Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 91 - innovation

The time has come to eight o’clock sharp, the day before the sudden change, today is no exception.

I saw a stream of water more than two meters high rushing down from the top of the ramp. It was clear that the current was just rushing down the road, but when the current rushed over the location of the hotel, all the tourists in the hotel room were inexplicable. Being carried in, the experience of the previous day was repeated, and before people could react, they were already rushed to the bottom of the slope.

The treasure ship that was originally parked in the middle of the ramp entered the ice water along the ramp, the horn on the bow blew, and the huge and thick sound rushed straight into the clouds. Immediately afterwards, the voice of “咻咻咻!” sounded, and another string of fireworks was shot into the sky, forming a large character:

“2333 Zhuoyuan City Tourism Festival Celebration Carnival Day 2: Frozen!”

This line of words did not spark a discussion among the drowning people, because suddenly they were caught in the ice water with floating ice, and the drowning people were shivering and fighting with their teeth, and they had no energy to manage any celebrations.

Of course, there are no exceptions. The four tourists who stayed on the treasure boat the night before were not swept into the ice water by the current, but appeared at the gate of the treasure boat. Now they can walk directly to the water’s edge by stepping on the steps.

In addition to opening the treasure chest of the treasure boat ticket, the big tiger and the small tiger among the four also drew a boat. At this time, they released the boat and tried to step directly into the boat from the steps of the treasure boat.

Although the other two did not have a special boat, luckily they had wooden boards, so they also tried to step on the wooden boards directly. Although one of them accidentally fell into the water, they quickly climbed onto the wooden boards.

There are only four exceptions among the 2,000 drowning people. The other tourists are all soaked in the water and struggling.

Cheng Huaiqian took out the glass ball with the boat model from the backpack behind him, released the gem boat they had obtained the day before, and then the two struggled to climb on the boat.

The icy water was really cold to the bone, and when they stayed in the water, they felt that their strength was rapidly draining away.

The people who were holding the wooden board in their hands when the water flowed down earlier climbed onto the wooden board one after another. Although their clothes were soaked through, they got out of the ice water anyway, and they no longer had to shake uncontrollably.

In comparison, it was even more unfortunate for those who were directly involved in the ice water while they were sleeping. Not only did they have few clothes on their bodies, but also the planks and paddles were not around. At this time, they could only struggle to swim to the shore and hug the street lamps. The rod trembled.

Fortunately, there were sporadic wooden boards and wooden oars slowly flowing down from the upstream, which gave them hope.

Among the people who left the ice water, the five groups of tourists who showed off their special boats were the most eye-catching. Compared with the shabby wooden boards in the hands of other drowning people, their boats were not known by much.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian also felt very comfortable. The gem boat was much more spacious than the wooden plank. Their long legs finally no longer had the trouble of having nowhere to put them. They could not only put them down comfortably, but also had pedals under their feet. , You can also step on the pedal with your foot, and the impeller under the boat will push the boat forward, making the boat faster.

As for the oars in the hands of the two, the two held one end of the stick-shaped oar, and when they turned their fingers, the front end of the oar popped out of the paddle, and the two rowed tacitly, and the boat moved forward quickly.

In addition, there are many depressions around the hull of the gem ship. The two installed two low-level energy crystals collected yesterday, and they only felt that the speed of the ship was a little faster.

With the experience of the previous day, many people reacted immediately after falling into the water today. For a while, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were not the only ones rushing towards the starting line, but their boat was more than twice as fast as the plank boat. , easily surpassed the person paddling the plank.

All the tourists can only watch the five boats obtained by opening the treasure chest stand out and run to the front.

Many people felt that it was unfair. The people who got the boats were the top ten groups who arrived on the island the day before. They were so fast, couldn’t they easily get the top ten today? How do other people get a chance to win a lottery?

Of course, the five groups of tourists who have the upper hand will not care about the clamor from the rear, and they will fight for the first place today.

Last night’s show let all visitors know that the first place has four chances to draw, the second place has three, the third place has two, and then the fourth to tenth place are all once.

No one doesn’t want to have more rewards, one step ahead, one step ahead, now Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian are running to the front, isn’t it because the rewards drawn from opening the treasure box yesterday are good?

So, the other four boats were not far behind, you chased me, and soon disappeared into the glacier behind the starting line, and even their backs were invisible.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of tourists who were struggling to paddle the boards also disappeared behind the starting line.

The tourists who are still soaking in the ice water are very anxious, but they can only wait patiently for the new planks and paddles to flow down. I don’t know how much I regret not sleeping with the planks last night, otherwise I would have climbed on the planks and rowed away. .

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were paddling in front of them, and the big tiger and the small tiger gradually caught up. The speed of his new boat is second only to Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian.

After Da Hu and Xiao Hu greeted Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian cheerfully, Cheng Huaiqian asked curiously:

“How was your stay last night?”

Big Tiger and Little Tiger’s boat is also powered by both hands and feet. While the brothers use both hands and feet, their mouths are not idle. Big Tiger replied with emotion:

“Comfortable! So comfortable! Never stayed in such a comfortable hotel!

There are three floors inside. The top floor is a guest room. The room is very large. There is even a swimming pool in the bathroom. After taking a medicinal bath in it, there is no fatigue.

There are all kinds of entertainment equipment on the second floor. Hehe, I played with Xiaohu until the early morning last night.

