Iris and Me

Chapter 60 : Tempus fugit (The twins’ birthday)

Heya, new chapter!

Two chapters left before the timeskip ends!

Happy reading,

With love, Sh'.


Chapter 60 : Tempus fugit (The twins’ birthday)


Aria’s bedroom, the Thompson’s house, Forest Hills, Queens, New York, 12th of April, 6:00


I wake up with a startle as something suddenly lands on my stomach.


“Happy birthdaaayyyyy!” Yells a shrill voice while somebody that definitely isn’t Iris starts to hug me through my bedsheets.


I know how my sister hugs me by heart by now and it usually involves a lot more skin contact.


A little blearily, yet smiling, I open my eyes.


I’m welcome by Jessie’s toothiest grin.


I chuckle as my arms snake behind her back.


“Why are you up so early, munchkin?” I ask archingly, my voice a little rough from sleep.


“Because I wanted to be the first!” She replies excitingly as Iris joins the hugging pile.


“To wish me my birthday?” I grin.


“Yup!” She answers happily.


“Mission accomplished, then.” I tell her with a wink.


A beat passes.


“Say, do you mind doing the same thing to Flashy?” I ask as my grin widens, my hand combing her bed hair.


Jessie’s eyes narrow.


“Why?” She asks a little peevishly, “He isn’t as nice as you, I’m not sure he deserves it.”


I chuckle evily.


“Maybe, but he’s going to be so annoyed if you wake him up like that.” I sing-song to her.


Her eyes widens.


“Can I come back to sleep a bit more with you after?” She asks hesitantly, ready to bolt out to do some mischiefs.


“Sure thing munchkin.” I agree easily.


Next thing I know, she’s already scrambling out of my room.


Iris looks at me as I chuckle heartily at the younger girl’s antics.


“And I suppose it’s my clue to make you some pajamas?” She teases.


I had trouble sleeping in the nude in my previous life but I can’t for the life of me do the opposite in this one since I got my body back.


“Yes, blood-sister, I think it’s your clue.” I answer with a smile.



The Thompson’s house kitchen, the Thompson’s house, Forest Hills, Queens, New York, the same day, 7:02


“I’m sure you’re the one who put her up to it.” Flash accuses me with a mighty scowl as he crosses the kitchen’s threshold.


Iris and I share a look of faked confusion while Jessie beams at her brother next to us.


“I’ve absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.” I answer as innocently as I can despite my growing grin, “But happy birthday little bro’!” I squeal excitedly.


Flash is not impressed and I’m willing to bet that Rosie, who took it upon herself to make breakfast today in my usual stead, isn’t either.


Flash eyebrows rise as he sits down.


He snorts in amusement.


“Nice T, I suppose.” He says, his annoyance forgotten.


Iris crafted a nice outfit for me today.


The t-shirt is a relatively simple cut with a black background on which a unicorn with a rainbow mane wears a crown with a smug look above the sentence “Earth’s Most Marvelous Princess” written in blocky white letters.


It’s stupid, it’s tacky, it’s kitsch and I’m way too old to wear anything like that which is probably why I find it hilarious and instantly loved it.


My skirt is a repeat of a design I’m particularly fond of, the multi-layered lacey one, above striped stockings juxtaposing shades of black and white.


To top it all, she made me some nice blocky high boots with big shiny silver buckles, and a nice little electric blue denim jacket.


My undies are as traitorous as usual but I won't let that particular detail deter me from having a wonderful day.


Nonetheless, one look at my outfit and my friends will know that I’m probably going to be insufferable and way too hyper for the whole day.


But hey, it has colors and I didn’t argue against it with Iris, a first since she took it upon herself to learn my TK-disguise trick to apply it on my clothing in my stead.


I’m doing a little better and I sort of want to show it today since it’s my hijacked birthday.


“Thanks, I love it.” I gush exaggeratedly.


Iris chuckles openly at my antics, her [Love, care] flowing on our shared-mind.


Flash sighs a little as a tired smile stretches his mouth.


“You’re going to be like that the whole day, I take it?” He asks offhandedly as Rosie starts to hand us out our pancakes.


“Yup!” I beam at him.


“I’m starting to think that today is going to be a more exhausting birthday than my sixteenth.” He adds.


“Probably!” I nod energetically.


“We had at least seventy different guests that particular evening.” He carries on archingly.


“You dare say that I’m more annoying than seventy teenagers?” I sputter in mock-outrage.


