In Naruto as Ten Tail

Chapter 46: Shopping

Tsukimi hurriedly waved his hands and closed the screen, turning towards Kurama, who looked at him with a confused yet relieved expression.

Soon, his doubts cleared as two blurs appeared in front of them, revealing themselves to be Matatabi and Kokuo. 

"We never watched what happened after she dragged him. You hear that? We will never talk about it again," he heard Tsukimi's voice in his head, and he nodded repeatedly.

Matatabi and Kokuo's sudden appearance broke the awkward silence that had settled after witnessing Hashirama's rather embarrassing situation. 

Both tailed beasts seemed to share the sentiment of not wanting to delve further into the matter, and Kurama readily agreed, nodding in agreement.

With that understanding, they moved on, leaving that particular chapter of Hashirama's life firmly closed and deciding to focus on more pleasant topics or activities.

"Did you too, Myurei, understand?" He asked again, this time within his soul.

Myurei's response was clear, "Don't even remind me of that, it was disgusting. I would never even think of that."

Hearing her words, Tsukimi nodded in understanding.

Matatabi then asked Tsukimi, "What were you doing, dear?" Her expression was one of intrigue, while Kokuo remained expressionless, though curiosity flickered in her eyes.

"Oh! Nothing, we were just watching what happened to Hashirama yesterday. Why?" Tsukimi responded without any change in his expression.

Matatabi explained, "We felt your strong disgust through our connection, so we came to check."

Tsukimi nodded and added, "Yeah, he was acting in a way that disgusted me." He chose not to elaborate further on the matter.

He did not want to tarnish their eyes with that abomination. 

Shrugging at his reply, Matatabi approached him to snuggle up.

Kokuō seemed to have some suspicion but decided to ignore them as she also approached him.

"Gyuki went to the human world to explore. Do you guys want to go too? I can take you with me."

Kokuō exchanged a glance with Matatabi, and after a moment of silent communication between the two, Matatabi nodded in agreement.

They thought that they might find something useful while roaming in human territory.

"Yeah, we want to go there, but we will go alone. We want to shop," Matatabi spoke while Kokuo agreed with her silently.

Opening the portal once again, Tsukimi sent the duo towards the nearest human village.

Sighing, he decided to continue practicing.

Tsukimi resumed his training, honing his skills with space and time manipulation. 

Each movement of his claws and tail was deliberate, each gesture a precise manipulation of the world around him. 

In this secluded dimension, he could explore the depths of his powers without fear of causing harm or drawing unwanted attention.

As he delved deeper into his practice, he couldn't help but reflect on the events of the past. 

The memories of his interactions with the tailed beasts, their quirks, and personalities, all flooded his mind. 

He had grown fond of them, even if they could be a handful at times.

Yet, Tsukimi was also aware of the responsibilities that came with his abilities. 

He may not care about the safety of humans but he knew that his siblings would be prime target of Otsutsuki too, he knew that there would always be challenges and threats that required his attention.

In the human world, Gyuki, Matatabi, and Kokuo embarked on their own adventure. 

The bustling village they arrived in was a stark contrast to the tranquility of Tsukimi's dimension. Humans went about their daily lives, oblivious to the presence of two powerful tailed beasts among them.

Matatabi and Kokuo, in their human-like forms, continued to explore the bustling village. 

Their striking beauty turned heads wherever they went, drawing the attention of both men and women. 

However, the tailed beasts paid little mind to the curious gazes directed their way.

As they entered clothing stores, the vibrant array of dresses and garments caught their eyes. Matatabi, with her fiery mane and feline grace, was drawn to dresses with intricate designs and bold colors. 

She moved through the racks, carefully examining each piece before selecting a few that appealed to her sense of style.

Kokuo, on the other hand, had a more fluid and aquatic appearance, and she gravitated toward flowing and ethereal dresses that resembled underwater motifs. 

She appreciated the delicate craftsmanship of the fabrics and was particularly interested in garments that mimicked the patterns of ocean waves and coral reefs.

Their shopping escapade soon turned into a fashion show of sorts as they tried on different outfits, much to the amusement of the store attendants. 

Even though all of them were female, the look in their eyes still invoked a sense of disgust from the duo.

Matatabi twirled in front of a mirror, her fiery dress shimmering as she posed with confidence. Kokuo, in her flowing aquatic-themed gown, moved gracefully, evoking the beauty of the sea.

As they made their selections and paid for their chosen outfits, the villagers began to realize that these two captivating women were more than just beautiful; they were unique and otherworldly. 

Some whispered stories about the enchanting strangers who had graced their village, adding a touch of mystique to the day.

With their shopping bags in hand, Matatabi and Kokuo continued to explore the village, now in their new outfits. 

Their presence added a touch of elegance to the bustling streets, and their curiosity about the human world led them to new adventures and discoveries.

They found another good store which they thought would have something that they might like. 

So they entered the store without any other thoughts.


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