Into Unscientific

Chapter 63

Chapter 63 – Patent Share (Fifth Change!!!)

Chapter 63 Patent Sharing (Fifth update!!)

In the dean’s office.

Looking at Tian Liangwei with a surprised face, Xu Yun pondered for a few seconds, and decided to keep a low profile:

“That’s right, in fact, I was only planning to try to break through the fourth-generation imidacloprid at the beginning, but by coincidence, I suddenly thought of the need for a female to do the second round of transmission between two people of the same sex, which may lead to a situation where the coverage rate will be cut in half.

In addition, I am not satisfied with the insecticidal efficiency of the fourth generation, so I want to try to pass the level of the fifth generation. After all, the most critical barrier of the fourth generation has been broken through.

Unexpectedly, after two days of division of labor research, both sides have made breakthroughs, and the next step is to connect the lures. “

Xu Yun pushed the idea of the fifth generation to the inspiration generated during the research and development process. This explanation is obviously much easier to accept than “I am going to break through the fifth generation from the beginning”, and it belongs to the category of secondary derivatives.

After all, as the saying goes, inspiration comes from practice.

For example, some designers suddenly had a burst of inspiration when they were halfway through the design drawing, and finally designed a classic building. You can find a bunch of similar examples with your eyes closed.

When the wings are not yet full, there is no need to jump too far. Anyway, the current achievements of the research group are enough to maintain their own personality.

Opposite Xu Yun, Tian Liangwei pursed his lips and looked thoughtful when he heard the words.

be honest.

Talking about the achievements of imidacloprid alone, he would not be too out of character. After all, it is nothing more than a neonicotinoid insecticide. As an academician of the dignified Academy of Engineering and a member of the Hundred Talents Program, his vision is naturally very high.

There must be joy, but it will never be shocking.

What really surprised him was not the result itself, but Xu Yun’s talent and thinking in this research.

Although there are seven people in the entire group, according to the situation in the experiment report, the real core members of the research group are only Xu Yun and Qiu Sheng.

Whether it is the remaining Ren Yongcun or Zhou Peiyao, it will not have any lagging effect on the results if they are replaced by other graduates with similar grades.

Looking at Xu Yun in front of him, Tian Liangwei suddenly thought of Lu Chaoyang from the School of Physics.

The youngest Professor Zhenggao of USTC, also as the first author at the doctoral stage, observed the real-time quantum transition and non-destructive measurement of single electron spin for the first time, and published it in the journal Nature. (not fictional, true)

Both of them are equally talented, but if we really want to compare

Tian Liangwei slightly shook his head:

Lu Chaoyang’s original discovery solved a fundamental problem for the spin-based quantum computing solution. Xu Yun’s fifth-generation imidacloprid may not be enough to compare with him.

The value of the fifth-generation imidacloprid mainly lies in business, and the status of academia is relatively low.

But even so, it is a very rare achievement

Thinking of this, Tian Liangwei couldn’t help raising his head and looking at Xu Yun:

“Xiao Xu, how far are you from the finished product of the fifth generation? Do you need other assistance? If necessary, I can raise the funding level of your research group to the general project.”

Readers who have been in charge of national scientific research projects should know it.

Research projects of domestic universities or official institutions generally distribute funds according to their level.

Among them, the lowest ones are the Youth Science Fund and the Regional Science Fund project, with funds in the range of 200,000 to 300,000. Xu Yun’s cash flow of 400,000 belongs to the Youth Science Fund.

The above two are general projects, which are also the most approved projects in China every year, with a funding of about 600,000.

There are more types of projects on the surface, such as key projects, major instrument development projects, innovative research group projects, and major projects.

Start with millions or even tens of millions of funds, and there is no upper limit.

Although he doesn’t quite understand why his teacher is suddenly planning to increase the level of funding, Xu Yun is very clear that Tian Liangwei took a lot of risks when the research group was established, and there is still a lot of funding left, so he still chooses to refuse. This proposal:

“That’s not necessary, teacher, the cash flow of our research group is still 170,000 to 80,000 yuan. If you really want to take care of it, please allow the laboratory to be used for a longer time. We need to do a few more sets of controlled experiments.”

“How long?”

“One week, do you think so?”

“No problem, sure!”

Tian Liangwei waved his hand very generously, like a big local tycoon paying for the treat:

“You go back and write an application to me, and I will reply within two days!”

Then he pondered for a while, motioned Xu Yun to sit down, and asked seriously:

“Xiao Xu, now that your research group has really achieved results, what do you plan to do next? For example, apply for a patent?”

Hearing Tian Liangwei mentioned dry goods, Xu Yun also became serious.

I saw that he poured a cup of tea for Tian Liangwei first, then picked up a plastic cup and poured a little, and said slowly:

“Teacher, to tell you the truth, I also considered this issue two days ago. After all, even if the fifth generation fails, the fourth generation is enough for commercialization.

In terms of patents, I plan to wait. If I can break through the five-generation barrier, I will use the fifth-generation imidacloprid to apply for an invention patent. The review time for drug invention patents is very long, and the school may need to help by then. “

Well known.

Nowadays, there are three types of local invention patents, namely invention patents, utility models and designs.

The difficulty of the three patents is from high to low, and the same is true for quality requirements and validity periods.

For example, the patent period of the first-generation imidacloprid expired in 2011, so there are many imidacloprid insecticides of different brands in the market today, which are low-cost, non-standard production process, and the effect is uneven.

Nowadays, the top brands of new-generation pesticides are all applying for invention patents.

The normal review cycle for invention patents is 2-3 years, but considering the size of universities like HKUST, it is very simple to shorten the cycle.

Otherwise, if a top university produces hundreds or even thousands of invention patents a year, Conan will have to wait until the finale according to the standard time.

As for the reason why Xu Yun decided to help the conference, it is very simple:

As the provider of experimental equipment, HKUST can own part of the right to benefit from patent derivatives.

Xu Yun already knew about this and had no objection:

After all, the total value of a laboratory equipment is close to 25 million, and the equipment damage during use is generally around tens of thousands to tens of thousands. This kind of funds cannot be used for you without asking for a return.

At the same time, patents and achievements are two different things. The conversion of patent achievements must be signed by the first inventor. Normally, the right to apply for inventions obtained by using the school’s material conditions or performing the school’s scientific research tasks belongs to the school, and the school is obliged to reward the inventor.

However, what Xu Yun implemented this time was not the scientific research technology scheduled by the school, but an independent project of support.

So in accordance with the relevant requirements, the highest proportion of HKUST is 30%.

Don’t look at this 30% as if it’s a lot, 30% is in the scientific research field—regardless of whether it’s at home or abroad, it’s a very generous ratio.

You take the proposal to other institutions or private companies, and generally more than 60% of the proposals are taken away, and some may even be as high as 80%.

This is an unavoidable link in scientific research, even when Mr. Yang was at Stony Brook.

Moreover, the School of Life Sciences will also take a small proportion of the school’s share, which will be used to fully provide scholarships or poverty bursaries in the school.

Xu Yun is very happy to be able to help the schoolboys or schoolgirls, solve some life problems for them, or provide some possibilities for some teachers who are not very successful in the school.

“Xiao Xu, don’t worry, there is no problem with patents. The school will have a channel. You can apply for any of the four or five generations. The specific time depends on your finished product. In short, it won’t be long. “

Tian Liangwei readily made another promise, then he took a sip from his teacup and asked:

“Besides patents, there is only one thing left.”

“Where are you going to send your paper?”

(end of this chapter)

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