In the apocalypse of natural disasters, she has a universal APP

Chapter 14 Sweets are great

At this moment, Wei Jiao began to regret again. She should have inspected the entrance of the community before sending a message to the landlord. In that case, even if she was not satisfied and canceled directly, it would not be a big burden.

She sighed, stood at the door and looked in. She saw a thin and short man walking towards her on the roadside. She was waiting for someone. She glanced subconsciously and saw that the man was holding a mobile phone in his hand. , The pace was not too fast but not leisurely either. He walked straight towards the door here, as if he had made an agreement with someone.

Wei Jiao unconsciously stood up straighter, moved closer to the door, and quickly glanced at the phone. When she looked over again, she found that the man had also noticed her, looking straight at her, and scanning up and down. Twice, then picked up the phone and typed something.

Wei Jiao frowned and confirmed the information. The landlord was that person.

She clicked her tongue impatiently, raised her hand to open the door and walked over quickly. When the man saw it, he grinned widely and raised his hand to greet her: "Miss Wei, are you here to see the house?"

Wei Jiao quickly walked up to him and reluctantly nodded: "Mr. Li."

Then Mr. Li led her in with a smile, his big eyes stuck in his sockets and swiveling up and down: "Come on, come on, it's summer, it's hot, let's have a drink while looking at the house, we have it chilled at home, drink popsicles" All." He said, his eyes scanning her body again and again.

Wei Jiao pulled her face and looked straight: "No, I'm in a hurry." As she said that, she quickened her pace, causing the other party to walk quickly without even realizing it.

In other words, Wei Jiao considers herself to be the type who is very good at taking advantage of her appearance. She is quite satisfied with her appearance:

She has a naturally fierce face. She raises her eyebrows and raises her eyes. She can be quite intimidating by just glaring her eyes and making a face. She is also naturally big-boned and well-developed. She is quite tall. In addition, she likes to masturbate. Xiao Tie, so when he puts on a cold face and puffs up his arms, the pressure is still quite strong.

And she loves her don't-mess with attitude so much that it's easier to deal with this situation.

During the next house viewing trip, Mr. Li still insisted on emitting a stinky smell, but he failed to control the situation, and Wei Jiao went through a series of procedures as fast as doubled.

Without batting an eyelid, she rejected the "good intention" that the other party sent back the way she came. Without even a polite word of "I'll think about it," she quickly left alone, leaving Mr. Li behind as if he was a thief. 's spat.

But what does this have to do with Wei Jiao? She had already walked out of the community door in a hurry, and crossed out this place on her mobile phone.

Before dimming the screen, she glanced at the time. With her deliberate fast forwarding, it was still very early. Wei Jiao was a little irritable and the sun was shining brightly. She hid under the shade of a tree on the roadside and walked to the parking place, looking around as she walked.

Trees are planted on the sidewalk on the outside, and there are storefronts on the inside. Right next to the community, there are mostly shops that are convenient for the people, such as grocery stores, small shops, clothing stores, digital repair shops, tobacco shops, cake shops and tea shops. .

Wei Jiao slowed down as she walked, quietly turned in, touched the wall lightly with her hand, and successfully copied a whole row of shops.

Seeing that the copy was successful, she breathed a sigh of relief. She was not sure if the points were enough. She glanced at the points and quickly copied and decomposed them several times, doubling the amount she consumed before she was done.

After copying it several times and storing it in the space, she quickened her pace and returned to the car, blowing on the air conditioner comfortably and starting to tidy up.

The first step was to add new areas. She compared the areas and added three more areas: tobacco, wine, tea, clothing, and digital. Then she went to the shops one by one in order, first decomposing the external walls, and then classifying the internal materials.

These stores are not large and not as comprehensive as supermarkets, so the classification and sorting this time is quite neat, almost the entire store is thrown into the corresponding area.

She took out a small puff from the cake shop and threw it into her mouth. The elastic dough and smooth cream exploded in her mouth, which relieved her unhappy mood to a certain extent.

Well, sweets are truly amazing.

After exhaling, she took out a bottle of coffee drink from the space to wash the sweetness in her mouth, and then wiped her glasses. Wei Jiao took out her phone and started checking the two places she was going to in the afternoon.

In fact, this was all confirmed yesterday. Now she carefully followed the route and time, and estimated it according to the map for a long time, and finally made a decision - it is idle now, it is better to go back. Stock up on goods from the wet market.

After deciding not to delay, she drove back and arrived at the entrance of the vegetable market in a short while.

This is also a place of childhood memories. This road is the only way from her home to elementary school. There are many breakfast stalls at the entrance of the vegetable market. It can be said that almost all her morning meals in elementary school are served here.

Recalling the solid steamed buns with sauced pork, the mellow freshly squeezed soy milk and the hot pancakes, she swallowed her saliva unconsciously even though she had just finished breakfast.

I parked the car, got out of the car and walked slowly. The vegetable market was still the same as before, with the big iron door open.

Almost all the breakfast stalls at the door had been removed at this time. She only saw a man with black-rimmed glasses guarding the incubator, which contained the simplest soy milk, porridge and water; sitting on the steps not far away was a man wearing blue clothes. The woman had two baskets in front of her, covered with the same blue cloth. One of them was opened slightly, revealing the round green salted duck eggs inside. On the other was a QR code and a piece of corrugated cardboard, which should be Write the price.

A few steps further to the side, the restaurant adjacent to the vegetable market had been changed, and it was a brand she knew. Deciding to have lunch here later, Wei Jiao turned around and walked towards the vegetable market.

Slowing down her pace, she hesitated slightly before stopping and squatted down in front of the basket of the woman selling salted duck eggs.

Sensing someone there, the woman raised her round, red face and said hello in a familiar voice: "The homemade salted duck eggs are so good. They cost a dollar and a half each. Take five and give them seven, and give ten to Thirteen!"

As he spoke, he patted the cardboard with the price next to it with his hand, then neatly lifted the cover, folded two in his hand and handed them to Wei Jiao.

Wei Jiao nodded calmly, and the woman took out a bowl from the back of the basket. Inside was a cut salted duck egg, and showed it to her enthusiastically:

"Little girl, look at it, it's guaranteed to be oily. You knock it, peel it off, use the head of your chopsticks to pick and poke it inside. It's oily and has a soft texture. It can be eaten with porridge, rice or stir-fry. ah!"

She hummed and adjusted her glasses. She looked closer and saw that the duck eggs were really good. They were round and quite big. When she cut one open, she could see the rustling yellow color. The yellow oil dripped all over the egg white. Suck it. You can smell the unique aroma of salted duck eggs with your nose.

She looked at it and said, "Please give me ten."

"Okay!" The woman neatly tore open a plastic bag, grabbed two in each hand, and put them away steadily and gently, smiling happily as she put them in. "It's hot now, remember to put it in the refrigerator. Come back when you're ready! Come on, Get it!"

Wei Jiao scanned the code and showed the other party the successful payment interface, then took a heavy bag of salted duck eggs and continued walking to the vegetable market.

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