Infinite Mage

Chapter 160: Clay Marsha (3)


Translator/Editor: Ryuu



The students had also become serious now. They were all staring intently at Siina.

"But for that person to die, they must spend a night with me."

The male students' faces turned red.

“T-Teacher, that example is a bit......"

"There's no need to be embarrassed. I will never do such a thing. You gain powerful abilities as a price for hanging something you never want to do. It's an equivalent exchange. Revealing the price can also be a price, but what's important is that the Unregulated Eater truly believes that. It's about injecting a very personal omnipotence into someone else with the power of omnipotence."

The students finally realized.

An Unregulated Eater was some kind of human whose way of thinking had completely diverged from that of ordinary people.

"You can't learn just because you try to. The idiosyncrasies of the mind manifest through obsession and bias. Unregulated Eating is said to be the most feared existence for a mage."

That was all Shirone knew about Unregulated Eating. At the time, he thought he understood, but when it actually happened to him, it was the height of confusion.

Above all, he couldn't figure out why the Spirit Zone had suddenly disappeared. Since when? Even though it was supposed to be triggered by restrictions and a price, Shirone had never done anything to her.

'No, there is! I definitely did......'

Shirone suddenly remembered the situation just before.

-I don't mind if you kill me.

That was the moment. A magical incantation known only to him and Marsha.

The moment she uttered those words, Marsha's omnipotence had infiltrated his mind and triggered the rule.

His heart was pounding. He had been caught by an Unregulated Eater. What was going to happen to him now? He couldn't predict anything.

'Keep calm. It's just that the Spirit Zone has disappeared. If I just stay sharp, I can get out of this crisis.'

Unregulated Eating is like weighing the values of the possible and the impossible. Therefore, the price to be paid is inevitably large.

Probably, when she said, 'I don't mind if you kill me,' she had to endure being vulnerable for quite a long time. If he had attacked then, Marsha would have died.

But why didn't he attack? Was it because of Yuna? No, Yuna was safe.

His thoughts were not connecting. What on earth was happening to him?

'From the beginning. I've been trapped ever since I met Marsha.'

The moment Shirone realized that everything had been scripted under Marsha's direction, he felt chills.

She had taken him to a bar, provoked him using Yuna, and didn't touch Yuna.

"All for this moment?"

Marsha laughed triumphantly, as if she had seen through Shirone's thoughts. Seeing his bewildered face, she was so delighted she was about to go mad.

"Ho ho ho! Of course, that's right. Ah, of course, meeting you was a coincidence. I'm someone who turns coincidences into inevitabilities. There's nothing wrong with laying the groundwork in any situation. This meticulousness is my charm, isn't it?"

Shirone couldn't help but agree.

It wasn't that she had targeted him to approach. She had laid plans for everyone she met in life. Just the small assumption that they might meet again someday.

"Shall we start then? I'm not sure what I can do."

Marsha approached Shirone with a leisurely smile. In contrast, Shirone couldn't help but feel intimidated. He tried to teleport, but it still wouldn't activate.

This state was clearly not going to last forever. However, the concept of stealing the opponent's mental strength was extremely foreign to Shirone.

'It doesn't make sense. Where in the world does such magic exist?'

Shirone felt the greatest crisis of his life. Marsha's Unregulated Eating was clearly dangerous. It completely sealed off even his last bastion, the Immortal Function.

"Ho ho! I'll gladly take your mental strength."

All the mental power Shirone had intended to use for teleportation flowed into Marsha. Using that power, Marsha fired the Sonic Cannon again.


Shirone turned and ran. It was a shocking sight to see a mage running in such a situation, but if he was hit by the Sonic Cannon without being able to use magic, he could lose his life.

"Hehe, I'll commend you for abandoning your pride. But the fight is already over. Now that you're under my Deprivation."

Unregulated Eating Deprivation.

She could deprive and steal from others. Among these, the magic she had cast on Shirone was called Plunder, an ability to steal the Spirit Zone's mental power.

Shirone moved as far away as possible. He had to buy some time.

'I don't mind if you kill me.' Just by not complying with those words, if mental strength was stolen, then considering it as an equivalent exchange, there had to be a time limit.

'It's done!'

As expected, the Plunder was released, and the mental power returned to him. Unable to assess the situation from behind, Shirone turned around and immediately cast Wildfire.

Thunder rumbled as if striking all around, and the area flashed brightly.

The effects of Wildfire, which he cast with all his might in an open field, were beyond imagination.

"Whew, cool. That's really amazing."

Shirone glared at Marsha. The fact that she didn't approach him indicated that she must see people as nothing but water.

At any rate, if there was a time constraint, there was no longer any need to fear Plunder. He wouldn't be foolish enough to fall for the same trick again.

"Here I go!"

Shirone attempted to teleport towards Marsha. However, Marsha still overflowed with ease. And the moment Shirone entered her Spirit Zone, she stretched out her hand and murmured.

"Unregulated Eating. Pillage."

Simultaneously, Shirone's teleportation was released. Following the inertia, Shirone slid several meters across the ground.

"Kuk! What?"

The magic was released again. Had his mental power been stolen again? However, the Spirit Zone was still maintained.

"Huh? What?"

