Infinite Mask Game

Chapter 249: Night Parade of One Hundred Demons

Like Wei Miao, the four travelers have already picked out their own clothes.

Guan Shanyue's outfit is simple and classic.

A crown of long black hair fell down to cover her face. The loose white robe on his body was stained with realistic dark red paint, simulating blood.

There were several hideous wounds on his face, and his skin was pale.

Zixu's clothes are one piece from top to bottom, similar to a leather sheath. Its surface was coated with dark brown mucus, and a handful of dry straw leaked from the holes.

The hood has dark facial features painted on it. There are two round holes for the eyes for him to see, and there are also openings for the mouth and nose.

The blue bird looks like a black widow, with eight plastic supports wrapped in velvet extending from its back, with yellow and black down. The bent limbs pointed forward, surrounding her.

The toe is safely treated and blunted to a rounded tip.

Six eyes were painted on her forehead and cheeks with blue fluorescent paint, neatly arranged in two rows with the real eyes, and the effect was amazing in the dark.

She wore a mask with chelicerae made of sponges and rags attached to it.

The lower body is covered with a bloated ellipsoid-shaped short skirt, also sewn with flannel. When walking, the yellow and black horizontal stripes undulate like waves.

The bright yellow and black velvet short coat on the upper body is quite bright.

The wanderer dressed up as a headless weirdo with scars all over his body and ragged clothes. He completely covered himself in a leather holster, covering his neck with uneven bloody cross-sections and opening several vents.

The head is placed on the chest, and the person relies on the hidden window of the holster to see.

In his hand he held a badly damaged, bloody head.

In fact, the upper arm part is fixed and fixed to the body, and only the forearm can move. There were openings at the elbow joints and corresponding positions, allowing him to insert his arms and control them.

Fortunately, the weather is cool now, otherwise I would be out of breath after the parade.

These four sets of clothes cost a total of 4 Odin candies, and they were the ones who got the discounts by talking a lot.

The four of them walked side by side towards the Blessing Square, looking at the various "monsters" passing by them.

Wei Miao approached from another direction, but the two parties did not meet.

As far as the eye could see, the streets were deserted. Before we even arrived at the square, the crowd and noise were already bustling with activity.

When she finally arrived at the square, the atmosphere she had never experienced made her slow down and unconsciously raise the corners of her mouth.

In front of the holy church, countless people crowded here and cheered.

Bards, musicians, and interested persons were temporarily summoned to form a band. The harp, piccolo, guitar, harmonica and other instruments cooperated with each other to play a frantic symphony.

People follow the rhythm, show off their unique makeup to strangers, admire each other, and chat happily.

They were making all sorts of funny moves, and some were laughing wildly, twisting their bodies and dancing in an unusual way.

Demons dance wildly, and ghosts walk at night.

The statue of the Goddess of Blessing stood quietly, watching all this with a smile.

It emits a soft white light that radiates throughout the square and illuminates everyone's smiling faces.

"It's really like a super large open-air party." Wei Miao whispered to herself, her voice being drowned in all kinds of noise.

"Party? Is this another name for your party?" a woman next to him asked.

It may sound like he is speaking softly, but in this environment it is extremely clear.

Wei Miao raised her eyes and saw her appearance clearly with the light of the goddess statue.

This is a tall woman. Her focus on dressing up is not the clothes, but the exaggerated full-body makeup.

Her exposed skin was a dull dark green, pitted and pitted as if melted, and the lines were horribly mottled.

The nails are gray, long and sharp, the finger joints are abnormally thick, and the fingers are longer than ordinary people. It seems that the bones have undergone abnormal changes.

The lips are light yellow, the irises are brown, the whites of the eyes are completely black, there are no eyebrows, and the hair is short and sparse, and somewhat transparent in the light.

She wore a black sweater, jeans and flat shoes. It was this sense of everydayness that highlighted the weirdness of her makeup.

"Huh? Yes." Wei Miao answered her question vaguely, then asked with a smile, "Does your appearance have any prototype?"

"Oh, this is a monster that people call 'ghouls'. It is said that they live in swamps and feed on the corpses of nearby creatures. Sometimes they also bite fresh creatures...such as humans. They are insects. Favorite snack.”

The strange woman smiled slightly, with a hint of beauty amidst the horror.

The proportions of her facial features hidden under the heavy makeup are excellent.

When she smiled at Wei Miao, the sharp-eyed Wei Miao could even see the flakes of skin falling off her cheeks.

"Their skin is very fragile and easy to rot. They need to be soaked in the swamp regularly to repair, so it is difficult for people to see them. They only come ashore when hunting."

The strange woman slowly taught her about ghouls.

Her ups and downs tone seemed to have a kind of magic power. Even though there was a big brother beside her who was yelling, Wei Miao still didn't miss a word she said.

The parade has not yet started, and Wei Miao, who has nothing to do, is happy to chat with this scary lady, who seems to know a lot about weird creatures.

Wei Miao is deeply interested in this.

She continued, "Do they have any unique abilities?"

Woman: "They can store biogas and emit it in an indecent manner. Their body fluids contain toxins, and they are stooped but move quickly and agilely, and they gather in groups."

Wei Miao: "Is that all?"

"They are just the bottom of the swamp. A strong adult with a sturdy stick can easily kill one. Just be careful not to get surrounded."

Wei Miao was sure that he caught the sneering meaning in her smile.

Wei Miao could change her smile in a thousand ways, so she could naturally see through the smiles of others that were not so good.

She was not disdainful of Wei Miao, but of the ghouls.

"Then why did you dress up as a ghoul?" Wei Miao asked.

The woman was silent for a while before answering: "Probably because... I think it's fun to dress up as a ghoul."

"Is that so." Wei Miao felt that she was not telling the truth, but she did not delve into it.

It was a chance meeting, so there was no need to get to the bottom of it.

"The parade is about to start. I'm leaving first. I wish you a good time." Before Wei Miao could say the next sentence, the woman nodded to her and said goodbye neatly.

Wei Miao nodded in response.

She walked past Wei Miao gracefully, and the strong smell of perfume drifted into Wei Miao's nose, choking her so much that she almost couldn't help sneezing.

Wei Miao's eyes followed her, and when their figures crossed, the woman's figure froze for a moment.

She turned back and looked deeply at Wei Miao, who had an innocent look on his face.

The woman smiled meaningfully, then squeezed into the crowd and disappeared. (End of this chapter)

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