In Warhammer Fantasy as my ERP Character


There will be a brief lewd scene with size gap.

It is a dark and cloudy night as I fly around the wasteland. I skipped tonight's breeding, not without giving Lak the mutated dick of course. I still have to be mindful about the Slanneshi alignment gain. First I check on the human elven army's whereabouts. Which currently stationed themselves on the last village Kal raided. I checked them from far away and used my Authority magic to conceal myself. There are still quite a lot of them. At least one thousand by estimation. I don’t dare check for much more detail and longer in case they have mages. Then I flew around to gather ideas or think about my choices.

There is a small gap where we can sail from the wasteland to northern Bretonnia. The problem is I don’t know what is inside the seas of Warhammer Fantasy. Plus I am unsure on the Beastmen skill on making a boat. They might if we ask our norscan captives on making a longboat. But I am still not confident enough to rely on this idea. Gathering the wood for the boat material is also a problem in the wasteland. So unless we take over that walled town on the northern coast or the fort on the west, this idea will not even work at all.

I landed on the tallest hill where I can overlook Fort Solace. If I remember the name correctly. They only have a small garrison. Their stone walls are no problem as most if not all of us have wings now. The ballistas on the walls still pose a problem though. While I am confident we can take over this fort and fight off the army, its proximity to Marienburg and the lighthouse within the fort will make our presence known to the entire old world and their armies.

Out of ideas on how to proceed, I will just wait here till the herd finishes breeding. My elven/daemon child is growing at the same rate as the beastmen and through her I will know when they finished. Currently she is settling just fine with her siblings. Play wrestling or mock fighting with each other that has not yet reached adulthood. I am also pleased to see that my and Lak’s daughters are also not fully shy like the rest of the beastwomen. So we will add another four beastwomen that can fight alongside the herd. Then the idea of giving birth to another body for the soul of Valariel comes to mind. But I shelved the idea till my situation is much more stable or safer. If that is even possible. I will probably return to this after I reach Greater Daemonhood.


Current population:


Our number rebounded after just one day. Having 120 females that give birth to at least 3 or 4 beastmen has its perk. But it will still take a long time before I reach the number required. Then something caught my attention. Something big walking along the coast. With nothing else to do, I fly to check what it is. As I get nearer, I finally see a solitary and scarred chaos war mammoth. It is also old from the many patches of gray hair on its body or it is just its current coloration due to chaos influence. Judging from its partially intact howdah (wooden platform) on its back, it seems like a norscan raid went south. Literally and figuratively. As the mammoth kept gazing north. an idea comes to mind. The human elven army has no cavalry units. It makes sense as they expect to fight within a forest. Our Tuskgors will play a crucial role when we finally fight. Why not add a chaos mammoth too.

I undo my concealment in front of it. “Submit!” I used my magic on it. However it bellows and charges at me immediately. I managed to evade it by flying up. Does it have resistance to magic? My magic definitely affects him as I still channel it. So it will be a battle of willpower then. But it's grasping trunk pulls me out of the sky. Slamming me to the ground a few times before throwing me down. Already my body felt pain all over even with the metallic skin. I managed to reorient myself just in time to see a huge foot crushing down on my torso. I tried to push away but even with my modified strength, it is still too much. I kept channeling my magic to make him submit before he crushed me with its weight. It started to grind its foot and already I felt my body out of stamina. ‘Just a little bit more.’ I thought as the chaos mammoth started shaking its head. It raised its forelegs and bellowed loudly. Freeing me from the pressure before slamming down with the entirety of its weight. With my mind focused on channeling the magic and my body tired, the foot landed on my torso without impediment.

I screamed as the pain exploded within me with a crack. Breathing became painful as I felt the facture on my ribs with every breath. But then the mammoth lifts its foot away. Feeling confused on why, a notification appeared.