“Yes, Aria.” He deadpans, “Yes you are.”


I turn myself to look at Jessie, giving her my best puppy-eyes.


“Jessie, help me, our brother is too mean!” I whine.


Since she has her mouth full of pancake, I’m left hanging, Iris patting my head better being my only support.


I have no other choice than to try my luck with Rosie as she hands me my plate.


Rosie and I stare at each other, my crocodile tears seemingly ineffective.


She sighs aloud before turning toward Flash.


“Eugene, don’t be mean with your sister, it’s her birthday too.” She monotones, before shaking her head and going back to her countertop.


Iris snickers as I throw Flash a smug look.


His head lands on the table with a heavy ‘thump’.


“Gods, help me.” He mutters under his breath.


“Twinsies for life!” I gush with my best falsetto.



Midtown High’s parking, Midtown High, Queens, New York, the same day, 7:54


“Gwennniiiieeee! Cinnnddddyyyyy! Jessssss’! Liiiiizzzz’!” I wave excitingly while making a whole spectacle of myself in front of the whole school.


I’m, of course, riveted to Flash’s arms for maximum annoyance.


He is, of course, throwing me a very flat look as I literally drag him toward our merry band.


The girls’ mirth at his dismay is plain for everyone to see, including him, so he is sort of forced to glare at them.


As I make my way around them to exchange overly energetic hellos, Jessica starts.


“I take it that she’s been like that since she’s awake?” She asks Flash with a smirk.


“Yup.” He monotones, “She even managed to bring my sister into it. Jessie jumped on me at barely 6 am to wake me up.”


Jessica guffaws.


“Condolences, Patsy does that too.” She answers with a smile.


“Being a menace or jumping on your bed?” He asks archingly.


“Hey!” I turn about, mock-scowling, “Jessie isn’t a menace.”


“I’m pretty sure he was talking about you.” Gwen amusingly points out.


I sputter in mock-outrage, a hand on my heart as if I had been physically wounded.


“I have the meanest twin ever!” I bemoan theatrically.


Cindy snorts with a little shake of her head.


She steps toward us and womanhandle the both of us so we are standing together in front of everyone.


“Happy birthday, Aria and Flash!” Our four friends chorus together when Cindy steps back with them.


“Thanks, girls, I love you too!” I gush.


And it’s true, I've really started to like them as friends more than mere self-appointed charges that I need to watch out for.


Flash has already made his way toward his girlfriend, the two of them having shared a little kiss while I was otherwise busy being hyper for the both of us.


“Thank you all.” He finally says with a bright and genuine smile, one of his arms snaked behind Liz’ back.


Our gang starts to make its way toward our lockers, only occasionally interrupted by some acquaintances telling Flash and I their well-wishes.


All the while, I'm sporting one of the happiest smiles I ever had in this life.



Midtown High's classroom, Midtown High, Queens, New York, the same day, 8:16


"I take it you didn't have any siblings growing up?" Gwen discreetly inquires.


I blink.


"I didn't." I whisper back, "What clued you in?" 


Her smile is definitely amused as she side-eyes me.


"You're trying very hard to make a bond with Flash, at his growing yet faked dismay." She points out, "I'm an only child too, if I had the opportunity I'll probably try to bond with my newfound siblings too."


A smile flickers on my face.


"Yeah, I think he grew on me after a while in the Astral Plane." I explain while I set up my TK one-way privacy screen, "He matured a lot because of it and I wouldn't have minded spending some time with him even if he wasn't powered."


My eyes narrow a tad.


"There's something he isn't telling me though, I can feel it." I add thoughtfully.


"Oh?" Gwen asks, her interest picked.


"Yeah." I answer noncommittally, “Something is on his mind and I can’t really figure out what.”


Gwen ‘hmms’ under her breath while taking her notes.


“Does it have any links with that outing that went badly?” She asks after a beat, her eyes measuring me.


“Nah, it was already the case before.” I answer while pursing my lips up in thought, “I’d say since we started training.”


“I didn't really notice.” Gwen softly admits, furrowing her brows in turn.


“I bet.” I whisper back, “He hides it very well when he’s with you all and especially with Liz’.”


“He has been a perfect sweetheart with her so far.” She notes carefully.


“He has.” I answer with a little smile, “The two of them are so sappy they’re going to give me toothaches.”


Gwen chuckles.


“Nonetheless, I’m persuaded there’s something and it bugs me to no end.” I insist.


“Such a shame he learned to shield his thoughts from curious telepaths.” Gwen teases.


