Into Unscientific

Chapter 345

Chapter 345 – Deduction Settlement (Medium)

Chapter 345 Deduction and Settlement (Part 2)



Looking at the word Luo Feng that appeared in front of him.

Xu Yun’s mood suddenly became a little subtle.

be honest.

This is not the first time he has seen the deduction of his ‘vest’.

For example, in the deduction results of Lao Su’s dungeon, he once appeared as ‘Wang Lin’.

But the influence of ‘Wang Lin’ in the 1100 dungeon is not too great, and more of it is a trick similar to an easter egg.

But the current 1850 copy is different.

In a sense.

The true identity of Xu Yun or Luo Feng is one of the keys to unlocking the mystery of the whole story.

Think here.

Xu Yun could not help but take a deep breath.

Putting aside his feelings about Wheat and Prince Maxwell, he watched carefully.

【Luo Feng】:

【Initial Line】:

Dungeon characters without historical prototypes, the following content is only for ‘setting’ use.

Luo Feng.


24 years old.


His father was a sticky stick guard in the Qing Dynasty. He was sent to the Netherlands to collect intelligence in 1831 and died in 1837 due to the impact of the Anglo-Dutch War.

Luo Feng was raised by his father’s friends until he grew up, and his real identity was Baitang A of the Qing Dynasty.

Early 1850’s.

Aixinjueluo Duanhua, the fourth Prince Zheng of the Qing Dynasty, learned that Britain was about to start a war in the East, so he wanted to use James Bruce, the eighth Earl of Elgin, as the leader to trade treasures with the British nobles.

May 1850.

It sent his confidant Guo Cheng to set off with heavy treasures and a dozen entourages.

Guo Cheng and others secretly arrived in the Netherlands after four months, and connected with Luo Feng through the intelligence line at the sticky pole.

End of September 1850.

Luo Feng left the Netherlands by boat with Guo Cheng and others as a ‘guide’, and arrived in Aberdeen, Scotland half a month later, planning to go south to London secretly.

Guo Cheng’s deputy, Fang Shaozhong, accidentally caught a glimpse of the treasure’s appearance on the way, and suddenly saw the treasure.

So he gathered his accomplices to start a fight at night.

Luo Feng died during the fire, and his body was thrown into the wilderness, eaten and divided by wild dogs.

[Duplicate line]:

Affected by Wallfacers.

Luo Feng, who was supposed to die, sat up in a dying illness and was rescued by James Clerk Maxwell and William Thomson.

Later, Luo Feng revealed his identity as a ‘descendant of Fat Fish’, so as to enter Cambridge University.

Added two greater than signs to the right of the history within a year.

Late 1851.

Luo Feng and members of the Gewu Society completed several important experiments, smashing the foundation of the physics building, and shaking the physics world.

Luo Feng was attacked by gangsters that night, and died in an explosion that is still full of mysteries in later generations.

The explosion completely destroyed and ignited the courtyard where Luo Feng was located. At the same time, due to some unknown reason, the fire in the courtyard was much higher than ordinary fires.

After the fire was extinguished, all the bones of Luo Feng and the assailant remained.

Then contribute to commemorate Luo Feng.

Cambridge University successively established Luo Feng Laboratory, Luo Feng Prize in Physics, Luo Feng Prize in Mathematics and Luo Feng College.

The statues of its characters are placed at the entrance of the Cambridge Library, second only to Isaac Newton and James Clerk Maxwell.

The British royal family also made an exception and set up a tombstone for Luo Feng in Westminster Abbey, with Luo Feng’s famous words engraved on it:

【Don’t stop! 】

In the East more than a hundred years later.

Luo Feng has become one of the frequently used tools of Huaxia students, and the sentence pattern of “Luo Feng once said XXXX” can be seen in various compositions.

[Character Comments]:

Luo Feng’s appearance was like a shooting star, which only shone for a moment, but left countless reveries for future generations.

Shi Shi rubbed his **** shyly, blushing and wanted to do it again, but found that the Sri Lankan had disappeared without a trace.


So far.

’Luo Feng’ deduction is over.

But before Xu Yun had time to think, the light curtain changed again.

[Angelia Sylph]:

【Initial Line】:

A British orphan at the end of the 19th century, a member of the “Magic Hand” thieves group in London.

Skilled in stealing, died of pneumoconiosis at the age of 14.

[Duplicate line]:

Affected by Wallfacers.

Fang Shaozhong, who beat his boss to death, sneaked into London and took over the “Magic Hand” thieves group that also belonged to Prince Zheng’s intelligence system as a messenger, intending to rely on London’s millions of people to fish in troubled waters.

Under pressure, Fang Shaozhong had a violent temper. Once drunk, he beat Sylph’s bloodless but close “Frege” to death.

After Frege’s death.

Sylph was determined to escape from the thieves, and stole Fang Shaozhong’s treasure before leaving.

was rescued by Aveline Escu and William Thomson, brought back to Cambridge University, and placed in the orphanage of Trinity College Church.

