
Chapter 6.2 A Job Well Done (18+)

It's been a while since we've had an 18+ chapter.  I thought I'd change that.

Fair warning;  There may be some things in this chapter that may make some people feel uncomfortable.  Heck, I felt a bit uncomfortable writing them.  But I feel the story needed to go in this direction.

I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.  You guys have been great so far, it has been so much fun to interact with you.

The faint glow of the outpost’s lanterns could be seen from between the gloom created by the trees.

Night had already fallen and all three of them were exhausted.  Even Tyr, with her monstrous strength and stamina, perked up noticeably when the small building became visible.  Rick felt like he could collapse and sleep for a week straight.  He couldn’t remember ever feeling so drained after a single day’s activities.

“Welcome back.”  The lone outpost occupant said in greeting once they got close enough to the building.

“Hunt successful.  Ya got a room we can use?”

“Aye, and I’m glad you three came back in one piece.”  He said in reply to Tyr.

“C’mon ya mayflies.”  Tyr grunted, ushering the two tired humans down the hall.

“Second door on your left.  Oh, and please make sure to keep it down.  I know how you elves like to go at it in bed.”

“Oh, fuck off!”  Tyr chuckled.

Rick wondered if she was being too lenient on the rude comments but a glance at the man’s smile as they made their way to a spare room told him that the comments were all in good humor.

I guess shit talking is a normal thing that elves deal with.  Either that or the hunters are more like soldiers than I thought.

Rick remembered all the nasty things the men in the army said to each other at a small party his uncle threw when Rick and his sister visited the man.  The names they would call each other would have started a brawl anywhere else.  His uncle said it was a way to let out some steam in a more safe and constructive manner, and that it helped build comradery.

“Can’t be a soldier unless you can take a few hits.”  He would joke before insulting another man’s mother so badly that Rick swore to never repeat those words out loud ever again.

Their room was just four walls, a ceiling, and a bed.  At the moment, it was the most beautiful sight Rick had ever seen, aside from what happened next, of course.

All three immediately dropped their gear and began to strip.  They then collapsed on the mattress with the only cloth still on their bodies being bandages.

“So… are we going to take his words as a challenge?”

Both women laughed at Rick’s question.  He could feel the tension from the day’s events slowly drain from them as they all laid there, enjoying the moment.  Rick sat up and kissed both their foreheads.  Even if they were all too tired for sex, he would still be satisfied.

“I could go fer a few rounds.  If only to annoy that prick out front.”  Tyr said as she wiggled into a more comfortable position on the bed.  “But if ya don’t want ta, that’s fine.  I won’t force ya.”

“A wood elf seeking consent?”  Sade gasped theatrically.  “We have tainted you!”

The elf in question raised her head to glare at the other woman.  “The fuck ya talking about?  Consent is the most important thing when dealing with other races.”  She then saw Sade’s confused face.  “Wait… that whole talk on the first night we slept together.  Ya were being serious?”

At Sade’s silence, the elf shot up and gently cupped the smaller woman’s face.  “Sade, my people have more… wild views about mating than the rest.  But to take a lover without their say so is rape!”  She stared into Sade’s eyes, the most serious Rick had ever seen.  “Has this happened in yer village, did an elf do something ta ya?”

Sade shook her head.  “No.  Even the times an elf has mated with a villager, there was always mutual attraction.  There have been stories though.  About a powerful wood elf being far too insistent to be comfortable.  None that I know of in Kanho, thankfully.”

Tyr let out the breath she was apparently holding at Sade’s words.  The larger woman practically collapsed back onto the mattress.  “Can you explain why this is so important?”  Rick asked.

Tyr let out a great sigh.  “Yea, alright.  So elves like me are not the most fertile.  We live a long time.  Things like a random fling are just mild bumps on the long road.”  All three sat cross legged on the bed, giving Tyr their full attention to her explanation.  “We also live by a ‘might makes right’ way of life.  The strong lead, the strong breed.  Those are the rules, we know them, respect them.  If ya can’t defend yer claim on a mate, then it’s worthless.”

“So other elves can just steal each other’s spouses?”  Rick inquired.