Player knocked out. Frenzy in effect. All enemy will use the player until satisfied


Really? Then I felt its grasping trunk grab me to its downside. Then I realized that this is my first official loss since waking up here. I felt its immense dick on my ass. Saying it won’t fit will be futile as the Slanneshi alignment made sure I work on porn physics. Then in one motion, it pushed its thing inside. All air escapes my lungs from the immense pressure on my lower body. The mammoth starts to thrust in awkward motion. Feeling every thrust rearranging my insides as I can only give a silent scream. This would be a good time to pass out but Nurgle’s alignment made sure I am awake until it is over. Eventually the mammoth cums inside. Bloating my belly even more from the volume of its ejaculation. So much for skipping tonight’s breeding. Then it starts to move again.

It was by the third ejaculation that the mammoth was finally in my control. It pulls out, making the excess cum in my womb flow freely outside. I healed myself after it put me down. While it managed to make me orgasm once, I did not enjoy my time. Just a constant feeling of being full and little else. I climbed and sat on its head. Then leads the mammoth to our camp.

I returned just before dawn. The beastmen on guard alerted the entire camp of the mammoth. Suffice to say the gathered beastmen turned from hostile to roars of cheer when seeing me on top of it. Jumping down, I immediately called for Kal.


“Prepare raiding parties. One to delay the enemy as long as possible, while the other to loot as many weapons and food as possible. Gather those that usually work on weapons. I want them to repair that howdah as soon as possible.” He nodded. Swiftly gathering raiding parties before leaving.

Then the Norscan women gathered before kneeling to me. “Golden One, allow us to join your warband properly. Give us weapons at day to fight, we will slaughter your enemies as wolves at night, and we surrender our bodies for your herd to breed whenever they please.”

“And what if I say I don’t need you and your only worth is for breeding?” Her offer to join the fighting is tempting. But all of them already have their purpose. Not to mention she also called me ‘Golden One’.

“If.. that is your wish.” the Chieftess says reluctantly.

“Hmmm. Very well, you can join after all of you have finished giving birth.”

“Thank you. We swear on Khorne that we will serve you with all our might. It is an honor to be fighting alongside you and the sacred beast.” My reservation on them greatly lessened. To dare swear directly to the Chaos God takes either courage or stupidity. Not to mention the consequence of breaking it.

“Now tell me. What is this Golden One and from where and how did you know it.”


I think hard. How can we delay the enemy? Think Kal think. The only thing I can think of is how the herd rests after getting tired. It will be impossible to tire the enemy with only 200 beastmen. Yes, I have learned how to count. Other things that made the herd stop is breeding. So that’s impossible too. I don’t think I see any females in the human army. Not sure on the elves though. Do humans and elves breed like we do? But if they do, their number should also increase just like us. But from the scouts, they did not. Do humans and elves have a hard time having children?


Shaking my head from an unrelated topic, I tried to remember again. Yesterday after resting, the herd moved to get food first before hiding. Oh! Yes! Their food! I am smart like mother said.

“Lak, come over here”

“What is it?”

“Your invisible thing. How long can you do that?”

“As long as I focus on just one. But not long if too many.”

“You there! Get over here!” I point and call a random Caprigor.

“Lak, make him invisible. And you, I want you to find where they keep their food and destroy it.”

“Just me?”

“Just you. Now go”


With the Caprigor left, I divide the party. If he succeeds, the enemy will look for food. There are only few nearby villages we haven’t raided yet. Druig will lead 150 beastmen to raid for weapon and food on one of the bigger village while the 50 I lead raid another. Druig immediately left to his target while we wait.


The Caprigor returned quite late. He succeeded. Somewhat. He knocks on one of the carts carrying their food. Some food falls to the swamp before he runs away as fast as he can. Maybe sending just one is wrong. But they did slow down a little. We might try this again later tonight. For now we have another village to raid.


The raids are also quick. With only a dozen human guards they fell quickly. But some humans managed to run away from the other exits. Instead we prioritize taking all the foods. Then I see Lak grabbing a small human.
“Why is this human child still alive?” I asked her

“I’m keeping it. I want to see how long they grow until adulthood..” The human child kept screaming words in her grasp. So I am not the only curious one.

“You’re the one telling to mother though.” I allowed her to bring the human child. We can eat it later once it's grown.


It will be later when they realize they bagged a halfling and not a human child. But for now, the preparations are almost finished and the battle awaits.


Should I put more warning at the top?
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