Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 26 - Subordinate

Xia Ruize could only nod to indicate that he would complete the extended mission with his teammates.

Cheng Huaiqian reached out and touched Xia Ruize’s head with relief. Although Little Xia’s personality was not active enough, he was sober and very cooperative. He was very happy to work with Little Xia, and he was very satisfied.

The two reached a consensus, so when Xiaowei Ma summoned them again, Cheng Huaiqian took the initiative to express that the two brothers were willing to join Xiaowei Ma and solve problems for Xiaowei Ma.

Cheng Huaiqian spoke on behalf of the two, and Xia Ruize continued to act silently as a little brother who was introverted and introverted and listened to his elder brother’s decision.

After winning this good general, and winning two, Ma Xiaowei was very relieved. However, the joy was only temporary, and soon Ma Xiaowei was full of sorrow. Since Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize have become their own people, they will discuss business affairs. No need to evade, Ma Xiaowei even took the initiative to ask Cheng Huaiqian:

“Brother Cheng, according to the news from the front line and the sentinels, this time the barbarians started the battle with the goal of attacking my Daxia in an all-round way.

Now, a small barbarian leader is coming towards Bianlu City with more than 1,600 barbarian warriors, and he is expected to arrive tomorrow morning.

In order to defend Bianlu City as soon as possible, my barbarian cavalry battalion only brought more than a hundred cavalry here first. The infantry soldiers of my barbarian cavalry battalion will not be able to reach Bianlu City before tomorrow morning… Well, I would like to hear what good advice the two of you have? “

Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize looked at each other, Xia Ruize wrote “Listen to the boss” all over his face. Therefore, Cheng Huaiqian boldly proposed a plan that shocked the whole hall:

“Lord Colonel, if you agree to deploy twenty cavalry, my two brothers are willing to lead the troops out of the city to the north to investigate the whereabouts of the barbarian army, and disturb it and slow down its marching speed, so that my barbarian battalion soldiers have longer Preparation time.”

Cheng Huaiqian’s plan made all the generals in the hall stunned. The admiration of the lieutenants’ eyes towards Cheng Huaiqian had changed from admiration to regret. They probably thought that such a strong warrior had a stupid mind. It was a pity. .

“This, Brother Cheng, you are seeking your own death. You don’t have to be in a hurry. Accumulating military merit doesn’t happen overnight.”

A lieutenant stood up to persuade.

“Lord Colonel, I wonder when the infantry soldiers of my barbarian battalion will reach Bianlu City? My two brothers swear to the death to drag the barbarian army until then.”

Cheng Huaiqian was unmoved, and he insisted on his proposal.

“The best thing is to arrive at Bianlu City tomorrow evening. If there is an accident, you may arrive in the morning the next day.”

Ma Xiaowei was influenced by Cheng Huaiqian’s serious and cautious attitude, and unknowingly, he also considered the feasibility of this plan, and subconsciously answered Cheng Huaiqian’s question.

Hearing this answer, Cheng Huai decided with great concentration. The reason why he made such a suggestion was because he and Xia Ruize had guessed about the latest extended mission.

The requirement of this extended task is to block the progress of the barbarian army’s attack, and the difficulty of the task has increased. It is the 1,600th barbarian army that needs to be blocked.

These are 1,600 sturdy fighters, not 1,600 woods that won’t resist. It’s definitely not realistic to kill them all.

As a result, they had the participation and help of the barbarian camp.

However, the rule setters did not want them to rely entirely on the cavalry battalion to complete the extended tasks, so they set the cavalry battalion to only have one-tenth of the cavalry in place first, while the vast majority of the infantry were still on the road.

According to the current progress, when the barbarian army arrived at Bianlu City, the remaining infantry soldiers of the barbarian battalion could not reach Bianlu City.

If Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize do nothing and let this happen, then the 100-odd Xia cavalry will definitely lose to more than 1,600 barbarian warriors. At that time, the cavalry of the barbarian battalion will be buried in Bianlu City, and the remaining barbarian army will go all the way south. , use cavalry against infantry, solve the remaining infantry of the barbarian cavalry battalion, and then continue to march south.

Therefore, what Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize really did in the extended mission was actually to slow down the progress of the barbarian army to Bianlu City.

Only when the cavalry and infantry of the barbarian battalion meet in Bianlu City, and rely on the protection of the city wall, together with the two variables of Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize, can it be possible to resist the attack of the barbarian backup team.

As for how to slow down the march of the barbarian army?

Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize looked at each other, and the tacit understanding was silent.

Isn’t guerrilla warfare the most suitable tactic for this goal?

Seeing that both Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize were insisting on their ideas, the generals of the Barbarian Camp decided to give them this chance after considering their heroic and sturdy record before they arrived at Bianlu City.

If they can successfully slow down the marching speed of the barbarian army, it is naturally the best. Even if the delay was small, the worst result would be the loss of twenty cavalry.

If the barbarian army arrives at Bianlu City first, the barbarian cavalry battalion may consider temporarily letting go of Bianlu City, and then confront the barbarian army after meeting the infantry at the rear.

But all the generals knew in their hearts that it would be best to defend Bianlu City. Once compromised and evacuated from Bianlu City, even if the barbarian army was successfully blocked in the end, the court’s gang of sub-wenchens would definitely be jabbering.

