In Marvel as Dante

Chapter 139

Learning that I couldn't just power-level myself to the peak was disappointing, but I was not as limited as I had first thought.

Jean explained how she drained large chunks of information from everyone from Trask to Whitehall. She basically went into their minds and dove into each associated memory concerning a particular subject she was looking for.

Once she was satisfied, she could download the entire packet as raw data or a comprehensive sensory experience. Obviously, the smaller the memory is, the easier it is on the person she's affecting and vice-versa. And it really helped her victims if they had some type of mental defense. It made the extraction process more survivable.

Jean recommended not plucking more than three days' worth of raw information or 12 hours of sensory experience from regular people.

I could safely try double that with enhanced individuals and quadruple that with really strong people. In all scenarios, she made it clear that slower was better. Typically, going fast burned both you and the subject, but with my healing factor, it wasn't that much of a concern. I did run the risk of breaking the subject before I got everything I needed.

"Is that what happened with Hydra command?"

"No," Jean said. "I was still burning really hot from the Phoenix. I would've melted through most of their minds regardless. It's a miracle that Strucker even survived."

"Good thing you didn't read Trask yet," I said, and she nodded. "We'll need his knowledge to counter the robots that he has Stark building to deal with us in case we step out of line."

Jean looked at the ground when I brought that up. We'd discovered Fury's little lab several hundred feet beneath the base after I left the meeting with him. He had a huge generator powering a psychic dampening device to hide the structure. I wouldn't have picked it up if Jean wasn't as powerful as she was. She was a bit hurt by the betrayal but not all that surprised. Fury was always the type to prep contingencies upon contingencies.

"I still can't believe Stark agreed to help him," she said. "The way you spoke about him. He sounded like a decent man."

"Eventually," I said. "I said he'd be a decent man eventually. For now, he only cares about his bottomline, sleeping his way through the western hemisphere and pushing the envelope. Still, I have hope Stark won't let Fury lift a finger against us if we aren't clearly in the wrong."

"You're not suggesting we even entertain the opportunity?" Jean asked.

"No way in hell," I said. "Our best course of action is you establishing a mental link with one of the head scientists. We have them feed us information periodically and keep us appraised of developments. We'll be able to act well in advance if we ever need to."

"I've already laid the ground work for a that, but I've not initiated the tether yet because I was unsure whether you'd approve," Jean said. "If we do this, we'll be working directly against SHIELD. You've been hesitant to take that final step for a while."

I didn't deny it, but it wasn't the complete truth either. "There's a reason why I didn't accept their contract when they offered it to me months back. Fury has likely been making moves against me since day one. I'm just finally returning the favor."

Jean nodded, and the conversation stopped for a moment as she shut her eyes and activated her mole in Fury's office.

She opened a portal next, and we both popped out in Kamar-Taj in front of the Ancient one. She had a vast network of Eldritch Spells sprawled out in front of her floating form.

"Ahh, you're finally here," she said. "There is much to discuss."

And there was indeed.

Yao started with a bombshell that had me gritting my teeth and cursing the demons. Once again, Domina demonstrated that she had no true concern for collateral damage and potential fallout. She stole numerous viral samples from labs all over the world, and Yao theorized that it was to Frankenstein some supervirus to wipe out most of the human population.

"She could be using it to fast track the Ascendant plan," Jean pointed out. "It would be easier to poison the regular population and create super mutants at the same time."

"Quick thinking, Jean," I said. "If I was her. it's what I'd do too."

 "You could very well be right," Yao said, "but I have an inkling her plan will be far more complicated than that. She's always been the one for elaborate plans."

I smiled. "Luckily, we have a ready source of information."

"Isha," Jean face twisted.

"Yup," I said, rubbing my hands. "It's time we finally have a talk with her."

My excitement was two-fold. Obviously, I wanted to know how to stick it to Domina and her other siblings, but I was even more curious about her techniques and how she created them. Maybe they could give me insights into improving my Fire and Wind skills.

Yao led us through the bowels of Kamar-Taj, informing us of the rest of the intelligence she'd gathered and what she intended to do about the virus.

She recognized there was some risk with leaving the virus in the arms of the enemy, but she was curious to see how things would play out. 

