Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

What she hates

I woke up in Rita's bed, with him still sleeping.


Morning is fun. I did have an good sleep, even if I was just looking at darkness and nothing more.

"Hm... I will go have breakfast first."

I rubbed his hair... and I bled. Hm, his hair must've somehow sliced my skin... heha, I guess touching him brings bad luck to me.

Not that I care.

"Hope.", I called upon it.

But nothing happened, ah, I forgot. The price for Hope is not being able to use it for a while... the number of people I pulled into the Game of Hope equals to the number of hours before I can use it again. So... 21 hours.

For now, I just licked my wound... hm, blood doesn't taste have bad— perish that thought, Charlotte. Don't relate to cannibals.

I walked up to the mirror, looking at myself. My usual azure eyes are replaced by a bright purple glow, they have soften a bit but still fairly sharp. And my face always has a thin smile, as if I was plotting something...

I commanded the nanomachines, covering the bottom part of my face in a silver mask. Hm... cover my face. And they did, blanketing my entire face in a blank mask. Hmm, still don't like it.

Changing it back to the eight pointed star, my purple eyes glowed throught the holes... this doesn't fit anymore... so I changed it again, to only cover the upper half of my face with five pointed end instead of eight.

It's like I'm wearing a masquerade mask, and I also dialed the Cognitive Scrambler to just make my face hard to remember.

I put on an outdoor outfit, since today is the rest day before the big event. With a little spin I observe myself, a white T-shirt with the Rose Compass drawn in black, tight leggings hugging my form. And of course, sport shoes.

My smile widen, I like this look.

Oh, I have to wake up Rita too. I head towards him— a bird just hit the window, splattered.

"Rita...", I looked at him, "You are awake, aren't you?"

"Hrm...", he mumbled.

He was conscious, but not awake. Hm... my eyes moved downward, to his lower half.

Maybe if I just— Styx was giving that judgemental look Athen talked about. I glance back... no one is there.

Oh well.

I grabbed his balls, squeezing them tightly with my hands.

"Ah!", Rita was wide awake right now.

"Wakey wakey, the sun is shining upon us~", I hummed and let go of his balls.

Stop looking at me like that, Styx, if I was the usual me I wouldn't even think about waking him up. I am being a bit nicer 

Her stare stopped. Good, glad you could understand.

"Come on now, change your clothes and head down to the restaurant. They are having a buffet.

"O-Okay, but could you wake me up... the normal way, next time?", he asked me.

"Of course, since I am forced to being nice for a while.", I smiled.

"This is you being nice...", Rita thought about it for a moment, "I can see it."

"What do you mean by that?", I said, teasingly.

"Um... sorry if this offend you... Corday, you have been pushing your weight around a lot, you are rude and... quite intimidating."

"Please tell me something I don't already know. Oh, and you did miss 'creepy'.", I sarcastically said.

I snapped my finger, "Anyhow, I'll be going first."

"Of course... you do you.", he waved be away, "I like to sleep to noon..."

He plopped back into bed.


Another bird hit the window... whoever is cleaning will not like it— stop it, Styx... okay, unfortunate for the one that will take care of our room.

...That seems to work.

I went out of my room, breathing a sigh of relieve... I hate being this nice.

This isn't me, this isn't Charlotte Silvi... I cannot live like this... 

I am the Akashic Records, I represent every single human, past, present, and future. I know for a fact that this facre... is something humanity hate the most - not being who we are.

I can't even be myself in private, even with Euphoria loosening myself and make my words prettiers... being nice isn't what I want.


On it.

What are they cooking up~?

Nothing to worry about.

Come on, Survive my dude~ can't you share with little old terrifying me~?

Calculation completed.

Survive's calculation flooded my mind... a smile cracked on my face.

"Survive, please deal with that goddess for me.", I commanded, feeling her stare manifesting

Of course.

And it was gone, shoved to the deepest part of my very being. See you another time, goddess of judgemental stares.

With a smile plastered on my face, I did the same routine I did yesterday. Jumping down, running on the side with three hops to get down to the ground floor, a roll to safely avoid the might of gravity.

Nothing too difficult for me, who has the entire instinct and knowledge of humanity's survival techniques and skills.

