In the apocalypse of natural disasters, she has a universal APP

Chapter 284 Handbook Template Production

The first page is similar to the cover, but the layout and details need to be changed. It is much more convenient to have a cover proof.

Although she has never used this software, these graphics-making programs are all very similar, and they remain the same. She got used to it after working on it for a while.

The first page is for display only, and the second page is for the calendar.

The left and right pages were also combined into one page. I found next year's calendar material downloaded from the Internet, removed the background color, and divided it into two rows, arranged on this side.

This page is just a display of the calendar for the whole year and does not require too many marks, so there is no need to leave any blank space. Just add a dot for any important dates.

After that, you can get to the main topic. The handbook is still based on date. Now I am making a template. All sections must be included in one day. When filling in later, I will delete more and fill in less.

She plans to change the color of the pages every month. One is to distinguish them directly, and the other is to make the whole book look richer, so that it will not be the same color every time she opens it throughout the year.

The composition of the template is the same every day: a to-do area, an area for completed content on the day, an area for daily essays, an area for food records, an area for movie and TV drama viewing, and a book reading area.

The To-Do List and Daily Achievements sections are relatively small, taking up less than half a page together.

The former is a daily routine, such as morning reading, copybooks, exercise, etc. In the future, different daily must-dos at different stages will also be added to this, which is a pre-plan.

The latter is to summarize what you did today, how many pages of books you read, how many words you wrote, how many episodes you watched, and what tricks you played. These are all recorded.

The content of these two sections does not need to be described in detail. It only takes a few words to record the things clearly, so it does not take up a lot of space.

Using some of her now habitual routines, she sketched out the approximate size of each section and then tried out several formatting methods.

Some of them just draw two regular rectangles and fill them in directly. There are also some hand-drawn styles where the borders are drawn directly, and there are also staggered positions to make a field shape, and some decorations are added to the other two empty spaces.

Another method is to make a page in the shape of an inverted "pin", with two sections side by side on the top, and the free part below is used as a "daily essay area".

She simply kept all these formats. Anyway, the notebook she made made her happy, and it didn't necessarily have to look the same all year round.

As long as these two sections are fixed at the front of the daily record and the day's date and section name are highlighted, they can be different but not cluttered, and appear more vivid.

There is nothing to say in the "Daily Essays Area" after that. It is a free area where you can write down any random things that come to mind.

Like finding a new pastime but not wanting to play it now but playing it later, some sudden inspiration, life insights, favorite books or excerpts of lines...

These can all be recorded in this section, and because they are fragmented records that have no connection with each other, she even feels that there is no need to write them neatly, so it is very interesting to just stagger around.

Of course, this is the best arrangement when there is not much content in the day's essay. If there are too many words, it will look messy and messy.

Therefore, the benefits of the electronic version are revealed. She can type and record, or write directly on the touch screen with a pen. The content can be individually selected and arranged, and subsequent changes are also very convenient.

These are the first three sections, and the last three sections have a similar feel: one is food records, one is film and television drama records, and one is reading records.

It can basically summarize what she did in a day... Wait a moment, she scratched her head, and added another piece, play record.

The newly added so-called "play record" means that if there is anything interesting that day, you can record it here separately.

For example, the previous puzzles, models, origami and stars, as well as shuttlecock kicking, rubber band jumping, twisting ropes, etc., including the miscellaneous videos you watched, can be written here.

Of these four sections for detailed daily records, food was naturally one that was filled in every day. She made several pages of different templates for later use.

The basic format is "picture + text". She drew several types of frames to put the pictures, some with graphics as the background, some with borders around them, and some with torn paper as the background.

A text box is added around it. The name of the food is the title, and a short paragraph of text is attached to describe the taste and after-eating feeling.

Compared with food, the other three sections may not necessarily have content every day, but the general template must be well prepared.

In fact, they are almost the same. They are all pictures and text. It is necessary to set aside a picture area, a text title area and a text area. In comparison, the text part of the impressions and readings must be much larger than the food area.

The play section is similar. It can be divided into several sections according to different contents. She thought, it is similar to the comic storyboard. It would be interesting to make it like that.

Make a template of all the content, copy it into several copies, directly change the background theme color and month name, and make one copy for each of the twelve months.

In this way, when you fill it out in the future, just make a copy of it as a whole.

Then modify the details of each month's template, including the small materials and font colors decorated in the interface, to make it more suitable for this month's style.

With the sound of rain falling, she lay on the bed with her notebook in her arms, tapping away. She felt in a daze that even though what she was producing was a blank template, her whole person had become quite fulfilling.

There is still a long time until January 1st next year, so there is no need to rush in making the template. Even if it is finished, you can add, delete or modify it at any time if you have inspiration later.

Originally she didn't like to keep diaries or make accounts, but since the template was gradually perfected, she always thought about it every day and thought of something she could write down.

As a person who is considered a three-minute hot person, on the one hand, she finds the development of new hobbies very interesting, and on the other hand, she clearly knows that this is the period of interest at the beginning of new things.

Therefore, I still have some vague worries, fearing that by next year, I will no longer want to fill in these items.

The days passed slowly, and soon, there was only about a week left before the end of October.

The current wind speed has probably reached Level 5 or Level 6. According to what she saw from the video, it is now at such an intensity that small trees are swaying and big trees are dancing wildly.

However, there are no trees outside now to reflect the wind level.

At the same time, the temperature has steadily increased to about minus 45 degrees. The lowest temperature at night is this, and the temperature will be higher during the day.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.