“If only I had the one who taught him on hand so I could give them my two cents about it.” I sniff.


“You’re such a dork.” Gwen remarks amusingly as she shakes her head.


I throw Gwen a look of mock-outrage.


She laughs.


Our history teacher finally catch that we aren’t giving any fuck about his class.


“Am I boring you, Misses Thompson and Stacy?” He asks harshly.


We shut up and fake a polite interest in his class once more.



“Mi Tea” tea house, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York, the same day, 16:45


Flash and I stare at each other before blowing on the candles on our cake, competing to be the one to snuffle the most.


“Yes!” I exclaim while throwing my arms in the air, “It’s my ten to your seven, I win!”


“You cheated!” He cries, “There’s no way you could out-exhale me like that!”


I stick my tongue out at him as the very mature person that I am.


Iris is snickering on our shared-mind, her [Mirth] dancing.


Jessica and Cindy look at each other while rolling their eyes while Gwen is shaking her head.


Liz’ pat Flash’s arm in a comforting gesture.


He harrumphs.


“Whatever.” Flash grumbles while searching in his bag.


“Here, happy birthday Aria.” He says while handing me out a little foiled gift.


“Oh! You shouldn’t have!” I gush as I eye the card on it.


“To my favorite pain in the behind!” I read aloud while mock-gasping.


I laugh as the girls chuckle.


“You’re so going to pay for that someday.” I remark archingly as I start to unwrap it.


He smiles toothily as Liz’ bonks him behind his head.


“No way!” I blurt out, before laughing once more, “You really brought me that?”


“Hey now,” He remarks amusingly as he waves a finger in my direction, “Jessie told me you knew ‘In the zone’ songs by heart.”


“And so you bought me ‘Can you handle mine?’, hilarious!” I say while badly repressing an evil chuckle.


“You’re going to regret it, Flash.” Jessica points out, “She’s totally the type to listen to the whole album in repeat until she’s able to sing it front to back.”


Flash pales as everyone else chuckles.


“[Amusement, love] : They have no idea how accurate a statement that was.” Iris mentally comments.


“Hear, hear.” I jokingly answer.


My own gift for Flash discreetly blossoms out in my hand under the table.


“Happy birthday little brother!” I tell him happily while beaming at him.


He takes it after mock-scowling at me.


His eyebrow rises as he unwraps it.


“Nice.” He comments happily when he is done, “Thank you Aria, I didn’t have that one.”


I bought him the Deftones eponym album from 2003, having browsed his collection and knowing it was absent.


A mistake I absolutely had to correct!


Everyone around the table is throwing us funny looks.


“What?” The two of us choruses.


“Are you really sure you’re not really twins?” Cindy asks suspectively.


“The two of you did offer each other CDs after all.” Gwen points out, a little smile curling her lips.


Flash and I eye each other.


His look becomes very flat when he sees my puppy-eyes.


I do not relent and he finally foils, sighing.


“It’s because we’re…” I start while beaming.


“Twinsies for life!” We choruses, one voice noticeably more cheerful than the other.


I didn’t know that it was possible to mentally communicate the emotional equivalent of falling off a chair from laughter but Iris manages to do so as everyone around the table erupts in laughter.



Aria’s bedroom, the Thompson’s house, Forest Hills, Queens, New York, the same day, 23:04


“Did you enjoy your day?” Iris asks while sprawled on her back on my torso, her hands musing up my hairs.


“Hmm!” I nod happily.


One of my hands is outstretched toward the ceiling, Gwen’s gift dangling from it.


It’s a little strap for either a cellphone, a handbag or a keychain.


Just a little nothing, not too engaging nor too expensive.


A little glittering rainbow musical eight note.


Flash wasn’t the only one to figure out my centers of interest apparently.


I actually kinda like it because I appreciate it in the spirit it was given.


“Pretty sure she agonized over what to buy for ages, the poor thing.” I comment aloud as it slowly twirls between my fingers, shining under the light.


“What are you going to buy her?” Iris asks, tilting her head to look at it as it dangles.


Gwen’s own birthday is next week, as luck willed it.


“I’ve an idea, I’m sure she’ll like it.” I answer, a smile curling up the corners of my lips.


Amusingly, I couldn't find the dates of birth of Flash and Gwen when I looked for them, so I fixed some that were plot-convenient for me!

It's possible that they are mentioned somewhere in the comics, but I honestly cannot be arsed to look out for them if it's not already written in a wiki :p

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