In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 71: Gesture Casting

The classroom where the mudbloods have their classes is naturally separated from the other students.

But the location is finally not on the underground floor, but rather located on the ground floor of the castle in a separate remote area, where basically no one would come, just exclusively allocated to their classroom.

No one dared to be late for the first class, so Jon and the class waited in the classroom almost twenty minutes early.

They did not even have a class schedule, and there is only one place where classes are held, and the first week of classes was notified by the heads of mudbloods, after that, the class would be held according to the weekly schedule.

Three minutes before the start of class, a dark-skinned adult witch walked in through the door.

She is the professor who is usually responsible for teaching their spellcasting class - Aurora Sinistra.

Jon is somewhat familiar with this name; she must be a certain professor who made an appearance in the original Hogwarts, it's just that there was very little relevant description of her, so Jon didn't have much of an impression of her.

Now she is still able to continue teaching in Hogwarts castle is not much of a surprise, not everyone can be dedicated to the point of being willing to sacrifice their lives for a part of people who they do not have much to do with.

Compromise is actually the most common choice that people would make.

"You should have done all the spellcasting requirements that I asked you to do before the holidays." After she entered the classroom, she took a glance at the state of all the students present, and then said in a tone that was not very harsh and demanding, "You should always keep my words in your mind, if you feel uncomfortable and depressed, you should cast the spell a few more times, which will make you feel better."

When she said this, her voice paused for a moment, and then she said it with a soft sigh.

"No matter what kind of environment you live in, how hard and tiring it is, at least it's better to keep living than to die without a sound, isn't it."

"Last academic year, we spent a year learning how to use gestures to control the magic in our bodies, your progress has basically reached the standard of barely being able to try to learn real magic, so from this semester onwards, I will teach you the first spell - cleaning spell. Mastering this will also make your future work a little easier."

The spellcasting she was talking about is not really using magic in the true sense at all.

According to the description in the information provided by Dumbledore to Jon; too much oppression imposed on the mudbloods by Voldemort, along with not giving them wands to prevent them from learning normal magic will eventually lead to the magic in their bodies to be suppressed and become a powerful dark magic creature, Obscurus; so to prevent that, the spellcasting class arranged for them.

In this class, a professor will teach them how to use hand gestures, a spell-casting method that has long been eliminated in Europe to guide and release the magic in their bodies.

All the ancient things are not necessarily powerful, hand gestures spell casting has been eliminated for thousands of years, except for part of African wizards who still maintain such a practice due to their tradition, basically, no one will take the initiative to learn this method of spell casting.

Because compared to wands, not only the hand gestures are difficult to learn, but even the spell cast will be weaker, and spells differ significantly from the complete and mature wand-casting system in the magical world, so only a handful of spells are still in circulation in this era.

But if you let the mudbloods learn this way of spellcasting, the above disadvantages become advantages instead.

Even in the absence of a wand, the magic that has accumulated in the bodies of these enslaved mudbloods can be discharged without having to worry about the future of the overly-gifted students among them would become difficult to control, as the effect of the spell cast by hand gestures are generally much worse than the effect of the spell cast by a wand.

This fits perfectly with Voldemort's intention to oppress the mudbloods.

The original goal of Hogwarts Castle was to provide a place for medieval children who were oppressed in witch hunts to learn magic and channel their magic, and even now this fundamental goal has not changed, but the motivation for this goal has taken an ironic turn.

What Sinistra taught the first-year students last year was some simple spell-casting gesture, which is not a specific spell, but was created to channel the magic in the wizard's body to nature, and what changes will be made to the surroundings after the channelling is completely random.

Sometimes a puddle of water will appear out of thin air, other times they will have an extra blade of grass or fruit of some plant in their hands, and again, often they will just become clean.

"...According to what I taught you last year, you will be able to do this, every movement of the hand gesture spell casting should be done with precision, and the hand gesture spell casting cleaning incantation is 'purifico'. While reciting the incantation, the left hand should be waved upward, without too much width, like what I am demonstrating now, and the right hand should not have any movement at the beginning, but after the left hand is waved upward, it should be slightly extended forward, also without much width, and both movements should be done quickly, just like I did."

Sinistra turned her face toward the blackboard on which the cleaning spell incantation had been written and showed them the entire process of casting the spell.


At the end of the incantation, the chalk marks on the blackboard disappeared, and the board became clean and shiny.

The students off-stage were wide-eyed, although they had been in this castle for a year, this was actually the first time for them to really come in contact with a specific magic spell.

They have no wands, and the first spell they learn is only a cleaning spell, but every student here is enthusiastic about learning such magic.

Even if they were enslaved and oppressed, no one could deprive them of their identity as wizards, and as long as they were wizards, no matter what kind of blood they were defined as, they had the qualification to learn magic.

Jon was only about two positions away from Hermione, so he could see that the girl was listening to Sinistra's explanation with unparalleled attention, and her hands were trying to make gestures.

After determining that the girl is Hermione, Jon didn't have any intention to contact her directly.

Even if she is the leading role in the original story, there is no way she can help Jon to do things in this castle, not to mention that he has just entered Hogwarts Castle, and it is clear that the identity he borrowed didn't have a deep friendship with Hermione in the previous year, so if he rashly approached her, it would be too risky.


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