“Yes, no, maybe?  Gah!  This is so hard ta explain!”  She was practically pulling her hair out in frustration.  “Like I said, we live a long time.  A very, very long time.  If an elf loses a challenge, it’s just for a single night of fucking.  One night among thousands, hundreds of thousands.  We don’t treat it as a big deal.  If ya or yer mate have feelings for each other, one night won’t change that.  We take no vows to only have each other.  Many spend a few decades together then split and be with someone else.”

“I think I understand.”  Sade said.  “Sex is just one activity to do with each other, like fighting, or hunting.  The possibility of children is low, so only serious couples really deal with that, right?”

“Exactly!”  Tyr exclaimed, happy to know she was understood.

“I see why our cultures would clash a bit.  But why were you so serious about consent with humans?”  Rick said.

“Yer not elves.  We may not care who we fuck and when, but ya do!”  She was back to being serious.  “We pride ourselves as being the strongest and wisest people in the area.  We let ya build yer cities and empires.  Yer the caretakers of the land, but we are its guardians.  The elves need ta set a proper example fer everyone else ta follow.”

She took a deep breath and continued.  “We want all races to treat the land as their home.  This means we need ta respect each other and the rules other races set.  It would be all too easy ta become the very tyrants we have removed over the centuries.  This is why we have extremely strict laws to punish elves who would abuse their strength and power.”

She turned to Sade.  “We may want a casual fling or two, but never outright force ourselves on non-elves.  Ta do so is the gravest of crimes”

“Does this mean you do not care if a high elf gives consent?”  Sade asked with just a hint of humor.

“Bah!  No self respecting elf of the woods would ever touch one of those self-righteous cunts!”  Tyr huffed indignantly.  “They would snap like twigs the second we so much as breathe too hard around ‘em.”

And just like that, the spell was broken.  The pall of seriousness evaporated away with the sound of their laughter.

Rick knew about Ariwyn and her one sided rivalry with Sade.  She even told him and Tyr about their last exchange before heading out earlier that day.  Tyr had more than a few colorful remarks to say about the high elf.  There was no love lost between the two species.  Rick hoped he could curb his opinion if he met anyone else from that race, one bad person shouldn’t color his opinion about everyone else after all.  Tyr herself just admitted to some wood elves treating others as lesser creatures after all.

Rick moved in to kiss the elf.  “Tyr, for what it’s worth, I’m glad to have met you.”  She gave the brightest smile he had ever seen on her and rushed back in to mash her lips against his.  It was deep, passionate, needy.  Their tongues danced around each other in a duel for the ages.  Neither one wanted to cede ground and let the other have the advantage.

Eventually they called a truce.  Both of them separated from their engagement, panting heavily with a combination of exertion and lust.  “I’m glad I met ya too.”  Tyr curled one arm around his neck and drew close once more.   “Make love ta me.”  She whispered.

“As you wish.”  He whispered back.

Tyr laid back so Rick could behold the elf in all her glory.  There was a shortage of perfect breasts in the world, and Rick would have found it a shame if hers were damaged after that grueling fight with the thorn blight.  They rested high on her chest, gravity slightly pressing them down until they spilled over the sides and pooled in the space between her torso and arms.  Even when compressed,  her breasts still formed large mounds that stuck out a full handspan from her pectorals.

The pillowy flesh was not the only appetizing feature laid out before him.  She was a beautiful mix of hard and soft,  wild and controlled, bulging muscles and delicious curves, masculine and feminine.  She was more the latter than the former, with those perfect breasts he previously admired.  And hips just as wide as Sade’s.  Certainly wide enough to also get stuck in the ruin tunnel.

But Tyr was more than that.  Her tall and feminine frame, so much larger than his own, was covered in tight cords of muscle that stuck out nearly as prominently as her breasts.  His eyes traveled south, to where her most favorite addition stood tall and proud.  It was huge, on her it looked almost proportional, if not a bit on the large side.  But as he drew himself closer, he could tell just what a true monster it really was.

“You are so beautiful.”  He said with a sigh.  Rick could see her fangs flash as she bit her lip, the pointed tips of her ears turning crimson at his words.  He adored the rare moments she acted like the blushing maiden.  It was such a contrast to her usual gruff persona, the mixing of the two just as tantalizing a treat as the duality of her body.

