Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss


Sleeping in a factory isn't all that bad. Luckily for me, Kawl was kind enough to turn off the factory line for me to sleep. And I got to sleep in a comfy bed, though there is no natural air conditioning like in Ataraxia with Mitsuki around.

Plus, I have to get to that cafe today. Since it is now closed for today to discuss the future of the shop, I sincerely hope it closes permanently.

Inside the car, Kawl was driving, and Juju was in the front seat, with me having the back to myself. I don't like wearing a business suit, but because this is a meeting I have to look polite.

"So here is the plan, you will be my attendant in this meeting. So could you please just stand behind me and let me do all the talking?", Juju said, glancing back at me.

He looks very different from before, now looks like a man in his fifties. With gray hair and all.

I nodded since negotiation isn't my strong suit or even something I'm interested in. I like intimidation tactics more than talking, even if manipulating people is fun.

But then he asked me something absurd, "Because of the nature of this operation, can you come up with a fake name for yourself?"

I frowned, I don't like to fake my name— wait, I have a great solution for that!

"I'll go by Sinclair from this point until the end of the operation.", I wear a wide smile. Which seems to creep Juju out. Everyone get creeped out when I smile, just why?

What better name to use than "my" own? Surely Sinclair won't mind at all. She had practically been playing with my life the entire time, identity fraud should be the last thing she need to worry about.

But he kept his professional look, "My name will be Andre, so keep that in mind."

"Likewise.", I nodded.

The rest of our trip was in silence. And we arrive at the destination in 20 minutes.

With Juju heading in first and me behind him, we enter the closed cafe. And I released my Imperial Aura, filling the entire cafe with a deathly aura. Of course, I singled Juju out to not let him feel how dangerous I am.

There was only one person here, sitting on the table near the window corner, a man approaching his senior who is shaking from the pressure I'm giving. Poor bastard... this is what you get for using powdered milk.

"Greetings, you must be Mister Darrel.", Juju started, extending his hand out with a smile, "My name is Andre, Agent of the Mason Inc."

The other man, Darrel, with a terrified expression, shook his hand.

"P-Please sit...", he whimpered, his eyes met mine only for a moment before looking away. On an instinctual level, he knew I was the actual boss here, watching him like a predator ready to rend him apart at the slightest notion of weakness.

"This is Sinclair, my bodyguard.", Juju introduced me.

I nodded without saying a word. This should send him a message, whatever that message may be I don't care enough to know. I want him to know that I kill him right here and now without any consequences, what he does with that information is up to him.

Pulling from his briefcase are stacks of paper, all with the logo of two hammers crossing each other in front of the letter 'M'.

"Let's get right into business, shall we?", Juju smiles, "Here are the documents we found while looking for a place to have our store, this place seems to be the right place."

As Juju flips through the documents, I get a chance to see them... hmm, low review score, but attract a decent number of customers due to being in the City Center.

Mason Inc. deals with hardware, usually computer parts. My PC back in the Headquarters was actually made with Mason Inc. parts, I didn't take it out from the future or an alternative timeline.

"As what the email said, We would like to buy this building with the price of 3 million Emmit, that is also including your debt."

3 million Emmit... wait, didn't the equipment I broke in Novah cost a total of 2 million Emmit? Was I scammed? Then again, I broke what seemed to be the latest gym equipment, they could've handled my full strength for a while before breaking.

"We have the agreement readied, please read it carefully before signing.", Juju handed over the document, which was five pages long.

I just keep staring at him with my azure gaze, he must feel like this is rock bottom for him. I can see the despair sinking into him as he read and read further...

I can't help but bloom a sadistic smile, watching as his life goes down the drain. Essentially, he will sell this place at the given price, and never speak to anyone about this ever again... but how will we ensure the contract?

The answer came right as I think about it. Juju held his hand out, and appearing from thin air is... a Fae, female from its body shape, wearing... no, its body is a suit of armor made of wood. It has no wings. And the fact that it's 20 centimeters long just makes the Fae more freaky.

"This is Azkerviel, a Fae from Britain, who will ensure the deal is seal without a problem. Say hi, Azkerviel."

The Fae twitches unnaturally, waving at Darrel in a very creepy manner. Twitching, making audible sounds of branches snapping. Creepy...

"H-Hi...", Darrel meekly waved back.

Azkerviel, then opened its visor, reaching arm deep into its own mouth... taking out a pen made of wood.

"By signing the Contract with this pen, we are bound by it for the rest of our lives.", Andre stated.

"What would happen if... I break the contract?", Darrel asked, looking at the Fae as it twitches.

"Well, it is much worse than selling your soul to a Demon, I can say that much.", Juju smiled, making Azkerviel twitch its head to the side, likely smiling too.

It is a well-known fact that messing with the Faefolk is one of the stupidest things you can do. Since they are creatures born of the life force of the planet itself, they can manipulate biology to a cellular level. Those who earn their ire always meet a worse fate than death...

"You don't have any other way, Darrel.", ah, intimidation, my favorite, "Either you sign the Contract and pay off your debts, or the loan sharks will tear you apart."

I like Juju, he is fun.

I glare at Darrel even harder, smiling as he takes the pen, signing each page with a shaking hand. But his signatures were perfect, which must be due to the pen. Though the same cannot be said about his appearance, he looks... empty, as if he was selling his life away. This is most likely the case, but I don't care.

He must've loved this place very much, spending time in a relaxing place he created with his own hands. Selling it away himself is a terrible feeling, especially when he knows Mason Inc. or more correctly, me, going to tear this place down and build it anew.

Tragic, but it is not my problem at all. Heha~ in fact, I'm glad we were able to bring this place down! Using powdered milk is a crime against me.

After Darrel finished signing, Juju took the document and read through them, checking if some things were altered. Nothing from the look of it, but the invisible ink might be a bit concerning.

With nothing wrong, he packed up the document back into his briefcase.

"Glad to do business with you, thank you for your cooperation.", Juju stood up and bowed. Azkerviel hopped onto his shoulder, repeating after him, "You have a month to move out, or we will report you to the authorities."

I also bowed, but I kept glaring at Darrel as Juju made his way outside. Walking backward, keeping eye contact with him until I got outside...

That should scar him for life. I expect nothing less from myself.

When we got back into the car, Juju glanced back at me.

"Good work, Charlotte. I knew from the killing aura, you had some sort of grudge against him and was ready to tear him apart. But you didn't! I know it must've taken a lot of restraining."

"I appreciate the compliment. But I have a few questions to ask.", I said as my eyes darted toward the Fae.

"Oh, you mean Azkerviel. She's an exile from the Court of Nightmare, and I'm her Contractor for the time being. Think of her like a pet.", Juju chuckled, poking at the twitching Fae.

"I see... that was the strange presence I felt. Can I touch... her?", I stare at the Fae.

It shivered and disappeared.

"Haha, looks like Azkerviel doesn't want you to touch her.", Juju chuckled, then he turned to Kawl, "Kawl, let's go grab some grub to eat. I'm hungry."

"Let me search... oh, I found a cheap diner.", he glanced back at me, "Charlotte, do you want to come with us?"

I haven't had breakfast yet. So might as well get some free food.

"Sure, let's go.", I answered with smile.

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