Infinite Realm: Monsters & Legends

Chapter 552: Herald and Anrosh


Herald of the Machine, the ruler of the Exalted Empire, walked into a large round room.

Recreating the technology of the Golden Age of Cthul in the Infinite Realm had been a great task. The undertaking of more than a thousand years. They had given it all to the dream of reclaiming their previous might.

The rules had changed, laws had been altered, but alternatives had been offered.

Still, there was a difference between utilizing an array or even a series of them to achieve an effect, and creating something that could do it on its own.

It had taken them nine hundred years to recreate computers, and even then they had many difficulties. People were better for certain things. Why waste time building something to help you calculate numbers when people with high intelligence and a few perks could do it faster.

They had been forced to build using simple Essences, following different rules. But eventually, they prevailed. They recreated almost all the great achievements of their people. Technology that could achieve the feats that their ancestors had used to rule the stars.

It was a hard road, but they had traveled it. Technology that didn’t rely on arrays or formations in order to achieve an effect. A natural exploitation of the interactions in between the Essences, without the Framework help. It was glorious.

They had kept most of it hidden, of course. They didn’t want the other races to discover. Let them use their crutches, let them lean on the Framework. The cthul saw the benefits of it, they used it themselves too. They mixed their technology with it. They weren’t blind, but they knew that true power relied only on what it itself could achieve.

The cthul didn’t falter in their pursuits, even when it was hard. Those who were of pureblood at least. They remembered their lineage, those who had conquered the stars.

And here, before him stood the greatest achievement they had accomplished since arriving in the Infinite Realm.

They had been forced to make so many compromises, but it had been done. Before the Herald was a screen, glass that hid tiny lights, producing an image. It was more costly than an array that could weave light itself. But it was pure.

They had recreated their Guiding force—Atalar, the Machine Intelligence.

A thousand years of accumulated knowledge of the Infinite Realm, records of people, of lives, of events. All of it they had fed to Atalar, all so that it could properly guide. The Machine Intelligence was an artificial mind, combined will of the cthul people.

“What happened?” The Herald asked as he approached, and one of the attendants turned to look at him.

“Atalar’s projection changed,” the attendant answered.

The Herald frowned. “What event caused it?”

They had followed the instructions of the Machine Intelligence since it had grown powerful enough to guide them, less than a hundred years now. It’s instructions weren’t that much different than what they had been doing, at least they weren’t until about a decade ago.

Stolen content warning: this tale belongs on Royal Road. Report any occurrences elsewhere.

It had instructed them to expand rapidly, to interfere in the war in the Core. The Herald didn’t know why, nor did the Machine. It was still growing, but it had seen something in the data that made the likelihood of the Exalted Empire being left behind by the other factions increase if they hadn’t expanded.

Its instructions following that had been to consolidate their power while dealing with the Domes. For it to now change its mind…

“The only reports that fit the criteria were these,” the attendant pulled them up on his smaller screen.

The Herald leaned down and looked. There were three events. The attack by the shades and spirits on the Triumphant Hive, the conflict at the Dome between the Sects, and the Escape from one of the Empire’s prisons. The one that the Atalar was pretty certain was caused by the Undying Void. The projection wasn’t 100%, but it was enough that the Herald had started a more in depth investigation. Nothing from that report had indicated that it was the Undying Void, which meant that Atalar had seen something that all of them had missed.

Still, he didn’t see how any of it could impact the Empire to such an extent to require a course correction of this degree.

From what he could see, the Machine Intelligence was instructing for them to bring their technology out of their core territories, to expose it to the world. When it had cautioned secrecy before. That was… intriguing.

The Herald stepped to the side, then turned to the big screen that occupied the entire wall across from him.

“Atalar,” he started. “What caused the change?”

The screen flashed, a pulsing ring rippled, and then a mechanical voice spoke.


The Herald grimaced. The Machine Intelligence was not cthul, it didn’t think like them. It was a true artificial mind, an alien existence. But it saw more than they did, even if it wasn’t able to put it in the words that the rest of them could understand fully.

“What are the consequences if remain on our current course?” The Herald asked.


That wasn’t good at all. He didn’t know who could be powerful enough to absorb them, or even how long it would take. Atalar might be thinking about a decline that would last thousands of years.

“What do you suggest?” The Herald asked.


Herald closed his eyes, he was not adverse to conflict. Though he understood that there were powers out there that could equal them. It wasn’t going to be easy. But ultimately his opinion didn’t matter. They followed the will of the Machine Intelligence. He took a deep breath. War it was then.

Anrosh smiled as the world in front of her split apart and a portal opened. Ereclaw stepped through, and then the others followed after him.

Her eyes found Nayra’s immediately, and she ran up and grabbed her in an embrace. She held her close for a moment, appreciating her arms around her, then she kissed her.

“I’m glad you’re safe,” Anrosh said after she pulled back. “I missed you.”

Nayra smiled. “I missed you too.”

Anrosh leaned her head on Nayra’s shoulder for a few moments then stepped back and looked around.

Ryun stood nearby, and she walked up hugging him too.

“You really can’t help yourself, can you?” She asked with a smile.

“I do as I must,” Ryun answered, in a particular Ryun fashion.

Anrosh rolled her eyes. “Welcome back,” she said, looking at everyone else around him.

“How is Tali,” Ryun asked as the others moved to greet the other people that were waiting.

“No changes,” Anrosh sighed. “A few healers had come and examined her but they found nothing wrong. We are still waiting for some to arrive from the more healing focused Sects.”

He nodded. “Where is she?”

“In Ender’s Grove,” Anrosh said. “Karya’s been looking after her. And there are trees there that help with the Soul healing.”

“I’m going to see her,” Ryun said and she knew that he meant immediately.

“There are things we need to talk about,” Anrosh started but he waved a hand.

“Later,” a moment after he vanished, moving so fast that she couldn’t even follow.

Anrosh sighed.

“If there are any pressing matters, we can help for now,” Selia said as she walked up to her.

Anrosh shook. “Oh, nothing much, just the Exalted Empire accusing us of an incident, a prison break? You wouldn’t happen to know anything about it?”

Selia grimaced, which told her everything.

“You know, you really need to start keeping me in the loop, just a tiny bit more. It is my job to manage things like these.”

“Apologies,” Selia bowed. “You’re right. I should’ve sent word. Though I don’t see how they could know that Ryun was responsible.”

“Well, we’ll deal with it, somehow.”

They always did.

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