In the same year, the Christmas dinner was discovered by Tang A Tianhao, a sticky patriarch, but Tian Hao did not report the matter.

The night Albert was attacked.

Tian Hao took Sylph to Luo Feng’s dormitory for secret placement.

Panicked, Sylph developed a special affection for Maxwell who was the first to rush back to the dormitory, and finally the two married in 1872.

After marriage, the two have two sons and two daughters, and the family is happy.


Two years after Maxwell’s death, Sylph died of illness.

His eldest son, Eero Maxwell, wrote the memoir “My President’s Father” and won the Cambridge University Literature Excellence Award.

It is mentioned many times in the book that my mother likes to knock people’s heads with heavy physics books, which is highly suspected of ptsd.

【Shi Yuanbiao】:

【Initial line】:

One of the smugglers who appeared after a crow, cooperated with foreigners, and lured a large number of laborers to work in Europe and America.

He was hanged by angry oriental laborers during the Yorkshire Chinese labor riot in 1853, and died after his death.

[Duplicate line]:

Affected by Wallfacers.

Shi Yuanbiao came to the UK in 1835, and his actual identity was the head of the sticky guards who was higher than sticky Baitang.

After years of operation, it also has close contacts with the Whig Party.

Fang Shaozhong wanted to kill Guo Cheng again after he merged with Guo Cheng, but one of his men survived by chance, and he fled to London and informed Shi Yuanbiao of the news.

Shi Yuanbiao and James Bruce, the eighth Earl of Elgin, jointly searched for Fang Shaozhong, and found the target in November 1850.

Shi Yuanbiao led people to wipe out the “Magic Hand” thieves group. Fang Shaozhong was severely punished before his death, and confessed that the treasure fell into the hands of Sylve.

November 1851.

Shi Yuanbiao reached an agreement with some members of the Whig Party, Scotland, and Tsarist Russian forces, and cooperated in planning the Cambridge University attack.

Later, when the “treasure” obtained was handed over to Arthur Wellesley, the mastermind behind the scenes, the treasure exploded, and Arthur Wellesley and James Bruce died on the spot.


After watching the subsequent deduction of Sylve and Shi Yuanbiao, Xu Yun’s mood suddenly shook.

The truth of the entire dungeon unexpectedly appeared in front of him so abruptly.

So that’s what happened

Students with good memory may remember it.

Throughout the 1850 copy.

When Xu Yun mentioned the Qing Dynasty, he basically used the word ‘decay’ to describe the Eastern regime.

But otherwise.

He never used the words ignorant and closed.


From the beginning to the end, the ruling class of the Qing Dynasty was not ignorant of the pattern of the world, but was very clear about it.

This is based on the Sticky Rod Department, also known as the Shangyu Backup Department, a secret service and intelligence department of the Qing Dynasty.

In the beginning, in Prince Yong’s Mansion, the members of Sticky Rod were mainly the retainers and servants of the Prince’s Mansion.

Their main job is to help Prince Yong Yinzhen, who likes to be quiet, drive away the noisy cicadas.

Just like many rural children in later generations played when they were young, they took a stick wrapped in mesh to ‘stick’ cicadas.

But hurrying, this group of people suddenly discovered a situation:

The “sticky pole” is actually a good cover, and they discovered a lot of secrets in the process of climbing up and down.

During the tense period when the nine sons seized the heir, Yinzhen began to let these people carry out the investigation mission.

After Yongzheng succeeded to the throne.

He kept the sticky place and officially became an agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Yongzheng was very careful in the selection of personnel at the sticky pole. The leader of the sticky pole was called the sticky stick guard, and most of them were former cronies of the royal palace before Yongzheng.

The other members are called sticky pole Baitanga.

It was not until the Jiaqing Emperor that the sticky pole was officially cancelled.

According to the search database attached to the report “Full-text search database of Manchu archives is open to the public” published by the National Archives Information Network in 2019 through Guangming Daily.

Long before 1820.

The agents at the sticky pole had already collected a lot of information about the world at that time.

They not only know the ins and outs of the French Revolution, but also know that the first full-scale industrial revolution took place in Britain.

And clearly understand the latest information at that time, such as British ships sailing in the oceans of the world. (

Another example.

Macartney’s Diary.

June 1793.

After a long journey of up to 9 months.

The Macartney mission sent by the British royal family finally arrived at the coast of Tianjin, and then went to the capital to meet Qianlong.

After Macartney submitted the credentials of King George III of England and made a request for trade, Qianlong flatly rejected it.

And answered the famous line:

“The Chinese Empire is rich in products and has everything. We didn’t borrow foreign goods to get what we needed. Because the tea, porcelain, and silk produced by the Chinese Empire are the necessities of Western countries and our country, we are sympathetic.”

According to the description in “Macartney’s Diary”.

At that time, in order to achieve the purpose of trade, the British mission brought the most advanced products of the industrial revolution.

Which even includes carbines and repeating pistols.

But when Macartney confidently placed these items in front of the Minister of Reception, Fu Kang’an, his attitude seemed abnormally cold.

