
Chapter 19.2 A Questionable Q&A I

Words failed Sade as she tried to process what her love just told her.

I am from another world.

Of all the things he could have possibly been hiding from her and the rest of the group, she would have never suspected that.  What did that even mean?  How was that possible?  Would that mean he would eventually leave her?  The questions swirled around in her mind like snowflakes in a blizzard, too numerous to count and far too chaotic to focus on a single one.

“Yer gonna have ta explain that a wee bit more.”  Tyr mercifully asked.  That was good.  More information meant more answers to the maelstrom raging in Sade’s skull.

“Of course.”  Rick said before moving to get up from underneath her.

Sade’s hand lashed out to grip his arm tightly to stop him from moving.  She felt so lost, vulnerable at the sudden revelation that the man she loved was not who she thought he was.  That didn’t change her feelings for him, but she was still rocked to her core and needed something, anything to keep stable.  Rick’s hardness was like an anchor keeping her grounded to reality.  If she let him go, she would just float away and be adrift in the void.

“Please…”  She whispered, barely able to concentrate enough for her to get the word out.

Rick’s surprised face softened.  He reached up and brought her down into a gentle embrace.  “Sure thing.”  He said warmly before gingerly adjusting both their bodies until he was sitting up against the headboard of the bed and Sade was on his lap, his manhood still snuggled deep within her.

“Thank you.  I… I have no idea what is wrong with me right now.  Please… Just stay like this for a few moments.”

Rick smiled once more and kissed Sade lightly on the tip of her nose.  “I just blindsided you all with something I’m pretty sure none of you thought possible.  I’m honestly surprised that none of you are freaking out even more.”

“I withhold my right to freak the fuck out until after you elaborate on that particular issue.”  Lilie groused.  “So hurry the fuck up so I can decide on how irrational I should be about all this!”

“Right… where to begin?”  Rick said with a theatrical pause, his finger tapping on his chin.  “I suppose we should start with my amnesia.”

“So you didn’t have it?”  Daniela asked.

Rick shook his head.  “That’s the thing, I really do have some form of it.  Even now, I have absolutely no clue how I ended up in that forest or why.  Every time I try, I come across this odd… void, for lack of a better term.  I honestly suspect that I have some sort of magical block on that highly specific part of my brain.”  He took a deep breath to center himself.  “But aside from how I got here.  I remember everything.”

“Everything?”  Tyr asked.

“Everything.  Aside from when I was really young, I have eighteen years worth of memories of my time in a world different from Parva.  Only thing I'm missing are the moments between there and here.”

“And how do you know you come from another world and not some odd corner of ours?  There are a lot of places still unexplored by the various kingdoms and empires.”  Sade asked.  Even she could sense the desperate edge to her tone of voice.  It was all just too unbelievable.  And yet… the idea of him being from a different world altogether would explain some of his eccentricities.

“That is a good question.”  Rick replied, not even a hint of anger at her attempts to disprove his way of thinking.  “I know my world is separate from yours because we fully explored ours.  Every poll, every continent, every ocean has been mapped extensively.  We even had people set foot on our moon and see the world in its entirety.”  He paused and gave a small chuckle.  “Although, despite the mountain of evidence, there are those who still refuse to believe that event happened.”

Sade and the other three women were stunned.  Walked upon their moon?  How was something like that even possible?  And he said it like it was the simplest thing imaginable.  One does not simply fly onto their moon.

Rick held up his hand to forestall their questions so he could continue.  “I also know that the only sentient people who lived on my world were humans.  Elves, dwarves, tieflings… they only existed in our stories and legends.”

“Really?  There’s no amazing elves like meself out there to show ya mayflies how ta have a good time?”

Everyone couldn’t help but let out a snort of laughter at the sheer audacity coming out of Tyr’s mouth.  Sade patted the large woman on the arm in gratitude.  Her silly statements were exactly what she needed to feel somewhat normal again.

“Huh… It sounds a bit crazy.  Just what kind of magic do your people have to make it all the way to the moon?”  Lilie asked.

Rick avoided everyone’s expectant gaze sheepishly.  “Well… Uh… We kinda don’t… have any?”

That statement woke Sade out of her strange daze immediately.  She gripped his chin and turned his head until he was looking right into her eyes.  “What do you mean, you do not have any magic?  How would your people accomplish amazing things like walking on your moon if not utilizing some form of spellcraft?”

