Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 2 - Frontier Town 2


The barbarian didn’t even have time to turn his head to see who had cut off half of his neck, before crashing onto the woman.

The woman was already powerless. With the help of Xia Ruize, she labored to remove the barbarians from her body. The woman who got up from the ground immediately knelt down and kowtowed to Xia Ruize. She had tears in her eyes and blood was pouring out of her mouth. Without saying a word, he could only kowtow and point in the direction of the courtyard, eagerly asking Xia Ruize for help.

Xia Ruize didn’t care about the vibration of his wrist, and he heard the scream of a little girl coming from the courtyard. It was obvious that another barbarian who had just entered was bullying the little girl.

Now that you have already started it, you can just do it all the time and solve it all!

Xia Ruize walked into the courtyard with a **** big knife.

The door of a room facing the courtyard gate in the small courtyard was already crumbling, and the screams and cries of the little girl came from this room.

Xia Ruize tightened the big knife in his hand, approached the room carefully, and saw that the barbarians were violent.

Xia Ruize’s eyes spit fire, but the more angry he became, the calmer he moved. He softly stepped over the broken door, staring at the position of the opponent’s neck, Xia Ruize waved the big knife again.

Unfortunately, this time the barbarian actually felt the blade wind, and at the last moment turned his head and raised his hand to try to resist.

The barbarians with more combat experience successfully blocked Xia Ruize’s attack on his fatal position at the cost of one hand, and then immediately roared back and tried to pounce on Xia Ruize.

Xia Ruize was shocked. Just looking at the height and weight of the opponent, he was not a heavyweight. If the opponent really reacted, his small body would not be able to withstand a few attacks.

At the critical moment, Xia Ruize only felt that he was calmer than before. He turned the direction of the attack of the broadsword, swung down decisively, and slashed directly at the evil root exposed by the opponent.

The barbarian, who had already raised the big sword to fight back, suddenly dropped the big sword in his hand, and let out a scream that did not sound like a human voice.

Taking advantage of his illness, Xia Ruize used his calmness beyond his expectations to make up for the knife one after another, and finally eliminated the barbarian.

The woman outside the door staggered and ran in, hugging her daughter and crying.

Xia Ruize, who had relaxed a little, let out his aura and leaned back against the wall behind him. In a daze, he saw a white iron box floating on the body of the newly dead barbarian.

Xia Ruize looked at his hands, which were already stained with blood, and the whole battle took no more than five minutes.

That is to say, it has only been more than ten minutes since he realized that he appeared in this inexplicable world, and he has quickly completed the transformation from a little white-collar worker in a peaceful era to a fierce man who personally ended two lives.

And he seems to be in a calm mood now, which is really… beyond his own expectations.

Xia Ruize put aside his distracting thoughts, stepped forward and reached out to touch the white iron box. The iron box opened, revealing a crossbow and arrows shining white.

Xia Ruize touched the crossbow and arrow in his hand. The crossbow and arrow did not appear directly in his hand, but disappeared in front of his eyes.

With a flash of inspiration, Xia Ruize raised his hand to check his watch, and found that a new icon was lit up, and the word on the icon was [Weapon].

Click in, and there are rows of cards in it. Most of the cards are blank gray and dim backgrounds. There is only one bright card with a pattern, which is the crossbow and arrow just now.

I saw a crossbow and arrows drawn on a piece of white paper, and a detailed introduction would emerge when my finger moved over:

[Crossbow, arrow (white inferior): small attack power, slow firing rate, and short range. Fifteen arrows are automatically replenished every hour on the hour. 】

The weapon seems to have a special space for storage, and it does not appear in Xia Ruize’s system space, but with his mind, it can appear directly in his hand.

Xia Ruize only wanted to know the reason for this kind of black technology involving the soul, and was not ready to explore the reason at all.

Although this crossbow and arrow are described as having a short range, it is still an extra long-distance weapon. Xia Ruize feels that he has more confidence to survive in this dangerous world.

Each of the barbarians were tall and strong, more than two meters tall, with a body of more than 200 kilograms completely crushing Xia Ruize.

I don’t have the confidence to fight in close combat, but with long-range weapons, I can make up for some physical disadvantages.

Clenching the crossbow and arrow in his hand, Xia Ruize left the room and walked to the courtyard gate to observe carefully.

Looking at the mess at the gate of the courtyard, he realized that the scene needed to be dealt with immediately.

The woman who was worried that Xia Ruize would be gone hurriedly chased after him, knelt down and begged:

“Strong man! Please help us orphans and widows again!”

At this time, helping the other party is also helping himself. Xia Ruize helped the woman drag the barbarian corpses at the door and in the room to the backyard, cover them with pyre, and cover them with the blood-soaked ground, at least not so obvious.

The courtyard door of the woman’s house had been destroyed. Under Xia Ruize’s suggestion, he simply opened the courtyard door and the door of the house, as if it had been searched and looted.

