Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

King of Emperors

Before Charlotte could do anything, a white coffin embraced her. Then she was teleported to elsewhere a place she did not recognize.

"Welcome, Akasha."

Charlotte heard a voice, belonging to an androgynous figure, with bronze color hair, and golden eyes. Charlotte realized this person was Sul Umor.

"Where am I...", Charlotte calmly spoke, trying to control herself. Her body feels very stimulated, a sudden movement could overheat her nerves if she is not careful.

Apology, Charlotte my dear, your desire to enjoy more even when your body is tired has given you the other part of my power.

Charlotte breathed in, controlling herself to stand before the person... sitting on a throne. Their golden eyes shone bright, acting as a light source for this... palace.

"You are in my world, Roma Eterna, dear Akasha.", they smiled.

"My name... is Charlotte Silvi.", she corrected them with a glare.

They simply let out an amused chuckle, "Apology, Akasha. I was just calling you by your True Name."

"My. Name. Is. Charlotte. Silvi.", she locked eyes with them, fury clear in her eyes.

"Well, enough of this back and forth. We don't have much time until the Sentinel of the West Coast finds you.", their expression turned serious, "I have a request for you, Charlotte Silvi."

Should I listen?, she asked the Records.

Your choice~ we want you to choose, because you have absolute authority in your own destiny.

"Shoot your shot."

"Very well, what I want you to do is fairly simple. When the time comes, can you take care of the Records of Beast and Records of Cosmo?"

Charlotte frowned, "What are they?"

"They are similar to you, Charlotte. They are collectives of creatures and the universe, respectively. I believe you can take care of them."

"Why?", Charlotte asked without curiosity.

"Because I knew another Akasha, your previous iteration. His name was Remus, and my adorable younger brother."

She knew who this person was instantly, so Charlotte was prepared to fight. Not because they were an enemy, but because she sought a challenge, she wanted to have fun, even if she was not in the best of situations.

"Romulus...", Charlotte spoke his real name.

"Correct, Charlotte. So will you accept my request?", Romulus showed a smile of interest.

"What's in it for me?"

"What's in it for you? Hmm...", Romulus sinks into deep thought, "There isn't much for you to gain, and you can prevent loss, the Records of Beast will actively hunt you down."

Her violet gaze focused, and a smile crept up on her face. There was something that made Charlotte annoyed.

Hunting... me?

With the prospect of something hunting her, Charlotte feels like she wants to scoff. It was an instinct, the urge to dominate, and the thought of being dominated did not sit well with her.

"And so? I welcome it.", Charlotte spoke as if it was a challenge.

"It's quite a crafty one, the previous Records of Beast was something named Typhon, but I have yet to see any giant abomination of evolution so this iteration is still a mystery. As for the Records of Cosmo, you can only put it to sleep.", Romulus shrugged.

"If that is all you have to say. Send me back.", Charlotte's eyes returned to her usual cold azure eyes. There is something about the First Ruler of Rome that annoyed her.

Is it related to Remus?

"Well, I have more to say to you.", he looked up to the ceiling, "But it's time for our path to separate. Until we meet again, Charlotte Silvi."

A rumble spread across the palace. Charlotte instinctively knew who caused this, a certain blond crazy woman who was the Absolute Evil.

"Ten more minutes...", Charlotte muttered.

And the rumble stopped. Romulus smiles curiously as what Charlotte just did.

"Romulus.", she sent him a deathly glare, "I will kill you."

"Can you give me a reason?", his eyes widen in excitement.


Using the power of Delusion, Charlotte removed the distance between her and Romulus. She aimed for his head, readying a punch.

"Ah, I remembered this.", Romulus gently blocked her fist. It felt like hitting a concrete wall.

Charlotte went for a kick instead. Whatever Euphoria did to her body, she felt no weight, not even friction to stop her body. She felt her strike stuck, but again, it was like hitting a wall.

"You see, the incarnation of my brother, I know quite a bit about your powers. And you should know mine, too."

Charlotte retreated, eyes still kept on Romulus as he stood up from his throne.

"My power directly connects with civilization, the more humanity dominates Earth, the more powerful I am. Even if you are the entire collective of humanity...", he gave Charlotte a wry smile, "I'm afraid you can't even lay a finger on me."

Reverie, explain.

Aye, sir~ what he just said! The more humanity creates and builds, the more powerful he is!! Basically the dollar store version of your truest Reverie~!!