The first people I met was Jack, now wearing a blood red dress with a tragedy and comedy mask... which Jack am I talking to?

"Greetings, Charlotte~", she waved with a big, crazed smile, "You are early, as per usual~ did you have a good night sleep?"

It was The Killer.

"I was fine, though I cannot dream.", I smiled tenderly, waltzing over Jack with soundless steps.

"Oh, and you don't have to go to the meeting hall this evening, you, Enna, and Rita can do whatever you want!", she caringly pat my head.

"Stop it.", I slapped her hand away.

Jack is still smiling, "Aw! Don't be too edgy~ and is that a masquerade you are wearing? I prefer the mind fucking mode."

"I won't change it just because of your opinion. Though I appreciate the feedback.", I spoke with a smile, hiding away my distain for doing this.

"Woah, that Contract really changed you, are you alright?", she asked me.

"Of course not.", I kept my smile, "I want to burn something— say, is there a gym for Gem Holder down here?"

"I think there is somewhere in between the Tourist Zone and the Residential Zone. But~ you gotta eat breakfast first!"

"Of course, what are they serving anyway?", I asked.

"I don't know! You go first, I'm waiting for Enna and Athen!"

"Then see you later.", I waved.

Now... I have to get my fill before Enna gets here.

Grabbing a plate, I went around and look around the place. Hm~ oh, there is fried mantis eggs, I grabbed some, which are as big as chicken egg. Then a piece of roasted drake, I also scrapped some juice and drizzle it over the mantis eggs.


Oh, next was some sauerkraut salad, and baked mushroom. With a drizzle of mayo.

And I am still mission carb. There are some pasta... good.


I turned around, her cheerful expression is something I appreciated. When I come to Ataraxia, I have to become her friend... more official this time.

"Hello, Mitsuki—", I stopped my voice. She's Japanese, then I should call her my her family name, "Okita, how are you?"

"I had a good sleep!", the bloodlust of a killer showed clear in her eyes, "I will defeat you next time, Charl!"

"If there is a next time.", because there will be one.

"Of course! Sealing away evil spirits and killing demons are very boring... I want to try what my great grandmother did...", she giggles to herself.

Great grandmother... Reverie, information.

I feel like I am becoming just your wikipedia~! But that's fine, sometimes the best has to take the backseat for others.

Anyway, her great grandmother is most likely to be Okita Mitsu, the eldest sister of Okita Souji, widely regarded as the Bloody Ronin of Mutsu.

Bloody Ronin of Mutsu...

Yep, because she was a Gem Holder of the Conceptual: Blood, and her only joy is to bathe in the blood of her enemy after the death of her younger brother... nothing can stop her with the level of swordsmanship she possessed, and to put her in good use...

The government gave her the job of a Demon Slayer.

Correct~ the Okita family is now a family of Demon Slayers. Asia always has an evil spirit infestation~

"Anyway.", I snapped Mitsuki out of her daydream, "What are you having?"

"Oh, just some fried noodle. I can't get used to the insects here.", she shivered.

Mu's wildlife is overrun with giant insects, and large fields of mushroom forest. Most people will be disgusted by them, but for me, they taste delicious. I popped a fried mantis egg into my mouth. Mhm~ taste like chicken egg but sweeter with a hint of umani. Though Mitsuki look disgusted.

"They are good, why don't you try some— ah, there is oyster here.", I haven't eat this yet, two for me.

"I guess I'll take an oyster.", she followed me.

I seated down on an empty table, Mitsuki also sat next to me.

"So—", I shut her up with a glare.

"I like to eat in silence.", I spoke to her, "We can talk later."

I like to enjoy my meals in silence, the taste of the food is better that way. With the fork and knife, I ate the second fried mantis egg, smashing it in my mouth and spread it around my tongue.

It was good, especially the light crunch. I can only smile with this delicacy...

Then some pasta with the mushroom sauce. The earthy taste and the creamy sauce is good, flavorful, but a bit salty if not for the sweetness of the egg.

Next is the the combination of the sauerkraut and the mushroom. Chewy and crunchy at the same time, squeezing out the juice of the mushroom to mix with the light salty taste of the salad. It refreshes my taste.

