
Chapter 20.4 A Skill Issue

I'm sorry for not putting the stat sheets in those nice and pretty tables.  I ran out of time before rushing off to work.  Once I get off, I'll hop in and edit everything to make it look cleaner.

After dinner was finished and all the dishes were washed and put away, the five hunters all adjourned to the trophy room to have a chat.

“It has been a while since we last discussed the results from our training.”  Sade said while gently scratching Tyr behind the ears.  The big elf had naturally taken the opportunity to lay her head on Sade’s lap the moment the young mage sat down.  “I believe this is a great opportunity to discuss potential vocational skills as well.”



Level 7 (13%)

Strength: 12 Constitution: 11

Dexterity: 12 Endurance: 13

Intelligence: 19 Resistance: 10

Wisdom: 16 Attunement : 16 (4)

Charisma: 12 Luck: 13

Vocation: Intimancer (6)

Skills: Overcharge


Rick let out an appreciative whistle.  “Wow… you’re nearly there for intelligence.  And your other magic stats are both above fifteen as well.”

“Indeed.  Although I feel like I have been slacking in the areas outside my specialty.”  Sade replied with a sigh.

“Sade, you raised your strength by fifty percent in less than a year!  You’re now physically stronger than the majority of people, and we’re talking about one of your lowest stats here!”

Sade blinked several times to process what Rick just told her.  Lilie covered up her mouth with a dainty hand and giggled at the dark skinned woman’s expression.  “You may not realize this since your giant tits block your view, but your abs are simply glorious!  They’re almost as prominent as Tyr’s!”

“But I have the lowest strength out of the entire group!”  Sade countered petulantly.

“Mine’s only higher than yours by uno.  And look at these babies!”  Daniela said before raising her blouse over her head to show off her bare midriff.  Rick could see the outlines of each individual muscle all the way down her stomach as she shifted slightly from side to side.

“Oh, very nice!”  Lillie clapped.  “I’d show you mine, but my aspect forces me to have a slight paunch no matter what my strength is.”

Sade gave the healer the side eye but didn’t comment further.  While Lilie wasn’t lying about having a bit of a belly, the vast majority of her extra weight from her aspect went straight to her more womanly curves, mainly her breasts, thighs, and rear end.  There was just enough fat on her stomach and face to soften the otherwise sharp features and little else.

“Alright, back on topic everyone!”  Rick called out with a clap of his hands.  “The important thing is whether or not Sade should focus on improving her spell casting or spend some time to shore up her weaknesses, right?”

Lilie stuck out her tongue at Rick.  “Spoilsport.”  She chided teasingly.  “But I believe we just thoroughly explained why our dear Sade’s ‘weaknesses’ are not nearly as serious as she thinks.  I suggest she polishes up her spellcasting since this is supposed to be a tournament for mages after all.”

“I agree.  Let’s not completely drop the strength training, but she should focus on making her spells all the more potent.”  Daniela said after she lowered her shirt back down.

Rick nodded his head.  “Fair, fair.  How about you Tyr?”

The lounging woman cracked open an emerald eye and fixed Rick with a curious stare.  The green orb then rolled upwards to look directly at Sade who, thankfully, was still giving long and sensual scratches through the elf’s mane.

“I doubt Sade can raise her spellcasting much in a month.  With how long it took just us ta even hit nineteen, she could instead catch up ta the rest of ya in regular fighting.”  She let out a contented purr as Sade hit a particularly nice spot with her nails.  Once the pleasure ran its course, her lips parted into a mischievous grin.  “Plus… It be really fucking funny to see her punch some scrawny mage in the face and watch ‘em crumble.”

Rick shook his head in amusement.  Of course that would be the big woman’s idea of a fun time.  He honestly shouldn’t have thought otherwise.  Thinking back, one small detail struck him as odd.

“Wait… you said ‘us’.  Last I checked, Sade was the only one to hit nineteen in anything.”

Tyr at least had the self awareness to look sheepish.  “I uh… may have also, uh, hit nineteen.”  At everyone’s surprised gasps, she fully read out her status.



