
Chapter 14.1 The Chase

“We are finally back.”  Rick groaned as he beheld the main hall of their gigantic home in what felt like weeks.

“Indeed.  We have not had it long, but I really have missed this place terribly.”  Sade agreed.

After their encounter up in the mountains Rayna and her crew still had to be escorted back to Shatak for them to begin the process of receiving their pardon.  While the soon-to-be former bandits were able to load up all of their meager possessions from their hideout, there were many who refused to leave without bringing other things with them.  The sight of the guards’ faces as they beheld the group pushing the poor, beat up, overladen cart towards the city gates was one Rick will remember for a long time.

Every single monster they killed was piled high onto the heavily abused wood.  Tyr stood proud atop the ludicrous pile of bodies like a conquering lord returned from campaign, Rayna just a few steps down beside her.  Due to the fact that her usual attire did not survive the fight, and that she was nearly head and shoulders taller than everyone else, she had little more than tight strips of cloth to give the barest hint of modesty for their return to civilization.

After they were let through beyond the walls, they had paraded down the crowded streets all the way to the hunters garrison.  Every gasp and stare along the way only egged the two troublemakers on.  The duo of redheaded women roared in victory and whipped up the crowd into enthusiastic cheers.  Thankfully the city guards didn’t take issue with this behavior and left them all alone until they reached their destination.

After that little performance, the bodies and bandits were left with the garrison, leaving just the four of them and their incredibly lucky horse to make the trek back to their property.  Rick would miss that wild and crazy bunch, he hoped that everything would work out and they all would have some fun together down the road.  He also hoped that Lilie would be able to see her sister again, they had just reunited after a long time after all.

The whole party kicked off their boots except for Tyr, since she didn’t have any.  She did at least wipe her feet as best she could, so Rick couldn’t really fault her if he had to clean the main hall a bit more than he would have preferred.  The whole group was tired and sore from the whole ordeal.  All Rick wanted to do was strip down, have a relaxing bath, then fall asleep surrounded by the women he loved on their giant bed.

“Well… That was fun.”  Tyr said as she gave a great stretch, nearly bursting her thin wrappings right off her body.

Rick made to move past his large friend, eager to scrub away the past day’s activities, but Tyr’s heavy palm came down on his shoulder, holding him down with enough strength to prevent him from moving another step.

“Where do ya think yer going?”  She purred into his ear.  “I’ve been feeling a tad ignored by ya these past few weeks.  So now we’re gonna have a bit of fun together.”

Rick was once again paralyzed by the intensity emanating from her deep green eyes.  They held a hunger beyond anything he could accurately comprehend, and they looked at him like he was the perfect meal to sate her ravenous desires.  A cold sweat started to form on his back as Tyr continued to exude her predator aura in his direction.

“Sade loves ta come up with all sorts of little games for us ta play, but I think we should play one of our own.  Just the two of us.”

“A-and what do you propose?”  Rick asked, barely able to squeak out the words.

Tyr chuckled darkly, slow and deep.  “Oh, it’s quite simple really.  That last scrap left me feeling a bit… unfulfilled.”  She started to prowl around him, raking all over his body with her fierce gaze.  “Yes… This should be fun.  The game is simple, I want ta hunt more filling prey.”

“Y-you want to h-hunt me?!”

Tyr only gave a feral grin in response.  She closed her eyes, momentarily releasing Rick from their strange hold over him.  His heart sank when he saw what she had planned to make the game a bit more interesting.  The bindings around her chest grew taut as her whole body swelled in size.  Up and up her head rose, with each second the coital energy stretched her frame ever higher.

The tiny strips of cloth that held her modesty quickly gave up the ghost with the faint sound of ripping fabric, leaving the amazonian beauty on full display for everyone to see.  Rick angled his head upward, trying to gauge just how much taller the elf had become.  She was nearly two meters tall before the spurt, but her new size rivaled the tallest of professional basketball players.

Rick’s blood ran cold when he estimated she spent twenty whole points of energy all at once.  Tyr’s mighty weapon was as hard as steel and aiming straight at him.  If she took a single step forward she could stab him right in the heart.  The whole situation felt like a deadly premonition of things to come.  Before he could make his escape, Tyr opened her eyes.

Rick stood there, pinned in place by the piercing glare shooting from her emerald irises once more.  Her whole body was tense, coiled tightly and ready to pounce at a moment's notice if he so much as twitched.  Her chest was vibrating, low and deep like a diesel engine while the unimaginable pleasure coursed through her veins.  The sound sent every instinct in his brain alight with fear… and more than a small dose of arousal.

She bent down low until their faces were at the same level.  Her deep green eyes looked like they were practically glowing in the dim light. It took him several moments for his mind to process that somehow, the terrifying growls emanating from the woman in front of him had shifted into actual words he could understand.

