Infernal Apocalypse

Chapter Forty

“So, are you sure this is a good idea? Everything about this screams bad news.”

“Well, it will definitely be dangerous, but over 1000 people have accepted the bounty. I heard even a few Nascent Soul cultivators accepted too. It’s only a single Core Formation man, what do we have to worry about?”

“That’s the thing, why are over 1000 people and a supposedly a few Nascent Soul cultivators hunting a single man in the Core Formation realm? Doesn’t that seem weird? Something is fishy man.”

“I think your worrying for no reason, the big number is probably just to scare him and show him that fighting is futile, only an idiot would challenge over 1000 people. Plus, the pay is good! Just come on.”

“…No…I’m going to find something else to do, the feeling in my gut won’t go away so I’m going to listen to it.”

That was the last time those two ever spoke to each other.

-A conversation in a Guild, that had the picture of a man depicted with red hair and wielded two spears on their bounty wall.

Waking up this morning, I felt extremely refreshed. That was probably some of the best sleep I’ve had since the start of the Tutorial. I did a light wash, got dressed, and with my spear and an empty pouch tied to my wait I headed towards the training grounds.

Though it wasn’t a quiet walk as usual, because I could hear yelling and grunting as I approached and when I reached, I realized the training grounds were pretty packed.

I was pretty late huh.

Richard and his group of 30 total people where currently doing pushups as if their lives depended on it. Why do they look so strained? Oh, maybe it’s because of the gravity thing the Outpost Leader was doing to me. He didn’t make me do any pushups though. Weird. Anyway, speaking of the Outpost Leader, he was standing off to the side in small corner as the Richard’s group took up most of the area. He was watching me approach.

I’m sure Richard and his group noticed me as well, but they were far too busy doing pushups as the guard gate man watched them. I eventually reached the corner where the Outpost Leader was waiting.

“Your late. Again. This is the last time.”

I didn’t really know how to deal with that, I wanted to complain about the lack of an alarm clock, but it was hard to go down that route when there was a group nearby that clearly arrived way before me.

How did they even manage to do…ah the guards. I wonder if they can wake me up too. Maybe that will be harder to ask because of what I just did to someone they knew. Either way all I could do is try.

“Understood, I’ll do my best.”

“Hm. No sparring today. Your body needs to adjust. The level of pressure will be high enough so that all adjustment can be done in one sitting, and you will then follow the evening schedule of hunting Goblins. Prepare yourself.”

I just nodded and placed my things down right where I was, before walking the Richard’s group to where the rack with all the wooden weapons were. Thankfully there was still a spear or two left. All the swords were gone though. Eh.

Anyway, I made my walk back and just assumed the position I did last time. I did my best to make sure I was ready mentally, as I did not want to immediately be planted to the floor, though I didn’t have much hope in this.

Not having much hope was the right path, because the second the Outpost Leader started, I was almost instantly planted to the ground. Though this time was different from the previous times we did this. This time he didn’t let me get up. Well, he wasn’t necessarily stopping me from getting up but he did not turn the pressure off.


I couldn’t help but grunt in pain as I continuously tried to get up, but to no avail. The Outpost Leader himself didn’t say anything, he just stood there as I struggled and repeatedly failed to get up. A little annoying. Anyway, this went on for a bit before I eventually stopped trying to get up. I realized it was a pointless effort, or at least I thought it was. Instead, I just laid there, doing my best to calm my mind and endure the pressure bearing down on me.

“Keep fighting.”

The Outpost Leader finally spoke again, and with it my plan to just try and endure the pressure went out the window. I didn’t even have the time or freedom to sigh, so I just restarted to my attempts to get up, which of course resulted in nothing, but I’m assuming the act of fighting against the pressure is helping the process my body is going through. Well, that’s the only reason I could think of for the Outpost Leader to tell me to keep fighting. I’m hoping he wouldn’t just tell me to do something for no real reason.

Moving on, I kept for an untold amount of time and the only real progress I made after what felt like forever was going from laying completely flat with a spear in my right hand to just barely pushing myself up with my left hand.

Though I didn’t have any more opportunities to improve on that progress, as the pressure was shut off shortly after that.

It took a few minutes of panting and gathering myself before I finally managed to stand up once again. The pain and stress in my body almost immediately began wearing off. Just a couple days ago, I needed stamina potions to keep going after way less pressure but now I can actively feel my fatigue wearing off, is it due to reaching the second stage of Body Tempering? Probably.

“Rest then go fight.”

I expected it, but after saying that the Outpost Leader disappeared as usual. I really want to learn how to do that.

Looking around I noticed that everyone else was on something of a break as folks seemed to be resting. Every now and then someone will glance my way, but so far, I hadn’t spotted any weird or angry looks so its all good for now I guess.

I eventually spotted Richard and made my way over. I had very important business to discuss.

I approached him and I could tell he was a little apprehensive about it, and of course I could understand why. Although I don’t regret it at all, I did kill a friend of his and that would make anyone uncomfortable if not outright hostile.

“Richard, got a moment?”

He nodded to the people around him and looked towards the guard gate man who didn’t seem like he was ready to kick off training again.

“Sure, I think I have a moment before we start again.”

We walked offed to the side, next to the weapon racks.

“So what’s up?”

“I noticed your group managed to get here way before I did. I’m assuming it’s because of the folks guarding the gate during the night. Is it possible to wake me up as well? I understand if its too much.”

He didn’t even hesitate when he replied.

“That’s no problem at all. I’ll wake you up myself, no worries.”

“I appreciate that a lot Richard.”

He nodded and went back to the group. I could tell things were probably a bit awkward now, but Richard is indeed a nice guy and I’ll keep that in mind as we go through this Tutorial. I left shortly after that and made way to my house, were I laid on my cot long enough to feel back to 100%. I didn’t even need to sleep. Though I was finally feeling hungry again after what? Like four days? Either way I ate one of those food pill thingies and with my spear in hand and a pouch tied to my waist I left and before long I was once more in the forest.

I wonder…will there be another ‘trap’ waiting for me? Will that big green bastard make a return? I managed to harm him at 1st Cycle Body Tempering, and I feel a lot stronger now, so I kind of hope he comes back.

It didn’t take too long of walking deeper in the forest before I found another ‘lone’ Goblin standing by itself. Though this time it was different. It was staring right at me.

Hmm, now how should I go about doing this? I thought about it for a bit, but this is clearly another trap, which means the Goblins definitely know I’m here. No use in trying to run from of it. In fact, I wanted this. For the last couple days, I haven’t made any progress toward the item in the shop and it’s about time I changed that. For all I know the exchange rate has gone to shit and might even get worse now that stage 3 is only a couple days away.


I charged out towards the Goblin and with my speed and power as a 2nd Cycle Body Tempering Cultivator I reached the Goblin in a flash, and it seemed to be caught off guard by that and started screaming something I couldn’t understand. Shortly after that it’s head was separated from its body. Then even more screaming commenced in the forest around me.


Ah and there’s the big one.

I’m going to truly enjoy this.

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