Shirone couldn't believe it. Such magic couldn't exist in the world. He couldn't believe that what was happening to him was real.

Watching Shirone's bewildered face, Tess turned to Amy and asked.

"What's going on? Did something happen to Shirone?"

"I don't know. The Spirit Zone hasn't disappeared. But the fact that the teleportation was released means......"

At that moment, Amy shivered as she suddenly realized.

No, it couldn't be. That would be too cruel. Shirone had put so much effort into reaching this level.

Amy's ominous premonition became reality. Shirone incredulously examined his body and muttered.

"I can't cast magic."

"Hehe, exactly. Unregulated Eating Pillage is only possible if Plunder has been applied. Of course, there's also a restriction that you have to see the opponent's magic directly."

Marsha explained kindly with a smile, though she never provided more information than necessary, essentially taunting her opponent.

Shirone shook his head. It didn't make sense. Even if such restrictions existed, the idea of unconditionally stealing the opponent's magic violated the principle of equivalent exchange.

"Wow, such cool magic has been created. I'm so happy. Sound magic was annoying. Thank you, Shirone. You're really a kind brother."

Light spheres gathered before Marsha's eyes. It was the magic that gave mass to light, Photon Cannon.

Shirone hastily dodged to the side. Simultaneously, a heavy flash struck the spot where Shirone had been.

Fragments from the ground stung Shirone's face. The feeling of being hit by his own magic was truly dreadful.

"Phew, this consumes a lot of mental power? How did you handle it? Really amazing, Shirone."

Shirone sprang up and glared at Marsha.

He couldn't contain his anger this time. No, it was frustration. The resentment of having all his magic stolen made his body tremble.

"But it's cool. The ability of an Unlocker."

Marsha smiled contentedly and even flaunted a laser.

As he watched the approaching laser scraping the ground, Shirone couldn't react at all. Even his teleportation had been stolen.

Just then, Amy ran over and grabbed Shirone, performing teleportation. She too was low on mental power and couldn't move far. Rian and Tess rushed over to shield the two of them.

Marsha watched them mockingly.

The knights were a disgrace, and Amy was struggling even to perform teleportation. Moreover, Shirone, their only hope, had become an ordinary boy after losing his magic.

"That's what I said, didn't I? You can't win against me."

The situation was indeed miserable. Especially the psychological shock Shirone received was tremendous. An ordinary person might have cursed Marsha and thrown a fit until fainting.

"Shirone, snap out of it. The battle isn't over yet."

"But my magic, my...... magic."

Shirone's voice trembled.

Amy understood. If it had been her, she might have collapsed from hysteria.

To a mage, magic was everything. The mere thought of having it completely taken away was enough to send chills down her spine.

"Shirone! Get up! We have to keep fighting!"

Shirone staggered but managed to stand up.

As befitting his strong mental strength, the thought that he must not give up arose instinctively. But the emotional wound was too deep.

"How exactly? How am I supposed to fight?"

"Think rationally! Where in the world is there magic that can easily steal like this? According to the principle of equivalent exchange, there must be huge risks involved."

Shirone suddenly came to his senses. Now that he thought about it, he was right. He had been so preoccupied with having his magic stolen that he hadn't noticed, but Marsha's Pillage couldn't just be activated so easily.

First, it had to be under Plunder. And she had to see the magic she intended to steal. The conditions were stringent, but even these two constraints made Marsha's Unregulated Eating unreasonably overpowered.

Amy desperately persuaded Shirone.

"It was stolen easily, so it can be regained just as easily. No, it should be even easier to retrieve than it was stolen. That's equivalent exchange. So never give up."

"Alright. I'll try."

Shirone regained his courage. Not that any particular means had appeared, but he couldn't just sit down and cry.

"I don't quite understand what you're saying......"

Rian, who had been listening, spoke up.

"If stealing requires seeing the magic directly, then magic not shown should be usable, right? Like the Windcutter magic you showed at home."

"Ah, right."

At that moment, a strong thought penetrated Shirone's mind. That's right. Strictly speaking, from the victim's perspective, Pillage was better than Plunder. At least the Spirit Zone could still be operated.

"Right. I have no choice but to physically confront her. Thanks, Rian."

Amy whispered as she wrapped her arms around Shirone's waist.

"I'll approach with teleportation. From there, you try to do something with Windcutter."

Amy put all her strength into performing teleportation. As the two of them split the air with light simultaneously, Marsha also teleported away.

The magic stolen by Pillage could only replicate the opponent's knowledge exactly, making it impossible to adapt if the operating principles were unknown.

That's why even Marsha, who had stolen Shirone's teleportation, couldn't attempt techniques like Patrol or Rainbow Drop.

Amy persistently exploited this aspect. With dazzling movements, she approached Marsha and threw Shirone at her.

Shirone reached out his hand towards Marsha and cast Windcutter. Since it wasn't his specialty, it was difficult to hit unless he approached closely.

However, this disadvantage turned into a blessing in disguise. Because Marsha had moved much farther away than expected.


Marsha's movements were strange. No matter how unfamiliar she was with the magic, she could have tried something like Photon Cannon or Wildfire against Windcutter.

But she chose to retreat. And quite far at that.

"Could the constraint of Pillage be......?"

A possibility flashed in Shirone's mind.

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