay alive, the card would always help Greldo out, even with simple things like climbing. And if they ever made it back, he could work with a baker.

"Yeah, but that won't help us now," Greldo said as he looked at the tunnel.

The giggling and laughter hadn't stopped since they got here.

"So, now what?" Greldo asked.

Irwin licked his lips again, feeling the cuts and cracks with his tongue. He tried to come up with something, but all he could think was that they were doomed. The best they could try was to kill a few of the Imps. Maybe they could ambush them?

As if to punish his thoughts, two imps moved around the corner, dragging something behind them, giggling insanely.

Irwin ducked behind the corner and pulled Greldo along. There was no scream or shout, and the giggling continued.

I wish I had that dagger, he thought, his fist clenching around the club. Somehow, it felt way less dangerous than the dagger had.

The image of the Imp dying played through his mind, then followed by the other, who had crumbled after he'd jabbed it with his flame…

The flame! How could he have forgotten about that? He'd just mentioned it!

Irwin pulled Greldo closer, his ear next to his lips. "I can kill one with the flame. Can you hold the other so it can't draw its dagger?"

Greldo's eyes widened, and he nodded.

By now, the giggling, footsteps, and dragging sound was almost at the door opening, and Irwin held his breath, readying his card. Time seemed to turn to a crawl as a foot appeared, followed by a leg, then upper body. As soon as he saw an arm, he summoned his flame and jabbed it at the red flesh less than an arm's length away.

The Imp had time for a surprised yelp, then the flame touched his shoulder, and red skin blackened and cracked instantly while the Imp froze, face warped in angry panic.

Greldo jumped around it and out of Irwin's sight.

"More play thingssss," a happy, drawn-out voice said, ending in a strangled and surprised gasp.

Irwin barely registered any of it. He was far too focused on the first Imp, which was turning into flaky blocks that turned to ash as they fell to the ground. Within three counts, the Imp was gone, only a dagger dropping on the ground. The flame, which had been the same size as it had been before, grew twice as long, and making sure not to touch himself with it, Irwin stepped forward. Greldo and the other Imp were wrestling atop a burly green body in the tunnel.

"Hurry," Greldo whispered, panic in his voice as the Imp pulled his arms wide and tried to bite at his face.

Irwin pressed the flame against the Imp's back, and it froze as a dark spot appeared where the flame touched it, continuing to spread across its back. Three seconds later, it turned to clumps of soot that fell on Greldo. With closed eyes and his face turned away, his friend was unable to block any of it.

The flame on Irwin's finger grew again, now as long as his hand and radiating a gentle and soothing heat.

"Disgusting," Greldo whispered as he wiped his face while crawling back into the room.

Irwin was about to follow him when he saw a dagger. He grabbed it and, after a quick search, a second one before following Greldo into the room. He slumped beside his friend, back against the wall, out of sight of the tunnel, drawing in gasps.

"We did it," Greldo whispered, swallowing oddly.

"Yeah," Irwin replied, still clutching the daggers.

They had done it! They had killed two Imps without getting hurt while using their cards. Raising his hand, he stared at the thin, barely visible outline of his card tattoo. What kind of card was this? He had darkvision, a flame that could almost instantly kill Imps, and resistance to their burning blood!

After he regained his breath and senses, he handed one of the daggers to Greldo.

Greldo took it without hesitation, gave it a quick look, then looked at him. "What just happened!? I've never heard of Imps being vulnerable to fire!" he said, looking at Irwin's hand before coughing dully.

"I have no idea," Irwin said truthfully. Then he noticed blood dripping down Greldo's side into a quickly spreading pool. "You are injured!" he hissed as he turned and inspected his friend.

"It's fine, it's fine," Greldo muttered, waving him off weakly. "It doesn't matter- I'll.. I'll just reappear back there in a minute. Besides, this is a lot less painful than some other options."

Though his words sounded tough, Irwin could see the primal fear in Greldo's eyes, which didn't meet his but kept drifting around as he tightly clutched the dagger.

If he dies, I'll be here alone, Irwin thought, feeling the blood drain from his face. The idea of being here by himself terrified him.

"I'll try and convince Jonathan to send the others through," Greldo said as blood began leaking from between his lips, and his eyes stared at something, unfocused. "This is so weird... I wonder if this is how it really is."

His breathing turned shallow, and his eyes flickered to Irwin. "See you soon," he whispered, followed by a long hiss.

As Greldo's now dead body slumped sideways, Irwin automatically put his hand on Greldo's shoulder and lay him down. His mind was empty, and at the same time, he felt something build up inside of him. Panic. This meant he had to go into that hallway on his own. To be killed. Alone.

Maybe if I stay here long enough, Jonathan will come to get me? Irwin thought as he licked his dry lips again, trying to stifle the rapidly growing panic. Deep down, he knew Jonathan wouldn't come, but he just wasn't ready to accept that yet.

Seconds turned to minutes, and as time passed, his fear grew with it. At one point, he found himself dully staring at the wall, no longer counting. How long had he been sitting here? The last thing he remembered was counting to a thousand, but he knew that had been a good while back. His lips were so dry that blood had started dribbling over his chin, which he kept licking up.

I can't stay here, he thought, looking around dully. I can't stay here! he thought with more force, willing himself to move.

Greldo's body lay beside him, the dagger clasped in his hand. Deciding two was better than one, Irwin tried to pry the dagger from the dead boy's grip, but it was lodged tight.