With this routine, I quickly devoured and savored every bite. Ah... I am happy, this is who I am, doing things I like... as long as I fulfill the bare minimum.

I then moved onto my roasted drake, enjoying the delicate meat that just melts in my mouth— I devoured it all quickly, just like last time.

"Gochisousama", Mitsuki finished the same time as me.

I don't say anything, I do not pray, not for god, not for anyone.

—oh, her stare got more powerful.

Stop it, I am a human after all, I can pick my way of life. And after seeing things from the few gods I have seen, I hate divinity. 

"I declare I am an atheist.", I said to myself.

"W-What?", Mitsuki was bewildered and surprised.

"Nothing for you to worry about, Okita.", my words laced with Euphoria calmed her down.

"Okay... so you are an atheist?"

I nodded, "Yes. Being an atheist is something that fits me well."

Reject the laws set by the gods, Forge laws for mankind and yourself only. 

This is my way, The Way of Humanity.

Stop it, Styx. I am being as nice as I can, seeing that I didn't use my library to seek a way to break the Contract, or have Malice burns the Contract. You can do that, right?

Of course, my lady.


I am a person of my words, Styx. I am being as nice as I can, subjecting myself to this pain. There aren't many things I don't like. Things that I don't like I hate with a passion. Being force to be someone else, betraying myself... it's something that tears me apart from the inside.

Your soul was torn apart already~

Shut up, Reverie. Survive.

On it.


I sat up from my seat, hm... I get to the drink stall, getting myself a glass of cold spider milk... this stuff is addicting.

Euphoria, remove my addiction, please.

Fufu, of course, my dear.

And I drank the milk in one big gulp, delicious... I am addicted again. But I can fight addictions, so I just refilled the glass.

Coming back to Mitsuki, who was... making her own tea. Where did she get that tea set?

"Where did you get that tea set?", I asked out loud.

"Oh, just a simple Heavenly Edict.", she replied.

I nodded and sat down on my seat. Now that meal time is over, I took out my phone and browses the internet.

Let's see... 'Andras Silvi daughter'... huh, there is a result. Let's see... her name is Deliah Silvi, there is a picture of her holding a potted plant, belladonna to be specific.

She look very similar to me, silver hair and a very thin build... but her chest is fairly large, not as large as Athen but still big. Her eyes are different from my own, hers are soft and kind, must've taken from our mother.

I want to meet her...

Ah, I also bought her book. This website sells paper back for double the original price but they have a special service, sending a letter to the author.

Hopes she read it soon... this acting nice thing is driving me insane.

"Hey Mitsuki.", I called her.

"Hm?", she was finished with brewing her tea.

"Where are you going after this?", I looked around... there are more than fifty MAS operatives here.

"Oh, some plans on my part changed so I need to get the details.", she shrugged, enjoying her tea, "I still have to deal with the Magnum Opus thingy and that's that, on top of it, I can't use my Anima Pactum."

"What does your Anima Pactum do anyway?", I asked.

"I can freeze time itself!", she shouted in excitement, everyone is now looking at us.

Freezing time, huh. That's actually pretty cool... did I just make a pun?

Yes, yes you did.


"I am free until tomorrow, so I thought about going to the gym for some workout. I have been meaning to let some steam off."

"You don't look on edge to me.", she tilted her head with a confused look.

"I am barely holding onto my sanity.", my voice was devoided of emotions.

Sensing my emptiness, Mitsuki wore a horrified expression on her face. With the last drops of milk into my mouth, I stood up from my seat.

"I'll be going now."

I make my way, weaving between the MAS operatives, who had their uniform off. Not that I care much, though I have to admit, beneath that cool uniform, better than an enchanted jacket, are just normal everyday people from the outside.

Oh, Athen.

"Athen, could you answer me a quick question?", I went up to her, placing my chin on her soft breasts.

"Uh...", she pushed me out of her breasts, "Sure?"

"Are you my sister?"

"No?", she frowned.

I didn't detect any change in her heart rate, she was telling the truth.

"My mom?"

"No.", she said sternly.

Again, the truth.

I had enough so I went pass her, "See you later, Athen."

Sometimes I have to remind myself that Charlotte is just a kid, a sociopathic kid.

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