Rick sighed.  “I’m being serious.  We studied the natural laws of our world and utilized them to accomplish amazing things.  No spellcraft necessary.”

Sade blinked.  “I can not believe it.”

”Meh, some of our tech would seem like magic to you anyways.”  He placed a hand on his temple and winced.  “I can already imagine the headache I would get if I tried to go down the rabbit hole just trying to explain how my old phone worked.”

“What’s a phone?”  Tyr asked sweetly, her eyes betraying just how much she was screwing around with him.

“Fuck you Tyr!”  Rick laughed.

“Nah… I’d rather fuck her at the moment.”  She said with a nod towards Sade.  “I was promised a chance ta plow that tight back hole ‘a hers while ya worked on the front.  She even cleaned herself out just fer the occasion.”

It was Sade’s turn to look sheepish as he stared at her incredulously.  “I… Uh… Did promise that.”  She said with a nervous titter.

“You seriously want to get over your issues with double penetration now?  After Tyr is nearly six times as large as she was during that first time?”

Sade sat up and gestured to the slight bulge in her abdomen above her navel, his dick was nearly hitting her sternum.  “I think I am more than used to having my insides rearranged by the two of you.”  She said to emphasize the point.

“That’s fair.”  Rick winced a bit at the reminder of his sheer size, but Sade could also feel the pale spear inside her twitch deliciously at the sight as well.  Her core warmed at the thought, the embers of desire kindling back to life after nearly being snuffed out by the strange tangent their conversion took.  She wiggled her hips a bit to stir the exquisite hardness around.  Rick’s answering inhale of breath at the motion brought her no small measure of glee.

“How about this;  We resume the lovemaking as planned, but also have a proper question and answer session.”  Sade purred.  “We can make a little game out of the whole ordeal, what do you say?”

Rick simply stared at his fellow intimancer for a few heartbeats before shaking his head.  “You and your little games, I swear.”

Without warning, he thrust his hips up, driving that beautiful tower of fertility even deeper into her tunnel.  Sade couldn’t help but let a gasping moan slip out before she clasped her hands over her mouth.  Oh, he was going to pay for that.  She will have him writing underneath him in no time, she would make sure of it.

“I’m game!”  Tyr chirped before grabbing Rick’s legs and giving a gentle pull.

Sade and Rick each gave a little yelp of surprise at the sudden motion before she fell forward, back to laying on Rick’s chest.  The bed sagged and groaned as the gigantic woman got on her knees right behind the two of them.  Sade could feel the heat of that colossal shaft as it nestled itself on her backside, right between her glorious cheeks.

The thought of that thing forcing itself inside her, stretching out her already overtaxed organs to the limit and then continuing onward, thrilled and terrified her in equal measure.  Sade had performed quite a number of ‘unladylike’ actions with the people surrounding her in that room.  But deep down, there was always this token hesitation.  While she was a commoner by right, she was raised to be a noble.  She was supposed to claw her family back to their rightful place in society.

But with each new day, each new depravity she indulged in, that facade crumbled away like cheap plaster.  At the moment, there was only one last thing holding it all up.  She knew that getting over her hang-up with anal play would sever the final string holding up Sade Nala Fulani.  And once it was all gone, all that would remain would be Sade the intimancer.  Her true self.

“Do it…”  She moaned.  “Fill me up my love.  Make me forget my own name!”

Tyr gave a dark chuckle and obliged her.

When the first few finger widths forced their way inside, Sade almost regretted her decision.  Almost.  There was thankfully no pain, it was just simply overwhelming.  She had never once in her life felt so full.  Her wild lover gave her a few heartbeats to accommodate the intrusion, and then she pulled back then plunged forward even deeper.

It was an entirely foreign sensation, being so thoroughly stuffed from that end.  Thankfully the largest hurdle was simply fitting that giant head fully inside her, followed closely by the upper part of Tyr’s shaft that was slightly wider than the lower.  Once Tyr was halfway sheathed inside her rear tunnel, the rest slid in with one more smooth thrust.  Sade could still feel her intestines stretching wildly with each thrust, but it was the entrance that put up the most fight at first.

When the elf’s pelvis slammed into her ass cheeks, Sade arched her back and let out a wordless cry of pleasure.  Stars twinkled in her vision and her mind went white.  In that moment, she truly did forget her own name.

“Are you okay?”

Sade came down from whatever heights she was sent to and looked down to see Rick’s concerned face.  She dropped down and devoured his mouth with a ravenous kiss before slowing into something more sweet and sensual.

