Iron Fist Alexander in One piece

Gin’iro island (III)

'' Sigh… '' a weary voice emerged inside the space trapped within the wind vortex.

'' Like a hapless insect pinned to the ground. '' Come the voice once again, this time a bit clearer amidst the raging wind.

'' Why? Why won't you let go? '' He tried to move his body but to no avail.

'' There's no fate tying us together, why must you persist? '' He shouted out loud, His voice hoarse, exhausted after all those years.


'' AH! '' He moaned in despair.

The heavy chains binding his body constricted even more and began slithering around his body like a snake, a sound akin to bones grinding against steel came out as a result.

'' Why must I suffer? How many years has it been since I saw the light of the sun? ''

'' Ahh! '' He screamed as the chains tightened around him.

He snarled '' If it weren't for the sea stones I'd have grounded you to dust you beast! ''

The man readjusted his position, sitting on the ground lying against a cube-like stone inscribed with symbols and words.

He lowered his head, looking at his feet where a leg should have been dressed with flesh. Yet in its place, there were dust-covered grey bones in shackles.

He suddenly raised his skull head, looking beyond the wind wall. His body shook, and he sat up even straighter.

'' Color of the Supreme King… ''

'' Someone strong is coming… ''

His jaws slammed repeatedly against each other rapidly.

'' Kahakahakaha ""

After a few seconds of eerie laughter, he lowered his head and calmed down.

'' Finally… ''

{ Outside the vortex }

'' Rah! ''

A four-meter-tall black man swung his long club down the incoming undead.


A large swath of them got smashed into a pulp, however, the man didn't relax, He sidestepped barely dodging a bullet that grazed his cheek.


A large explosion spread behind his back, where the bullet went.

Dormo, the leader of the pirates affiliated with Big Mom, narrowed his eyes.

'' Coward, as usual, Arsen. ''

'' Kikiki.. " a weasel-like man emerged behind the undead he was using as a stabiliser for his long rifle.

He was wearing a black furry hat with a brown leather jacket and pants.
He had shifty eyes and an overall sleazy expression.

Arsen widened his eyes "Oh my I'm sorry I mistook you for Undead."

Dormo narrowed his eyes, he stretched his hand and caught the head of an undead then threw it with big force.

Arsen quickly shot a bullet that pulverised the flung corpse.

" Why don't you believe me eh? "

" The day I'd do that would be the day I'm under the ground. "

" Ahh so edgy… "

Dormo snorted, then looked toward the wind vortex. There wasn't much distance left, another twenty minutes and he'll be able to finish.

At that time he'll deal with Arsen with his new fleet. Even Big Mom won't object to his actions once she sees the growth of his ships.

" Try your antics again and I won't stop until I pull your neck off your shoulders. "

He side glanced at Arsen then strode forward.

A few steps back, Arsen stood, eyes squinting with his rifle on his shoulder.

' He's the biggest threat here I must face... No matter what, the opportunity will come for me to deal with him. '

He smacked his lips and swaggered forward, his hands slowly transformed into claws and his face transformed into something similar to a ferret. He jumped forward and ran on all fours displaying a nimbleness only animals could match.

A few hundred metres to the back.

A rare scene where the three pirate captains worked together as they pushed against the mindless horde.

" Monster. " Axe gritted his teeth, he felt the island shaking underneath their legs and the golden light that followed thanks to his Observation Haki.

Whoever was coming made his presence clearly known to them as if he was telling them to prepare for what was to come.

" I doubt we'll be able to make it. " Sabine swung her button, conjuring several clouds that swallowed the incoming undead and then reduced to ashes by releasing lightning.

" Ahh! I didn't sign for this" she complained in exasperation. As far as she could remember, bad luck had always been on her trail.

The first time she left Weatheria Sky Island to make a few bucks, her ship almost capsized.

Her first contract was to bring rain on an island suffering a drought, she did that expecting a jingle of gold in her purse.

But that soon turned to despair as she watched the rain turn into hail that would last for several days, flooding the island.

Shocked on the verge of tears she had to run away. A week later a bounty was issued for her head, this happened five years ago.

Today she's twenty-six and unwillingly become the captain of a pirate crew. How did that happen? She didn't know. All she had done was escape the Marines and pick up the unfortunate ragtags on the way.

" Ha ha ha, you're not cut for this… " Andretta mocked from the side.

" Why would you even come here? " Axe said while cutting the incoming undead left and right.