According to the original description of “Macartney’s Diary”.

Fukang’an just “not only ignored it, but even never smiled from then on.”

Just said: “This kind of military operation method is nothing unusual. It doesn’t matter if you look at it or not.”

At the same time.

Fukan’an can skillfully use various firearms and equipment without Macartney’s teaching.

So Macartney was extremely puzzled and recorded this matter in the calendar.

The reason for this situation was given by the Frenchman Qian Deming before his death in the same year:

Before Macartney arrived, Qianlong knew about the French Revolution.

So at that time, Qianlong naturally had a low opinion of Britain, which also restrained the power of the royal family.

To know.

Louis XVI was beheaded on January 21, 1793, and it took at least three or four months to return from France to the East.

That is, two months before the arrival of the Macartney mission, Qianlong learned the news that Louis XVI had been beheaded.

There are many similar examples, which are far from being able to be described in one sentence.

The ruling class of the Qing Dynasty was not completely isolated from the world at that time, but they were always on guard against the Han people, and ethnic conflicts were even higher than class conflicts at that time.

So Xu Yun’s view of the Qing Dynasty has always been ‘decaying’, and he hardly uses the word ‘closed’ to describe it.

This is also the reason why he is unwilling to extend his life to the Qing Dynasty—those people are really stupid and bad.

And obviously.

The sticky stick in this dungeon was not canceled by Jiaqing, but has continued until now.

Xu Yun, Shi Yuanbiao and even Tian Haosuo are all members of the sticky pole.

But what surprised Xu Yun even more was that .

The masterminds behind the deal with Prince Zheng will be James Bruce and Arthur Wellesley.

was in the copy before.

When Avelyn introduced James Bruce, Xu Yun had a vague sense of familiarity.

It’s just that he is a bit of a novice in history, and he can’t remember the identity of the other party no matter what.

But when he looked at the ‘Eighth Earl Elgin’ in the deduction results, he immediately remembered the identity of the other party:

Isn’t this the biggest culprit who burned the Old Summer Palace? !


The Elgin family is a family of robbers.

Such as James Bruce’s father, Thomas Bruce.

The seventh-generation Earl Elgin looted the ancient civilization of Greece.

He also removed one of the columns of the Parthenon in Greece and brought it back to England, which is now placed in Hall 17 next to the Duveen Hall of the British Museum.

As for James Bruce, it is even more shameless.

He successively looted a large amount of Yuanmingyuan wealth, and finally burned the Yuanmingyuan.

Since then, a large number of treasures of the Chinese nation have either been reduced to ashes or left in exile.

There are different views on the number of cultural relics looted in the Old Summer Palace at that time, but the total amount is about 1 million to 1.5 million. (I don’t know if there are spoons and chopsticks included here)

As for James Bruce alone, the number of cultural relics he stole was no less than 40,000.

In addition, when James Bruce was in Guangdong Province, he also condoned his subordinates to massacre civilians, and even did a lot of evil deeds that make you want to vomit just by reading the text.

If Henry John Temple was behind One Crow and Two Crows.

Then James Bruce is undoubtedly the culprit among the invaders who participated in the war.

But then again.

No matter how serious James Bruce’s crime is, it is not enough for him to have the qualifications to trade with Prince Zheng—after all, he is just an earl.

Therefore, the real black hand of the whole transaction is actually ranked behind James Bruce

Arthur Wellesley.

This name may not be familiar to everyone, but if you talk about Wellington, many people may have heard of it.

That’s right.

Arthur Wellesley

It was the Duke of Wellington who defeated Napoleon!

In 1815, he united the Prussian army to completely defeat Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo. After the war, he was successively awarded the rank of Marshal by Russia, Austria, Prussia, Hanover, Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands.

In his later years, he formed a cabinet twice and became the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

In the survey of “100 Greatest Britons” held by the BBC in 2002, Wellesley ranked 15th.

While everyone knows that Arthur Wellesley was Wellington’s nemesis, few people know that he is a complete money junkie-and a huge penchant for oriental treasures.

After a crow in history.

Arthur Wellesley collected at least 1,000 pieces of oriental treasures. This is the data when the Two Crows did not break out and the Old Summer Palace was not looted.

At the same time, Arthur Wellesley set up an ocean-going company in Xiangjiang, specializing in the business of oriental laborers. He called the oriental laborers “bugs” many times, saying that they were “it doesn’t matter if they are crushed to death, just catch them again.”

If Arthur Wellesley had not died in 1852 but continued to live after the Second Crow, no one knows how many oriental cultural relics he would collect.


Arthur Wellesley’s victory over Napoleon is indeed remarkable. This is an achievement that can be recorded in military history, and no one can deny it.

But that is the honor of the British and has nothing to do with the East.

What he did in the east was completely a robber.

As for the bomb that killed Arthur Wellesley, James Bruce and Shi Yuanbiao

Naturally, it was Xu Yun’s handwriting.


The update is less these days, and then the 4D update will be updated every day from the 27th to the 7th of next month. You should not refuse this business, right?

(end of this chapter)

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