“Never better.”  She breathed once she broke away, panting.

There was a gentle clap from beside them.  Both humans turned to see Lilie sporting a wide grin.  “I’m glad you are enjoying yourselves and all, but how is this little game supposed to go?”

Sade laughed then did her best to give Tyr a kiss as well before she answered.  “It is quite simple.  The three of us will continue to enjoy ourselves as previously agreed, and we all will each take turns asking either Rick or myself questions until we are… satisfied.”  She punctuated that last word with a low moan and a wide grin.

Lilie shrugged.  “Works for me.  Who’s first?”

“Let us have you, Daniela, Tyr, Rick, then myself as the order.  Seem fair?”

The healer nodded her head and then pulled up a chair so she could get comfortable.  “Fine then.  Sade, why don’t you want your name to be known?”

Sade was somewhat surprised that the first question would be for her.  But rules, even arbitrary ones, were rules.  “House Fulani was charged with treason and hunted down for immediate execution several generations ago.  Anyone claiming to be from that house would no doubt be rounded up, interrogated for information on other survivors, then summarily killed.”

Lilie’s eyes grew as wide as saucers.  “Oh… well fuck!”

Daniela patted the woman on the shoulder in solidarity.  “I didn’t know either, which is why she was so furioso with me at first.”

“Honestly, I would think a bear would be less dangerous than a furious Sade.”  Rick chuckled from beneath Sade’s bucking hips.

The thief narrowed her eyes at him.  “That reminds me.  If you’re from another world, how do you know enough dwarfish to make puns?”

All eyes turned to the otherworlder laying on the bed.  The man in question sheepishly scratched his cheek.  “Well… Dwarfish is extremely similar to one of the more popular languages on my world.  I just happened to study that one in school since my mother’s tongue wasn’t an option.”

“How many languages do ya know?”  Tyr asked, still plowing away inside Sade.

“I’m fluent in two, since I grew up in a bilingual household.  But I’ve picked up a few bits and pieces from a few others over the years.  Especially the curse words.  You always have to know if someone is sneakily insulting you behind your back.”  Daniela nodded sagely at his explanation.  Sade herself didn’t know how to speak anything outside the common tongue.  She only knew dwarven curses because of their time at ‘The Ship’s Rest’ and listening to their patrons talk.

“Fascinating”  Sade mumbled to herself.  She would have to ask him more details about all that at a later date, but she had other, more burning questions queueing up in her mind.

“I guess it’s my turn to ask something.  Sade, why do you work so hard?”

Sade was about to answer his question, when Rick suddenly bucked his hips, causing his length to pound even deeper against her furthest depths.  She let out an involuntary gasp of pleasure before she rounded on him.  He had the gall to look innocent under her intense glare.

Sade tensed her internal muscles hard.  It drew no small measure of satisfaction to see him squirm underneath her.  “I work so hard, because I was supposed to earn enough power and influence to raise my family back up into the ranks of nobility.”  She said while massaging his manhood with her velvety walls.  She was surprised to hear Tyr groan as well from her ministrations.  She grinned widely and continued.

“You see.  If one has proven themselves to be exceedingly capable and has contributed greatly to the kingdom, then they could be awarded an honorary noble title.  It may not be a full return to prominence, but it is a first step.  Other members of my family or even my children would have greater status than before, and their own achievements would be weighted more heavily.”

“So you were raised as a tool for your family to rise back into prominence?”  Rick gasped from beneath her.

“That is two questions Rick, but I will allow it since it is related to your first one.”  Sade chided jokingly.  “We were once a premier family of mages, second only to the high elves in our mastery of the arcane.  My ancestors helped found many of the magical universities around the kingdom, including many of the smaller and more remote institutions that have since closed down in the intervening years.  We were betrayed, set up, framed for a crime we would have never perpetrated.”

Her voice took a much darker tone.  “Only when I rise back to those lofty ranks would I have the power to bring those bastards low.  Never again will they conspire to bring innocent families to ruin like they did mine.”

Hey all!

So in the spirit of this chapter and the next, I thought it would be a fun idea to open up a public Q&A.

If you all have any questions about my writing style, future story ideas, background, or something random, just leave a comment down below or message me privately.  I would love to chat with such wonderful readers.


In other news;  The winner for the first popularity poll is none other than our glorious elf Tyr!

I'll be working on an outline for her special short story, but keeping up with regular updates for Intimancer comes first, so please be patient with me on that one.

That's all for now!  Take care!

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