The way the three-spoke worked together hinted at an already established familiarity.

Sabine looked at them with wide innocent eyes.

" Your ships. ''

" Our ships? " Andretta tilted her head.

" Yes, ships are worth a lot, you know. ''

Andretta and Axe had to halt their approach as they looked at her stupified.

Axe clenched his fist as he pointed his axe at her " You're telling me that you came to this Damned island for our ships? The ships that I spent my fortune on. "

" Exactly. " She had the same innocent look to her.

" Oi, Oi Big Axe, I think we should stop here and beat her up first. "

" I agree, Hey Sabine you haven't even paid for the drinks last time and now you have ideas about our ships? "

Axe felt his temper rising, he could remember the vague images of her sneaking out of the bar, leaving them dead drunk to pay the bill.

" I don't know what you're talking about. " She turned her head to the side, trying her best to suppress the smirk on her face.

" Beat her up!! " Andretta struck her fist into the air, hoping for a fight to break out.

Axe glanced at her and noticed how she was backstepping.

" You aren't any better you fucker, return my damn canons! " He felt his temper rising, each one of them was worse than the rest.

He wished to return to the old days before he knew any of them. He felt the fearsome Aura he cultivated all those years dissipated little by little ever since he got to know them.

Andretta, on the other hand, looked at him seriously and said

" Don't worry once we become one fleet, what's yours will already become mine. "

Axe didn't wish to hear any more bullshit; he hoisted his Axe to be on his way, however.

" Ah guys… " Came the subdued voice of Sabines.

" What? " He and Andretta turned around and froze.

Two people were standing about ten metres away from them. The woman already frightened him, for he knew about her; he immediately turned his head as he felt the heat rising on his cheek.

On the other hand, he didn't know the tall young man who looked at them with a smile.

He broke out in a cold sweat. ' Damn, Damn, Damn, I didn't notice their presence '

He felt apprehension, oftentimes these small clues gave you the picture of the other party's strength.

" Continue, why did you stop? " Alexander said, amused by their previous conversations.

But they didn't reply, wary of any sudden move these two would make.

" Ahh my presence ruined the mood, but you are a merry bunch, I like you already. " Alexander crossed his arms while keeping his usual jubilant smile.

" I think they'll fit well with us, what say you Hancock? "

" As Lo– " she was about to continue but she spotted Alexander's hands already about to reach her waist.

She blushed and stammered
" They'll do well, dear. "

"Ha ha ha. " Alexander laughed loudly, he loved this side of her, no he had to correct himself, he loved everything about her.

He turned around and spotted Axe looking at Hancock with a look he understood all too well.

He grimaced. " Maybe we should leave the guy over there. I don't like the look on his face. "

Hancock proudly lifted her head and pointed at Sabines and Andretta. She spotted them giving Alexander some weird glances she didn't like.

" I don't like the others either. "

Alexander looked at his wife, she looked back.

"Haha. " They shared a chuckle.

" Now. " Alexander wiped the smile from his face as he approached.

" You are all big boys and girls, captaining several ships. " The earth cracked under following his footsteps as his Haoshoko Haki tore the earth.

" You know when to stop and admit you're outmatched as I don't want to waste too much time. When others are already far ahead. "

He stopped in front of the trio, his golden eyes eerily peering at them.

Andretta felt the hair on her body stand on its end, she gulped, the weight of his Haki told her everything she needed to know.

She blushed " I understand. "

' Whoa, Whoa, Andretta no you didn't have to agree so fast. '

Axe frantically looked at her screaming inside his head, he hoped the other one wouldn't be so hopeless.

" Would you be able to protect me from the Marines if I choose to follow you? " She asked, trying her best to look harmless.

Alexander struck his fist on his chest.

" Once you join me, you become family. "

" Then I'll follow you from now on. " she said sweetly.

Finally, Alexander turned his head to Axe who felt powerless.

" I won't obstruct your way, but my answer will come when you finish the old convention first. ''

Alexander looked at him for a few seconds, then he felt the pressure on the area disappear.

A hand patted his shoulder. " Fair enough. "

He passed him by with his wife.

" Follow me then little pirates, time to finish this. "

" Who're the other remaining captains? "

Axe, Sabine and Andretta looked at each other and without hesitation they rushed to follow.

" They belong to Big Mom and Kaido respectively.. "

" Oh, The heavy hitters, have you heard that Hancock we might offend Big Mom this time as well? "

" Offend Big Mom as well… "

" It's a long story, how about you tell me about yourself first? "

With Alexander and Hancock in the lead, the group cut a straight arrow toward the vortex.



