In the Years When I Was a Father

Chapter 161 - Ruthless Marshal Father (4)

When Qi Sheng came to the cub training room again, the first picture he saw when pushing the door was that the three hairballs stood up from left to right according to their heights, and their front paws were holding their heads together, when he saw him come in In the middle, the little white tiger also firmed the soft hair under his chest.

“Father!” Qi Sheng’s soaring blood pressure rose to a height again with the sound of three superimposed little tits.

Qi Sheng feels that they can have a **** face at any time, with a strong willpower to show a calm and serious look, but after coming to the three little guys, he still couldn’t help but squat down and rubbed his head one by one. .

“Don’t be nervous, I just want to know your current training results.”

“Yes, father.”

There are three coincident little **** again, and Qi Sheng’s hand that he just took back feels itchy again.

He brought three hairballs to the virtual battle room and looked at the biggest tiger: “Ono, you come first.”

The virtual battle room in front is a simulated battle environment specially developed for the orc cubs by the Federal Academy of Sciences. The virtual enemies inside are also foreign beast cubs. The level and number of foreign beast cubs can be chosen according to the strength of the assessor.

Qi Junye is ten years old this year, but the simulated enemy in the virtual battle room can still provide a test environment that satisfies him, so Qi Sheng should not worry about his son being too strong to directly abuse his opponent.

However, this time Qi Sheng really wanted to miss. He saw the eyes of the little tiger who had just looked soft and sharpened in an instant. The confidence and victory in his eyes made Qi Sheng curious.

Is the strength of his little tiger now very strong?

Qi Junye also wants to perform well in front of his father today. He wants to use his true strength to prove to his father that even if he has not been alienated, he is still the most powerful person of his age.

This time Qi Junye did not hide all of his strength. The virtual battle room is a real combat environment designed for cubs. The most powerful monster level in it is a third-order monster.

Among all the beasts currently discovered by Interstellar, the Federation is divided into first to tenth order beasts according to the strength of the battle, the first to third ranks are primary beasts, the fourth to sixth ranks are intermediate beasts, and the seventh to ninth ranks are advanced beasts. Beasts, Tier 10 are also called star beasts, but according to historical records, star beasts are not the highest grade, even star beasts have nine levels.

However, among the monsters currently fighting in the federal front, mid-advanced monsters account for more than 90%, and the rest are star-shaped monsters. Although junior monsters rarely appear on the battlefield, for 10-year-old cubs, It is still very difficult to say.

Qi Sheng thought that the little tiger would start fighting from the first-order monster, but did not expect the little guy to directly choose the third-order monster.

In the virtual battle room in front of me, in the lush bushes, the white tiger with black stripes walked in the jungle at a light pace. At this time, the jungle looked very quiet, while the seemingly casual tiger was in a posture. It can be seen that he is ready to fight at any time.

In the distance, a low shrub made a slight noise. The little tiger glanced at random and didn’t care much. He continued to follow the original pace, but when the shadow suddenly burst behind him, he jumped three meters away with a thunder and counterattacked. past.

This third-level beast looks like a pig with fangs. For the purpose of remembering the fangs, the fangs are slightly larger than the tiger. Although they look like pigs, they move fast The sensitivity is not inferior to cats.

Both sides have the advantage of speed, and the other side also has a pair of sharp fangs, Qi Sheng can’t help worrying about the tiger’s struggle to win this battle.

But his worries did not last long, because the tiger slammed back to slap the fangs, and the tiger that had the upper hand did not give the fangs a chance to breathe. He followed closely. When the fangs weren’t slowing down, they quickly deceived themselves forward, and the soft pasty pad finally revealed his sharp front paws.

The tiger seemed to have a lot of energy. Qi Sheng found that the upper body of the tusks that he suppressed was unable to rebound at all. The tusks attempted to use the hind limbs to get rid of the restraints of the tiger. However, it had not been struggling for too long and was caught by the body The little tiger cut off the intercarotid artery in one paw.

It took less than five minutes to fight back and forth, and the tiger killed him with an absolute overwhelming attitude.

Qi Sheng little shocked the strength of the next little guy, the twins who were also watching the battle against each other once again showed their charismatic characteristics at this moment.