Rick lifted her muscular thighs, nearly as thick as his torso, around his waist.  He angled himself down and slowly started to saw his way inside her velvety tunnel.  He took his time, there was no need to power through to the finish line.  His manhood, just as large as hers but even more monstrous on his smaller frame, gently kissed the back of her vagina.  He was just barely within the limits of Tyr’s ability to take.  Rick had to admire Sade’s ability to satisfy both of them with her comparatively tiny body.

He began to piston in and out.  Each thrust accompanied by a muffled groan from Tyr as he filled her to capacity, emptied out, and then filled her again.

“By the great spirit, why does this feel so good?”  She moaned, her hands clutching the sheets like they were her only lifeline to safety.  Her back began to arch, her hips starting to rock softly in time to his motions.  Rick saw her cock swing back and forth with their movement.  The poor thing was engorged to capacity, he could feel its need for release just looking at it.

He had avoided interacting with this part of his lover.  It was like a void on her body that his mind refused to focus on when they engaged in their numerous lovemaking sessions.  This struck Rick as something wrong, like he had neglected something important.

Despite its magical origins, her penis was a part of her.  It was just as integral to her nature as everything else.  And he had yet to so much as touch it.

Rick didn’t consider himself gay.  Just the thought of taking the beast inside his body made him feel deeply uncomfortable.  But perhaps he could find a way to satisfy both sides of his large lover.  He owed her at least that much.

Tentatively, he reached forward and brushed the tips of his fingers against the throbbing shaft.  Tyr bucked wildly upwards with a startled cry.  “Rick!  What are y- ah!”  Emboldened by her reaction, Rick began to run his fingers up and down her length.

“Do that!  Keep doing… that!”  Her moans were turning into animalistic growls of pleasure.  Her inner walls started to tighten and rub along his cock with almost as much dexterity as using her own hand.  Even more so in some aspects.

“This feels so amazing.  Please, keep going!”  She was bucking against his hips, desperate to feel him hit ever deeper inside her from every angle she could find.  Despite working her from two separate sides, Rick could feel himself getting ready to blow.

He needed an edge, something to take her pleasure to the next level.  He looked down from where his fingers were stroking and saw her clit, standing just as hard and proud from its hood as her cock was, eager for attention.  With his other hand he reached up and gently pressed down on her pleasure button.

Tyr arched back and gave a screech of ecstasy.  Her velvet walls clamped down around him and her mighty shaft shot out ropes of seed with each convulsion.  Rick did not stop.  He kept pounding into her while one hand gently stroked her and the other rubbed circles around her clit as if he was trying to milk her orgasm for as long as possible.

Her climax kept going.  Rick was attacking her from three sides and she could just not handle all of it.  Rick wasn’t too far behind, he could feel the pressure building in the base of his dick with each thrust and stroke.  He was so close.

The dam broke and he flooded her insides with his creamy essence.

Tyr gave one last shudder before they both dropped down to the sheets in a sweaty panting heap.  “Whatever that was, let’s do that again sometime.”  She chuckled weakly.  Rick didn’t have the energy to respond, but he was more than happy to fulfill her request.

He extracted himself from Tyr and turned to his other lover.

Sade stood just outside the bed with a dazed look in her eyes.  Her chest rose and fell with great heaves of breath like she ran half a marathon.  Her plump chocolaty thighs were squeezed tight and rubbing together softly.  It took her a few moments to realize that Rick was paying attention to her, her eyes gaining a modicum of focus.

“Please do me like that.”  She squeaked.

Rick gave a slight huf of amusement.  “Are you planning on growing a cock too?  After all this time?”

Sade gave an unladylike snort before padding towards the bed.  “No, but I want you to treat me the same way you did our dear Tyrillian.”  She brought her eyes level with his, still slightly glazed over, but no less piercing.  “I want you to kiss me like I am the first drink of water after crossing the desert.  I want you to devour my body with your eyes, leaving no detail hidden from your gaze.  I want you to take me slowly, stroking my sensitive areas until I- umph!”  Her seductive speech ended when her hips gave a mild convulsion, her body wound tight before loosening back up.