Therefore, even though reason told them not to expect too much, but emotionally, the generals of the barbarian camp couldn’t help but cast some expectations to Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize, hoping they could bring back good news.

Soon, Captain Ma ordered twenty cavalrymen to be assigned to Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize to lead the team.

The two immediately led the way, and after getting to know each other with their subordinates, they began to prepare for the city.

Xia Ruize whispered a few words in Cheng Huaiqian’s ear, Cheng Huaiqian nodded, and the two acted separately.

Cheng Huaiqian personally instructed his subordinates to prepare supplies for going out of the city according to his requirements, while Xia Ruize ran to the courtyard where Luo Jinger was hiding.

After Xia Ruize rushed into the room, he called out his identity first, then opened the mural and looked at Luo Jinger in the secret room.

Luo Jing’er was curled up in the corner, her terrified eyes widened.

“It’s five o’clock in the afternoon on the second day. Daxia’s army has arrived in Bianlu City. Bianlu City is safe for the time being, but we are leaving Bianlu City. Do you want to come with us?”

Xia Ruize asked.

Luo Jing’er reacted for a while, shook her head firmly, and then asked back, “Can you stay with me?”

This time, it was Xia Ruize who shook his head. He warned: “You hide, just stick to it for another day and a half, take care!”

After speaking, Xia Ruize left the courtyard.

In the distance, Cheng Huaiqian was already riding a war horse, leading an empty horse, followed by twenty cavalrymen, rushing towards here. When he stopped near, Cheng Huaiqian reached out and pulled Xia Ruize to his horse.

Xia Ruize has already broken a book of “riding” skills, but it is not enough for him. After all, he has no experience in riding before. Cheng Huaiqian is not worried that he will go straight to the road. Now that he has the opportunity, he is going to protect him and practice first.

Xia Ruize also rode a horse when he was a child taking pictures in the park, but it was just sitting on a horse, not running wildly, so even if he already had the skills, he was still very uncertain.

Fortunately, with the reins in his hand, after Cheng Huaiqian briefly reminded some key points, Xia Ruize quickly got started.

With his teammates behind him, Xia Ruize was very courageous, and it didn’t take long for him to drive the war horse faster and faster.

When the group galloped to the north gate of the city, they slowed down.

The deep pit outside the city gate in the north of the city was already cleaned up by soldiers. Carefully bypassing these soldiers, the group speeded up again and ran towards the north along the road.

After various acceleration, deceleration and turning exercises, Xia Ruize’s proficiency in controlling the warhorse rose rapidly, and he soon felt at ease.

The aerial warhorse they were holding came in handy. Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian worked one horse at a time, and the speed of the journey was further improved.

When we left Bianlu City, it was already five o’clock in the afternoon, and the sky was getting darker during the journey.

Two hours later, the two ten commanders of the cavalry saw that the two commanders had not ordered to camp for a while, so they had to take the initiative to propose, but Cheng Huaiqian refused directly:

“If we don’t rest, we will travel all night to find the barbarian army, and take advantage of the darkness of the night to give them a hard time.”

Xia Ruize had touched the barbarian camp with his teammates the night before, and he was very familiar with the teammates’ way of fighting in the time period when the opponent was not suitable.

But the cavalry who were just assigned to them in the afternoon are not familiar with them. The cavalry is a precious arm in Daxia. After all, war horses are a precious resource. To train a cavalryman is piled up with money. arrogant.

They were suddenly assigned to serve as subordinates to these two young men, and it was already strange to follow them on some hellish procrastination mission, and now they are required to travel overnight?

Do these two Yamano villagers know how dangerous it is for the cavalry to drive the night road?

Minutes are the result of the horse overturning!

The two ten commanders looked at each other and had no choice but to chase after them. It seems that one of the two young officers is riding a horse for the first time, and it will always be unbearable to ride.

The poor plan of the two ten commanders fell through. Xia Ruize was indeed riding a horse for the first time, but his physical fitness was too strong, and he didn’t feel uncomfortable until it was completely dark, and the two cavalry teams did not see the leader in front stop.

“Sir! It’s too dark, the road ahead is unclear, and it will be dangerous to continue on the road.”

Finally, the tall ten commander couldn’t bear it any longer and exhorted loudly.

“Just follow our route in turn.”

Cheng Huai ordered without looking back.

He and Xia Ruize can see clearly. Their physical fitness is strong and their eyesight has improved. Under the big full moon, it is not a problem to see the road within a range of more than ten meters. As long as the speed of the horse is controlled, the danger is not great. As long as the cavalry behind them follow the road they have traveled, they will be fine.

The two ten commanders did not have the confidence of Cheng Huaiqian. In their eyes, it was pitch black in front of them. Even with torches, they could only see one meter of their bodies. It was useless. Are kidding about their lives!

Cheng Huaiqian reined his horse and stopped, and the cavalry behind him also stopped one after another, thinking that the newly-appointed officer had finally come to his senses and no longer insisted needlessly.

“Since you are unwilling to hurry, then you can camp and rest in place, and meet us at dawn tomorrow.”

Cheng Huaiqian said to Xia Ruize, “Let’s go.”

Xia Ruize trusted his teammates more, so he naturally followed Cheng Huaiqian and left.

As a result, the two teams of twenty cavalrymen were just left on the spot, with dazed and helpless expressions on their faces.

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