Interstellar Railway: Copy Morax at the start

Chapter 21

Chapter 21

When the three woke up, the time was close to noon, and Gu Ze, who was full of energy, went straight to the headquarters of the silver-maned iron guard after eating at the hotel.

Bronia had been waiting there for a long time.

“Here you are.” Bronia’s tone was a little cold, and there were faint tear tracks on her face, obviously she had only cried for a short time.

“Kokolia has already explained the situation to you?” Gu Ze asked.

“That’s right, I really didn’t expect that my mother would actually …” Bronia said this, her face suddenly became sad, and her tone fell, as if she thought of something unacceptable.

She paused and took a deep breath before continuing, “I will do my best to help you find the star core, and the search work in the upper area will be handed over to the silver-maned iron guard.

“However, I heard from the people in the hotel that the upper and lower floors have almost cut off contact, not to mention how we go down, and who should we find for assistance after we go down?” Danheng hugged his arm and asked a question.

“I got a consultant for you on this issue.” Jepard came from the side, clutching a handsome blue-haired man in his hand.

After the man saw Gu Ze and the others, he immediately changed his smiling face, but the smile was a little embarrassing and a little weak.

“Ah, it’s Sambo!” March Seven directly called out his name after seeing the person coming, “You guy actually threw us on the snowfield at that time and ran away first!”

“Ahaha, it was really forced by the situation at that time, well, I have to do it, forgive me.” Sambo quickly defended himself, “What’s more, several heroes are extraordinary, how can they be caught in the game, I am not good at it, and I am very insecure.”

“Well, we don’t think about the past with you, this time I hope you lead the way.” Danheng looked at Sambo and said.

“Okay, no problem, we are satisfied with the service package this time.” Sambo patted his chest and swore a promise.

He turned to look at Jepard again: “Then according to the agreement, I will take them to the lower area, and the things I committed this time will be written off.” ”

Look at your performance.” Jeppard hugged his arm and didn’t immediately agree.

“Cheng, everyone, please come with me.” Sambo waved his hand and left the Silver-Maned Iron Guard Headquarters with Gu Ze and his party and Bronia.

“Although the upper and lower areas are closed, there is a passage on the heart of the furnace to enter the lower area, and we will go from there later.” Sambo said as he walked, he could see that he was a little distressed, after all, it was the passage he had discovered, and now it was actually going to be exposed.

Sambo led them around and finally saw a passage that resembled a small hole.

“If I’m not mistaken, this should have been excavated before the cold wave, and the earth pulp pioneer group had been excavated to lead to the ground to study the earth pulp ore.” Sambo is well aware of this history, “but later the cable car was built and abandoned.” ”

Let’s take this trail, it won’t take long to reach the lower area.”

“Then let’s go.” Gu Ze was afraid that the star core would make trouble again, and he had to seal it quickly.

They used lighting equipment to dispel the darkness in the passage and went down the stone steps, and on the way, there was a constant surge of heat around them, dispelling the wind and snow on everyone.

“The underground pulp resources are relatively sufficient, so the heating is also better than the above.” Sambo explains, “There was even a joke that if you could transport all the underground pith to it at once, I am afraid that it would not take a few days to completely melt the ice and snow in Belloberg.” ”

Ground pulp ore can be used as heating energy, ensure heating, is an indispensable thing in this world!

But this thing is only found underground, so the people in the lower areas will keep mining it.

“Here we are.”

Through the dark tunnel, the group finally reached the lower area.

This differs from the upper zone in that the light in the lower area is all due to lighting equipment, not sunlight, so it appears a little dark.

Surrounded by rock faces, there seems to be no obvious regional plan, only scattered mining areas and small towns, like the suburbs of Belloberg.

The people who came and went were dressed more simply than in the upper districts, and many of the people in a hurry wore mining hats and looked like they had just returned from the mines.

In fact, most of the people in the lower areas depend on mining the ground for a living, and some even stay in the mining areas for the rest of their lives.

“Then the lower area is so large, where should we go to find the star core?” March 7 looked at the pedestrians passing by, and couldn’t help but get a little big-headed.

The lower area is wide, relying on the four of them, even if they are tired, it is difficult to find the target.

“Is there any distribution of forces in the lower regions?” Gu Ze looked at Sambo and asked deliberately.

“Distribution of forces, then you can ask the right person.” Sambo smiled, he had been active in the lower class area for so many years, and he had long known everything.

“There are roughly three that are more powerful and meet your needs, one is the mining team, which is the organization that mines in the mining area and mines the ground pulp ore. The second is the Captain Shvarro, which is a robot and controls the robots in the lower area, and many wanderers have defected to it to form the Gold Digger Organization. ”

The homeless people were originally also miners, but because their homes were swallowed by the rift, they were homeless, and they could only wander around, some of them were extremely poor, and they often competed for the miners’ things and even occupied the territory.

They are fragmented, and most of them have no fixed place to live, except for those who have defected to Schwaro.

“There is another force, and that is Earth Fire.” Sambo turned to look at Gu Ze and said.

“The earth fire was established after the Silver-Maned Iron Guard withdrew, and it is a militia volunteer organization, and the work done by the Iron Guard before – to maintain order.”

“Well, when you say so, I feel that the organization of Earth Fire is more reliable.” March Seven nodded and said.

“Then we will choose to contact the earth fire and use their power to find the traces of the star core.” Bronia was the first to make the decision.

“I’m okay with that.” Danheng then made a statement.

“So, where exactly do you find them?” March Seven looked at Sambo.

“Don’t look at me, I’m going to find them, they don’t necessarily pay attention to me.” Sang Bo noticed that several people’s eyes were focused on him, and quickly waved his hand, “And you guys just go like this, people are probably not willing to help.”

“But I can tell you how to gain their trust.”

“What to do?”

Everyone asked in unison.

“Oh, there is a fight club near here that is holding a match, if you can make a name for yourself here, naturally there will be ground fire personnel coming to you.” Sambo pointed in a direction, “After all, they also need talents, and in my opinion, the skills of all your friends are completely qualified.” ”

Count you as having vision.” March Seven smiled slightly.

“So, how about I go to the fight club and look for clues to the star core nearby?” Gu Ze spoke, “This can also be more efficient.”

Everyone nodded and began to divide their respective tasks.

Then, Gu Ze walked towards the fight club alone.

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