Level 8 (92%)

Strength: 19 Constitution: 14

Dexterity: 17 Endurance: 16 

Intelligence: 13 Resistance: 10

Wisdom: 13 Attunement : 15 (3)

Charisma: 12 Luck: 12

Vocation: Ranger (7)

Skills: Enhanced senses, Forest walk, Rugged navigation


“You told me you were only doing light training!”  Lilie accused.  “How in the blazes did you push yourself hard enough to hit those scores while pregnant?!”

“I was careful, I was careful!”  Tyr nervously shouted while sitting up straight and holding up her hands in surrender.  “I just lifted heavy things with me arms and legs.  No unnecessary pressure on the little one, I promise!”

Just what kind of weights was she lifting?  She can already haul around a log that weighs as much as a small car.  Rick wondered.

“Did you detect any problems with the child Lilie?”  Sade asked.

The healer blinked in surprise.  “What?”

“When you used your magic to help Tyr recover from her work outs.  Did your spell discover any issues with the fetus inside her?”

“Well… no.”  LIlie admitted, some of the fire in her eyes dying down to embers.  “But that still doesn’t mean she was okay to lie to me!”

“No, It doesn’t.”  Rick said firmly.  “Tyr, you yourself have told us just how hard it is for elves like you to get pregnant.  Why would you risk such a thing?”

Tyr sighed and seemed to melt a bit into the couch.  “I know I shouldn’t have hidden it from ya.  But all of ya have been just so fussy over me.  I told ya how me aunt went about while lugging around a great big belly.  We elves may not have many children, but once we do, they’re hardier than anyone.  This wee one won’t be going anywhere, trust me on this.”

Rick wanted to argue, to press just how worried he was about her and their child.  He didn’t.  Tyr was probably right.  He needed to trust, not to force his own ideals down her throat.

“You would know best.”  He sighed.  “But now I feel like the odd man out from our little trio.”

“How so?”  Sade asked while gently guiding Tyr back down onto her lap.

Instead of answering, he simply read out his stats.



Level 8 (7%)

Strength: 14 Constitution: 12

Dexterity: 16 Endurance:  13

Intelligence: 14 Resistance: 10

Wisdom: 14 Attunement : 13 (2)

Charisma: 11 Luck: 18

Vocation: Intimancer (8)

Skills: Multi-orgasm, Overcharge


“I see.  It does feel odd for your luck not to keep pace with my intelligence or Tyr’s strength.”  Sade commented.

“You did cross the threshold for your dexterity though!”  Daniela cheered.  “You’re almost as ágil as me!”

“Yeah, I can’t wait to hit seventeen.”  Rick said excitedly.

“Oh no, no no nonono.”  The thief said with a smirk.  She then recited her own status to emphasize her point.



Level 9 (67%)

Strength: 13 Constitution: 14

Dexterity: 18 Endurance:  15

Intelligence: 15 Resistance: 13

Wisdom: 14 Attunement : 14 (3)

Charisma: 15 Luck: 13

Vocation: Thief (8)

Skills: Reduced presence, Silent steps, Treasure sense, Magic-sight, Critical eye, Sea-legs


“E-e-eighteen!”  Rick cried.  “When did that happen?”

The blond woman shrugged.  “Not too long ago actually.  I think making myself smaller may have helped as well.  But keep in mind that I only have uno unspent stat point.  So I’ve invested a lot more than you have.”

That made Rick feel a little better about his own stat block.  He still had six unused points to augment himself with.  The thought that he had enough to bring both his dexterity and luck up to the mythical level of twenty at that very moment made his chest flutter with excitement.  He wasn’t going to, of course, but it was the fact that he could that had him so giddy.

“Well now I feel all left out.”  LIlie pouted before reading off her own attributes.



Level 8 (85%)

Strength: 14 Constitution: 12

Dexterity: 15 Endurance:  16

Intelligence: 14 Resistance: 15

Wisdom: 14 Attunement : 14 (3)

Charisma: 12 Luck: 10

Vocation: Mender (7)

Skills: Self-cast, quick-scan, harm siphon


“You really are a solid all-rounder.  And that endurance score really does explain how you are such a beast in bed.”  Rick joked.

“You know it!”  Lilie said with a wink.  “I can’t wait to have all three of you inside me again.  Getting choked out from being stuffed by Sade’s oversized cock while she fondles my horns was just too wonderful not to experience again.”

