Indestructible God King

Chapter 184.2 How about a Job Hop? (2/2)

"Brother Wang, you are just like the rumors described! Your righteousness and benevolence are as grand as the heavens!" The demons were also moved by his willingness; they were all in awe of Wang Ke's loyalty to the brotherhood.

With Wang Ke leading the way, some Branch Lords loyal to Zhu Hongyi took two command tokens.

"Zhu Yan, you should just stay!" She Qingqing said.

"Yes, yes! Zhu Yan, you are the worst troublemaker! Just wait on the ship!" said the other demonic disciples.

Zhu Yan: "............!"

"If anyone finds anything about Zhu Hongyi's whereabouts, I recommend returning in secret and inform us all so we can act together. But if you really can't make it back, send a flame signal! Does everyone understand?" She Qingqing said.

"Will do!" Everyone nodded.

"Then put on your black robes and go!" She Qingqing ordered. All the demons immediately donned their black robes and sailed toward one of the islands some distance away.

They split into four groups after disembarking and started searching for Zhu Hongyi. Even an Astral Infant cultivator like She Qingqing would have to be extremely careful to keep him safe. She was deeply worried about her opponents deciding to kill Zhu Hongyi if pushed to a corner.

Wang Ke and Long Yu were also in black robes, while Tong An'an led the way.

"Tong An'an, better be careful. If you dare to come up with some shenanigans, I will press the token and make you explode into little pieces!" Wang Ke threatened.

"I would never dare!" Tong An'an said helplessly.

"Good! " Wang Ke nodded.

Tong An'an was the only one with his hood flung back; all the others’ faces were covered. They soon entered a place with a great number of demons.

"There are some people ahead. Should I ask if they know where Zhu Hongyi is?" Tong An'an asked Wang Ke.

"There's no need to do that!" Wang Ke shook his head.

"No need?" Tong An'an was a little surprised.

"Which way?" Wang Ke asked Long Yu; the latter pointed in a certain direction, and the group of three walked with that bearing.

The winding path they took felt like a huge detour. Tong An'an rubbed his head and felt strange.

"Aren't you here to find Zhu Hongyi? Weren't you going to ask around? I'm truly willing to cooperate with you. I can help you ask!" Tong An'an asked in confusion.

"No need. Anyway, don’t ask!" Wang Ke said.

Tong An'an: "..........!"

You are not going to ask around? Then why did you come to the island? Aren't you here to save Zhu Hongyi? What is it that you want?

Tong An'an simply couldn’t wrap his head around Wang Ke’s actions. His two captors seemed to be hiding some secret; all they did was to journey ahead, which made him feel really confused.

The trio arrived at the very center of Demonic Dragon Island shortly after. Lo and behold, a massive palace appeared before their eyes. It was a majestic and radiant building, but there was a barrier in the surroundings, stopping anyone from getting closer.

"The Crystal Palace? " Wang Ke gasped at the sight. The Heavenly Wolf Sect is no match for this grandeur! The Demon Sovereign is indeed wealthier! I'm really going to become rich!

"Hmm? Isn't this Chapter Lord Tong? Hahaha, I was looking for you to play some Mahjong together, but I couldn't find you. The others told me you were sent by the Parlor Lord for a mission. You returned quickly!" A demon walked over with a smile.

Tong An'an: "..........!"

Wang Ke and Long Yu stood behind Tong An'an in silence. However, Wang Ke took out the Lightning Bead's token, which gave the latter such fright that his face twitched.

"Ahh, haha! Branch Lord Zhang! It's been such a long time. I’ve just returned and will be reporting to the Parlor Lord later. Let's meet again!" Tong An'an greeted the Branch Lord courteously.

"Oh? Sure, sure; the Parlor Lord's mission is more important. Let's find some time to get together for some drinks! I have quality blood essence wine!" The demon said a few more niceties before he left.

"Good. Let's continue!" Wang Ke urged.

Unfortunately, they encountered many more people, even some who were on patrol. The good thing was that Tong An'an was really good at dealing with people; he knew exactly what to say in different scenarios. Thanks to this, they managed to get through the crowd quite smoothly, only stopping on occasion for a chat.

"Not bad, Tong An'an. You really know a lot of people!" Wang Ke was amazed.

"Uhh, I know most Branch Lords serving the Parlor Lords. Our relationship is quite superficial, but it's not bad! Wang Ke, are you sure you don't want to ask about Zhu Hongyi's whereabouts?" Tong An'an asked curiously.

"Nope. Just listen to Long Yu and follow her!" Wang Ke shook his head.

Tong An'an: "..........!"

What the hell are the two of you doing? You don't care whether Zhu Hongyi is dead or alive? She Qingqing might just kill me for good if we don’t find him! What exactly are you two trying to achieve?

"You know most of the sect’s Branch Lords? Tsk tsk. You’re terrible when it comes to assassinations, but your social circle is really wide! If you work as a salesperson, you can definitely help me profit big time! Tong An'an, have you ever thought about a job hop?" Wang Ke looked at Tong An'an expectantly.

The latter was a bit surprised, "Job-hop?"

"Yeah! Look, you’re definitely not cut out for working as a spy, or as an assassin; it's a waste of your talent! Why not come and work for God Wang Company? How about it? Work for my God Wang Company. I promise you a very good pay! And it's not even dangerous; your everyday work would be to do some sales and then just spend time playing Mahjong and drinking with the demonic sect's Branch Lords!" Wang Ke suggested, feeling hopeful.

Tong An'an: "..........!"

Wang Ke continued persuading, "The thought came to me just now… While you’re on the Demon Sovereign's wanted list, you can also pull together a bunch of people to follow you; that's a kind of capability! You have no future following Se Yutian! He would only keep sending you to die. What else can you get? Position? Money? After so many years, your pockets are even cleaner than your face! After going through so much, haven't you seen the darkness ahead of you? Follow me! Huge prospects await if you join our God Wang Company! It's a respectable job without any dangers! My God Wang Company is what you are looking for in life!"

Tong An'an: "..........!"

Long Yu: "............!"

And so, Long Yu led the way, Tong An'an provided his face, and Wang Ke kept trying to brainwash the latter. The trio maneuvered their way through the huge demon crowd.

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