Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Last Day

It was her final day in Las Vegas, and having fun with Hoa was good and all but in the end, Charlotte felt it was not enough.

So she stared out to the City of Sin, wondering about all the things she could do now with her emotions fully out in the open.

Charlotte let out a sigh, "Enna, come."

The Fallen Angel appeared behind her, fluttering her black wings in a graceful manner, bowing before Charlotte. But before Enna could do her introduction, another command came out of Charlotte.

"Enna, catch me.", and Charlotte jumped off the balcony.

"Shit shit shit!", Enna scrambled and flew down at top speed.

The Fallen Angel touched Charlotte, holding her as she decelerated in the air.

"That was dangerous!", Enna yelled at Charlotte, "You could've died!!"

"No, I won't.", Charlotte smugged, getting into a more comfortable position, "I can survive that fall. Because I have to Survive by my side."

Enna, now princess carrying Charlotte, can only be exasperated with the girl. 

"Enna, we will fly around the city.", Charlotte commanded.

"Didn't you drive around the city yesterday?"

"Yes, but flying is more fun.", Charlotte smiled, staring down at the city below, "Plus the view is way better."

For Charlotte, it feels like every one of the people below cannot touch her. The feeling of standing on top greatly excites her.

"I have to admit... this view is beautiful.", Enna said, making Charlotte turn to the Fallen Angel, "It's chaotic yet orderly."

"Can you float around here?", Charlotte whispered, taking in the view.

A city of light, of sound, and of color. A place free from the shackles of rules. Charlotte does not want to live in a place like this, because she likes it, she wants to avoid it.

Charlotte knows she would be bored in a month if she ever lived here, in this ever-changing City of Sin. Eventually, she will discover all that can be discovered... that would take away the fun, her fun.

To preserve my enjoyment... leaving is the only option.

"Mhm?", her mind wandered to the figures on the rooftop, standing and posing for some odd reason.

She spotted Autumn and Storm, and another figure. Might as well say goodbye to them.

"Enna, go there.", and she pointed at the group.

"Okay.", Enna followed her order, flying low to the location.

Charlotte smiled, meeting the two people she had connected to this city brought her great joy. And maybe, she can advance their relationship to being friends.

"Sups.", Charlotte waved at the three.

"Oh! Charlotte!", Autumn greeted her first, "And who is this?"

"Enna, my bodyguard.", Charlotte replied.

"Woor wiirr.", Storm said.

"Yeah, I noticed. An Angel huh, Aslaug doesn't like you.", his expression became wary.

"Fallen Angel to be specific.", Enna showed her other two pairs of black wings, "Got voted out for being too violent."

"I see.", Autumn nodded, "Well, I am Autumn."

He pointed over to Storm, "This is Storm."

Enna narrowed her eyes at the tornado, before nodding and shrugged off whatever she had on mind.

"And this is Cliff, he's our recruit.", he pointed over to the shuddering boy.

"Hello...", he meekly waved at Charlotte.

"Hello, nice to meet you.", Reverie... what is his Devil?

Oh~ a fairly interesting Devil! The concept of Cliffhanger, stopping things when it gets interesting~

I see.

"Well, I'm here to say goodbye. Since I have to leave tomorrow.", Charlotte hopped off Enna, landing perfectly on the railing, "I have a gift for you guys."

Her eyes dilated to a hazy lavender color... and words came into her mind.

I am Charlotte Silvi, Owner of the Akashic Records.

Devils of the Void, They who embodied Infinity.

The crossroad of Lies and Truths, between Reality and Fiction.

Illusions of falsehood are cast onto the world.

Delusion of one, the reality for all.

Anima Pactum... Delusion.

"This is my gift.", her smile became more wicked, maybe a bit evil, and she snapped her finger.

The world for a split second changed, painted with a lavender hue, before everything reverted back to normal. The difference is there are ten bars of rainbow ingots on the ground. Charlotte's Anima Pactum also ended just after 10 seconds.

"This is...", Autumn widens his eyes, "Damn, Asgardium?"

"Yeah.", Charlotte's smile faltered a bit, "I gathered all the Asgardium in the world and brought it here... in an ingot form."

While the others were shocked, it was Cliff who spoke, "These are the rarest material on Earth... how did you..."

"That's a secret.", Charlotte winked, "I am a very special girl."

"So...", Autumn let his voice known, "What do we do with this?"

Charlotte thought for a bit, shaking her head from side to side. Then her smile brightens, "Do what you want, this is just a parting gift."

Before they could speak anymore, Charlotte hopped into the air, prompting Enna to catch her.

"Enna, fly away."

With that command, Enna took off to the sky. Charlotte's azure eyes never once leave the trio, something about their dumbfounded expression brings her joy.

Her eyes only blinked when the ground got obstructed by a passing cloud. By this point, Enna spoke of her concerns.

"Charlotte, what was that?", she squinted her eyes, giving Charlotte a suspicious look.

"The Anima Pactum of Delusion.", Charlotte shrugged, "I gained the ability to bend reality on a planetary level... for 10 seconds, and it has a cooldown of a year."

"Damn, I guess the trade-off is balance... but tell me, is there anything I should be concerned about?", Enna wanted to make sure if this can screw up the universe.

Charlotte thought for a bit, "Nothing to worry about, just sped up the death of the universe by ten seconds."

"...", Enna was silent, too shocked to say a single word.

"It's not that bad, the death of the universe is still a few dozen billion years left to exist.", she casually said, "Humanity would end before that, but sucks to be a species that exist at the end."

"Damn, and you are okay with it?", Enna frowned, she could not see the benefit of knowing the end of the universe... to know the end.

"It's not important about what can you leave in the end.", Charlotte explained with a casual tone, "To know there is an end shows that I can do so much in my finite life. On this piece of rock, I called home... it does not matter if the universe ends, all that matters is what happens on Earth, and what can I achieve throughout my life. Why do I have to prove myself to the universe?"

"As long as I am alive... I am the proof of humanity, I don't need to prove anything...", a wicked smile appeared on her face, "I just need to exist... and let my presence change the world."

"I am Charlotte Silvi, the owner of the Akashic Records... I am Akasha... the amalgamation of every human, past and future. I am the center of the world."

Enna sighed, and chopped Charlotte on the head. But she blocked and held the Fallen Angel's hand.

"Now now, you don't need a superiority complex or god complex. You already got a lot of mental issues.", the Fallen Angel retracted her hand, then she poked Charlotte in the head, "This big brain of yours has a lot of problems with it."

"What's wrong with me?", Reverie, is there anything wrong with me?

Do you want me to list it all out? Over a dozen mental issues, half of them aren't even identified yet!

Then I don't need it.

"First of all, sociopathy is one of your biggest mental issues.", Enna spoke, "You don't feel that much emotions, do you?"

Charlotte quietly nodded, not denying it.

"And the emotions you feel, you feel them stronger than normal people. And you feel them more than the average person with sociopathy. That's a recipe for a serial killer."

Charlotte nods again.

"The second mental illness you suffered the most from is... attachment disorder. Since you don't have good role models... and I don't think I am one too, your mind is pretty messed up."

"A witch, a mercenary with anger issues, and a Fallen Angel.", Charlotte rolled her eyes, "Not the best people... even Vanessa is a bit insane."

"I see... do you want to go back?"

"Yeah, it's a bit hard to breathe up here.", Charlotte chuckled, "Heha... but I do like flying."

And the end of her week in Las Vegas ends here.

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