The two little milky voices made a wow at the same time. Xiaobaihu also learned her brother’s posture to jump quickly. She looked at her little meat claw excitedly, and compared the size of her brother in the next picture when she showed sharp sharp claws. Then she was disappointed because she found that the pink pointed claws on her fat claws did not seem to be so deterrent.

After finishing the kill, the little tiger just glanced calmly. He continued to move forward, and he did n’t seem to care much about the fight just now, but what one or two cubs outside did n’t know was that the seemingly careless little tiger was walking. He couldn’t help but flick his tail. He was nervous, did his father just notice his power?

The fascinating little tiger only regained his mind for a moment, because he discovered a new aura.

Outside the virtual battle room, a large group of two children carefully watched the battle in front of the screen. Qi Sheng looked at the heroic posture of his little tiger approvingly, and there was often a childish exclamation around him.

The tiger’s actual combat ability is great, Qi Sheng does not know whether he has special training in this area, or because he has ran to the Black Forest and battled real beasts. In short, the tiger’s actual combat ability is among his peers. Definitely the presence of the best.

The time is about half an hour, and the tiger in the picture has successfully completed the five kills. This result has long exceeded Qi Sheng’s expectations, but he found that at the moment the test is about to end, the tiger is still patrolling his battlefield .

At the moment, Qi Junye was anxiously watching the countdown that was falling rapidly, and was dissatisfied with the frequency of the monster generation in this virtual battle room. He wanted to kill two more. Unfortunately, until the end, he could only watch the countdown become regrettable. zero.

The tiger who withdrew from the test was a little emotional. He obviously felt that this time the results did not reach his true level, and he did not know whether such results would satisfy his father?

Qi Sheng is of course very satisfied. He first took pride in the ability of his own cub. Thinking about the little guy’s hard work, he must be encouraged and affirmed.

He squatted down, rubbed his little tiger who secretly looked at him, and applauded: “Very well, beyond my expectations, next time we go to the simulated mech battle room test.”

To simulate the mech combat room? Did my father see that he still had no strength?

Little Tiger guessed this. The blue tiger’s eyes were full of seriousness. After he obediently responded, he felt a little angry in his heart. If he still insisted on training for a few days and did not deliberately hunger strike, can it be today? Propose to father the idea of ​​changing the test environment?

No, he must work hard in the next few days, and he must make his father proud in the next test!

The tiger made a decision silently, and then turned his attention to the battle screen.

Compared with the decisive scene of the tiger killing and decisive in the battle, Qi Sheng found that the test pictures of the two little ones showed how cute they were.

On the split screen, the little white tiger and the little white fox came to the same shallow grass. They were in different virtual environments, but they all showed their curiosity about the strange environment in front of them.

They hadn’t had time to explore the surrounding environment, and a weird-looking cub appeared in front of them out of nowhere.

The cub has a pointed-nosed body and a thin and short tail. It looks very funny, but the strength is not too easy for the two little guys to deal with.

The first to move is the little white tiger. She is very good at attacking. In addition, she has just watched the elder brother’s **** battle. At this moment, she can’t wait to slap this cub.

So in the battle scene, Qi Sheng saw the big cat-like little white tiger shoot the first paw, and found that the enemy in front just tilted his head. It seemed that the small hair ball that was dissatisfied with this effect immediately rushed up to suppress the difference with a fat body. The beast, and then bowed left and right to use the claws to paste each other.

Qi Sheng outside the picture: …

I always feel that his girl is a bit violent!

The little white tiger seems to have the upper hand, and the little white fox in the other picture is not inferior. It is obviously weaker than the little white tiger in strength, but it may be the reason why the twins grew up together. The fighting methods are very similar. The speed of waving was so fast that Qi Sheng could even vaguely see the afterimage.

Qi Sheng paid serious attention to the battle in the picture, but suddenly found a strange problem. Compared with the star-shaped beast he himself played against, neither his own cub nor the beast, issued any special ability. Everything More competition is in strength and speed.