“Did… Did you just cum?”  Rick asked, incredulous.

Sade could only give out a high pitched squeak and nod her head.  Rick could swear she was sporting the deepest blush imaginable.  It had been quite a long time since he had seen her this flustered.  The usual veneer of control and seduction finally peeled away in a moment of pure lust.

“Do you mind making a bit of room, Tyr?”

The elf just chuckled weakly and shifted so there was enough room for Sade to lay down.  “Give it ta her, stud.  I wanna see just what ya gave me that made her cream her pants.”  She admired Sade’s nude form, with a very distinct lack of pants.  “Metaphorically of course.”

Rick opened his arms and Sade dove in with everything she had.  Their lips locked together and Rick used her momentum to gently guide her down and pin her to the bed.  Their tongues entwined like lost lovers, greedily hugging and sliding as much of the other as they could deeper into the embrace.

When their tongues were satiated for the time being, Rick gazed upon his human lover, just as she requested.

Sade had changed a lot since they first met in those woods, arguably even more than Rick had.  She had grown quite tall.  Rick himself had graduated from short to average in height, but Sade, starting out shorter than him and now sharing his same height, had gone from extremely small to nearly towering.  Her skin tone had remained the same, darker face and limbs with a bit more cream color for her core.  It was the physical changes that truly made her various shades and colors stand out.

Her perky nipples were now two dark chocolate kisses nestled over great swells of coffee ice cream.  Just the sight of her breasts made his mouth water.  He wanted to bend down and run his tongue over the hard nubs, just to see if she tasted as delicious as she looked.  But he promised to devour her whole body with his eyes, not his mouth.

That will come later.

He trailed the contours of her chest down to her stomach.  It was fairly flat, but Rick could see the beginnings of true muscle beginning to poke their way out from underneath.

Then came her glorious hips.  Just watching them sway side to side while just walking down the street had him hypnotized.  He looked past her thighs to glimpse the globes of her rear end resting on the bed below her.  He felt drool begin to pool inside his mouth just thinking of that magnificent booty.  Every time he saw her laying on her stomach he couldn’t resist the urge to smack those great cheeks, sending them jiggling around like giant bowls of chocolate gelatin.

The overall effect was still Sade, but not the Sade trapped in a child’s body.  Before him was Sade the woman.  Sade, who wielded arcane might to torch any monster who dared stand in her way.

His Sade.

Rick grabbed his diamond hard cock and pressed it against her soaked petals.  With just a slight amount of pressure, he slid all the way to the back in one slow, smooth motion.  As his tip gave the slightest kiss to the entrance to her womb, he bent down and started to devour her dusky nipples after holding himself back for far too long.

They both came undone in seconds.  Rick could barely get in two thrusts before Sade gave a cry of delight and wrapped her long legs around his back as if begging him to dig into her deepest depths to plant his seed.  His body responded to her silent request and he climaxed with as much fervor as Sade.  Their shared orgasm seemed to stretch until seconds turned to minutes, minutes to hours, hours to an eternity.

Panting, exhaustion from the day’s events and the short yet intense lovemaking, Rick turned his head to the other side of the bed.  Tyr lay on her side like a goddess observing her worshipers from her couch, her penis swollen once more with need.  When their eyes met, she let out a small yelp, her body giving a small shudder.  Rick saw a rope of cum shoot out from her dick and splatter in the great valley of cleavage her tits naturally created.

“Did… did you-”

She also gave a small, girly squeak and nod in affirmation.  Her face was so flushed with blood she looked like an oni.

“That was… Oh, hells, that was probably the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.  The way yer eyes looked at us,”  She gave a shiver at the memory.  “I don’t know what kind of spell ya cast, but I want that again when we get back.”

“Indeed.”  Sade agreed breathlessly.

Who was he to refuse such a request from such beautiful women?

So yea... there was a bit of miscommunication about my elves back in chapter 3.

Does this absolve Tyr of all crimes? Not at all.  Nor does it mean i didnt make a mistake.  Like Tyr, I barreled ahead in what I thought was a joke without fully understanding the concequences.

I do hope this does paint a better picture of the wood elf people I originally intended.  But like all people groups, there are misunderstandings and bad actors everywhere.

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