Domina was back in her little cave scheming and skulking, self-satisfied in her tiny victory, but we were uncertain about how she'd react if and when we struck at the heart of the plan she'd painstakingly executed.

From the reports Yao gathered, She'd initially made great strides to keep her plans on the down low, but after a Cambion's fuck up, she had her followers move out and steal the viruses outright anyways.

The command had come so quickly after the attack that she assumed that we couldn't have possibly intercepted her.

She had no idea Yao was a step ahead. She was in for a rude awakening, but we couldn't strike out without forethought. We needed to make sure there'd be no reprisal from Domina or the rest of her family when we won.

Isha's mind held the answers. She was chained down with dozens of inscribed chains in a room bathed in multi-colored inscriptions.

She glared at me through the bars, and Yao spoke.

"You will not be able to use demonic energy past those gates. She's well restrained, but Isha is Isha. She hasn't lasted as long as she has being careless."

"Duly noted," I said.

I pushed the metal double gates inwards after Yao spelled the doors open and walked in with Jean beside me.

"I see they've been treating you well," I said with a smirk, hiding the profound sense of dread I experienced as my demonic energy became inert. I couldn't use Devil's Eye or any other skill. Trying to manipulate energy felt more painful than pulling teeth.

"Don't be eager to congratulate yourself," she said. "I've been in tougher spots."

"You sure about that?" I asked. "Have you been in the presence of a Half-Angel, Half-demon hybrid, and his very pissed-off Omega Telepath friend?"

"This is your final chance to cooperate," I said. "Tell us everything you know about your sister and the rest of the Cambions. Where are the mutants captured being kept, and how much progress have they made with the Ascendant project? I'm beginning to wonder if you knew about her crazy virus plan. Do you realize her entire revenge crusade was a cover-up for a plot to steal from the CDC and other disease centers?

Isha's eyes shot up, looking straight at me. The news had taken her by surprise. A nod from Jean confirmed it.

"Yet another reason to expose the bitch," I said, but Isha only growled and tugged at her chain in response.

"Last call," I said, giving Isha yet another chance I knew she wasn't going to take. I moved out of the way, letting Jean take a crack at her.

Isha leaned back slightly, trying to hide her fears. "You will find my mental defenses far more of a challenge than the humans you've cracked.

"Didn't I effortlessly slip into your mind during our fight?" I asked with a teasing grin.

"And the farthest you went was reading my surface thoughts," she snorted. "Now that I know what I'm up against, you will get nothing from me."

I laughed, not even bothering to waste my breath on her, turning instead to Jean. "Whenever you're ready," I said. "And don't be afraid to break her. She's been in tougher spots apparently."

Jean eyed the demon as she stalked her down. The hate in her eyes sent shivers down my spine. The last time she'd been this worked up, she ended Xavier. "I was hoping you'd resist. You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this," Jean said. "Entire villages were wiped out on your orders, sorcerers are dead, and we came uncomfortably close to dying on several occasions. Death is too good for you."

"You were never the target," Isha said. "You sought out my operations. And the mutants we've taken so far would've been hunted down by their supposed friends and families anyways. I've heard rumors about what Xavier did to you," she said. "If we—"

"I'd choose my next words very carefully if I was you," I glowered at her. "I'm not above slapping a bitch, even if she's in chains."

Isha smirked. "It's adorable how quickly you come to her defense. But you must realize that whatever it is you both have won't last. You are a Nephilim, a creature even Belasco does not understand. You'll likely even outlive us Cambions, while she has another 50 years if she's lucky. It's a shame really. All that power limited by humanity."

"Is this the part where you pitch your little ascendant program to her?"

Isha laughed. "I'm not so naïve. You will come to me in your own time…"

The Cambion sobered up when she noted that Jean still hadn't spoken. She remained silent; hand stretched forward. She grabbed the Cambion by the head, and Isha gasped as Jean unleashed her psychic might on her 'robust' defenses.

Isha held on for five whole seconds before something shattered.

She coughed up blood and looked at Jean in horror. "What—are you?"

"Stop," Jean commanded, and the words dried up in Isha's throat. Her eyes were wild and panicked at this point. "I've heard enough out of you."

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