Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Her Infinity

After a wonderful night ride, I made my way back to the hotel...

But something soured my mood instantly. The androgynous man with bronze-colored hair and golden eyes, wearing a black trench coat... he made eye contact with me... does he want trouble?

"Romulus.", I said his name.

It's close to midnight now so there is practically nobody here.

"Greetings, Charlotte.", he bowed a gentlemanly way.

"What do you want this time?", I scoffed.

"Just checking on the reincarnation of my brother, nothing more, nothing less.", he chuckled in a friendly manner, "I see that you had become friends with Pan."

I nodded, "I am amazing, of course, I would become friends with them."

"Hm, I have been observing you for a while now, Charlotte.", he smiled.

I rolled my eyes, "Typical."

He owns a fragment of the Akashic Records after all, he is just using the oldest trick in the book— lying.

"Shar is awakened once again.", he walked closer to me, so I rev up the engine thinking of running him over.

"I know. You don't have to tell me that.", I narrowed my eyes, "So, what is your intention... King of Emperors."

"I am just here to see you, nothing more, nothing less.", he indeed spoke the truth. But I don't like that confident smile of his, reminding me too much of myself.

"Then have you got enough of a look?", I tilted my head, staring at him with a blank expression.

He merely smiled, walking backward with his hands clasped behind his back. Then a white coffin appeared and teleported him away.

Romulus is weird in more than one way. First, he's old, over two thousand and fifty years old in fact. Second, he acts strange, stranger than even Seria, who would think that the progenitor of the biggest empire in history would become a businessman.

And finally, Romulus, the King of Rome, the Progenitor of the Roman Empire, the King of Emperors, the Owner of an Akashic Devil, is a GODDAMN FEMBOY!

Well~ the answer is the effect of the fragment he held. We called it Civilization, the most broken defensive ability~! He's practically invincible, as the protective layer around him directly connects to the superiority of humanity! You'll need an alien to at least make a small, tiny dent! Oh, and the adaptive power too, giving him any form he wants to take!

That's oddly convenient.

Fufu, it is. That one can change at a moment's notice, unlike me who goes for a more... natural approach, my dear.

Hey Euphoria, where are my big breasts.

Hm~ it is hard to work with your genetics, my dear. You do not possess the genes for a larger-than-average rack.

But what about... you?

Do not mind my appearance, my dear. By the time the drugs modifying your body is complete, you would become what people describe as... wine mommy.

So in my thirties?

Hm~ late twenties, my dear.

With a sigh, I turned the handle and went at full speed, without the artificial engine sound of course. This place isn't Las Vegas where I can do anything as long as it isn't straight-up murder.

"Charlotte.", Charles spoke.

"Yes?", I responded, keeping my eyes on the road.

"Shar is in India.", it warned, "They called themselves Kalpas."

"What form did they take?"


I rolled my eyes for the second time that night, "Any special characteristic?"

"Male, glittering rock skin."

"So... what should we do?"

"Let Chaos awaken and make Kalpas fight it. We take out the weakened one."

"Many people would die.", especially when the manifestation of the world itself starts brawling with a beyond Eldritch being.

"We don't care.", it hissed.

I just shrugged, "True.", I don't care about others.

Huh, so the safest place would be either America because of Seria, or Britain due to the Faefolk.

The ride back to the hotel was uneventful, with no police chasing, and no droids on the road. So I parked my motorbike in the underground basement of the hotel.

Mu and its fetishes with basement.

I got back to my room, though I gave the receptionist guy a scare with my gaze. Apparently, my eyes trigger someone's fight or flight response or even awaken something within people.

After a hot shower, I plopped down onto the comfy bed. Scrolling through the media for some ego searching.

Hee~ so my takes are already on the news now, but it's more about Seria than me. People are boycotting her, calling her a war criminal.

She responded pretty quickly too— by posting a picture of her holding the middle finger up to the camera with the tagline "Come and get me, fuckers."

Of course, no politicians in America called her out, in fact, they supported her even. The U.S.A. loved her or feared her, and for the first time in forever, the two parties united to defend their hero. Saying things like "The General is the embodiment of the American Spirit, the only one who is truly free."

Well, the public knows her Devil is the Conceptual of Freedom so that statement is true.

Quickly while the news was still hot, I phoned Seria.

[Sups, Charlotte!]

"Hello, how's the situation over there?"

[Nothing out of the ordinary, just America itself proving it's the protagonist country of Earth again.]

"So the media said that you are a war criminal and needed to be on the international trial, right?"

[Yeah~ being a hero for one side is being the villain for the other side! So fucking funny!! Thanks for providing me with such great entertainment!]

And she ended the call.

Seria is still being Seria, nothing bad will happen to her since the entire nation is with her. 

I stretched my body, letting out a soft moan as the elation it gave me. Then I plugged my phone to charge it.