After tidying up the scene as quietly and quickly as possible, the woman took her daughter and led Xia Ruize to hide in the hidden cellar.

Xia Ruize took the opportunity to ask for some information and wanted to know more about the world.

The small town where he is now is called Bianlu City. In fact, it is not on the edge of Daxia’s territory. On the contrary, it lives in the second tier.

In the past, the barbarians would occasionally raid during the autumn harvest, but this year, for some unknown reason, news came from the frontier just after the spring came that the barbarians had changed, so the border guards moved the guards of the second-tier towns to the front.

The residents of Bianlu City thought that the front line was ready, and the barbarians’ changes had nothing to do with them for the time being. They never thought that the barbarians had already hit a second-tier town like them, and they took advantage of the emptiness of Bianlu City’s guards and rushed directly into the city to burn, kill and loot.

“Hey, I don’t know what’s going on at the border… It’s all my fault, if I hid with the girl earlier…”

The woman hugged her daughter, who had just suffered atrocities and was deeply beaten, and babbled a lot while crying.

The cellar is not small, with a wooden bed on one side and stored grain on the other.

Xia Ruize stood at the entrance of the cellar, carefully listening to the movement above his head and the woman’s cry. The more he listened to him, the more his heart sank.

It can only be seen from the experience of the woman that in previous years, the barbarians only appeared in the autumn harvest. This year’s early appearance was definitely not small. This was a full-scale attack by the barbarians on Daxia.

The woman did not know about it, but Xia Ruize was different. When the mission was released, the first sentence was “the end of the summer”, which clearly reminded him that this was the background of the era when the dynasty fell and the army was in chaos.

At present, two-thirds of the second of his two main quests has been completed. It seems that he only needs to solve one barbarian to complete it, but it is uncertain whether he can find another chance to attack later.

In addition, the main task of the first three-day survival is not so simple in the current context.

Thinking about it further, after surviving for three days, is it really safe and sound? Xia Ruize was not so optimistic.

The woman told everything she knew, hugged her daughter, leaned on each other, and wept silently.

Xia Ruize fell silent and looked at the mysterious watch on his wrist.

He clicked on [Mission] and found two new pieces of information at the bottom:

[Kill a barbarian. Strength +0.1]

[Kill a small barbarian leader. Strength + 0.2 Agility + 0.2 Constitution + 0.2]

Xia Ruize hurriedly returned to [personal], and the physical data inside had indeed changed.

Strength has increased by 0.3, now it has become 1.3, Agility has increased by 0.2, now it has become 1.2, and Constitution has also increased by 0.2, becoming 3.2, and the HP seems to be related to the Constitution, directly becoming 32.

Xia Ruize clenched his fist. When he attacked the second barbarian, he felt that his strength had increased. It was not an illusion!

The watch vibrated on its own twice before. At that time, he didn’t have time to pay attention, but now he realizes that it was a kill reminder.

The main quests released at the beginning only remind them that there will be rewards after completing the main quests.

Now these two kill reminders clearly tell Xia Ruize that every time you kill a barbarian, you can get immediate reward feedback. This reward is not a confusing “survival point”, but a personal strength that is closely related to survival.

In other words, the more barbarians killed, the stronger the strength! The more likely you are to survive!

It’s hard not to get inspired.

Xia Ruize looked solemn, and checked the contents of the watch over and over again, thinking carefully.

He could see clearly that increased strength was the guarantee of his survival.

Clenching the crossbow and arrow in his hand, Xia Ruize made up his mind and asked the woman:

“Where is the highest position in Bianlu City?”

“Lucky Restaurant, right in the middle of the intersection.”

The woman replied suspiciously, not knowing what the strong man knew what to do with this.

Xia Ruize inquired about the route to the Jixiang Restaurant in detail, and roughly drew the whole picture of Bianlu City according to the woman’s narration. Then he declined the woman’s retention and insisted on leaving.

The men from the woman’s family were recruited to the front line by the strong men, hoping that the strong men would stay to protect their mother and daughter, but the strong men insisted on leaving, and she had no choice but to give Xia Ruize two pots of water and a packet of sesame seeds, and told him to be careful in everything.

Xia Ruize still had those four buns in his room, but he couldn’t survive without water, food or drink, so he accepted the woman’s kindness.

In return, Xia Ruize left one of the big knives he snatched from the barbarians for the woman, and tied the other with rags behind his back. He climbed out of the cellar, and before leaving, he helped set up the yard, showing that It looks like it has been plundered by barbarians.

Finding the ladder leaning against the courtyard, Xia Ruize climbed up the ladder to carefully observe whether there were barbarians in the alley, and jumped to another courtyard after confirming that it was temporarily safe.

In this way, one by one advancing from the inside, Xia Ruize luckily avoided the barbarians who were looting everywhere, and gradually approached the Jixiang Restaurant.

Xia Ruize was stunned when he saw Jixiang Restaurant.

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