Infernal Apocalypse

Chapter Thirty Three

When a gigantic green Goblin thing that also looks like it’s on every steroid known to mankind starts chasing you, there aren’t many options other than to run.

But I didn’t want to run.

At least not without actually trying to fight it. That may seem a bit stupid, but I need to know what I’m dealing with. Maybe its muscles are for show? What If I’m overacting and this is a battle I can handle.

Well, it’s here, so I’m about to find out.

I braced myself and stood with my spear pointed forward. The large bastard came to a full stop right before he would’ve crashed into me and threw a left hook.

What the hell? Why does it know how to box dammit. I just barely managed to dodge out of the way before its right knee came flying towards my chest, quickly jumping backwards just like I did many times during my spar with the Outpost Leader I got out of the way of the knee.

I wanted to take a moment to assess the situation, but the monster didn’t give me time, he took one step and was already baring down on me once more. And before I know it a flurry of punches were flying at me from seemingly all directions.

I don’t understand how he’s able to move this fast, I’m constantly backing up trying to dodge everything, and even somewhat surprisingly to myself I am somehow doing just that. This went on for a few more seconds until I tripped on what I think was a piece of wood.

I couldn’t see behind me, nor did I have time to turn around and check the direction I’ve essentially been back pedaling in.

The monster didn’t miss my trip.

With a loud grunt, he clasped but his hands together and slammed them towards my chest. I didn’t have the necessary footing required to dodge so I just hurriedly pointed my spear in front of me as it slammed its large fists down.



Both of us cried out in pain at the same time. It cried out due to impaling his hands on my spear.

I cried out due to the fact that the spearhead broke halfway into its hands, and he still managed to connect with my chest, essentially slamming me into the ground. I coughed up blood, and grasped at my chest as it felt like every bone in that area was crushed beyond repair.

Thankfully the monster was also distracted from continuing to fight as he was holding his hands and screaming in in pain a short distance away.

I need to move.

I can’t stay here.

Staying here means death.

I need to move.

Slowly but surely, or almost surely, I managed to get on my hands and knees, as the pain in my chest continued to ache beyond imagination.


Grunting repeatedly, as I stammered to my feet was not in my best interest, as I didn’t want the monster behind me to focus on me once more. I abandoned my broken spear and began moving my feet towards the Outpost.

At first it was just a step or two, but I forced myself to move faster. It was my chest that was nearly caved in, not my feet.

Eventually I began running. Half heartedly hoping I was running in the direction I came from. I’m not sure how much later it was but at some point I heard another scream.


The monster would want my head, I had no doubts about that. All I could do was hope he didn’t know where I was, or what direction I went in, because if he found me, I didn’t see a way out of that alive.

All I could do was run.

Do not stop running Raizen.

Ah my chest…ignore it. Run.

I ran and ran and ran, until I could see the light of the Outpost in the distance. The sun was currently in the process of setting, so with the canopy of tress all around us, it got darker faster in the forest. Thankfully that meant I could see the light of the Outpost earlier than I normally would’ve.

It was close, I was almost there. My chest feels like its caving it on itself over and over again. I’m breathing hard, and I’m depressed about losing my spear.


Oh, that was a lot closer, the clearing the Outpost sits within is just ahead of me.


Ah that sounds like footsteps.

Run Raizen.

“Ahhhhhh!!! Run you weak bastard!!! Run!!!”

I screamed out as I continued to put one foot in front of the other. Adrenaline clearly forcing my mind to ignore the burning, gruesome pain in my chest and directing all my spare energy towards my feet.

Before I knew it, I could see the Outpost in front of me, and along with it I could see a few people standing around it, it seemed like 5 individuals were spread out with weapons, keeping an eye on the forest. Richard’s people.

They all turned towards me when I burst into the clearing, barreling towards them at the fastest speed I could muster. At this point I was barely focusing on how close the beast was, I just needed to get inside the Outpost.


Hmm? What was that? Turning to look towards the scream I heard, I saw something I didn’t think I’d get to see so soon. That hateful bastard was running towards the Outpost, looking like he was nearly dead. His chest seemed to be covered in blood as he gasped for air and coughed up blood as he ran like his life depended on it.

What the hell caused him to appear like tha…-”



Richard didn’t mention anything to use about a supersized Goblin on steroids roaming the forest? How did he even run into something like that.

Dammit how the hell are we supposed to fight that…wait why did it stop?


The monstrosity that was clearly hell bent on catching its prey, let out one last roar before turning and speeding off back into the forest.

When that hateful bastard finally made his way to the gate, he was barely conscious and clearly needed rest. It was no way he was going to make it all the way to his house…heh.

“Cristine! Tell Richard everything that just happened. I’m going to help our ‘friend’ here get back to his house.”

POV Raizen

By the time I got to the gate I had heard a lot of yelling and people scrambling around to prepare for battle? I don’t know anymore.

“Cristine! Tell Richard everything that just happened. I’m going to help our ‘friend’ here get back to his house.”

Huh? Who is this? Why is he helping me? No..I need to see his face…I barely opened my now foggy eyes wide enough just to barely make out the face of the man that just put my hand over his shoulder. I recognized him.

Who was it again…

Ah I remember now.

This was the man I knocked out. I’m getting a bad feeling about this.

Dammit, wasn’t I supposed to stop this type of situation from happening again? This can’t continue. All I can do is hope he is genuinely trying to help me.

It took a few moments, but we made it to my house, by now the sun was pretty much set and it was dark outside. The man hadn’t said a word the whole time, and neither had I. The pain in my chest is taking a toll on me, and I can barely stand as I limped my way to the house. The adrenaline had long since worn off.

The man fiddled around in my pouch until he found my house pass, and then brought me inside, but instead of carrying me to one of the rooms he instead threw me down right after getting in.

I tried to get up after falling down, but he kicked me in my gut, and I slumped right back down to the floor.

“This is what you get for thinking you are untouchable you fucking piece of shit.”

That was the only thing he said before punching me in my face, knocking me out cold.

Along with the rage that began to bubble inside me despite my imminent slumber, the last thoughts I had on my mind before my eyes closed had everything to do with murder.

I’m going to kill him.

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