The sound of metal clashing rang out as Dormo and Arsen threw their fists around repeatedly.


A heavy punch landed on Arsen's face, sending him flying for tens of meters.

'' Cough. '' His front tooth broke, but he wasn't about to stop as he rapidly loaded his rifle and fired.

Dormo narrowed his eyes the bullet was too fast for him to dodge at close range, he crossed his face and coated partially his upper body.


The bullet exploded in a shower of shrapnel and fire, Dormo gritted his teeth as he felt his skin being torn apart.

He lowered his arms, trying his best to ignore the pain as blood continuously poured out of the wound from his arms to his shoulders.

He picked up the club he dropped. '' You sneaky little bastard, I told you I'll tear your head apart and yet you rush to your death. ''

Arsen, on the other hand, narrowed his eyes and spoke.

'' What did you expect? Should I peacefully let you get ahead? How delusional..''

Dormo dangerously looked at him but didn't speak instead stepped on the ground and jumped forward swinging his club down as he descended.

Arsen threw his rifle to the back and then quickly transformed into a little ferret rushing in the direction of the rifle.


A deep crater formed when Dormo touched the ground, he felt annoyed.

' This weasel keeps running away… '

He rarely fought him at close quarters, instead always fleeing at the sign of him approaching, then he'd fire with his rifle to keep his distance. It was an annoying and tiresome fight. He couldn't even see the purpose of continuing this since they were merely a hundred meters away from the vortex.

The wind ranged, flapping his clothes around, he stepped forward intending to chase him to death if it meant he'd be able to secure his victory.

Arsen had already picked up his rifle and took a hybrid form, his back elongated and bent a little like a ferret.

He rushed forward, he was fast and nimble as he dodged the heavy smack intended to crush him to death.

He brushed past Dormo's legs, leaving two sets of wounds with his sharp claws.

'' Ahh '' Dormo felt the pain, he smacked the ground with his feet throwing the approaching Arsen off balance then swung diagonally with his club.


The blow landed on Arsen's left side, he felt the bone in his arm shatter, pain flooding his senses as he was flung for tens of meters to the back.

The Undead took this moment to rush toward the fallen body. In a moment a big number of undead jumped over Arsen.

'' AHHH!! Get off me. '' A muffled scream came from within the heap of bodies, after a few struggles, a small ferret made its way out from an opening on the mountain of undead.

'' You're done.. '' a calm voice entered Arsen's ears, he panicked as he lifted his head only to be met with the sigh of a club descending on his head.

'' OH NO. ''


Dormo looked at the headless body beneath his feet for a second then he turned around and walked forward.

Each step brought him closer to his target, each step a large number of Undead fell to his club.


He took the final steps, he was about to stop before the storm, but he knew he couldn't get inside, the legends spoke about a snake that killed anyone who stepped inside. The bones twisting with the wind stood a testament to it.

With one final step, he grinned, he had reached the end he turned around intending to shout in triumph however the moment he turned he saw a pair of golden eyes and a palm grabbing for his face.

Everything happened so fast, before he could do anything he felt his body spin as he was thrown back.

The air exploded because of how fast he was gaining speed.

' I might die.. ' was what crossed his mind the moment he crashed and tumbled eating dirt.

Axe and the other trio had just arrived when they witnessed Dormo flying past their heads, a moment later they heard the sound of a crash.

Andretta and Axe felt their throats get dry, as they hesitantly followed Hancock, however, Sabines looked more excited at the strength of their new captain.

'' Let's go and see what's inside. ''

Alexander didn't pay attention to what happened to the semi-giant man he flung, instead, he took a step forward and crossed the vortex.

The wind made him momentarily close his eyes, when he opened them however they widened in surprise.

A dark blue poneglyph stood on the back, leaning on it was a skeleton wearing a long robe, a sea stone shackles were placed on its legs in addition to the chain wrapped around him.

'' What hap– '' Before he could say anything the end of the chain rose, the tip was linked to a spear blade. Then, quickly as it rose, it lounged at him, elongating the further it travelled.

Alexander swore that he saw the illusion of a giant black snake instead of a chain, however, the sound of metal made him realise he found what he was looking for.

He grinned and stepped forward intending to subdue a snake who didn't know its place on the food chain.

Chapter end.

Hope you guys enjoyed it.

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