On the first floor, there are also four free buffets for breakfast, lunch and dinner plus a late-night snack. One ticket can stay for 20 hours. In the morning, I got up early and went to eat another meal. Unfortunately, Xiaohu slept in and didn’t eat it. Alas, no Do you know if I can go in when I go back tonight? “

Cheng Huaiqian became interested as soon as he heard it. He also wanted the best place for his lover, and immediately asked:

“In addition to getting the ticket from the treasure chest, can I pay for it myself to live there?”

The big tiger was stopped, and the little tiger quickly replied: “We don’t know, there is no one in the boat, there are only text prompts, and there is no chance to communicate at all.”

Cheng Huaiqian was not disappointed. Although he didn’t get a positive answer, he didn’t get a negative answer either. He planned to go to the treasure ship to see the situation in person tonight.

“Brother Cheng, what are you doing with that treasure backpack you got?”

Dahu asked curiously. Through last night’s variety show, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian couldn’t hide what they got, and in front of Da Hu and Xiao Hu, who were sure to be the testers, there was nothing to hide.

“The space in the backpack is bigger than it looks from the outside, and it can hold a lot of things.”

At this time, Baibao’s backpack was being carried on Cheng Huaiqian’s back, so that neither he nor Xia Ruize who was sitting behind him could easily access things from it, and it would be safer to put the backpack between them.

Cheng Huaiqian explained that the two brothers immediately determined the purpose of the Baibao backpack. After all, they were also people with space. They just looked at the backpack behind Cheng Huaiqian with envy. out of space.

Xia Ruize’s space backtracking was always on. Soon, he found a low-level energy crystal in the shallow layer of the ice bank in front of the right. He greeted Cheng Huaiqian, and the two cooperated to stop the boat.

Xia Ruize didn’t go ashore, but raised the multi-function oar in his right hand, and when he turned his finger, the paddle at the front of the oar was put away, replaced by a small grappling hook attached to the line.

Aiming at the position of the energy crystal, the grappling hook was quickly shot out and pulled back, and an energy crystal was in Xia Ruize’s hands.

Watching Xia Ruize naturally put the energy crystals into the backpack, the big tiger and the little tiger on the other side were surprised and envious.

After this attempt, Xia Ruize keenly found that the grappling hook works well when both sides of the waterway are covered with ice.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian discussed in a low voice, and the two began to try to shoot out the grappling hook, using the force of the rope retraction to pull the boat forward.

This is not a simple matter, they not only pursue the speed of forward, but also maintain the balance of the ship,

At first, the grappling hooks at the front of the two oars shot at the ice shores on both sides at the same time, and soon found that doing so could indeed drag the boat forward, but the speed was very slow. Every time the boat was pulled forward a short distance, it was necessary to stop to retrieve the grappling hook and aim and shoot again, which was clumsy and inefficient.

Then the two tried to shoot a grappling hook from the left and the right. During the process of dragging the boat forward, the grappling hook of the other hand shot alternately, so that the interval in between was indeed shortened, but one after the other, A rope from left to right easily pulled the boat crooked.

The two of them were not discouraged. They continued to communicate and improve while trying, and gradually cooperated more and more tacitly. The four grappling hooks shot out in turn, as if the front and rear legs alternated when the four-legged animal walked, the alternation was fast and natural, and the forward speed of the boat was fast and natural. The rapid rise, and the recovery of the grappling hook relies on the power of the mechanism in the oars, the two people on board are very labor-saving.

Before, the two were addicted to trying new boating methods. Not only did the big tiger and the small tiger row over them, but the three groups of boating tourists behind them also surpassed them. However, it turned out that sharpening the knives did not miss the woodworker, and the new boating method was successfully tried. After that, the two quickly overtook the people in front and left them far behind.

Da Hu and Xiao Hu watched as Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian overtook them again after greeting them, and soon they could not even see the figure, they were stunned.

“No, no, Xiaohu, you are smart, how can you row like that? It’s like walking with a spider!”

Thinking of the grappling hooks that Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian constantly shot forward, Dahu felt that his brain was not enough. How did they do it? Why is it so fast all of a sudden?

Xiaohu also stared into the distance for a long time, unable to regain his senses. After thinking for a while, he explained the method used by Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian in detail to his brother. The two brothers’ oars are also multifunctional and have grappling hooks, but I never thought that the grappling hooks could be so useful.

After listening to it, Dahu was worried, “It seems that the rowing method works very well, but I don’t know if we can do it? If we can’t practice for a long time, it will waste time.”

Even Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian fell behind a lot in order to practice the new rowing method. Dahu really wasn’t sure how long they would need to practice before they could master it.

Xiaohu didn’t say much, and while continuing to move his hands and pedals vigorously, he kept recalling the previous pictures in his mind, analyzing the way of cooperation between Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian.

The two brothers rowed for a long time without seeing Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian in front of them. They thought that the second one was stable, but who would have thought that a boat that had learned the rowing style of Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian would suddenly come up from the rear. It surpassed the big tiger and the little tiger, and soon disappeared.

Big Tiger was anxious, “Practice, practice, practice! Let’s practice too!”

Just as the two brothers were scrambling to learn a new way of rowing, a fork suddenly appeared in front of them, and the waterway was divided into two.

Big Hu and Xiao Hu, who were worried about which waterway to choose, didn’t know. Just five minutes ago, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were also faced with the same choice.

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