“Now…” she whispered, flashing her sharp fangs in a wolfish smile.


His feet were already pounding on the wood before his brain even fully registered the command.  Tyr’s terrifying laughter chased him all the way down the hall.  He didn’t want to look back.  The last thing his fragile mind needed was to see just how much, or how little, of a head start she gave him for this twisted game of cat and mouse.  And the sight of a seven foot tall naked futanari coming at him at full tilt, and full mast, was enough to send an uncontrollable bout of shivers down his spine.

He dashed past the dining room and kitchens just off the main hall, those area’s wouldn’t offer him much in the way of hiding, Tyr wasn’t a velociraptor after all.  The hallways and bedrooms wouldn’t help much either, so he chose to duck around a corner into the old servants halls.  These were a maze of corridors that ran between many of the various sections on the upper and lower floors. They were not perfect, but they were the best bet he had in trying to evade his horny huntress.

Her mad cackles echoed through the narrow space from just behind the last corner.  It seemed that his time was running out.

“Balls!”  Rick cursed under his breath.  He needed to come up with a gameplan.  Out of everyone in the group, Tyr was by far the most unpredictable.

Actually… That wasn’t exactly true.

His elven lover was as wild as can be, but even she had her patterns.  Trying to kickstart his mind into overdrive, Rick searched through every fight he could remember her being in, including sparring sessions.  She confronted issues straight on, with everything she had, every time.  In fact, Rick couldn’t not recall a single instance of Tyr ever using a feint or subterfuge while in combat.  While that made her straightforward, her use of those feral instincts threw a major dose of randomness into the equation.  But he wasn’t trying to beat her, only delay the inevitable for as long as possible.

Rick dove to the side right when he exited out the passageway.  Tyr growled in frustration as she barely missed the tackle and started to slide across the smooth floor away from him.  He took the opportunity and bolted straight for the nearest door to the central courtyard.  He would only have one shot at executing the crazy plan that had half formed in his head.

Rick slammed the door behind him and raced towards the garden area.  The central garden was a large courtyard that provided a pleasant view for the rooms that happened to be located on the inner side of the building.  Rich people did pay good money to stay there after all.  And getting a room without a nice view, or any windows at all, would probably not have made them happy.  The area was designed like a mountain spring, with a bubbling waterfall that fed into a small pond and surrounded by assorted greenery like trees and flowers.

Rick’s bare feet hit the dirt and soft gravel that littered the garden.  Unfortunately, his ears picked up the telltale crunch of a second pair of large feet hitting the terrain a split second after.  He dashed to the side and aimed towards a group of large rocks that were so large, they nearly reached the second level balconies.

Right when he could hear the heavy breathing of his pursuer behind him, Rick jumped and kicked off the nearby boulder.  He let the momentum of his jump send him tumbling backward through the air in an acrobatic flip.  Just before he landed, he saw Tyr rushing past where he just was, her eyes wide with surprise at the unexpected maneuver.

He nearly stumbled when his feet impacted the uneven ground.  He didn’t, however, and he immediately set course for the waterfall.  Or more specifically, the large, angled slab of stone that the waterfall spilled from.  Up the steep grade he climbed, hoping desperately that he had the strength and ability to pull off the stupid stunt his mind concocted.  When he reached the crest of the stony hill, he leaped off.

“Baaaaaaaaaaallllls!”  He screamed as he flew through the air.

He almost cried in relief when his feet sailed over the banister of a nearby balcony and he tumbled onward into the bedroom attached.  He had done it!  The sudden juke and subsequent escape to the second floor had probably bought him enough time to find a decent place to hide from the lust-crazed elf.

Smiling, Rick dashed out of the room and made for the nearest servant corridor that would lead him back downstairs.  She would never suspect him of doubling back that way, not with all the effort it took to even get upstairs in the first place.  He felt like the sneakiest git in the whole damn world at the thought of tricking her so thoroughly.

He was still grinning when he turned the corner and impacted face first against a hard wall.  He let out a yelp of surprise and pain as he bounded off the barrier and fell back onto his rear end.  His dazed mind tried to sort out what had just happened, he didn’t remember there being a wall or door blocking that particular hallway.  Once his mind cleared up somewhat, he looked to see exactly what was blocking his way.

He saw large feet, tipped with thick nails that were almost sharpened to points.  Further up, those feet were attached to wide, muscular legs, each the width of a small tree.  His heart sank as his gaze continued to climb up along several familiar features that he was intimately familiar with.  Wide hips, abs that could be used to grind stone, heavy breasts that defied explanation.  With a final gulp, he locked eyes with the feral beauty that looked back down at his sitting form, a triumphant smirk twisting her lips.


Well... that was fun.  I hope she doesn't go too hard on the poor guy.

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Take care!

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