Now... where is Enna? Probably going somewhere to eat with Seria's money. Our accounts are connected like a family, with Seria being the mother, me the daughter, and Enna the maid.

Should I get Enna to wear a maid cosplay? That might be fun.

Speaking of the Fallen Angel, she's back.

"I'm back.", she entered through the window.

Quickly, I gave my command, "Enna, wear a maid cosplay for me."

She froze on the spot, she didn't look too happy, "Don't make me lose my last shred of dignity! For the fucker above's sake, at least be a butler!"

"I already had a butler, Malice.", I smiled wickedly.

"How can I be lower than a disembodied voice...", she wept, falling onto the ground like a tragic maiden.

Maybe I went a little too far...


"Christ knows you, so a disguise is a must.", well, that was just an excuse, "Besides, it will only be for a day... unless you want to be a teacher?"

"Fuck no! I won't be stuck in a room with children all day!", she refused, quite passionately too.

"Okay.", I pulled up the blanket, "Goodnight."




I instantly woke up, without any shred of fatigue. I also checked my phone... the battery isn't full yet, but this partly lies in the phone's fault.

My phone is special since I use it for work too, like the constant identification scanner. It won't turn off anything, just giving the illusion of turning off, when others use it. And the battery is strong enough to power a car for more than a week.

The problem is with the electricity bills. This monster eats up a lot of electricity when charging, that's why the outlets in my room are much more powerful. You don't get a shortage of human souls.

And the best part is, no battery degeneration due to the Runes Odin put on it.

Scrolling through my phone, I checked out Twetter... as expected, it is a burning inferno. Aimed directly at Seria, not me.

Oh, a petition to get me a new life away from Seria, trying to "fix me". Well, I'm glad that the memetics I put into my streams are working well. Being conveniently looked at in a good light works for me.

"Checking your phone in the morning is a bad habit... my lady.", Enna took my phone, at least she attempted to, but my grip was too strong.

Now, she's wearing a maid uniform. Her wings still acted as a fashionable mantle.

"Please let go... my lady.", her face was red from embarrassment.

"Let me browse for a bit more, Seria is having fun with people boycotting her. All she really does is say that she did what she promised."

"Oh? Let me see it too.", Enna let go of my phone.

I changed position so that she could watch with me. With a few scrolls, I ended up at an old recording someone posted.

It was a recording of what Seria promised to America, and the world as a whole. I start the video.

"My name is Abigail Sillarco, the Gem Holder of Freedom! As an American, and as a soldier of this nation, I vow for the rest of eternity, even if the nation is fragmented, even if calamity brews within the nation. I shall defend the borders till my last breath! And erase those who dare to attack the Nation of Freedom!!"

This was before the Ten Days Countdown. And the world thought she wouldn't go that far... they were extremely wrong, and from then on, nobody tried to attack the U.S.A. ever again. Well, someone tried and paid the price dearly.

There are those in the world who could confidently say that they could erase history, the Immortals. 

Hm, let's look at the Immortals. I did a quick search on them.

Let's see... 

Setana Uvrid, Gem Holder of Cú Chulainn, Ireland's Child of Light. He alone liberated Ireland from the control of Britain.

Marino Campos, Gem Holder of Tezcalipoca, the Aztec God of Darkness. She conquered the Amazon Forest and sealed the Devourer, Cipactli, for good.

Ned Kelly, Gem Holder of Imagination, can create whatever he wants, with the limit being his own imagination. He fought against the Rainbow Serpent, which had the power to correct reality, to a standstill, dying in the process but made Australia ten percent more liveable.

Quang Trung, Gem Holder of Heaven, basically, he can cast magic quite effectively, a Vietnamese king of the feudal era. He pulled a Seria, burning one-third of China to the ground. He's still around, though he hasn't been seen in public for over a century.

The last one though, he might come out with all the cult things going on. Hoa is... well, she lied about her Devil being the Conceptual of Energy. She's an Eldritch and a vampire at that.

"What's for breakfast?", I asked.

"I think we could grab a few bites before going to school."

I, of course, get myself my from the far away future combo of clothes. My long jacket is stitched to the faint blue shirt with the black Eight Pointed Star symbol on the front, and tight leggings that show my curves.

For today, I put on the fingerless glove and turned on the RGB function. Being extra fancy and all.

"Come on, Enna. We have a school to go to."

"Are we going by your bike... my lady?", she asked with a hopeful look.

Maybe I should be nice to her.

"We will, riding my sportbike was awesome, right?", I grinned.

Enna smiled back, "It was a lot of fun."

At least we both appreciate the thrill of riding a motorbike.

"Oh, and make sure to bring the letter with you.", I said before jumping off the balcony.

It wasn't my intention at first to make Romulus a femboy, but I realized that too late.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.