It was Daniela’s turn to cough and get flustered by the horny healer’s lewd imagery.  “O-oversized?”  She spluttered.

“Well, yeah.  She can grow a dick bigger than Rick or Tyr if she wanted to.”  Lilie calmly explained.  Then her ruby eyes grew wide.  “Wait, did she not show you that spell?!  How did you make her cum all those times?  Is your tongue just as nimble as your fingers?”

The shrunken dwarf’s tan face blushed an even deeper shade of crimson with each new question Lilie shot her way.  It seemed that despite watching and even participating in the group's more intimate activities, talking about it out loud was still a bit too much for her to deal with.

“Quit teasing dear.”  Sade admonished softly.  “She knows about the spell.  But I was mostly on the receiving end, and Daniela lacks the ability to overcharge her spells.”

She momentarily stopped her scratching and put a hand to her chin.  “Hrm… that reminds me.  Rick, you and I are severely lacking in vocational skills.”  She placed her hand gently on the side of Tyr’s face.  “With this upcoming tournament, and what happened to us on that last mission for the hunters… We should seriously look through and discuss our options.”

Rick nodded in agreement.  “That’s not a bad idea.  I’ve honestly forgotten about those.  I’ll look through them when I can.  Any fun skills pop out to you right now?”

Sade sighed and absentmindedly toyed with Tyr’s long ears.  She was so distracted that she didn’t see the elf’s face start to redden much like Daniela’s had, and that her breathing became more shallow.

“There are a few generic spellcaster options like ‘overcharge’, and even more that are along the same lines as your ability to ejaculate multiple times at the cost of mana.”  She let out another heavy sigh.  “I knew things would be difficult when I chose to become an intimancer, but it really does seem this vocation is almost strictly designed for sex.”

While Rick was still listening to Sade, a part of him was focusing intently on what Sade was unconsciously doing to the ranger on her lap.  Tyr’s eyes were unfocused, her breath coming out in pants.  Her thick thighs were clenched tight and rubbing together, but Rick could still see the telltale bulge slowly snake its way down her pant leg.  It seemed that Sade had accidentally found another of the imposing elf’s weaknesses.

Aside from also dealing with a growing bulge between his legs, Rick was struck with an idea.  He quickly summoned up his status and started to browse the mental list of vocational skills available to him.  It wasn’t as straightforward as scrolling through a spreadsheet on a computer.  What the magic of the world was doing was more like throwing a whole deck of cards on the table for him to sift through, with only vague feelings or impressions to help describe what each of the skills did.

Eventually, he found a familiar skill that he had once explored before.  Trusting his gut, he selected the skill and his mind was flooded with new thoughts and information.  Looking first to Tyr, then the other women in the room, he realized his gamble had paid off and grinned.

“Sense weakness”  He said out loud.

“Pardon?”  Sade asked, once again stopping her idle playing with Tyr’s head.

“Did you know that an elf’s ears are sensitive, and not just in their ability to hear, but to touch?”  Rick asked.

Sade looked down and saw just how flustered she had made the large woman.  “Oh goodness!  I am so sorry my love!”

Tyr weakly raised her hand to signal that there were no hard feelings and rolled onto her back in an effort to cool off.  Sade went back to scratching as a way of apology then looked back up to Rick.

“What was that about sensing weakness?”  She asked.

“When I saw what you were doing to her, It reminded me of a vocational skill I’ve looked over before.  It’s called ‘sense weakness’ and it helps me find vulnerable areas on a creature's body.  Like a gap in a monster’s natural armor.”  His voice dropped into a seductive purr.  “Or a woman’s most sensitive areas.”

Lilie cackled and clutched her sides in laughter.  “Are you saying you have skills that help in combat and the bedroom?”

Rick grinned wickedly and turned to look at Sade, who’s own mouth was beginning to curl upward with mischief.  “We do indeed.”

I wonder what they will pick for the upcoming fights?  If you have any questions on what some skills do or how the system works, don't hesitate to ask down in the comments.  I love talking with all of you.

Special thanks to Rose for helping me get past my writers block on this chapter.

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