
Quick Update

Hey all!

No, I'm not done with my hiatus just yet.  Looking back, I reeeeeeaaaly needed the break.

But good news!  The huge pile of responsibilites is nearly all settled.

So, while I still need a couple weeks to get back into the swing of things, I thought I would update you all in what I've been working on.

First, editing.  I'm nearly done going through and tweaking chapters 1 though 4.  Some needed a bit more time and effort than others, but you should check back soon to see if I stealth updated those early parts.  I will leave a note saying when I changed them, so you'll know if they've been altered.

Second, the side projects.  Out of the few small projects i wanted to tackle, one is done, and the others are all not too far behind.  They should all be ready by the time I'm free to post regularly again.

Lastly, this series.  While life has been kicking me in the shins, ive not neglected this series.  Ive squeeked in a few hours of writing here and there so that you all have something to enjoy when i finally come back from break.  The chapters (yes, plural) aren't edited just yet, but they are written and Rose has been kind enough to give them a look through in between writing her own works.

Overall, I can't wait for you all to see what's around the corner.  Just hold on a bit longer.

That's all for now.  See you soon!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.