Infernal Apocalypse

Chapter Eight

I wonder what types of items he sells. Maybe I can get some things like armor and maybe a new spear? I already love this one, but I have room in my heart for more.

“Do you handle repairs ? And is there a way for me to browse the items you sell?”

The man looked at me like I was dumb for a second before something seemed to click in his head.

“Tch, forgot yer a newbie. Listen, this here is a smithy, in da multiverse any blacksmith worth their own shit can fix up yer little spear.”

The burly green man then snapped his fingers and another shop screen popped up in front of me.

I guess I basically asked for a reaction like that, why wouldn’t a blacksmith not do repairs? But at the same time, it also can’t hurt to make sure. Though I guess it’s kind of on brand for a blacksmith to be rude so no hard feelings from me.


I focused on the shop, which had the same number of categories as Greja’s shop.

Smithy Shop

Please select a category:

1. Weapons

2. Repairs (See Blacksmith)

3. Commissions (See Blacksmith)

4. Knowledge

Four categories, only two of them are clickable and I don’t see a category for armor. I was kind of hoping for a chest plate or something. Shame. Repairs and Commissions don’t do anything no matter how much I focus on those options. Guess I really have to see the blacksmith for them. The other two though, had some stuff.


1. Tutorial Sword – 15 Copper Coins

2. Tutorial Spear – 15 Copper Coins

3. Tutorial Bow – 15 Copper Coins

4. Tutorial Dagger – 15 Copper Coins

Very underwhelming. I’m pretty sure my current spear is what they’re calling a Tutorial Spear. What I’m curious about though, is the fact the metal people told me I could think of anything for a weapon, so why are there only four options? Shouldn’t a mace or something be here as well? Weird.


1. Basic Blacksmithing – 100 Copper Coins

I guess this was to be expected but still also a little underwhelming. While I can see the benefit of being able to make my own weapons, I’m not really drawn to it. No need to force myself down a path I don’t really like. Seems bad for business. I like fighting, and learning about the world and stuff but learning a trade doesn’t really fit me.

Well unless it’s to learn how to trade blows.

Moving on.

“Mr. Blacksmith, how much would It cost to repair my spear?” It’s not really in bad shape, but a man should care for their spear. It just feels right.

“It’s mostly fine, 5 Copper and I’ll sharpen her.” He kind of grunted that response without even looking at my spear, as if annoyed at this request. Maybe he noticed it when I came in? Either way I can afford that.

“Please do. How do commissions work? Is that how I get some armor?”

I asked him about commissions as I placed my spear and the requested number of coins on the counter.

“Armor eh…if yer still kicking around in a week or so you’ll get yer armor. For anything else, Tutorial bullshit says I can only make less shit Tutorial weapons, run ya 200 Copper fa each one. How bout it, want one?”

“No...I think I’m fine.”

“Good, if yer done yappin about, come back in a bit for yer spear.”

I took the man up on his offer to come back in a bit and left, I wasn’t really offended by his speech, but I can see how someone else might be. Nothing to do with me though. Now for the last building, then I’ll finally go check out my new home.

Though based on my limited fantasy knowledge I think I know what this next building will be about.

Gotta be some type of healer, right? It only makes sense.

After making my over, walking past the central building in the other direction, I entered the building, though this time instead of heat it was just a strong fragrance that hits my nose. It didn’t really smell like anything, but I could still smell …something. I don’t really understand it and it makes my nose tickle. I don’t like this store.

I walked up to the counter and expected to meet with another green person but was instead met with a simple sign sitting on the counter.

‘Busy Making Potions – Go away’

I really don’t like this store.

After going through my first bad customer service experience in the Multiverse, I finally made my way over to the right side of the Outpost when looking from the gate. I couldn’t really see it from the front gate but there are eight houses over here, and just past the houses, I see what appears to be a small training area? It’s right next to my house so I couldn’t miss it.

A couple practice dummies, and I even see a rack with what appears to be wooden weapons. Nice, I’ll probably be checking that place out soon.

After getting my fill of the training grounds, it was time to enter my home. It was made out of the same material as the previous buildings I’ve been in so far, it also didn’t have any windows. What’s with these green people and windows? Didn’t they appreciate a good view?

Not dwelling on the lack of windows for too long, I took in what I saw in front of me.

The house had only one story so everything that I was seeing was the whole house. Which was basically just a big wooden box. The door opened into a big hallway, on the left side had 3 doors and on the right had 2.

After taking a peek inside all of them, the doors on the left were all rooms, and so was one of the doors on the right. While the last door was a washroom. It had a tub, and a pipe with running water surprisingly.

And a modern toilet...that did not make sense to me at all…but who am I to complain.

The other 4 rooms were pretty much the same size and had the same contents, a small cot for a bed, a small desk and chair, and a box for storage I guess? The doors didn’t have locks on them, and neither did the front door for that matter…

After taking a minute to run outside to try and open the other houses nearby, I came to realize the House Rental Pass probably functioned as a key. Interesting.


I’ve had a very productive morning and I’m quite proud of myself. Did a little shopping, sent my spear off for some love and care, and learned a bit about the Tutorial. My next major steps are to look into cultivating, read the Tutorial book I bought, and then go commit a Goblin massacre. I apologize in advance.

After settling in the middle room on the left for no particular reason, I finally got out of my sweats and was ready to try on the new clothes I bought when I realized a pretty serious problem.

The shop didn’t sell underwear.

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