Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

The cursed boy

I ran through the streets, not minding the complaints of the people around me, not that they can complain much, I ran in a way they would think that I was just an energetic girl.

As for Enna, she's flying above the city, scouting ahead.

Well, the road is relatively empty so I started to run on it. Of course, with Survive I worked myself to the bone, every muscle fiber burning and tearing apart. But at the same time, Euphoria's hormones are giving me a boost, improving my physical capabilities every second. Then with the active use of Hope, I heal my body constantly.

As a result of three Devils working together, I reached my top speed of 45 km/h... the fastest a human can achieve.

Very soon, I reached the park... and I could see why Jack was worried. What was meant to be a sanctuary of nature in an urban environment was turned into... whatever this is.

A tree is on fire, burned by blue flame. Wasps everywhere, crawling out of food people left behind, and... is that a samurai, wielding an ice katana, fighting a chimpanzee?

...What kind of situation is this?

Also, I need to find Rita. Let's see... a boy with brown messy hair, red eyes with white 'X' crosses in them... and wearing a business suit.

Found him, sitting on a bench with wasps buzzing around him. But he seems pretty alright from the look of things.

I approached him, with my Reverie goo covering my body. Any wasp that tried to approach me got consumed by the sludge of Imagination and Creativity.

"Hey.", I made myself known.

"Ah! Corday!", he turned around to reply, with a shocked expression.

Strangely, the wasps all go away.

I sat down next to the boy, and I could feel his stress level going up. With that, I retracted Reverie back into my body.

"So, what is your deal?", I asked him, getting a bit closer.

"Erm... well... I can't properly control my power yet... Malsumis, the Abenaki God of Chaos and Destruction, my power is... well, Murphy's Law. I amplify the percentage of bad luck while I am calm...", he took a glance at me, then back at the pond in front, "But when I am stressed out, that power subsides."

"Then why did you join this mission?", I tilted my head.

"Well... I just want to get out there more... I used to be alone, with everyone calling me a cursed child with all the bad luck I brought to everyone. At that time, Malsumis didn't speak to me at all, even now, he rarely speaks... I really thought I was cursed.", he let out a light chuckle.

"You seem really mature for your age.", I commented, looking at the pond with him.

"You too... Corday, we are the newest generation after all, some call us too old for our age...", he turned to me.

"...because we had already given up.", I finished his words.

The values of the older generations, we gave up on them. Like traditions, they made shackles, ghosts, and wraiths, all to keep us bound to the ways of old.

But it is the nature of time that the old ways must give in. It is the nature of time that new ways come in sins.

When the old meets the new, it always ends the ancient ways. As many times history has proven, the old ways will go up in blaze.

So, what does that make me? I am the Akashic Records, the amalgamation of the past and the future...

"Even in this time of 'peace'...", Rita stared down at his hands, shaking, "We fight a new war... a new battleground..."

"As long as the concept of 'loser' and 'winner' still exist...", I looked up to the sky, "War will never change."

"It cannot change.", I added.

Because I know better than anyone, that a utopia can never be achieved. A utopia, is a concept, a dream... and dreams can never become true.

"By the way.", I changed the subject, "Where is Pan?"

"Oh! She's in the car, why do you ask?", Rita tilted his head.

"I just want to check in on it, Pan may be a part of a hivemind that gets stronger after every death, but it's still my pet.", I stood up, "Come on, Jack is running around in different directions with Athen trying to catch her. And let me drive."


I placed my index finger on his lips, shutting him off. My azure eyes stare deep into his eyes, sending him into a silent panic.

"I. Will. Drive."

"O...kay...", he meekly slumped down.

I want to drive a car, simple as that.

"Come on now, show me where the car is.", I requested, my voice laced with Euphoria.

Rita nodded, quietly leading the way out of the park. I glanced back at the park... the strange samurai woman was still fighting the chimpanzee...

This world is strange.

We got to the car eventually, where Pan is sunbathing on the roof...

"Rita, you said Pan was in the car.", I spoke, glancing over to the stressed boy.

"I definitely locked the car...", he went over to check the locks, "It's still locked..."

"Pan.", I called the cat.

It woke up from its sleep, then it hopped onto my left shoulder.

"What is it, Charlotte.", it growled.

"How did you get out of the car?", I asked while playing with its belly.

"Cats are liquid. I can escape anytime I want now.", it casually responded.

"Hm, I'll accept that. Now, on you go exploring the city and do something about that fat."

"Grr...", it growled and ran away into the park.

"Uh... is it okay to let her wander around?", Rita asked, pointing at Pan.

"It's alright, it can manage."

Hmm, I should've asked how many Pan are in the city. I once again turned to the human versus chimpanzee fight... no reaction, so that is just a normal chimpanzee, not a Pan.

I opened the passenger seat, and Enna immediately flew right into it. Next up, I opened the door for Rita, as he nervously looked at me while going in.

And finally, I got into the driver's seat. Heha... the feeling of being in control is amazing...

I turned on the AC, put on some music... I'm feeling metal today... 


Memories are broken, the truth goes unspoken!

I've even forgotten my name!!

I don't know the season or what is the reason!

I'm standing here holding my blade!!



And I drive off.


"Charlotte.", Athen spoke to me from the other side of the bars.

"Charlotte.", she repeated.


"Charlotte Silvi.", now she even uses my full name.

"Charlotte!!", she shouted my name.

"Why the fuck are you in jail?!", she angrily yelled at me.

"...I went past the speed limit, and being a menace to society...", I confessed.

"I know you love speed, Charlotte.", she sighed, "But this place isn't your playground, it's not Las Vegas."

Then the police came, opening my jail cell. He let out a heavy sigh.

"You are lucky that you are not of age yet.", he said as I walked out, "At least you paid for the five delivery robots you hit."

Then he glanced over to Athen, "And you should really keep an eye on your daughter, Miss."

Well, I guessed we do look similar. Then again, a large percentage of Greek have silver or ash-colored hair, due to Zeus... going around, so in some way, we are cousins or sisters.

That comment made Athen let out another sigh, "Sorry, sorry... I will keep an eye on her."

"You don't need to.", I answered her, walking away freely.

Even if Athen hadn't gotten me out of the cell, I would've brainwashed the police with Euphoria. I would've gotten out on my own.

Oh, Jack is waiting for me with Rita and Enna, scolding them for letting me drive.

"Oh! Charlotte!", Jack turned around to face me, she was not happy, "You have a lot of explaining to do."

"I just followed my heart.", I tapped the gem in my chest and walked past her... getting to the car, to where the deformed front is.

"Delusion.", I whispered, consuming a bit of Reverie to bend reality and return it to normal.

Not making the same mistake again, I hopped onto the front seat. Now, the next stop is Novah.


Finally, after an hour of fighting, the chimpanzee was defeated, frozen in a block of ice. The girl undid her ice blade, and only held the handle and guard.

"Finally~", she breathed out a cold puff of hazy air and fell on her back, "Why are monkeys so strong?!"

Then an old police approached her, so the girl stood straight up out of muscle memory. She brushed her icy blue hair to the side, making herself look more presentable.

"So you are the one that Ataraxia sent?", he asked with a suspicious glance.

The girl straightened herself, "Yes sir!"

She realized instantly this man was not a cop, but an undercover agent of the government. She is here on a mission, and this also is her Senior Assignment to help her graduate.

"Codename: Baron.", the man nodded.

"And my name is Okita! Okita Mitsuki!!", she introduced herself with a bright smile.

Baron sighed, "Jesus Christ, another crazy one..."

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