Infernal Apocalypse

Chapter Four

After resting for a bit, I got up, took care of my bodily functions, and got to work in collecting all the little orbs which I’m now really hoping had some sort of value, cause by the time I was done collecting all the orbs which turned out to number 28, close enough to my estimations, my pockets were close to full. They even started to weigh a little bit.

Definitely didn’t help with the fact that I still had multiple wounds on my body, and I was still in a lot of pain. Not very fun at all.


I had to keep going, daylight was still burning after all.

And keep going I did, by the time the sun set I was a haggard mess. My T-Shirt was pretty much gone, and my sweats were ripped apart in multiple places. Though my pockets which were almost overflowing at this point were almost untouched. I had to protect my orbs.

Needless to say, I ran into more Goblins along the way. Some small groups I could handle, and some larger groups I had to run and hide from. Though most of the time I wasn’t very successful.

Not sure how much blood I’ve lost but obviously not enough to stop moving forward albeit at a much slower pace than when I started.

Was there even any shelter here? Or was it all just damn trees? I really hope I won’t have to build my own shelter. I have no experience with that sort of thing. Maybe I should’ve watched more nature survival videos in my free time? Who knows. that light?

I think it’s light.

In the distance behind a cacophony of trees, I can see a faint light. I’m not sure if its danger or something good, but it’s the first new thing apart from trees and Goblins I’ve seen for the whole day I’ve been in this forest. So, with renewed vigor I make my way towards the light.

As I got closer, I realize this is a lot more than just some light. It was a whole damn village? Or whatever else you would call something like this.

It just so happened that I was approaching from the front, so I got a good look at the entrance. It had tall wooden walls, made out of what appeared to be extremely sturdy and thick logs. There was a wide gate in the front, that was unfortunately closed and the light I saw came in the form of two torches placed on the left and right sides of the gate. Speaking of the gate, why is there someone standing outside…

No way…is that a Goblin..?

On closer inspection, it doesn’t look completely like a Goblin. From where I’m standing which was still quite a distance away as I wary of getting closer, I could tell the individual was green in color, but they had on proper clothing and was definitely much taller than the Goblins I’ve killed on the way here.

I’m not really sure how to approach this. I’m severely weakened, and that person could be some type of super Goblin, that I’m clearly not ready for, but I need shelter and it’s clear that place is the type of shelter I need in my life. Risk it for the biscuit, or sleep by or most likely up in some tree. Decisions decisions…

Well, I’ve made my choice…whats life without a little risk?

A safe one, which is why I’m gonna sleep in the forest. It’s already dark outside and approaching a strange structure with a potential super Goblin standing guard doesn’t sound like a good idea.

So, despite the darkness around me, I made my way back deeper into the forest, and looked around until I found a big enough tree with wide enough branches. It took some significant effort and careful movements not to spill all my little orbs, but I eventually found my way up the tree and unto a thick enough branch.

With my back against the trunk of the tree, and my spear resting across my lap, I dozed off a lot quicker than I planned to, with my last conscious thought being ‘I hope I don’t fall’.

Turns out I had better balance in my sleep than I give myself credit for. As the warmth of the morning sun bathed my body, I woke up realizing I was still safely in the tree. The night appeared to have passed peacefully. With the only thing of note being the fact that some of my orbs fell out of my pockets.

Well actually, something else that I eventually notice during my climb down the tree, was that I’m not in that much pain anymore.

After making it down to the ground and gathering the orbs that fell, I gave my body a quick once over and most of my wounds were closed already, they weren’t very deep wounds in the first place, but they shouldn’t have closed this fast.

I wonder if this has something to do with being an Infernal. Or maybe the atmosphere in the Tutorial has healing capabilities or something. Who knows. that I’m thinking about it, am I an idiot? I’ve been here a full day, and I haven’t eaten or drank any water, yet I’m not hungry, nor do I feel very thirsty.

Okay something is definitely up. Theres no way I should feel fine after not eating anything, not drinking any water, and definitely not healing this much in one day after all the fighting I did yesterday.

Hmm…so the current working theories are that the Tutorial itself is taking care of this for me, or it has something to do with being an Infernal.

Well, can’t get the answers just standing around like this, so it’s probably time to go see that village thing.

Now I have two options, approach cautiously from the front, ready to run away at a moment’s notice, or try to scale the walls stealthily from the side.

Well, since it’s daytime that kind of kills most of stealth part so unless I wanna wait until night again, that might not be the best idea. Plus, there’s also the fact that while I think I can climb the wall, there’s just no way I can do it quietly.

So, that really just leaves me with one option then…or I can just bypass this all together and live the life of a spear wielding murder hobo in the woods.

Yea…that doesn’t sound too appealing. Cautious frontal approach it is! Let’s hope the super Goblin fellow isn’t that fast.

And so, the village was again in sight, I took a breath, had my spear at the ready and began walking towards it with my pockets filled with orbs from dead Goblins. Maybe I should’ve buried those in the forest before I came here…welp too late now.

As I get closer and closer, the person at the front turns towards me, and I begin to make out more features. They are around my height, wearing clothes and leather armor. And although they were green, that’s kinda were the similarities ended with the Goblins I’ve killed. No pointy ears, no claw-like hands, and no pointy teeth.

I could tell their teeth weren’t pointy, cause the person in question actually began waving and calling out to me as I approached.

“Oii!! You over there! Welcome to Outpost G!”

Maybe the super Goblin ain’t so bad after all.

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