I'll have to tell him that his grip remains after death, he thought listlessly before getting up. Staring at the doorway, he took a deep breath, then snuck a peak. The hallway was empty, safe for the green body, and before he could change his mind, he stepped forward.

The large green body lay there, and he frowned as he looked at it. It looked vaguely humanoid but even more muscular than Smith Randal, and it had an oddly square face. Long, ragged cuts, dark green, almost black bruises, and burn marks covered the being's body, while its face was pulled back in a horrifying grimace. Irwin knew he should probably feel something from looking at this, but he just stared at it, wondering if the thing was another demon. If it was, he'd never seen it before.

The laughter and giggling hadn't stopped for a moment, and as he stood there, a chorus of voices echoed through the hallway. He couldn't understand what they were singing, but it sounded almost like counting.

Steeling himself, he moved forward, dagger in his right hand while readying his spell in his left. He didn't know what the flame would do to the dagger he was holding, but he could always throw it if he had to.

Perhaps if they think I'm dangerous enough, they will kill me fast.

Halfway down the hallway, the temperature continued to rise, but he didn't really mind. It felt gentle and safe.

When he reached the first side entrance, oddly positioned at knee height, he took a deep breath and quickly peeked inside. A tunnel curved away to the right, and a bright orange light sat at the end.

Hadn't some Imps come from there before? He looked back down the main hall, listening to the dozens of voices. He shivered and climbed into the smaller side entrance, which was still high enough for him to stand, and walked inside. Thin fissures crossed its side, the red and orange glow lighting up the path forward. As he passed one, he saw that the fissures were slits into another area, and there was something bright red or orange streaming down a distant wall.

Molten metal? he thought.

It looked like the stuff the smith had shown the day they were allowed to watch him make a hoe. This seemed to have stone and grit in it, so maybe something else? After a few moments, he continued on.

At the end of the tunnel, he crept the last bit until he could see around the corner. Holding his breath, he slowly took a peek.

Three towering stone pillars sat in the middle of a massive cavern. They were illuminated by more of the brilliant molten rock that fell from a hole high in the ceiling. Stone bridges connected the stone pillars, and there were chaotic patches of buildings attached to their sides.

The figures of imps moved around everywhere. A ledge sat before the tunnel entrance that led to a long stone bridge with crumbled edges.

Perhaps the other way, Irwin thought as he pulled back and turned around.

An imp was two steps away, dagger raised as it snuck forward with a gleeful smile on its almost triangular, sharp-chinned face.

Irwin reacted without thinking, dropping the dagger, stepping forward, focusing on his flame, and stabbing at the Imp with his finger. The tiny red figure yelped and tried to dodge, but Irwin's finger struck him on a flailing arm, the flame on its tip burning into the flesh.

"Nooo-," the Imp screamed, then his voice was cut short as his body cramped up and started turning to dust.

Far away, the giggling and laughter stopped, and from behind him, Irwin heard shouting. He didn't dare run yet, as the Imp wasn't dead, but as soon as it began turning to soot, he stepped away.

Back or into the cavern… he didn't know! Gritting his teeth, he took a step back in the tunnel he'd come from when he heard running and incessant giggling from that direction. Fear growing rapidly, he kept his flame active, turned, and ran out into the cavern.

Dozens of imps were running his way across the bridge, and he looked for a way out. The ridge he was on moved further to the left, looping around the cavern and heading down. Barely feeling his protesting body or his legs, he ran that way, dagger in one hand and flame hovering above the other. He didn't notice that when he'd clenched his hand into a fist, the flame had begun hovering above it instead of through his hand. The ridge was strewn with rocks and grit, and his feet kept sliding.

"Ruuuuun, ruuuuun," a high-pitched voice screamed from behind him. He took a quick look, and his eyes widened. Six or seven Imps, far too many, had reached the end of the bridge and were chasing him, closing in as they giggled, eyes gleaming.

Ahead, the ridge angled down sharply, but he didn't dare slow down; instead, he sped up. As he reached the downslope, his feet skidded forward, and he fell back, sliding down in a rain of stone dust and pebbles.

Far below, the ridge narrowed, and he saw a lake of molten rock beside it, the heat warping the air. Within a moment, his slide turned into an out-of-control plummet, scratching open his hands and snapping fingernails.

Not over the edge, not over- he reached the even, narrow bit, scrambling to stay to the side… and failed.

He felt his body drop towards the hellish inferno a dozen feet below while an insane crackle came from behind. As he spun in the air, he saw a dozen Imps laugh at the top of the slope, some pointing at him in glee.

The air went from hot to scalding to burning, and the few breaths he managed burned his lungs. Then he fell into a chunky, blubbery mess, and a momentary pain flared from his back and legs, then disappeared. He smelled burning meat, then didn't smell anything as he slid into the thick mass that felt like the mud on the sides of the road near the gates. Each inch of his body that slid in hurt for a moment, then stopped, and a blackness encroached from the sides of his vision. The last thing he heard was a surprised shout from one of the Imps before the world turned dark.

The next thing he felt was the cold tiles on his back as he was ejected out of the portal and slid away from it. A pair of well-crafted brown leather boots stepped up to him, and as he looked up, he saw Jonathan look at him curiously.

"Well, well. I'd planned to teach you to listen to me instead of talking back, but who would have thought that you would last this long? Interesting..."

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