Qi Sheng remembered the fighting methods of the middle and advanced beasts in his original memory, and found that the intermediate beasts are dozens or even more than one hundred times faster than the primary beasts, and the strength of the advanced beasts is not only the speed and strength Yes, some can even give out mysterious abilities.

Feeling found a special situation, Qi Sheng decided to go to the Federal Central College tomorrow, where there is a library with the richest collection of books, and some materials are even more readable than the highest authority on the Internet.

Half an hour soon passed, the little white tiger successfully subdued four cubs, and the little white fox successfully subdued three cubs.

Although the final score was slightly inferior to that of his sister, the little white fox did not seem to be sad. He also clearly stated that his physical strength was not as good as that of his sister, so he accepted this result relatively quickly.

Qi Sheng praised the two of them as usual, and succeeded in making the two little ones proudly lift their chests before saying: “Today, we will go back to dinner.”


Two years after leaving the home, in addition to Qi Junye’s deep impression of the original body, the two children only had a better impression of their father.

So the two little guys who had just finished the bubble bath in the evening rushed to the bedroom of their father and mother.

Before going to bed, the little guys like to enjoy a gentle and smooth touch from their mother, and Bu Qiongyu is very fond of them. In addition, the elder son has become more and more independent and strong in recent years. Belly’s Bu Qiong language, while the husband is away, willfully meet the requirements of the little guys.

So after Qi Sheng came out of the shower, he saw the big bed in their room, and his wife was holding two small hair **** and doing massage one by one.

The two little guys seemed to be used to it, and at this moment they were leaning their heads on their mother ’s legs and snoring.

This picture is so tempting, so Qi Sheng pretended to walk calmly.

Bu Qiongyu saw him coming out of the bathroom, and he was afraid that he would be angry and explained: “They are still small–“

Qi Sheng gave her no explanation. The cubs are just enjoying their nature. Qi Sheng is not the original one. He is thinking about training and fighting. He naturally wants the two little guys to grow up happy and free.

He took the little white fox from his wife’s lap and moved it gently, and from time to time scraped down the fine fluff between the small hairball’s neck.

The little guy had just closed his eyes to enjoy, suddenly found his body shifted position, opened his eyes and found that he was the father he worshipped, silver eyes flashed a small star immediately.

Qi Sheng saw the little guy’s joy and extended his finger to nod his nose.

The little white fox likes his father’s intimacy. He can’t help but stick out his tongue and lick the finger on his nose.

The father and son are interacting cordially. The little white tiger who has been lying on his mother has also found something strange. The brother beside him is gone!

She turned her head suspiciously, and found that her cunning brother was actually in his father’s arms, because in the afternoon, when she admired her father in a battle, she would no longer do it, and she also wanted to hug and tickle!

So step · Daily Tuan masseur · Qiong Yu discovered at this moment that she seemed to have fallen out of favor with the children when her husband came back!

Her arms were empty, but her husband was lying with two fluffy hairs. At this moment, Bu Qiongyu, a little itchy hand, could not help pulling two pairs of hairy ears.

These two little ones have no conscience!

After playing with the two little guys for a while, Qi Sheng coaxed them to fall asleep and gently took two hairballs to take them to the room to rest. On the way back, Qi Sheng thought of the innocent and carefree eyes of the two little guys. The big hairball in his family couldn’t help feeling distressed.

As an activist, Qi Sheng turned to the door of Little Tiger without thinking.

At the moment, Qi Junye did not have a rest. He was still thinking about today’s gentle father. At the moment, he found that his father was outside the door and immediately got up from the cushion to open the door.


“I’ll see you.”

Qi Sheng entered his son’s room and found that the tiger who had also taken a bubble bath had a ring of hair on his head that was particularly fluffy. He sat on the cushion and took the little tiger from his arms in his arms and rubbed the cute hair The head said: “Don’t worry, all fathers will solve it for you.”

After a short intimacy with the little tiger, Qi Sheng told him good night before leaving.

Little Tiger is very sensible and does well in etiquette. When Qi Sheng left, he always watched him obediently. Qi Sheng, who felt his son trust his eyes, couldn’t help but smile again.

This time life is perfect!

The author has something to say: it is absolutely unambiguous to say that the benefits to the male owner!

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