"Reverie.", Charlotte commanded. The sludge of human curiosity and imagination leaked out of her body, forming a pool beneath her.

Romulus seems to notice the pool of Reverie, he cracked his neck and joints, "It has been long since I exercise, but playing with the incarnation of my little brother might be fun."


Charlotte rewrites reality, in combination with her Reverie. What is her hand is the holy gun Silla gave to her, without bullets? She looked down, noticing the amount of Reverie on the floor was reduced.

Delusion can alter reality, the cost is Reverie.


More Reverie was exchanged for twelve bullets. Not a normal bullet, but Holy Bullet. She wanted to test out how it would work against humans.

Romulus looks at the gun, "A Holy Armament. Looks like I have to get serious—"


Charlotte fired a shot, sending a bullet toward his heart with perfect accuracy. Romulus just stood still, letting the bullet fling off his body, not doing anything. 

That's not it.

Charlotte noticed a slight crack on his body, where the bullet hit. It healed in just a few seconds. A sheet of armor...

"You see, you can't really touch me, Charlotte. So how about we end this?", Romulus sighed.


Charlotte unleashed the rest of the bullets, using Survive to guide them, creating cracks all over his clear armor.


Reducing the distance with Delusion, Charlotte went for a punch again. This time, she saw Romulus's eyes turned serious. Eyes fitting for a king, one who birthed the greatest empire in history.

Charlotte felt the weight of that very same empire hit her through a singular punch. Planted on her face was Romulus' thin arm, yet more powerful than what the girl could ever expect.

She would have been knocking out by that punch if not for Survive and Euphoria. One kept her from falling into shock, while the other drugged her to keep her awake.

"Silla... Now.", Charlotte whispered.

The palace rumbled again, even making Romulus wary. He should be worried because the strongest being on Earth.

"The Witch...", Romulus whispered tensely.

Silla arrived on top of a spectral dragon, crossing her arms with a very pissed expression. Unlike the biker outfit, Silla was in a military uniform, white and regal like a general. Her glare spoke of majesty and power, in contest against the aura of the Roman King.

"Sul Umor, if you laid a hand on Charlotte Silvi anymore, then you and your company will be deemed an enemy to the United States.", Silla spoke with open hostility, "If you continue your act, then you will be charged with Kidnapping, Pedophilia, Child Abuse, Unlawful Use of Power, Illegal Arms Deal, and a whole lot more, how much? A fuckton of lawsuits."

"Don't get hasty now, Sentinel of the West Coast.", Romulus raised his arms surrendering, "I just want to talk for a bit. But well, your girl wanted to fight me for whatever reason."

"He annoys me.", Charlotte spoke, pulling her hood to cover her face.

Silla rolled her eyes, "Don't act bratty now, little missy. You will be grounded for tomorrow and can only gamble in my casino.", she directed 

"Shut up..." Charlotte growled, "Delusion."

Charlotte rewrites her location to be next to Silla. The latter just nodded in amusement.

"That's a cool ability you got.", Silla pat Charlotte, then she glared at Romulus, "I have two hostages with me, if you want their release then... you must leave the country."

"Isn't that a bit much, Miss Abigail?", his smile faltered a bit.

Abigail's smile became wicked, "I am the Secretary of Defense, I have full authority to kick someone out of my nation if I deem them a threat. Sul Umor—"

Charlotte cut right in, "His actual name is Romulus."

The woman whipped her head to Charlotte, "Huh. Sul Umor is just Romulus backward... hmm, how didn't I catch that?", she shook her head, "Anyway, Romulus, even if you are royalty, you are not a fucking exception to the rule. You have three days to leave the U.S., your company can keep its business here but you can never step foot in the U.S."

Romulus shook his head with a defeated smile, "There's nothing I can do about this situation, so you win."

The man faded out in glittering gold dust, as soon too will this palace.

"Let's get out of here, little one."

The spectral dragon roared, creating a portal that led to the sky. It flapped its wing, speeding through the portal. 

Charlotte felt the breeze splashing on her face, it blew away her bad mood. A small smile appeared on her face as she hugged Silla, like a child seeking the comfort of her mother. Silla on the other hand, wrapped one hand around Charlotte's back, comforting the girl.

"You have a lot of explaining to do, little one.", she bloomed a wry smile, "But let's rest for today. Athen would give me an ear full so sleep quick."

Charlotte nodded, embracing Silla as she slipped into the unconscious. 

I wish I could dream...


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