Infernal Apocalypse

Chapter Thirty Five


Groaning as I woke up, my entire body felt like it had been hit by a truck. Not that I necessarily knew what that felt like, but that was the only way I could describe the feeling.

Checking my status, I see that I thankfully didn’t sleep for multiple days.

Name – Raizen;

Age – 19

Race – Infernal

Cultivation – Body Tempering (1st Cycle)

Your Task is to Survive.

Run, Hide, Fight. Survive.

Time Remaining – 52 Days

Today was a day 8 of the Tutorial and it would be an interesting one. I need to sort out my emotions before I leave my house today.

I have never killed a man before, yet that is all I can think about at the moment. Killing someone for knocking me out unjustly. Preying on me when I was weakened. Disrespecting me, when I couldn’t speak for myself. What if he misjudged his owns strength and killed me instead of knocking me unconscious?

Am I being a hypocrite? Some might say yes, but I don’t think so. He tried to block my path, I removed him and went about my life. He retaliated, by seizing the moment when I was weak, and took advantage of it. My entire being, my mind, my blood, every part of me is yearning for me to respond in kind.

For me to reap the life of the one that wronged me. The rational side of me agrees that a response is necessary, but why do I feel the need to kill? Why do I feel so disrespected that I need to remove this stain of a man from existence? Again, these types of feelings are unlike me.

I have never once killed a human before. Is it because I have been killing Goblins? Do these deaths affect me in any way? No. They don’t.

Will taking the life of a human being affect me in away way…?


It won’t.

But does that mean I want to kill this man for what he did to me? I’m not sure. I will definitely pay him a visit, but his life…do I need it? I don’t.

The second I decided, it felt like my blood turned away in disagreement for a moment, then it immediately felt normal once more.

That…that was weird.

Why can I feel the emotion of my blood?

I don’t think I was hit so hard that I’m imagining things, but also seemed a little too weird, but I’m probably past that point. I have to remind myself that I am not a human. Maybe I never was who knows, but as of right now I’m an Infernal. So maybe that comes with emotional blood? Anyway.

Since I decided I won’t kill him, what will it be then…hmm.

An arm.

He used it to grab me, and he also used it to punch me in the face.

He no longer needs it.

The Outpost Leader will have to excuse my absence today. Although I’ve decided not to kill him, that doesn’t mean I’m not bubbling with rage. I will take his arm, and I will take it today. If everything went according to plan I would’ve done this last night, but I feel good enough to do it now. Let’s advance my cultivation.

I got off my cot and sat on the floor.

It took a little while to get into the right state of meditation due to the anger I was keeping inside of me, but eventually I managed to calm down enough to focus on sensing the Qi around me.

To make a long story short, in roughly 30 minutes (I think) I felt something inside me shift, and I knew that meant I was successful in breaking through.

Of course, a quick look at my status confirmed it. The second cycle of Body Tempering. It felt good, despite the fact I was littered with wounds. Similar wounds to the ones I got the first time, but none of it hurt all the same. It was all a bit weird. When I got a small cut from a Goblin, that hurt as it should, but the wounds I get from cultivating are barely felt.

More weird things about me to deal with it, I guess.

Anyway, I feel a lot stronger already and I’m sure I will feel even stronger once I’m back to full health, a nice deep sleep was able to do that for me last time, but I have no time for that. Well, I do, but I’m not waiting.

Instead, I’ll pay that potion shop another visit and buy myself a healing potion and go from there, I also needed to buy another spear. That sucks. Hopefully the blacksmith will really be able to make a proper one soon enough.

Moving on, I need potions.

I quickly gathered my coin pouch and made my way outside the house. My clothes were still bloody, and I could probably use a wash, but I had things to do.

The sun was still in its early stages of rising. It seems I woke up a lot earlier than I expected. I guess I have time to go let the Outpost Leader know why I won’t be attending training.

I headed over to the training grounds and the Outpost Leader was there waiting. The gate guard man wasn’t here though, wonder if he comes later? Anyway Is this how early the Outpost Leader waits for me to arrive? I really need an alarm clock.

Anyway, I approached and greeted him as usual.

“You’re on time. Though I suspect you’re not here to train, considering your state.”

I suppose that was fairly easy to guess.

“No sir I am not here to train. I have some things to handle and was letting you know that I’ll be missing training today.”

He looked me up and down for a moment before nodding and speaking in a slightly serious tone.

“I see. Congratulations on breaking through.”

“Thank you.”

I started turning around to leave when he spoke again.

“Be thorough.”

Before I could respond he disappeared once more. I still can’t get used to that. But ‘be thorough’ huh. I wonder what he meant by that. Does he know what I plan to do? How would he even know?

Actually, now that I think about it. Didn’t my senses get better from cultivating? It wasn’t super noticeable when I first broke though to Body Tempering, but now that I take a second to really pay attention to my surroundings, I feel like I can hear a lot clearer than before. Almost as if there was a small plug in my ears and it’s been removed.

It’s not to the extent that I can hear from miles and miles away, but it’s no doubt been improved.

Which means the Outpost Leader could probably hear and perhaps see a lot more things than I could. Maybe he knows something happened to me, and could probably deduce that I’m going to retaliate? Not sure, but no need to think about it for too long. I have a spear to buy and an arm to separate.

I once more began making my way over to the central area when I spotted someone. That someone was heading my way. My fists clenched as he approached.

It was Richard.

The guy that hit me is part of his group.

I forgot about that.


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