In Warhammer Fantasy as my ERP Character


I am still stuck within the Sanctuary. I cannot leave. There is something blocking me from possessing my body and I have nothing to do. This must be how Valariel felt being trapped here. Awfully boring. I have to do something. My deflection towards Asahane will only buy time at most. Is there anything that could help me?





7 attribute point/day and 3500 credits


7 attribute points per day? Ulthuan was a pretty scary place for me then. Or is it just the Tower of Hoeth? Well, I can’t confirm it anyway. Not locked here. Is that store unlocked yet?



Survive 50 days

25/50 days

Reward: System store unlocked. (reminder this is a deliberate decision so that host could accumulate initial credits)


Ok not anytime soon. Guess it just keeps accumulating when I am too preoccupied by the army. Then I checked the mutation screen.


Current Mutations


A big goat horn like the beastmen. Quite strong. Can be used for charging attack. Will knockout player if the enemy is more sturdy than player strength

Cloven Hooves

Increase in movement speed. The hooves are quite strong. Increase kick damage

Golden metallic skin

Gives damage reduction

Unnatural Beauty

Huge bonus to Charm, you cannot scar


You now have wings

Extra Eyes

Grow extra eye on body

Mutated Dick

A gift of Slannesh to a Slaangor. It has barbs and knot. Increase pleasure gain


Can give Lycantropy to humans. Allowing them to take half human-half wolf form

Available Mutations

Powerful Tail

Grow a tail. Increase balance and an extra limb to attack


Grows a tentacle on the chosen location


Increase body size


Get passive wound regeneration

Corrosive blood

Turn creature’s blood into corrosive substance

Petrifying gaze

Creature’s gaze can turn flesh into stone. Spellcasters can fight its effect (Children will not inherit this mutation)

Extra body part

Grow 1 extra body part (Arm, Leg, Head)


Grow spikes haphazardly on the body

Available Attribute Points: 20 (1 mutation cost 10 Attribute points)

Complete Chaos Gods trials, defeat a greater daemon or a daemon prince to unlock more advanced mutations


Seems like there is no mutation that could help me out of here. All of them are just physical mutations. Nothing could help me against magic. Pity I failed Khorne’s trial during the battle. But the odds are practically impossible. Especially because Teclis is there. Defeating a greater daemon or a daemon prince is almost as hard. But at least I have 20 attribute points.




Daemon Race Bonus: Increase player stats by 150% (rounded up)

Original Race

Unaligned Daemon

Current Race

High Elf (Daemonhost)


Base Attribute

Current Attribute




















5 -> 7

12.5 -> 17.5


From everything I gather, it seems like increasing Willpower is the only thing that could work for now. Since my Authority magic directly scales with Willpower. Then I dumped all points to willpower. At least it will increase it by 2. Hopefully it will help me overpower the magic that is sealing me.


Authority level up

Level 5 -> Level 6


Nice. I don’t know why it leveled up. It's probably by the sudden high increase in Willpower. Seems like I need to spend time to find out more. But then Valariel returned to the Sanctuary. Seems like she returned here as the body slept. However I somehow still can’t return to the body. She did not seem pleased to return here. Then she just sat quite a distance away from me.

“So, how is it? Returning to the real world?” I tried to ask.

“It is nice. Better than here.” She answered curtly

“Of course. What did you and Teclis speak about?”

“You mostly.” That doesn’t explain much. “But I’m back in Ulthuan. And apparently my mother is nearby.”

“That’s it?”

“What else do you expect?” She turned to look at me. Seems like Teclis only tells her the bare minimum.

“Nothing. Just that it must be nice” I deflect. “Why can't I return to our body?”

My body.” She scowled and glared at me. “You don’t have to worry. Banishment magic has been added to the magic seal. You won’t be using my body again.” That’s not good.

“Besides, Lord Teclis is finding a way to sever my connection with you. So we won’t be seeing each other soon”


If cut from Valariel, host primary gateway to material world, Host will be trapped in the warp

Owned souls bodies and lesser daemon does not fulfill requirement for primary gateway

Host will be trapped in the warp until a new primary gateway is acquired or made


I immediately pounced on Valariel as soon as I read that.

“You can’t do that!” I screamed to her face as I tightly grabbed her shoulders

“Get off me!”

“Look at ME!” Her surprise from my sudden outburst subsided. Then she looks at the Slanneshi taint that mar my pure white form.

“You’ve seen, no you know what will happen to me.” Our eyes met before she looked away. The memory of the Slanneshi incursion is still fresh on our minds

“Just… just tell Teclis what will happen. Please.” I said as I released my grab and got off of her. “Tell him I am willing to compromise. Or even making a contract with him. As long as I am not trapped here.”

“Fine.” Valariel relent. “But I can’t make any promises.”

“Good enough. Good enough.”


Pov change to Valeria


We camp between hills near a road from Marienburg to Middenheim. Drakwald can be seen but patrol between Marienburg and that fortification just beyond Drakwald is frequent and in big numbers. We will try to pass at night. But for now the camp is returned to its usual routine. The moans and rhythmic pounding of flesh accompany our breeding routine. But we do this in the afternoon now.

“Mal, are you sure this is the right decision?” I asked as I saw the camp. Many of the beastwomen now have the mutated dick and aggressively mating with our female captives. I moan as Mal increases her pace and pounds me harder while I also fucks an Eonir elf with the same mutated dick below me.

“Ab.So.Lute.Ly.” She accentuates every syllable with each pounding. “Too many of the beastmen died. And I’m tired of doing nothing!” She slammed her barbed knot inside me and seed my womb.

“Fuck!” I also pushed my own barbed knot inside the Eonir and bred her. My orgasm blends with my ejaculation. The pleasure of being fucked while fucking is too much. I might get addicted to this.

“Now everyone must contribute. We have too many idle hands while Mother is taken away.”


True. When Mother was taken away we had a hundred beastwomen who did nothing. Now Mal have increased their aggression and soon they will ask to join every raid and battle. But still I am a bit concerned. The reason we continue to bounce back from defeat is because we have dedicated breeders. I don’t know if risking them in battle is worth the risk. But there’s little choice. 4 of our Bovigors died while hundreds of Caprigors died during the battle and Druig is heavily injured trying to take the brunt of those Grail Knights charge. As for if the risk of letting the beastwomen joining the raid and battle worth it or not. Only time will tell.


“The wolves are also disappointing.” Mal forcefully pulled out her still bloated knot out of me. I can only moan as she did so.

“They did little to nothing against the fully armored humans.” She pulled a gold furred wolf by the neck. Then she used her blood magic on the wolf. It whines and yelps in pain as its bone cracks and flesh tears while Mal remade it.

“What are you doing to it?”

“This? Finding out what happens if I give Lycanthropy to a wolf.” Mal answered with quite a scary glint in her three eyes.


The wolf whines start to change into a deep growl as it starts to grow bigger. The Norscan werewolves’ attention is now locked on the changing wolf. Ignoring the beastmen that are breeding them. When Mal is done, the wolf now changes into another werewolf. But different from the Norscan who change into werewolf form, I know this one is permanent. Did Mal just create another kind of beastmen? The Norscan greet this sight with cheer as they forsake the beastmen using them and throw themselves to the new wolf beastmen. And the wolf does not waste time and takes what is offered.

“You are idling Valeria.” Mal then spoke to me. “Bred those elves. We need more daemons like you who can use magic.”

I finally pulled out my knot. Then went to find more elves that are still free.


Robadel is on the side. At first he wants to join in but is now doubting as he is now a bit scared by the beastwomen's new aggressiveness. He is particularly afraid of the three eyed one as she frequently glares at him.


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